Associate Professor Christopher Williams

Associate Professor Christopher Williams

BAppSc(ExSci), MPhty, PhD
Associate Professor
Principal Research Fellow
Associate Professor Christopher Williams

Associate Professor Williams is a Principal Research Fellow with broad expertise in clinical trials, health services research and implementation science. He holds an NHMRC Emerging Leader 2 Investigator Fellowship with the University Centre for Rural Health, School of Health Sciences and is also the Research Development Manager for Mid North Coast Local Health District. He has qualifications in exercise science, physiotherapy, and postgraduate training in biostatistics.

Chris founded a successful embedded research program in Hunter New England Local Health District, which now spans four Local Health Districts in NSW and has attracted >$15 million in research funding. The program supports embedded comparative effectiveness trials and quality improvement initiatives with a focus on musculoskeletal conditions, chronic disease prevention and integrated health systems. Chris’ expertise in this area resulted in his appointment to the leadership committee of the Australia Clinical Trials Alliance reference group for ‘embedding trials into healthcare’. His work has also led to invited consultancies with the World Health Organisation and regional health organisations such as NSW Regional Health Partners.

My research interests focus on enabling Learning Health Systems, in particular to support better health care for musculoskeletal health, chronic pain and associated chronic disease risks over the life course. I have published >140 peer reviewed papers and attracted >$16 million in competitive research funding in these areas.

This work includes:

1. Embedded clinical trials and research, to understand the effects of complex treatments and prevention strategies;

2. Implementation science, to test the effects of research translation and implementation strategies on healthcare quality and safety;

3. Studies within a Trial, to develop an evidence-base for clinical trial practices;

4. Testing research capacity building initiatives and research infrastructure, to move towards Learning Health Systems.

Research capacity building

Consumer and community involvement in research

Embedded clincial trials design in health care

Musculoskeletal health and chronic disease prevention:

Healthy Back - building capacity and safe access to integrated primary care support options for people living in rural areas with chronic back pain and healthy lifestyle risks (MRFF Rural Primary Care Grant)

RESOLVE-D, Implementing new and effective treatments for low back pain. (MRFF EMCR Grant)

The HeLP-R trial: Adaptation and implementation of an effective lifestyle program for musculoskeletal pain in rural populations (MRFF Maternal Health and Health Lifestyle Grant)

A Hybrid Trial of an effective lifestyle program for low back pain in the elderly (HCF Foundation Translation Research Grant)

Advancing integration of care for musculoskeletal conditions and chronic disease risks (NHMRC – Investigator Grant)

Weight for Surgery – the effectiveness of weight loss prior to orthopaedicsurgery to reduce surgery complications (NHMRC – Investigator Grant)

Pain Smart - Integrating education and clinical care for adolescents with pain (MRFF - EPCDRI)

Reshaped - Reshaping the management of low back pain in emergency departments (MRFF - EPCDRI)

The NOTUS trial - NOn-pharmacological Treatment for chronic low back pain USing digital health technology (MRFF – Primary Health Care Digital Innovations)

CAPACITY - A telehealth effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial to increase physical activity in adults with low back pain (MRFF Effective Treatments and Therapies)

HeLP - A healthy lifestyle program for low back pain (NHMRC - Project Grant)

The benefits and harms of weight management interventions for adults living with chronic primary low back pain (World Health Organisation)

Learning Health Systems, embedded clinical trials and research capacity building:

Rural Regional and Remote Clinical Trials Enabling Program - Northern Cluster (NSW Health, MRFF Critical Research Infrastructure)

Embedding clinical trials into health care - International Best Practice for Learning Health Systems (Australian Clinical Trials Alliance)

RiPN - Physiotherapy Research in Practice Network (NSW Regional Health Partners)

RR-CLaN – Rural Research Collaborative Learning Network (NSW Health)

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Healthy Ageing, Lifespan
Project titleResearch student
Musculoskeletal Pain in Children and Adolescents: Insights into Risk and Prognosis to Inform Prevention and Intervention StrategiesLaura MONTGOMERY


Book Chapters

  • Wolfenden, L., Kingsland, M., Sutherland, R., Nathan, N., Williams, C., Wiggers, J., Lin Yoong, S. (2020). Implementation of effective services in community settings. In Bianca Albers, Aron Shlonsky, Robyn Mildon (Eds.), Implementation Science 3.0. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. [More Information]


  • Hamiduzzaman, M., Miles, S., Crook, S., Grove, L., Hewitt, J., Barraclough, F., Hawkins, P., Campbell, E., Buster, N., Thomson, K., Williams, C., Flood, V. (2024). An integrative review of the impact of allied health student placements on current staff’s knowledge and procedural skills in acute and primary care settings. BMC Medical Education, 24, 657. [More Information]
  • Viana Da Silva, P., Kamper, S., Hall, A., Parma Yamato, T., Hestbaek, L., Lauridsen, H., Williams, C. (2024). Developing and assessing the measurement properties of an instrument to assess the impact of musculoskeletal pain in children aged 9 to 12—the pediatric musculoskeletal pain impact summary score. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 28(2), 101052. [More Information]
  • O'Hagan, E., Traeger, A., Schabrun, S., O'Neill, S., Wand, B., Cashin, A., Williams, C., Harris, I., McAuley, J. (2024). It's OK to Move! Effect of a Brief Video on Community Confidence in Activity Despite Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54(6), 1-8. [More Information]


  • Williams, C., Maher, C., Hancock, M., McAuley, J., McLachlan, A., Britt, H., Latimer, J. (2009). Usual care of low back pain in primary care and a comparison to evidence-based guideline recommendations. Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference Week APA 2009, Australia: Australian Physiotherapy Association.


  • Williams, C., Robson, E., Tutty, A., Casdhin, A., McAuley, J., Kamper, S., Michaleef, Z. (2022). Evidence synthesis on effectiveness of weight management interventions for chronic primary low back pain. Report for a systematic review and meta-analysis to inform the WHO global guideline on chronic primary low back pain in community dwelling adults.
  • Williams, C., Tutty, A., Cashin, A., McAuley, J., Kamper, S., Michaleff, Z., Robson, E. (2021). Effectiveness of weight management interventions for chronic primary low back pain care: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis to inform the WHO global guideline on low back pain in adults..
  • Lin Yoong, S., Tursan d'Espaignet, E., Wiggers, J., St Claire, S., Mellin-Olsen, J., Williams, C. (2020). WHO tobacco knowledge summaries: tobacco and postsurgical outcomes.


  • Hamiduzzaman, M., Miles, S., Crook, S., Grove, L., Hewitt, J., Barraclough, F., Hawkins, P., Campbell, E., Buster, N., Thomson, K., Williams, C., Flood, V. (2024). An integrative review of the impact of allied health student placements on current staff’s knowledge and procedural skills in acute and primary care settings. BMC Medical Education, 24, 657. [More Information]
  • Viana Da Silva, P., Kamper, S., Hall, A., Parma Yamato, T., Hestbaek, L., Lauridsen, H., Williams, C. (2024). Developing and assessing the measurement properties of an instrument to assess the impact of musculoskeletal pain in children aged 9 to 12—the pediatric musculoskeletal pain impact summary score. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 28(2), 101052. [More Information]
  • O'Hagan, E., Traeger, A., Schabrun, S., O'Neill, S., Wand, B., Cashin, A., Williams, C., Harris, I., McAuley, J. (2024). It's OK to Move! Effect of a Brief Video on Community Confidence in Activity Despite Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54(6), 1-8. [More Information]


  • Taylor, R., Sullivan, D., Reeves, P., Kerr, N., Sawyer, A., Schwartzkoff, E., Bailey, A., Williams, C., Hure, A. (2023). A Scoping Review of Economic Evaluations to Inform the Reorientation of Preventive Health Services in Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(12), 6139. [More Information]
  • Yoong, S., Bolsewicz, K., Reilly, K., Williams, C., Wolfenden, L., Grady, A., Kingsland, M., Finch, M., Wiggers, J. (2023). Describing the evidence-base for research engagement by health care providers and health care organisations: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 75. [More Information]
  • Karran, E., Grant, A., Lee, H., Kamper, S., Williams, C., Wiles, L., Shala, R., Poddar, C., Astill, T., Moseley, G. (2023). Do health education initiatives assist socioeconomically disadvantaged populations? A systematic review and meta-analyses. BMC Public Health, 23(1). [More Information]


  • da Silva, P., Kamper, S., Robson, E., Davidson, S., Gleadhill, C., Donald, B., YAMATO, T., Nolan, E., Lee, H., Williams, C. (2022). "Myths and Facts"" Education Is Comparable to ""Facts Only"" for Recall of Back Pain Information but May Improve Fear-Avoidance Beliefs: An Embedded Randomized Trial. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 52(9), 586-594. [More Information]
  • Fernandes, L., Devan, H., Fioratti, I., Kamper, S., Williams, C., Saragiotto, B. (2022). At my own pace, space, and place: A systematic review of qualitative studies of enablers and barriers to telehealth interventions for people with chronic pain. Pain, 163(2), E165-E181. [More Information]
  • Robson, E., Kamper, S., Lee, H., Palazzi, K., O'Brien, K., Williams, A., Hodder, R., Williams, C. (2022). Compliance with telephone-based lifestyle weight loss programs improves low back pain but not knee pain outcomes: complier average causal effects analyses of 2 randomised trials. Pain, 163(7), e862-e868. [More Information]


  • Lee, H., Cashin, A., Lamb, S., Hopewell, S., Vansteelandt, S., Vanderweele, T., MacKinnon, D., Mansell, G., Collins, G., Golub, R., Kamper, S., Henschke, N., et al (2021). A Guideline for Reporting Mediation Analyses of Randomized Trials and Observational Studies: The AGReMA Statement. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 326(11), 1045-1056. [More Information]
  • Wolfenden, L., Foy, R., Presseau, J., Grimshaw, J., Ivers, N., Powell, B., Taljaard, M., Wiggers, J., Sutherland, R., Nathan, N., Williams, C., Milat, A., et al (2021). Designing and undertaking randomised implementation trials: Guide for researchers. BMJ, 372, m3721. [More Information]
  • Robson, E., Kamper, S., Hall, A., Lee, H., Davidson, S., da Silva, P., Gleadhill, C., Williams, C. (2021). Effectiveness of a Healthy Lifestyle Program (HeLP) for low back pain: statistical analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), 648. [More Information]


  • Downie, A., Hancock, M., Abdel Shaheed, C., McLachlan, A., Baki Kocaballi, A., Williams, C., Michaleff, Z., Maher, C. (2020). An Electronic Clinical Decision Support System for the Management of Low Back Pain in Community Pharmacy: Development and Mixed Methods Feasibility Study. JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(5), 1-15. [More Information]
  • Hollis, J., Doherty, E., Dray, J., Tremain, D., Hunter, M., Takats, K., Williams, C., Murray, H., Pennell, C., Tully, B., et al (2020). Are antenatal interventions effective in improving multiple health behaviours among pregnant women? A systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 9(1), 204. [More Information]
  • Oliveira, C., Maher, C., Franco, M., Kamper, S., Williams, C., Silva, F., Zambelli de Almeida Pinto, R. (2020). Co-occurrence of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and Cardiovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis. Pain Medicine, 21(6), 1106-1121. [More Information]


  • Cashin, A., Lee, H., Lamb, S., Hopewell, S., Mansell, G., Williams, C., Kamper, S., Henschke, N., McAuley, J. (2019). An overview of systematic reviews found suboptimal reporting and methodological limitations of mediation studies investigating causal mechanisms. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 111, 60-680. [More Information]
  • Kamper, S., Michaleff, Z., Campbell, P., Dunn, K., Parma Yamato, T., Hodder, R., Wiggers, J., Williams, C. (2019). Back pain, mental health and substance use are associated in adolescents. Journal of Public Health, 41(3), 487-493. [More Information]
  • Williams, A., Lee, H., Kamper, S., O’Brien, K., Wiggers, J., Wolfenden, L., Yoong, S., Hodder, R., Robson, E., Haskins, R., et al (2019). Causal mechanisms of a healthy lifestyle intervention for patients with musculoskeletal pain who are overweight or obese. Clinical Rehabilitation, 33(6), 1088-1097. [More Information]


  • Williams, C., Kamper, S., Michaleff, Z., Campbell, P., Wiggers, J., Hodder, R., Dunn, K. (2018). Adverse health risks in adolescents with back pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25(Suppl 1), S105. [More Information]
  • Kamper, S., Williams, A., Lee, H., O'Brien, K., Wiggers, J., Lin Yoong, S., Hodder, R., Robson, E., McAuley, J., Williams, C. (2018). Causal mechanisms of a health behaviour intervention for patients with musculoskeletal pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25(1), 103. [More Information]
  • Williams, A., Kamper, S., Wiggers, J., O'Brien, K., Lee, H., Wolfenden, L., Yoong, S., Robson, E., McAuley, J., Hartvigsen, J., et al (2018). Do musculoskeletal conditions increase the risk of chronic disease: a systematic review and meta- analysis of cohort studies. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 26(1), 114. [More Information]


  • Williams, C., Kamper, S. (2017). A broader perspective of musculoskeletal conditions in children. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 47(10), 699-701. [More Information]
  • Lee, H., Hubscher, M., Moseley, G., Kamper, S., Traeger, A., Skinner, I., Williams, C., McAuley, J. (2017). An embedded randomised controlled trial of a Teaser Campaign to optimise recruitment in primary care. Clinical Trials, 14(2), 162-169. [More Information]
  • Kamper, S., Williams, C., Hestbaek, L. (2017). Does motor development in infancy predict spinal pain in later childhood? A cohort study. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 47(10), 763-768. [More Information]


  • Wolfenden, L., Milat, A., Lecathelinais, C., Skelton, E., Clinton-Mcharg, T., Williams, C., Wiggers, J., Chai, L., Yoong, S. (2016). A bibliographic review of public health dissemination and implementation research output and citation rates. Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, 441-443. [More Information]
  • Williams, A., Wiggers, J., O'Brien, K., Wolfenden, L., Yoong, S., Campbell, E., Robson, E., McAuley, J., Haskins, R., Kamper, S., Williams, C. (2016). A randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle behavioural intervention for patients with low back pain, who are overweight or obese: study protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17(70), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Williams, A., Wiggers, J., O’Brien, K., Wolfenden, L., Lin Yoong, S., Campbell, E., Robson, E., McAuley, J., Haskins, R., Kamper, S., et al (2016). A telephone-based lifestyle behavioural intervention for overweight or obese patients with low back pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(Suppl 1), S71.


  • Nathan, N., Wolfenden, L., Williams, C., Yoong, S., Lecathelinais, C., Bell, A., Wyse, R., Sutherland, R., Wiggers, J. (2015). Adoption of obesity prevention policies and practices by Australian primary schools: 2006 to 2013. Health Education Research, 30(2), 262-271. [More Information]
  • Yoong, S., Hall, A., Williams, C., Skelton, E., Oldmeadow, C., Wiggers, J., Karimkhani, C., Boyers, L., Dellavalle, R., Hilton, J., et al (2015). Alignment of systematic reviews published in the Cochrane database of systematic reviews and the database of abstracts and reviews of effectiveness with global burden-of-disease data: A bibliographic analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 69(7), 708-714. [More Information]
  • Yoong, S., Nathan, N., Wyse, R., Preece, S., Williams, C., Sutherland, R., Wiggers, J., Delaney, T., Wolfenden, L. (2015). Assessment of the School Nutrition Environment: A Study in Australian Primary School Canteens. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(2), 215-222. [More Information]


  • Hancock, M., Maher, C., da Cunha Menezes Costa, L., Williams, C. (2014). A guide to survival analysis for manual therapy clinicians and researchers. Manual Therapy, 19(6), 511-516. [More Information]
  • Wolfenden, L., Nathan, N., Williams, C., Delaney, T., Reilly, K., Freund, M., Gillham, K., Sutherland, R., Bell, A., Campbell, L., et al (2014). A randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase the implementation of a healthy canteen policy in Australian primary schools: Study protocol. Implementation Science, 9(1). [More Information]
  • Peiris, D., Williams, C., Holbrook, R., Lindner, R., Reeve, J., Das, A., Maher, C. (2014). A web-based clinical decision support tool for primary health care management of back pain: development and mixed methods evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 3(2), 1-13. [More Information]


  • Williams, C., Maher, C., Latimer, J., McLachlan, A., Hancock, M., Day, R., Billot, L., Lin, C. (2013). PACE - the first placebo controlled trial of paracetamol for acute low back pain: statistical analysis plan. Trials, 14(1), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Downie, A., Williams, C., Henschke, N., Hancock, M., Ostelo, R., de Vet, H., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., van Tulder, M., Koes, B., Maher, C. (2013). Red flags to screen for malignancy and fracture in patients with low back pain: systematic review. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 347, 1-9. [More Information]
  • Williams, C., Henschke, N., Maher, C., van Tulder, M., Koes, B., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L. (2013). Red flags to screen for vertebral fracture in patients presenting with low-back pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, 1-56. [More Information]


  • Williams, C., Lin, C., Jan, S. (2012). Economic analysis of physical activity interventions. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(6), 422-423. [More Information]
  • Williams, C., Kamper, S. (2012). Non-specific effects of acupuncture - Does the placebo effect play an important role? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(8), 578-579. [More Information]


  • Maher, C., Williams, C., Lin, C., Latimer, J. (2011). Managing low back pain in primary care. Australian Prescriber, 34(5), 128-132. [More Information]


  • Williams, C., Maher, C., Hancock, M., McLachlan, A., McAuley, J., Latimer, J. (2010). Appropriate Discard of "Best" Practice Guidelines for Acute Low Back Pain. Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(12), 1088-1088. [More Information]
  • Kamper, S., Stanton (Liddle), T., Williams, C., Maher, C., Hush, J. (2010). How is recovery from low back pain measured? A systematic review of the literature. European Spine Journal, DOI 10.1007/s00586-010-1477-8, 1-10. [More Information]
  • Williams, C., Maher, C., Hancock, M., McAuley, J., McLachlan, A., Britt, H., Fahridin, S., Harrison, C., Latimer, J. (2010). Low Back Pain and Best Practice Care - A Survey of General Practice Physicians. Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(3), 271-277. [More Information]


  • Williams, C., Maher, C., Hancock, M., McAuley, J., McLachlan, A., Britt, H., Latimer, J. (2009). Usual care of low back pain in primary care and a comparison to evidence-based guideline recommendations. Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference Week APA 2009, Australia: Australian Physiotherapy Association.

Selected Grants


  • The HeLP-R trial: Adaptation and implementation of an effective lifestyle program for with musculoskeletal pain in rural populations, Williams C, Flood V, Kamper S, Tiedemann A, Williams K, Passey M, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF PPHRI 2023 Maternal Health and Healthy Lifestyles Grant Opportunity


  • Rewarding Research 2024, Williams C, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success