Associate Professor Betty Chaar
Dr Betty Chaar is a pharmacist and Associate Professor in professionalism in pharmacy. She holds a master’s degree in Health Law and her PhD is about developing moral reasoning capabilities and ethical decision-making in pharmacy practice. Betty has been working in the field of pharmacy for many years, with experience in community pharmacy ownership, hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry, academia and research.
Ethics in Pharmacy: explores all aspects of professional ethics in practice, including ethical decision-making, dilemmas in practice and codes of ethics. Importantly this research topic includes the teaching of professional ethics in pharmacy in Australia and around the world.
End of Life Decision-making: explores patients' needs [spiritual, technical, clinical etc] in end of life situations and how healthcare providers should be aware and considerate of these needs.
This research interest also explores the notion of euthanasia and the role of pharmacy in Australia as it is being legalised in some states, starting with Victoria. Concurrent with this is exploring the notion of conscientious objection in healthcare
Hospital Pharmacy: explores the role of the Basel Statements [FIP, 2008] in the conduct of hospital pharmacy around the world. Our research group has established TheWorld Hospital Pharmacy Research Consortium (WHoPReC)to research the impact and uptake of these statements around the globe. Another study is investigating the collaborative roles of ward pharmacists and nurses in hospital pharmacy.
Opioid Substitution Treatment [OST] services in pharmacy: this research explores reasons for lack of uptake of OST services in community pharmacy in Australia. There is a well-documented ‘unmet need’ for more services to be provided, and an opportunity for pharmacists to expand services provision.
Health Literacy in Pharmacy: this project has attracted funding from the Guild Government grant program, and explores the role of pharmacists and pharmacy assistants in promoting health literacy in ethnic communities.
Impairment in Pharmacy: this study explores various aspects of impairment of pharmacists, support services available and the impact of mandatory reporting.
Weight Management Services in Pharmacy: this research is testing the feasibility of introducing a non-product centred service to assist consumers’ weight management.
Teaching Interests:
Ethical decision making in pharmacy; professionalism in pharmacy; cultural competency, addiction and harm minimisation; public health ethics; mental health and ethics in pharmacy; ethical communication in pharmacy; qualitative research methods and critical appraisal of the literature; research ethics; clinical pharmacy.; the role of pharmacy in complementary medicines.
Higher Degree Research Supervision
Sami Isaac - PhD candidate (Pharmacists' Roles in Euthanasia; Conscientious Obejction)
Emna Malas PhD candidate (End of Life Care in relation to the Muslim community in Australia
Leen Fino PhD Pharmacy Ethics in Jordan
Graduated :
Irene Um PhD Weight Management in Pharmacy
Annim Mohamed –PhD Health Literacy in Pharmacy
Robert Bryant – PhD candidate Models of Ward Pharmacy Services in Australian hospitals
Jonathan Penm PhD The Basel Statements and Hospital Pharmacy in the Western Pacific Region
Dalia Bajis PhD Competency-Based Pharmacy Education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Mai Duong -MPhil Drug shortages - a global perspective
Reem Alzayer PhD The needs of Arabic speaking people with respect to asthma
Hadi Mansour MPhil The needs of Arabic speaking people with respect to asthma
Pharmacists perspectives on the needs of patients with Diabetes during Ramadan
Hadi Mansour PhD Pharmacy services in Saudi Arabia- CVD case study
Rosalie Zieck (Visiting scholar from the Netherlands) MPhil Weight management services in Dutch pharmacies
Mary Anne Eskaroos MPhil Impairment in pharmacy
Astrid Køhl (Visiting scholar from Denmark) MPhil Drug shortages around the world
Mina Shrestha MPhil Procurement practices in Nepalese hospital pharmacies
Sami Saqf El-Hait MPhil Diabetes Education by Pharmacists in the Community
Fadwa El Samman MPhil Medicines and Disease Information Needs of Older Arabic-Speaking Australians
End of Life decision making
Health literacy in the Arabic-speaking community in Australia
Euthanasia and the notion of conscientious objection
Teaching pharmacy ethics in countries around the world.
Fellow of FIP [International Federation of Pharmacy] 2017
Project title | Research student |
Exploring the identification, management and treatment of endometriosis in a community setting | Stephanie BESHARA |
The impact of medication adherence interventions in patients with coexisting diabetes and hypertension. | Pauline MANIKI |
Patients access to opioids for pain management within the healthcare system in Timor-Leste. | Julia MARIA DA COSTA |
Book Chapters
- Chaar, B., Ram, S. (2019). Professional Ethics in Pharmacy Clinical Governance. In Not known (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy, (pp. V3A-1). TBC. [More Information]
- Penm, J., Chaar, B., Moles, R. (2013). Investment Opportunities in Australia's Healthcare Stock Markets After the Recent Global Financial Crisis. In Carsten S. Wehn, Christian Hoppe, Greg N. Gregoriou (Eds.), Rethinking Valuation and Pricing Models: Lessons Learned from the Crisis and Future Challenges, (pp. 585-598). Oxford: Academic Press. [More Information]
- Penm, J., Chaar, B., Moles, R., Penm, J. (2013). Predicting ASX Health Care Stock Index Movements After the Recent Financial Crisis Using Patterned Neural Networks. In Carsten S. Wehn, Christian Hoppe, Greg N. Gregoriou (Eds.), Rethinking Valuation and Pricing Models: Lessons Learned from the Crisis and Future Challenges, (pp. 599-610). Oxford: Academic Press. [More Information]
- Bajis, D., Bajis, S., Akel, M., Bizama, A., Chaar, B. (2023). A grounded theory approach to exploring the experiences of community pharmacists in Lebanon to a triple whammy of crises: The Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut port explosion. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 9. [More Information]
- Greenbaum, D., Mclachlan, A., Roubin, R., Moles, R., Chaar, B. (2023). Examining pharmacists' anti-doping knowledge and skills in assisting athletes to avoid unintentional use of prohibited substances. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 31(3), 290-297. [More Information]
- Chaar, B. (2023). The ethical conundrum of conscientious objection in healthcare. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 31(2), 117-118. [More Information]
- Aslani, P., El Samman, F., McLachlan, A., Chaar, B. (2008). Medicine information needs of older Arabic-speaking Australians. National Medicines Symposium 2008, Canberra: Pharmaceutical Health and Rational Use of Medicines Committee.
- Chaar, B., Brien, J., Krass, I. (2006). Developing an instrument for measuring moral reasoning and professional ethics in pharmacy.
- Chaar, B., Brien, J., Krass, I. (2006). The role of moral reasoning in the processes of decision making and professional ethics in the Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) and pharmacy. National Medicines Symposium 2006, Canberra: Pharmaceutical Health and Rational Use of Medicines Committee.
- Bajis, D., Bajis, S., Akel, M., Bizama, A., Chaar, B. (2023). A grounded theory approach to exploring the experiences of community pharmacists in Lebanon to a triple whammy of crises: The Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut port explosion. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 9. [More Information]
- Greenbaum, D., Mclachlan, A., Roubin, R., Moles, R., Chaar, B. (2023). Examining pharmacists' anti-doping knowledge and skills in assisting athletes to avoid unintentional use of prohibited substances. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 31(3), 290-297. [More Information]
- Chaar, B. (2023). The ethical conundrum of conscientious objection in healthcare. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 31(2), 117-118. [More Information]
- Alzayer, R., Almansour, H., Basheti, I., Chaar, B., Al Aloola, N., Saini, B. (2022). Asthma patients in Saudi Arabia–preferences, health beliefs and experiences that shape asthma management. Ethnicity and Health, 27(4), 877-893. [More Information]
- Mohammad, A., Saini, B., Badcock, C., Chaar, B. (2022). Comparing comprehensibility of standard and enhanced prescription medicine labels: a randomized simulation. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30(4), 332-341. [More Information]
- Fino, L., Alsayed, A., Basheti, I., Saini, B., Moles, R., Chaar, B. (2022). Implementing and evaluating a course in professional ethics for an undergraduate pharmacy curriculum: A feasibility study. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 14(1), 88-105. [More Information]
- Collins, J., MacKenzie, M., Schneider, C., Chaar, B., Moles, R. (2021). A mixed-method simulated patient approach to explore implicit bias in health care: A feasibility study in community pharmacy. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17(3), 553-559. [More Information]
- Almansour, H., Aloudah, N., Alhawassi, T., Chaar, B., Krass, I., Saini, B. (2021). Cardiovascular disease risk prevention services by pharmacists in Saudi Arabia: what do policymakers and opinion leaders think? Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 14(1), 42. [More Information]
- Chong, R., Gelissen, I., Chaar, B., Penm, J., Cheung, J., Harnett, J. (2021). Do medicines commonly used by older adults impact their nutrient status? Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 3. [More Information]
- Almansour, H., Mekonnen, A., Aloudah, N., Alhawassi, T., Mc Namara, K., Chaar, B., Krass, I., Saini, B. (2020). Cardiovascular disease risk screening by pharmacists: a behavior change wheel guided qualitative analysis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 16(2), 149-159. [More Information]
- Malas, E., Chaar, B., Krayem, G. (2020). End-of-life treatment decisions in adult Muslims: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(7), 1528-1536. [More Information]
- Fino, L., Basheti, I., Chaar, B. (2020). Exploring Ethical Pharmacy Practice in Jordan. Science and Engineering Ethics, 26(5), 2809-2834. [More Information]
- Isaac, S., McLachlan, A., Chaar, B. (2019). Australian pharmacists' perspectives on physician-assisted suicide (PAS): thematic analysis of semistructured interviews. BMJ Open, 9(10), 1-9. [More Information]
- Makdessi, C., Day, C., Chaar, B. (2019). Challenges faced with opioid prescriptions in the community setting - Australian pharmacists' perspectives. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 15(8), 966-973. [More Information]
- Al-Qudah, R., Tuza, O., Tawfiek, H., Chaar, B., Basheti, I. (2019). Community pharmacy ethical practice in jordan: Assessing attitude, needs and barriers. Pharmacy Practice, 17(1), 1-11. [More Information]
- Alzayer, R., Chaar, B., Basheti, I., Saini, B. (2018). Asthma management experiences of Australians who are native Arabic speakers. Journal of Asthma, 55(7), 801-810. [More Information]
- Bryant, R., Chaar, B., Schneider, C. (2018). Differing clinical pharmacy service models: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of nurse perceptions of support from pharmacists. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 86, 90-98. [More Information]
- Bajis, D., Chaar, B., Basheti, I., Moles, R. (2018). Identifying perceptions of academic reform in pharmacy using a four-frame organizational change model. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 14(10), 921-930. [More Information]
- Benetoli, A., Chen, T., Schaefer, M., Chaar, B., Aslani, P. (2017). Do pharmacists use social media for patient care? International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39(2), 364-372. [More Information]
- Almansour, H., Chaar, B., Saini, B. (2017). Fasting, Diabetes, and Optimizing Health Outcomes for Ramadan Observers: A Literature Review. Diabetes Therapy, 8(2), 227-249. [More Information]
- Walker, J., Chaar, B., Vera, N., Pillai, A., Lim, J., Bero, L., Moles, R. (2017). Medicine shortages in Fiji: A qualitative exploration of stakeholders' views. PloS One, 12(6), 1-16. [More Information]
- Bajis, D., Chaar, B., Penm, J., Moles, R. (2016). Competency-based pharmacy education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region - A scoping review. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 8(3), 401-428. [More Information]
- Allinson, M., Chaar, B. (2016). How to build and maintain trust with patients. The Pharmaceutical Journal, 297(7895), 300-303.
- Um, I., Krass, I., Armour, C., Gill, T., Chaar, B. (2016). Incorporating a Weight Management Skills Workshop in Pharmacy Curricula in Australia. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 80(4), 1-9. [More Information]
- Saqf el Hait, S., Chaar, B., McLachlan, A., Overland, J., Basheti, I. (2015). Clinical Pharmacist-led Diabetes Management and Education Program Effect on the Arabic-speaking People in Australia: A Pilot Study. Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8(1), 1-11.
- Penm, J., Chaar, B., Moles, R. (2015). Clinical pharmacy services that influence prescribing in the Western Pacific Region based on the FIP Basel Statements. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 37(3), 485-496. [More Information]
- Um, I., Krass, I., Armour, C., Gill, T., Chaar, B. (2015). Developing and testing evidence-based weight management in Australian pharmacies: A Healthier Life Program. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 37(5), 822-833. [More Information]
- Um, I., Armour, C., Krass, I., Gill, T., Chaar, B. (2014). Consumer perspectives about weight management services in a community pharmacy setting in NSW, Australia. Health Expectations, 17(4), 579-592. [More Information]
- Penm, J., Moles, R., Wang, H., Li, Y., Chaar, B. (2014). Factors Affecting the Implementation of Clinical Pharmacy Services in China. Qualitative Health Research, 24(3), 345-356. [More Information]
- Chaar, B. (2014). International summit on medicine shortages. Industrial Pharmacy, (42), 11-13.
- Chaar, B. (2013). Berating Bridget is not the answer. Australian Pharmacist, 32(3), 72.
- Kamarudin, G., Penm, J., Chaar, B., Moles, R. (2013). Educational interventions to improve prescribing competency: a systematic review. BMJ Open, 3(8), 1-19. [More Information]
- Chaar, B., Wang, H., Day, C., Hanrahan, J., Winstock, A., Fois, R. (2013). Factors influencing pharmacy services in opioid substitution treatment. Drug and Alcohol Review, 32(4), 426-434. [More Information]
- Chaar, B. (2012). A new Code Of Ethics for pharmacists. Australian Pharmacist, 31(2), 127-131.
- Chaar, B. (2012). Between a rock and a hard place - Andrew's predicament. Australian Pharmacist, 31(9), 746-747.
- Chaar, B. (2012). Between a rock and a hard place – Andrew's predicament. Australian Pharmacist, 31, 746-747.
- Gu, P., Williams, K., Aslani, P., Chaar, B. (2011). Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines on the internet: An Australian consumer perspective. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 41(3), 196-202. [More Information]
- Queddeng, K., Chaar, B., Williams, K. (2011). Emergency Contraception in Australian Community Pharmacies: A Simulated Patient Study. Contraception, 83(2), 176-182. [More Information]
- Chaar, B., Brien, J., Hanrahan, J., McLachlan, A., Penm, J., Pont, L. (2011). Experimental Education in Australian Pharmacy: Preceptors' Perspectives. Pharmacy Education, 11(1), 166-171.
- Penm, J., Chaar, B., Moles, R. (2010). Developing a validated survey to assess the Basel Statements. International Pharmacy Journal, 26(2), 34-37.
- Chaar, B., Kwong, K. (2010). Direct-to-consumer advertising: Australian pharmacists' experiences with non-prescription medicines. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18(1), 43-50. [More Information]
- Um, I., Armour, C., Krass, I., Gill, T., Chaar, B. (2010). Managing obesity in pharmacy: the Australian experience. Pharmacy World and Science, 32(6), 711-720. [More Information]
- Chaar, B., Brien, J., Krass, I. (2009). Professional ethics in pharmacy practice: developing a psychometric measure of moral reasoning. Pharmacy World and Science, 31(4), 439-449. [More Information]
- Penm, J., Chaar, B. (2009). Professional Transgressions by Australian Pharmacists. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 39(3), 192-197. [More Information]
- Chaar, B. (2009). The prevalence and management of gestational diabetes. Australian Journal of Pharmacy, 90(1), 68-70.
- Aslani, P., El Samman, F., McLachlan, A., Chaar, B. (2008). Medicine information needs of older Arabic-speaking Australians. National Medicines Symposium 2008, Canberra: Pharmaceutical Health and Rational Use of Medicines Committee.
- Chaar, B., Penm, J. (2008). Misconduct: the pitfall of pharmacy practice. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 16(3 (Supplement 2)), B17 (Ethics: Professional, Practice and Research)-B18.
- Chaar, B. (2006). Decisions, decisions: ethical dilemmas in practic (or how to pass the 'Red Face Test'). Australian Pharmacist, 25(6), 444-449.
- Chaar, B., Brien, J., Krass, I. (2006). Developing an instrument for measuring moral reasoning and professional ethics in pharmacy.
- Chaar, B. (2006). Professional Code of Ethics (editorial). Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 36(1), 7-9. [More Information]
- Chaar, B., Brien, J., Krass, I. (2005). Professional ethics in pharmacy: the Australian experience. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 13, 195-204. [More Information]
- Chaar, B., Brien, J., Krass, I. (2003). Professional ethics in pharmacy. Australian Journal of Pharmacy, 84, 856-859.
Selected Grants
- Reinventing Pharmacy Using AI to optimise the role of pharmacy in healthcare, Chaar B, DVC Research/External Research Collaboration Seed Funding
- Responsible pre-operative Opioid use for Hip and knee ArthropLasTy (OpioidHALT) Study: Opioid tapering in patients prior to hip and knee arthroplasty, Penm J, Patanwala A, Moles R, Chaar B, O'Reilly C, Schneider C, Lintzeris N, Liu S, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF CRI 2022 Clinician Researchers: Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health
- Status of Current Teaching in Professional Ethics in Pharmacy and Development of Curriculum Resource, Chaar B, Pharmacy Council of New South Wales/Research Support