Professor Ben Freedman

Professor Ben Freedman

Director External Affairs, Heart Research Institute,Charles Perkins Centre, Honorary Professor of Cardiology FMH
Medicine, Concord Clinical School
ANZAC Research Institute Vascular biology group
+61 2 9767 7358
+61 2 9767 6780
Professor Ben Freedman

inflammation and thrombosis in coronary artery disease, secondary prevention after heart attack

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease


Book Chapters

  • Wang, X., Cai, X., Freedman, B., Witting, P. (2013). Role of SAA in Promoting Endothelial Activation: Inhibition by High-Density Lipoprotein. In Sabina Janciauskiene (Eds.), Acute Phase Proteins, (pp. 77-101). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Publishers. [More Information]
  • Mohamed, A., Lal, S., Ho, J., Brown, A., Lui, R., Nguyen, L., Yong, A., Su, Y., Braet, F., Dyer, W., Junius, F., Cumming, R., Freedman, B., Kritharides, L., Dos Remedios, C. (2010). How to interrogate the cellular immune system in patients with ischemic heart disease. In Dmitry Vukovic & Vladimir Kiyan (Eds.), Myocardial ischemia: Causes, symptoms and treatment, (pp. 195-216). United States: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Kritharides, L., Brieger, D., Freedman, B., Lowe, H. (2005). Treatment of vulnerable plaques: current and future strategies. In Levon Michael Khachigian (Eds.), High-risk atherosclerotic plaques: mechanisms, imaging, models, and therapy, (pp. 161-202). USA: CRC Press.


  • Schnabel, R., Engler, D., Freedman, B. (2024). Early detection of atrial fibrillation in the digital era, risk factors, treatment options, and the need for new definitions. European Heart Journal Supplements, 26, iv1-iv3. [More Information]
  • Zhang, W., Lowres, N., Freedman, B., Wang, J., Wang, J., Zhang, W., Chen, Y., Miao, C., Freedman, B., Lowres, N., et al (2024). New-onset hypertension as a contributing factor to the incidence of atrial fibrillation in the elderly. Hypertension Research, 47(6), 1490-1499. [More Information]
  • Mant, J., Modi, R., Dymond, A., Armstrong, N., Burt, J., Calvert, P., Cowie, M., Ding, W., Edwards, D., Freedman, B., et al (2024). Randomised controlled trial of population screening for atrial fibrillation in people aged 70 years and over to reduce stroke: protocol for the SAFER trial. BMJ Open, 14(4). [More Information]


  • Nahdi, S., Skinner, J., Neubeck, A., Freedman, B., Gwynn, J., Lochen, M., Poppe, K., Rambaldini, B., Rolleston, A., Stavrakis, S., Gwynne, K. (2021). One size does not fit all - a realist review of screening for asymptomatic atrial fibrillation in Indigenous communities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and United States. ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience, France: European Society of Cardiology. [More Information]
  • Neubeck, A., Lowres, N., Redfern, J., Freedman, B. (2013). Choice of Health Options In Prevention of Cardiovascular Events - Atrial Fibrillation (CHOICE AF) pilot study. 7th Annual Conference of the Australasian Cardiovascular Nursing College (ACNC) 2013, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Neubeck, A., Lowres, N., Freedman, B., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Redfern, J. (2013). One year outcomes of the Choice of Health Options in prevention of Cardiovascular Events (CHOICE) replication trial. EuroPRevent 2013 The European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Annual Meeting (EACPR), Rome, Italy.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Freedman, B. (2001). Cytomegalovirus seropositivity and C-reactive protein have indepent and combined prognostic predictive value for mortality in patients with angiographically demonstrated coronary artery disease. Circulation.
  • Freedman, B. (2001). Tremor-induced ECG artifact mimicking ventricular tachycardia. Circulation.


  • Schnabel, R., Engler, D., Freedman, B. (2024). Early detection of atrial fibrillation in the digital era, risk factors, treatment options, and the need for new definitions. European Heart Journal Supplements, 26, iv1-iv3. [More Information]
  • Zhang, W., Lowres, N., Freedman, B., Wang, J., Wang, J., Zhang, W., Chen, Y., Miao, C., Freedman, B., Lowres, N., et al (2024). New-onset hypertension as a contributing factor to the incidence of atrial fibrillation in the elderly. Hypertension Research, 47(6), 1490-1499. [More Information]
  • Mant, J., Modi, R., Dymond, A., Armstrong, N., Burt, J., Calvert, P., Cowie, M., Ding, W., Edwards, D., Freedman, B., et al (2024). Randomised controlled trial of population screening for atrial fibrillation in people aged 70 years and over to reduce stroke: protocol for the SAFER trial. BMJ Open, 14(4). [More Information]


  • Chen, Y., Zhang, W., Sheng, C., Huang, Q., Cheng, Y., Guo, Q., Zhang, D., Li, Y., Freedman, B., Wang, J. (2023). A prospective study on the association between atrial fibrillation and blood pressure in an elderly Chinese population. International Journal of Cardiology, 372, 113-119. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B., Schnabel, R. (2023). Atrial fibrillation screening perspectives after STROKESTOP and LOOP. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 20(1), 1-2. [More Information]
  • Schnabel, R., Marinelli, E., Arbelo, E., Boriani, G., Boveda, S., Buckley, C., Camm, A., Casadei, B., Chua, W., Dagres, N., Freedman, B., et al (2023). Early diagnosis and better rhythm management to improve outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: the 8th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference. Europace, 25(1), 6-27. [More Information]


  • Chan, N., Orchard, J., Agbayani, M., Boddington, D., Chao, T., Johar, S., John, B., Joung, B., Krishinan, S., Krittayaphong, R., Freedman, B., et al (2022). 2021 Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) practice guidance on atrial fibrillation screening. Journal of Arrhythmia, 38(1), 31-49. [More Information]
  • Ye, X., Zhang, W., Chen, Y., Miao, C., Huang, Q., Sheng, C., Shao, S., Wang, D., Xu, S., Lei, L., Lowres, N., Freedman, B., et al (2022). Alcohol consumption in relation to the incidence of atrial fibrillation in an elderly Chinese population. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 19(1), 52-60. [More Information]
  • Sun, W., Freedman, B., Martinez, C., Wallenhorst, C., Yan, B. (2022). Atrial Fibrillation Detected by Single Time-Point Handheld Electrocardiogram Screening and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 122(2), 286-294. [More Information]


  • Gwynn, J., Gwynne, K., Rodrigues, R., Thompson, S., Bolton, G., Dimitropoulos, Y., Dulvari, N., Finlayson, H., Hamilton, S., Lawrence, M., Macniven, R., Rambaldini, B., Freedman, B., et al (2021). Atrial Fibrillation in Indigenous Australians: A Multisite Screening Study Using a Single-Lead ECG Device in Aboriginal Primary Health Settings. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, 30(2), 267-274. [More Information]
  • Suwanwela, N., Chutinet, A., Autjimanon, H., Ounahachok, T., Decha-umphai, C., Chockchai, S., Indrabhakti, S., Kijpaisalratana, N., Akarathanawat, W., Travanichakul, S., Lowres, N., Freedman, B., et al (2021). Atrial fibrillation prevalence and risk profile from novel community-based screening in Thailand: A prospective multi-centre study. IJC Heart & Vasculature, 32, 100709. [More Information]
  • Giskes, K., Lowres, N., Li, J., Orchard, J., Hespe, C., Freedman, B. (2021). Atrial fibrillation self screening, management and guideline recommended therapy (AF SELF SMART): A protocol for atrial fibrillation self-screening in general practice. IJC Heart & Vasculature, 32, 100683. [More Information]


  • Orchard, J., Freedman, B., Lowres, N., Neubeck, A. (2020). AF-SMART eHealth system for atrial fibrillation screening: how can it fit into clinical practice? Expert Review of Medical Devices, 17(5), 375-378. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B. (2020). An AI-ECG algorithm for atrial fibrillation risk: steps towards clinical implementation. The Lancet, 396(10246), 236. [More Information]
  • Sung, J., Stewart, C., Freedman, B. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Preparing for the Fifth Industrial Revolution. Medical Journal of Australia, 213(6), 253-255. [More Information]


  • Soni, A., Karna, S., Fahey, N., Sanghai, S., Patel, H., Raithatha, S., Thanvi, S., Nimbalkar, S., Freedman, B., Allison, J., et al (2019). Age-and-sex stratified prevalence of atrial fibrillation in rural Western India: Results of SMART-India, a population-based screening study. International Journal of Cardiology, 280, 84-88. [More Information]
  • Ha, J., Neuen, B., Cheng, L., Jun, M., Toyama, T., Gallagher, M., Jardine, M., Sood, M., Garg, A., Palmer, S., Freedman, B., et al (2019). Benefits and Harms of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease. Annals of Internal Medicine, 171(3), 181-189. [More Information]
  • Chen, Y., Huang, Q., Sheng, C., Lei, L., Xu, S., Zhang, W., Shao, S., Wang, D., Cheng, Y., Wang, Y., Freedman, B., et al (2019). Cross-sectional Association Between Blood Pressure Status and Atrial Fibrillation in an Elderly Chinese Population. American Journal of Hypertension, 32(8), 777-785. [More Information]


  • Lip, G., Banerjee, A., Boriani, G., Chiang, C., Fargo, R., Freedman, B., Lane, D., Ruff, C., Turakhia, M., Werring, D., et al (2018). Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation: CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report. Chest, 154(5), 1121-1201. [More Information]
  • Orchard, J., Neubeck, L., Freedman, B., Webster, R., Patel, A., Gallagher, R., Li, J., Hespe, C., Ferguson, C., Zwar, N., Lowres, N. (2018). Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And Guideline Recommended Therapy (AF SMART II) in the rural primary care setting: an implementation study protocol. BMJ Open, 8(10), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Orchard, J., Lowres, N., Neubeck, L., Freedman, B. (2018). Atrial fibrillation: is there enough evidence to recommend opportunistic or systematic screening? International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(5), 1372-1378. [More Information]


  • Freedman, B., Boriani, G., Glotzer, T., Healey, J., Kirchhof, P., Potpara, T. (2017). Management of atrial high-rate episodes detected by cardiac implanted electronic devices. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 14(12), 701-714. [More Information]
  • Simons, L., Ortiz, M., Freedman, B., Waterhouse, B., Colquhoun, D. (2017). Medium- to long-term persistence with non-vitamin-K oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation: Australian experience. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 33(7), 1337-1341. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B., Camm, J., Calkins, H., Healey, J., Rosenqvist, M., Wang, J., Albert, C., Anderson, C., Antoniou, S., Benjamin, E., Gwynne, K., Lowres, N., Neubeck, L., Orchard, J., et al (2017). Screening for atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 135(19), 1851-1867. [More Information]


  • Kirchhof, P., Breithardt, G., Bax, J., Benninger, G., Blomstrom-Lundqvist, C., Boriani, G., Brandes, A., Brown, H., Brueckmann, M., Freedman, B., et al (2016). A roadmap to improve the quality of atrial fibrillation management: proceedings from the fifth Atrial Fibrillation Network/European Heart Rhythm Association consensus conference. Europace, 18(1), 37-50. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B. (2016). AF-SCREEN international collaboration: An international group has been formed to research how to discover and treat undiagnosed atrial fibrillation before the onset of stroke. European Heart Journal, 37(47), 3490-3491. [More Information]
  • Lip, G., Fauchier, L., Freedman, B., Van Gelder, I., Natale, A., Gianni, C., Nattel, S., Potpara, T., Rienstra, M., Tse, H., et al (2016). Atrial fibrillation. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 2, 1-26. [More Information]


  • Freedman, B., Martinez, C., Lowres, N., Neubeck, A. (2015). "Off the pulse" about incidental atrial fibrillation. The Lancet, 386(10001), 1339-1340. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B., Lowres, N. (2015). Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation: The case for screening to prevent stroke. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 314(18), 1911-1912. [More Information]
  • Lowres, N., Krass, I., Neubeck, A., Redfern, J., McLachlan, A., Bennett, A., Freedman, S. (2015). Atrial fibrillation screening in pharmacies using an iPhone ECG: a qualitative review of implementation. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 37(6), 1111-1120. [More Information]


  • Neubeck, L., Lowres, N., Jackson, A., Freedman, B., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Redfern, J. (2014). A simple screening tool for assessment of nutritional status in cardiac patients. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 9(10), 436-440. [More Information]
  • Martinez, C., Katholing, A., Freedman, B. (2014). Adverse prognosis of incidentally detected ambulatory atrial fibrillation. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 112(2), 276-286. [More Information]
  • Lowres, N., Neubeck, A., Salkeld, G., Krass, I., McLachlan, A., Redfern, J., Bennett, A., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Martinez, C., Lau, J., Brieger, D., Sy, R., Freedman, B., et al (2014). Feasibility and cost effectiveness of stroke prevention through community screening for atrial fibrillation using iPhone ECG in pharmacies: The SEARCH-AF study. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 111(6), 1167-1176. [More Information]


  • Ng, A., Yong, A., Chow, V., Chung, T., Freedman, B., Kritharides, L. (2013). Cardiac troponin-T and the prediction of acute and long-term mortality after acute pulmonary embolism. International Journal of Cardiology, 165(1), 126-133. [More Information]
  • Neubeck, A., Lowres, N., Redfern, J., Freedman, B. (2013). Choice of Health Options In Prevention of Cardiovascular Events - Atrial Fibrillation (CHOICE AF) pilot study. 7th Annual Conference of the Australasian Cardiovascular Nursing College (ACNC) 2013, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Neubeck, A., Orchard, J., Freedman, B. (2013). Fog on the crystal ball? Missing atrial fibrillation in forecasting the future of stroke. Stroke, 44(10), e136-e136. [More Information]


  • Briffa, T., Neubeck, A., Clark, A., Freedman, B., Redfern, J. (2012). Changing the lexicon of 'Cardiac Rehabilitation': a progressive step. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 19(2), 167-168. [More Information]
  • Lowres, N., Neubeck, A., Redfern, J., Freedman, B. (2012). Community Screening Programs to Identify Unknown Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) 2012, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. [More Information]
  • Lowres, N., Neubeck, A., Freedman, B., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Redfern, J. (2012). Lifestyle risk reduction interventions in atrial fibrillation: a systematic review. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 19(5), 1091-1100. [More Information]


  • Neubeck, A., Freedman, B., Clark, A., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Redfern, J. (2011). Barriers to participating in cardiac rehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative data. Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association State Conference 2011 NSW/ACT, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  • Sy, R., Freedman, B. (2011). Beta-Blocker Dose Up-Titration or Addition of Ivabradine in Stable Angina: More is Not Necessarily Better. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 25(6), 501-502. [More Information]
  • Ceconi, C., Freedman, B., Tardif, J., Hildebrandt, P., McDonagh, T., Gueret, P., Parrinello, G., Robertson, M., Steg, P., Tendera, M., et al (2011). Effect of heart rate reduction by ivabradine on left ventricular remodeling in the echocardiographic substudy of BEAUTIFUL. International Journal of Cardiology, 146(3), 408-414. [More Information]


  • Mohamed, A., Lal, S., Ho, J., Brown, A., Lui, R., Nguyen, L., Yong, A., Su, Y., Braet, F., Dyer, W., Junius, F., Cumming, R., Freedman, B., Kritharides, L., Dos Remedios, C. (2010). How to interrogate the cellular immune system in patients with ischemic heart disease. In Dmitry Vukovic & Vladimir Kiyan (Eds.), Myocardial ischemia: Causes, symptoms and treatment, (pp. 195-216). United States: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Redfern, J., Menzies, M., Briffa, T., Freedman, B. (2010). Impact of medical consultation frequency on modifiable risk factors and medications at 12 months after acute coronary syndrome in the CHOICE randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Cardiology, 145(3), 481-486. [More Information]
  • Ng, A., Davis, G., Chow, C., Coats, A., Sindone, A., Freedman, B. (2010). Impact of sleep disordered breathing severity on hemodynamics, autonomic balance and cardiopulmonary functional status in chronic heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology, 141(3), 227-235. [More Information]


  • Hua, S., Song, C., Geczy, C., Freedman, B., Witting, P. (2009). A role for acute-phase serum amyloid A and high-density lipoprotein in oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis. Redox Report, 14(5), 187-196. [More Information]
  • Neubeck, A., Redfern, J., Fernandez, R., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Freedman, B. (2009). A systematic review of telehealth interventions for coronary heart disease. 19th Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association (ACRA) Annual Conference 2009, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  • Neubeck, A., Redfern, J., Fernandez, R., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Freedman, B. (2009). A systematic review of telehealth interventions for coronary heart disease. 2009 National Heart Foundation Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


  • Rubboli, A., Halperin, J., Airaksinen, K., Buerke, M., Eeckhout, E., Freedman, B., Gershlick, A., Schlitt, A., Tse, H., Verheugt, F., et al (2008). Antithrombotic therapy in patients treated with oral anticoagulation undergoing coronary artery stenting. An expert consensus document with focus on atrial fibrillation. Annals of Medicine, 40(6), 428-36. [More Information]
  • Redfern, J., Briffa, T., Ellis, E., Freedman, B. (2008). Choice of secondary prevention improves risk factors after acute coronary syndrome: one year follow-up of the CHOICE (Choice of Health Options In prevention of Cardiovascular Events) randomised controlled trial. Heart, 95(6), 468-475. [More Information]
  • Ng, A., Sindone, A., Wong, H., Freedman, B. (2008). Differences in management and outcome of ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. International Journal of Cardiology, 129, 198-204. [More Information]


  • Ng, A., Chow, C., Wong, H., Sindone, A., Davis, G., Freedman, B. (2007). Anthropometric Characteristics of Patients With Chronic Heart Failure and Severe Sleep Disordered Breathing. 12th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology APSR 2007, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • Medi, C., Hankey, G., Freedman, B. (2007). Atrial fibrillation. Medical Journal of Australia, 186(4), 197-202. [More Information]
  • Ng, A., Freedman, B., Sindone, A. (2007). Autonomic abnormalities in congestive heart failure patients with sleep-disordered breathing. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 13(5), 395-400. [More Information]


  • Song, C., Nakagomi, A., Chandar, S., Cai, H., Lim, I., McNeil, H., Freedman, B., Geczy, C. (2006). C-reactive protein contributes to the hypercoagulable state in coronary artery disease. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 4(1), 98-106. [More Information]
  • Redfern, J., Ellis, E., Briffa, T., Freedman, B. (2006). Development and testing of innovative patient resources for the management of coronary heart disease (CHD): a descriptive study. BMC Health Services Research, 6, 95-1-95-9. [More Information]
  • Lau, G., Ridley, L., Bannon, P., Freedman, B., Brieger, D., Sullivan, D., Wong, L., Kritharides, L. (2006). Hypertriglyceridaemia is associated with early non-patency of coronary bypass grafts. Heart, 92(4), 536-538. [More Information]


  • Lau, G., Ridley, L., Schieb, M., Brieger, D., Freedman, B., Wong, L., Lo, S., Kritharides, L. (2005). Coronary artery stenoses: detection with calcium scoring, CT angiography, and both methods combined. Radiology, 235(2), 415-422. [More Information]
  • Briffa, T., Eckermann, S., Griffiths, A., Harris, P., Heath, M., Freedman, B., Donaldson, L., Briffa, N., Keech, A. (2005). Cost-effectiveness of rehabilitation after an acute coronary event: a randomised controlled trial. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(9), 450-455. [More Information]
  • Zeng, B., Prasan, A., Fung, K., Solanki, V., Bruce, D., Freedman, B., Brieger, D. (2005). Elevated circulating levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and -2 in patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease. Internal Medicine Journal, 35(6). [More Information]


  • Allman, K., Freedman, B. (2004). Emergency department assessment of patients with acute chest pain: myocardial perfusion imaging, blood tests, or both? Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 11(1), 87-89. [More Information]
  • Tiong, A., Freedman, B. (2004). Gene Therapy For Cardiovascular Disease: The Potential Of VEGF. Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics, 6(2), 151-159.
  • Lau, G., Brieger, D., Freedman, B. (2004). Infarction due to right coronary artery thrombus. Clinical Cardiology, 27(2), 96-96.


  • Pepine, C., Rouleau, J., Annis, K., Ducharme, A., Ma, P., Lenis, J., Davies, R., Thadani, U., Chaitman, B., Haber, H., Freedman, B., et al (2003). Effects of Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on transient ischemia: The Quinapril anti-ischemia and symptoms of angina reduction (QUASAR) Trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 42(12), 2049-2059. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B., Isner, J. (2003). Therapeutic angiogenesis for coronary artery disease. In Vossoughi, Kipshidze, Moses, Karanian (Eds.), Angiogenesis: Bench to Bedside, (pp. 3-40). Korea: Medical and Engineering Publishers, Inc.


  • Freedman, B. (2002). Clinical trials of gene therapy for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 13(6), 653-661. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B., Brieger, D., Celermajer, D., Chalmers, J., Tofler, G., Campbell, T., Feneley, M., Marwick, T., Muller, D., Tonkin, A. (2002). Global cardiology comes to Australia: 14th World Congress of Cardiology, Sydney, 5-9 May 2002. Medical Journal of Australia, 177(9), 473-475. [More Information]
  • Zeng, B., Bruce, D., Kril, J., Ploplis, V., Freedman, B., Brieger, D. (2002). Influence of plasminogen deficiency on the contribution of polymorphonuclear leucocytes to fibrin/ogenolysis. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 88, 805-810.


  • Freedman, B. (2001). Cytomegalovirus seropositivity and C-reactive protein have indepent and combined prognostic predictive value for mortality in patients with angiographically demonstrated coronary artery disease. Circulation.
  • Freedman, B., Isner,, J. (2001). Therapeutic angiogenesis for coronary artery disease. In LH Opie, DM Yellon (Eds.), Cardiology at the Limits IV, (pp. 129-158). Cape Town, South Africa: Sage Publications.
  • Freedman, B., Isner,, J. (2001). Therapeutic angiogenesis for ischemic cardiovascular disease. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 33, 379-393. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Early Atrial fibrillation Screening for Indigenous people (EASI), Gwynne K, Gwynn J, Freedman B, Nalliah C, Rambaldini B, Skinner J, Ward K, McCowen D, Orchard J, Lowres N, Carlson B, Lowres N, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF - 2021 Cardiovascular Health Grant Opportunity
  • Preventing Disabling Stroke from Unknown and Undertreated Atrial Fibrillation, Freedman B, NSW Health/Senior Researcher Grant


  • SAFER (AUS) Trial: Screening for Atrial Fibrillation with ECG to Reduce stroke - a randomised controlled trial, Freedman B, Nelson M, Keech A, Lowres N, Hespe C, Cadilhac D, Mant J, Thijs V, Simes R, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF International Clinical Trial Collaborations

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