Professor Ben Marais

Professor Ben Marais

BMedSc, MBChB, MMed (Paed), MRCP(UK), FRACP, PhD
Professor, The Children's Hospital at Westmead Clinical School
Co-Director, Sydney Institute for Infectious Diseases (Sydney ID)
Professor Ben Marais

Professor Ben Marais is a paediatrician and paediatric infectious diseases specialist with an interest in global health. He is internationally renowned for his work on childhood and multi drug-resistant (MDR)-tuberculosis (TB). He serves on the executive committee of the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Tuberculosis Control and is a founding member of the Australasian Tuberculosis Forum. He is a strong advocate for Australia to take a leadership role in coordinating enhanced TB and MDR-TB control efforts in the Asia-Pacific region. More broadly, as Co-Director of Sydney ID,he works toward creating a dynamic multi-disciplinary research community in infection, immunity and biosecurity. Professor Marais trained as a paediatrician in South Africa and worked in the UK, the Netherlands, Canada and USA. He described the natural history of childhood TB from the pre-chemotherapy literature and conducted a large, prospective cohort study to document TB incidence and disease diversity among children in Cape Town. As Acting Director of the Ukwanda centre for Rural Health at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, his interest in the health of underserved populations inspired a comprehensive review of health care delivery in rural and remote areas. Professor Marais was one of three lead authors of the Lancet TB series (2010), which assessed key challenges in global TB control, highlighted the neglected burden of childhood TB and emphasised the need for more holistic and integrated approaches. The final ‘Call to Action’ manuscript that he led, informed the WHO post 2015 global TB control targets and action plan.

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Professor Marais’ research interests include tuberculosis (epidemiology, service delivery, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, drug resistance, strain diversity, evolution, transmission), paediatric infectious diseases in general, and a developing interest in cross-disciplinary research that involves an ecological understanding of resilience, health and disease.

He led the South African contribution to the international ‘TB in the 21st century’ collaboration, which documented genotype emergence and genotype-related differences in disease phenotype and drug resistance. He collaborated with social scientists and geographic information system (GIS) experts to map TB transmission ‘hotspots’ within high-burden communities and explored the transmission elasticity concept with mathematical modellers. He is renowned for his work describing the natural history of childhood TB and prospective disease descriptions from a cohort study of child TB in Cape Town.

Currently, Professor Marais is involved in a major NHMRC-funded project in Vietnam, led by Dr Greg Fox (Centenary Institute) and Professor Guy Marks (Woolcock Institute) evaluating the prevention of multidrug resistant (MDR)-TB through the provision of preventive therapy to household contacts of infectious MDR-TB patients. Additionally, with Associate Professor Vitali Sintchenko (Sydney Medical School) he is exploring the use of cutting-edge pathogen genomics to identify TB transmission within NSW to assist targeted public health responses. He actively collaborates on numerous other projects in Mongolia, Peru, India, Indonesia, Uganda, South Africa, and Papua New Guinea.

Paediatric Infectious Diseases

General paediatrics

Global health

Infection and Immunity

Infection and Immunological Conditions, Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health, Lifespan
Project titleResearch student
Towards zero tuberculosis (TB) transmission: Design and evaluation of novel TB control strategies in New South Wales (NSW), AustraliaEllen DONNAN
Liposomal Amphotericin B Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in ChildrenTony LAI

Selected publications



  • Heemskerk, D., Caws, M., Marais, B., Farrar, J. (2015). Tuberculosis in Adults and Children. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Zumla, A., Raviglione, M., Marais, B. (2010). The Lancet Series: Tuberculosis. United Kingdom: The Lancet Publishing Group.
  • Spector, J., Gibson, T., Chakraborty, R., Mandalakas, A., Marais, B. (2009). Atlas of Pediatrics in the Tropics and Resource-limited Settings. United States: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Book Chapters

  • Marais, B. (2019). Childhood Tuberculosis. In Samir S. Shah, Alex R. Kemper, Adam J. Ratner (Eds.), Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Essentials for Practice, 2nd Edition, (pp. 330-341). United States: McGraw Hill.
  • Arscott-Mills, T., Marais, B., Steenhoff, A. (2019). HIV and Tuberculosis in Children. In Irini Sereti, Gregory P. Bisson, Graeme Meintjes (Eds.), HIV and Tuberculosis: A Formidable Alliance, (pp. 269-294). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Stellmach, D., Bagnol, B., Guest, D., Marais, B., Alders, R. (2019). Interdisciplinary health research. In Merrilyn Walton (Eds.), One Planet, One Health, (pp. 85-104). Sydney: Sydney University Press. [More Information]


  • Coussens, A., Martinez, L., Ruhwald, M., Scriba, T., Seddon, J., Tisile, P., Warner, D., Wilkinson, R., Esmail, H., Houben, R., Marais, B., Marks, G., et al (2024). Classification of early tuberculosis states to guide research for improved care and prevention: an international Delphi consensus exercise. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 12(6), 484-498. [More Information]
  • Nataprawira, H., Gafar, F., Sari, C., Alffenaar, J., Marais, B., Ruslami, R., Menzies, D. (2024). Clinical Features, Adverse Events and Treatment Outcomes of Multidrug/Rifampicin-resistant Tuberculosis in Children and Adolescents. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. [More Information]
  • Broger, T., Marx, F., Theron, G., Marais, B., Nicol, M., Kerkhoff, A., Nathavitharana, R., Huerga, H., Gupta-Wright, A., Kohli, M., et al (2024). Diagnostic yield as an important metric for the evaluation of novel tuberculosis tests: rationale and guidance for future research. The Lancet Global Health, 12(7), e1184-e1191. [More Information]


  • Black, A., Dawson, A., Bryant, G., Gilbert, G., Marais, B., McBryde, E. (2020), Living with COVID-19: Planning Policy for the Next Stage.
  • Volmink, J., Marais, B. (2008), HIV: mother to child transmission.


  • Coussens, A., Martinez, L., Ruhwald, M., Scriba, T., Seddon, J., Tisile, P., Warner, D., Wilkinson, R., Esmail, H., Houben, R., Marais, B., Marks, G., et al (2024). Classification of early tuberculosis states to guide research for improved care and prevention: an international Delphi consensus exercise. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 12(6), 484-498. [More Information]
  • Nataprawira, H., Gafar, F., Sari, C., Alffenaar, J., Marais, B., Ruslami, R., Menzies, D. (2024). Clinical Features, Adverse Events and Treatment Outcomes of Multidrug/Rifampicin-resistant Tuberculosis in Children and Adolescents. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. [More Information]
  • Broger, T., Marx, F., Theron, G., Marais, B., Nicol, M., Kerkhoff, A., Nathavitharana, R., Huerga, H., Gupta-Wright, A., Kohli, M., et al (2024). Diagnostic yield as an important metric for the evaluation of novel tuberculosis tests: rationale and guidance for future research. The Lancet Global Health, 12(7), e1184-e1191. [More Information]


  • Toribio, J., Lomata, K., Fullman, S., Jenkins, A., Borja, E., Arif, S., McKercher, J., Blake, D., Garcia, A., Whittington, R., Marais, B., et al (2023). Assessing risks for bovine and zoonotic tuberculosis through spatial analysis and a questionnaire survey in Fiji–A pilot study. Heliyon, 9(12), e22776. [More Information]
  • Jops, P., Cowan, J., Kupul, M., Trumb, R., Graham, S., Bauri, M., Nindil, H., Bell, S., Keam, T., Majumdar, S., Marais, B., et al (2023). Beyond patient delay, navigating structural health system barriers to timely care and treatment in a high burden TB setting in Papua New Guinea. Global Public Health, 18(1), 2184482. [More Information]
  • Chiang, S., Waterous, P., Atieno, V., Bernays, S., Bondarenko, Y., Cruz, A., de Oliveira, M., Del Castillo Barrientos, H., Enimil, A., Ferlazzo, G., Kranzer, K., Marais, B., et al (2023). Caring for Adolescents and Young Adults With Tuberculosis or at Risk of Tuberculosis: Consensus Statement From an International Expert Panel. Journal of Adolescent Health, 72(3), 323-331. [More Information]


  • Migliori, G., Wu, S., Matteelli, A., Zenner, D., Goletti, D., Ahmedov, S., Al Abri, S., Allen, D., Balcells, M., García-Basteiro, A., Marais, B., et al (2022). Clinical standards for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB infection. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 26(3), 190-205. [More Information]
  • Alffenaar, J., Stocker, S., Davies Forsman, L., Garcia-Prats, A., Heysell, S., Aarnoutse, R., Akkerman, O., Aleksa, A., van Altena, R., de Oñata, W., Cho, J., Fox, G., Kim, H., Marais, B., et al (2022). Clinical standards for the dosing and management of TB drugs. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 26(6), 483-499. [More Information]
  • Foster, J., Mendez, D., Marais, B., Denholm, J., Peniyamina, D., McBryde, E. (2022). Critical Consideration of Tuberculosis Management of Papua New Guinea Nationals and Cross-Border Health Issues in the Remote Torres Strait Islands, Australia. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7(9). [More Information]


  • Nguyen, T., Bui, B., Ngo, Q., Fitzgerald, D., Graham, S., Marais, B. (2021). Applying lessons learnt from research of child pneumonia management in Vietnam. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 39, 65-70. [More Information]
  • Kizny Gordon, A., Marais, B., Walker, T., Sintchenko, V. (2021). Clinical and public health utility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole genome sequencing. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 113, S40-S42. [More Information]
  • Migliori, G., Marx, F., Ambrosino, N., Zampogna, E., Schaaf, H., van der Zalm, M., Allwood, B., Byrne, A., Mortimer, K., Wallis, R., Fox, G., Marais, B., et al (2021). Clinical standards for the assessment, management and rehabilitation of post-TB lung disease. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25(10), 797-813. [More Information]


  • Nash, M., Perrin, C., Seddon, J., Furin, J., Hauser, J., Marais, B., Kitai, I., Starke, J., McKenna, L. (2020). Access to paediatric formulations for the treatment of childhood tuberculosis. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 4(12), 855-857. [More Information]
  • Nguyen, P., Tran, H., Fitzgerald, D., Graham, S., Marais, B. (2020). Antibiotic use in children hospitalised with pneumonia in Central Vietnam. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 105(8), 713-719. [More Information]
  • Kim, H., Heysell, S., Mpagama, S., Marais, B., Alffenaar, J. (2020). Challenging the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. The Lancet, 395(10226), 783. [More Information]


  • Petersen, E., Rao, M., Ippolito, G., Gualano, G., Chakaya, J., Ntoumi, F., Moore, D., Allen, R., Gaskell, K., Ohd, J., Marais, B., et al (2019). "World Tuberculosis Day March 24th 2019 Theme: It's TIME" - International Journal of Infectious Diseases Tuberculosis Theme Series. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 80, S1-S5. [More Information]
  • Alffenaar, J., Sintchenko, V., Marais, B. (2019). Acquired Drug Resistance: Recognizing the Potential of Repurposed Drugs. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69(11), 2038-2039. [More Information]
  • Hill-Cawthorne, G., Negin, J., Capon, A., Gilbert, G., Nind, L., Nunn, M., Ridgway, P., Schipp, M., Firman, J., Sorrell, T., Marais, B. (2019). Advancing Planetary Health in Australia: focus on emerging infections and antimicrobial resistance. BMJ Global Health, 4(2), 1-10. [More Information]


  • Bainomugisa, A., Duarte, T., Lavu, E., Pandey, S., Coulter, C., Marais, B., Coin, L. (2018). A complete high-quality MinION nanopore assembly of an extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing lineage strain identifies novel variation in repetitive PE/PPE gene regions. Microbial Genomics, 4(7), 1-10. [More Information]
  • Marais, B., Zumla, A. (2018). Advancing global tuberculosis control after the UNGA-HLM. The Lancet, 392(10153), 1096-1097. [More Information]
  • Nguyen, P., Thai, T., Huynh, J., Marais, B. (2018). An Infant with Xpert(R) Confirmed TB Meningitis in Central Viet Nam. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(11), 1-5. [More Information]


  • Hill-Cawthorne, G., Capon, A., Sorrell, T., Marais, B. (2017). A planetary health approach to emerging infections in Australia. The Lancet, 389(10076), 1293. [More Information]
  • Perez-Velez, C., Roya-Pabon, C., Marais, B. (2017). A systematic approach to diagnosing intra-thoracic tuberculosis in children. Journal of Infection, 74(Suppl 1), S74-S83. [More Information]
  • Ragonnet, R., Trauer, J., Denholm, J., Marais, B., McBryde, E. (2017). A user-friendly mathematical modelling web interface to assist local decision making in the fight against drug-resistant tuberculosis. BMC Infectious Diseases, 17(1), 1-5. [More Information]


  • Al-Yazidi, L., Marais, B., Hsu, P., Sannappa Venkatraman, S., Kesson, A., Isaacs, D. (2016). A 5-year-old Girl with Chest Wall Mass. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 35(5), 592-599. [More Information]
  • Bates, M., Hassan, R., Marais, B., Ntoumi, F., Yeboah-Manu, D. (2016). Challenging dogma and stagnation in TB research. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 5(4), 373-373. [More Information]
  • Marais, B., Graham, S. (2016). Childhood tuberculosis: A roadmap towards zero deaths. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52(3), 258-261. [More Information]


  • Khatami, A., Sparks, R., Marais, B. (2015). A Case of Pediatric Q Fever Osteomyelitis Managed Without Antibiotics. Pediatrics, 136(6), e1629-e1631. [More Information]
  • Outhred, A., Jelfs, P., Suliman, B., Hill-Cawthorne, G., Crawford, A., Marais, B., Sintchenko, V. (2015). Added value of whole-genome sequencing for management of highly drug-resistant TB. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 70(4), 1198-1202. [More Information]
  • Solomons, R., Goussard, P., Visser, D., Marais, B., Gie, R., Schoeman, J., van Furth, A. (2015). Chest radiograph findings in children with tuberculous meningitis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 19(2), 200-204. [More Information]


  • Portevin, D., Moukambi, F., Clowes, P., Bauer, A., Chachage, M., Ntinginya, N., Mfinanga, E., Said, K., Haraka, F., Rachow, A., Marais, B., et al (2014). Assessment of the novel T-cell activation marker-tuberculosis assay for diagnosis of active tuberculosis in children: a prospective proof-of-concept study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 14(10), 931-938. [More Information]
  • Morkel, G., Bekker, A., Marais, B., Kirsten, G., van Wyk, J., Dramowski, A. (2014). Bloodstream infections and antimicrobial resistance patterns in a South African neonatal intensive care unit. Paediatrics and International Child Health, 34(2), 108-114. [More Information]
  • Bissell, K., Viney, K., Brostrom, R., Gounder, S., Khogali, M., Kishore, K., Kool, B., Kumar, A., Manzi, M., Marais, B., Marks, G., et al (2014). Building operational research capacity in the Pacific. Public Health Action, 4(Suppl 1), S2-S13. [More Information]


  • Lawn, S., Mwaba, P., Bates, M., Piatek, A., Alexander, H., Marais, B., Cuevas, L., McHugh, T., Zijenah, L., Kapata, N., et al (2013). Advances in tuberculosis diagnostics: the Xpert MTB/RIF assay and future prospects for a point-of-care test. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 13(4), 349-361. [More Information]
  • Walters, E., Reichmuth, K., Dramowski, A., Marais, B., Cotton, M., Rabie, H. (2013). Antiretroviral Regimens Containing a Single Protease Inhibitor Increase Risk of Virologic Failure in Young HIV-infected Children. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 32(4), 361-363. [More Information]
  • Marais, B. (2013). Challenges in the use of tests to diagnose tuberculosis infection - In Reply. NSW Public Health Bulletin, 24(2), 92-93.


  • Raviglione, M., Zumla, A., Marais, B., Horton, R., Motsoaledi, A. (2012). A sustainable agenda for tuberculosis control and research. The Lancet, 379(9821), 1077-1078. [More Information]
  • Bhargava, A., Pai, M., Bhargava, M., Marais, B., Menzies, D. (2012). Can Social Interventions Prevent Tuberculosis? The Papworth Experiment (1918-1943) Revisited. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 186(5), 442-449. [More Information]
  • Zumla, A., Abubakar, I., Raviglione, M., Hoelscher, M., Ditiu, L., McHugh, T., Squire, S., Cox, H., Ford, N., McNerney, R., Marais, B., et al (2012). Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis - Current Dilemmas, Unanswered Questions, Challenges, and Priority Needs. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 205(2), S228-S240. [More Information]


  • Obihara, C., Marais, B., Detjen, A., van Furth, M. (2011). A Brief Overview of Mycobacterial Diseases in Children. European Infectious Disease, 5(2), 102-111.
  • Dramowski, A., Bekker, A., Kirsten, G., Marais, B., Rabie, H., Cotton, M. (2011). A case of congenital measles during the 2010 South African epidemic. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 31(2), 18-188. [More Information]
  • Marais, B. (2011). Childhood Tuberculosis: Epidemiology and Natural History of Disease. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 78(3), 321-327. [More Information]


  • Marais, B., van Helden, P., Donald, P. (2010). Adequacy of 6-month follow-up in chemotherapy trials. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 14(7), 927; author reply 928-927; author reply 928. [More Information]
  • Donald, P., Marais, B., Barry 3rd, C. (2010). Age and the epidemiology and pathogenesis of tuberculosis. The Lancet, 375(9729), 1852-1854. [More Information]
  • Marais, B., Schaaf, H. (2010). Childhood Tuberculosis: an emerging and previously neglected problem. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, 24(3), 727-749. [More Information]


  • Wilson, N., Couper, I., De Vries, E., Reid, S., Fish, T., Marais, B. (2009). A critical review of interventions to redress the inequitable distribution of healthcare professionals to rural and remote areas. Rural and Remote Health, 9(2), 1060. [More Information]
  • Murray, E., Marais, B., Mans, G., Beyers, N., Ayles, H., Godfrey-Faussett, P., Wallman, S., Bond, V. (2009). A multidisciplinary method to map potential tuberculosis transmission 'hot spots' in high-burden communities. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 13(6), 767-774.
  • Spector, J., Gibson, T., Chakraborty, R., Mandalakas, A., Marais, B. (2009). Atlas of Pediatrics in the Tropics and Resource-limited Settings. United States: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).


  • Marais, B. (2008). Childhood tuberculosis – risk assessment and diagnosis. SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 97(10), 978-982.
  • Walters, E., Cotton, M., Rabie, H., Schaaf, H., Walters, L., Marais, B. (2008). Clinical presentation and outcome of Tuberculosis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus infected children on anti-retroviral therapy. BMC Pediatrics, 8(1), 1. [More Information]
  • Wright, C., van der Burg, M., Geiger, D., Noordzij, J., Burgess, S., Marais, B. (2008). Diagnosing mycobacterial lymphadenitis in children using fine needle aspiration biopsy: cytomorphology, ZN staining and autofluorescence-making more of less. Diagnostic Cytopathology, 36(4), 245-251. [More Information]


  • Marais, B. (2007). Adult-type TB in children. Salud(i)Ciencia, 14, 977-982.
  • Rabie, H., Marais, B., van Toorn, R., Nel, E., Cotton, M. (2007). Common opportunistic infections in HIV infected infants and children: Part 2 non-respiratory infections. South African Family Practice, 49(2), 40-45. [More Information]
  • Marais, B., Graham, S., Cotton, M., Beyers, N. (2007). Diagnostic and Management Challenges for Childhood Tuberculosis in the Era of HIV. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Supp. 1, S76-S85. [More Information]


  • Marais, B., Gie, R., Hesseling, A., Schaaf, H., Lombard, C., Enarson, D., Beyers, N. (2006). A Refined Symptom-Based Approach to Diagnose Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children. Pediatrics, 118(5), e1350-e1359. [More Information]
  • Marais, B., van Zyl, S., Schaaf, H., van Aardt, M., Gie, R., Beyers, N. (2006). Adherence to isoniazid preventive chemotherapy: a prospective community based study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 91(9), 762-765. [More Information]
  • Marais, B., Hesseling, A., Gie, R., Schaaf, H., Enarson, D., Beyers, N. (2006). Bacteriologic yield in children with intra-thoracic tuberculosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 42, e69-e71.


  • Marais, B., Gie, R., Hesseling, A., Beyers, N. (2005). Adult-type pulmonary tuberculosis in children 10-14 years of age. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 24(8), 743-744. [More Information]
  • Theart, A., Marais, B., Gie, R., Hesseling, A., Beyers, N. (2005). Criteria used for the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis at primary health care level in a high-burden, urban setting. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 9(11), 1210-1214.
  • Marais, B., Donald, P., Gie, R., Schaaf, H., Beyers, N. (2005). Diversity of disease in childhood pulmonary tuberculosis. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 25(2), 79-86. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Deployable Genomics-Guided Outbreak Response Program - Responding to Health Security threats in the Asia-Pacific region (ReSPOnd), de Alwis A, Rockett R, Sim E, Golubchik T, Sintchenko V, Marais B, Office of Global Engagement/Ignition Grants


  • Professor Ben Marais - SRRRP, Marais B, DVC Research/Strategic Research Recruitment and Retention Program (SRRRP)
  • FMH Start-up Scheme, Marais B, Faculty of Medicine and Health/New Academic Staff Funding
  • A novel regimen to treat the commonest form of drug resistant tuberculosis: the FLIRT Trial, Fox G, Marks G, Menzies R, Marais B, Nhung N, Behr M, Marschner I, Johnston J, Morton R, Nguyen T, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies

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