Dr Bethany White
Central Clinical School
Dr White is an experienced public health researcher who has coordinated numerous clinical community-based and prison-based research projects involving epidemiological and behavioural research techniques and methods, including prospective cohorts of people who inject drugs and several large multidisciplinary health service evaluations. She has been involved in drug and alcohol research, especially in the area illicit drug injection, for two decades. Her primary research experience includes illicit drug use epidemiology; health and social problems associated with illicit drug use; women and substance use; and hepatitis C virus epidemiology and prevention.
Ethical considerations in research with marginalised populations
Harm reduction policies and programs
Alcohol, drug use and health
Project title | Research student |
Understanding the reproductive healthcare experience and needs of imprisoned women with a substance use history | So Bi KIM |
- Little, S., White, B., Moensted, M., Butler, K., Howard, M., Roberts, J., Dunlop, A. (2023). Health and correctional staff acceptability of depot buprenorphine in NSW prisons. International Journal of Drug Policy, 114. [More Information]
- Ling, R., White, B., Roberts, J., Cretikos, M., Howard, M., Haber, P., Lintzeris, N., Reeves, P., Dunlop, A., Searles, A. (2022). Depot buprenorphine as an opioid agonist therapy in New South Wales correctional centres: a costing model. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1). [More Information]
- Dunlop, A., White, B., Roberts, J., Cretikos, M., Attalla, D., Ling, R., Searles, A., Mackson, J., Doyle, M., Attia, J., Haber, P., Lintzeris, N., et al (2022). Treatment of opioid dependence with depot buprenorphine (CAM2038) in custodial settings. Addiction, 117(2), 382-391. [More Information]
- Little, S., White, B., Moensted, M., Butler, K., Howard, M., Roberts, J., Dunlop, A. (2023). Health and correctional staff acceptability of depot buprenorphine in NSW prisons. International Journal of Drug Policy, 114. [More Information]
- Ling, R., White, B., Roberts, J., Cretikos, M., Howard, M., Haber, P., Lintzeris, N., Reeves, P., Dunlop, A., Searles, A. (2022). Depot buprenorphine as an opioid agonist therapy in New South Wales correctional centres: a costing model. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1). [More Information]
- Dunlop, A., White, B., Roberts, J., Cretikos, M., Attalla, D., Ling, R., Searles, A., Mackson, J., Doyle, M., Attia, J., Haber, P., Lintzeris, N., et al (2022). Treatment of opioid dependence with depot buprenorphine (CAM2038) in custodial settings. Addiction, 117(2), 382-391. [More Information]
- Coupland, H., Moensted, M., Reid, S., White, B., Eastwood, J., Haber, P., Day, C. (2021). Developing a model of care for substance use in pregnancy and parenting services, Sydney, Australia: Service provider perspectives. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 131, 108420. [More Information]
- Roberts, J., White, B., Attalla, D., Ward, S., Dunlop, A. (2021). Rapid upscale of depot buprenorphine (CAM2038) in custodial settings during the early COVID-19 pandemic in New South Wales, Australia. Addiction, 116(2), 426-427. [More Information]
- Day, C., White, B., Reid, S., Fowler, M., Black, K. (2020). Integration of a contraception clinic into an opioid treatment setting to improve contraception knowledge, accessibility and uptake: a pilot study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44(5), 360-362. [More Information]
- Kealy-Bateman, W., McDonald, A., Haber, P., Green, T., White, B., Sundakov, V., O'Cionnaith, C., Glozier, N. (2019). Development of a joint mental-health and drug health assessment unit and short-stay unit. Australasian Psychiatry, 27(4), 374-377. [More Information]
- Coupland, H., White, B., bates, A., Park, J., Iversen, J., Maher, L. (2019). Engaging people who inject drugs in hepatitis C virus testing and prevention through community-based outreach, in Sydney, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 38(2), 177-184. [More Information]
- Portelli, M., White, B., Wand, T., Haber, P., Glozier, N. (2018). Nurse specialling': Direct nursing observation in the emergency department compared to other wards of an urban teaching hospital in Sydney. Australasian Psychiatry, 26(3), 276-280. [More Information]
- Faingold, A., Morley, K., White, B., Walker, E., Haber, P. (2018). Psychostimulant-related health service demand in an inner-city hospital, 2012-2015. Public Health Research and Practice, 28(1), 1-6. [More Information]
- Winter, R., White, B., Kinner, S., Stoove, M., Guy, R., Hellard, M. (2016). A nurse-led intervention improved blood-borne virus testing and vaccination in Victorian prisons. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40(6), 592-594. [More Information]
- White, B., Haber, P., Day, C. (2016). Community attitudes towards harm reduction services and a newly established needle and syringe automatic dispensing machine in an inner-city area of Sydney, Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 27, 121-126. [More Information]
- Day, C., White, B., Haber, P. (2016). The impact of an automatic syringe dispensing machine in inner-city Sydney, Australia: No evidence of a 'honey-pot' effect. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(5), 637-643. [More Information]
- White, B., Madden, A., Prins, M., Hellard, M., Wand, H., Dore, G., Page, K., Maher, L. (2014). Assessing the feasibility of hepatitis C virus vaccine trials: Results from the Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission Study-community (HITS-c) vaccine preparedness study. Vaccine, 32(42), 5460-5467. [More Information]
- White, B., Dore, G., Lloyd, A., Rawlinson, W., Maher, L. (2014). Opioid substitution therapy protects against hepatitis C virus acquisition in people who inject drugs: the HITS-c study. Medical Journal of Australia, 201(6), 326-329. [More Information]
- Lenton, E., White, B., Aitken, C., Hellard, M., Higgs, P. (2013). Preventing hepatitis C virus transmission among young people in the justice system. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(5), 834-836. [More Information]