Professor Carole James

Professor Carole James

PhD (Occupational Therapy; MHSc (Occupational Therapy); BSc (Occupational Therapy); Dip COT
Professor in Occupational Therapy
Sydney School of Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Professor Carole James

Carole is a Professor in the Discipline of Occupational Therapy within the Sydney School of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney. A long history as a practicing occupational therapy clinician, focused mainly in the areas of workplace injury management, rehabilitation, injury prevention and health and safety, has informed Carole's teaching and research. Prior to joining Sydney University, Carole was employed for more than 20 years at the University of Newcastle within the disciplines of Occupational Therapy and Workplace Health and Safety, where she led the development and revision of programs and courses at both undergraduate and post graduate level. Her PhD conferred in 2011 investigated Functional Capacity Evaluation and she is internationally recognised for her research into this area. She has effectively collaborated with industry, unions, and health service providers on applied research projects and worked with industry/ workplaces to research and translate research findings into practice. This is evidenced by her research with the mining industry in relation to mental health, musculoskeletal injuries and the management of obesity. Carole has supervised HDR students across multiple disciplines including Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Psychiatry, Exercise physiology and Occupational Health and Safety where she is passionate for research to be applied and translated into practice.

Carole’s research interests are linked to Work, the Workplace and Occupation, specifically from a health, workplace injury management, injury prevention and safety perspective. Carole has particular interest in mental health and work, and expertise in relation to Functional Capacity Evaluations.

Carole has a strong record of multidisciplinary research conducted in collaboration with industry, and is motivated to support applied and industry driven research that aims to improve the health and safety of workers.

Carole’s teaching expertise isin the area of occupational rehabilitation, workplace injury management, ergonomics, occupational health and occupational therapy in the work setting. Carole encourages her students to embrace emerging areas of occupational therapy practice, and is passionate to ensure students are prepared for the multi-professional health environment and the ever-changing work environment of the future.

Implementation of lung function analyses that may facilitate earlier detection of harmful dust exposure and occupational lung disease -Funding Body:Coal Services Health and Safety Trust.

Out of the Box:Funding Body:Port Waratah Coal Services Limited

Investigating weight loss approaches through a systematic lens: Engaging employees with obesity through a coordinated treatment pathway.Funding Body:Coal Services Health and Safety Trust.

Member of Australian Occupational Therapy Association.
Registered with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA):

Practitioner member of the Occupational Therapy Council of NSW

2018: Early Career Research Excellence” at the 2018 Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources Annual Research Awards.

2017: AusIMM Women in Mining Network (AusIMM WIMnet) Award” at the 2017 Minesafe International Resource Industry Health & Safety Conference in Perth, WA;

2017: AusIMM Award for Best Paper- The prevalence of mental health problems in the metalliferous mining sector” at the 2017 Minesafe International Resource Industry Health & Safety Conference in Perth, WA;

2017: Award for Collaboration Excellence” from the University of Newcastle School of Medicine and Public Health.

2015: RISA: Outstanding Skilling Initiative Winner – CRHS, University of Newcastle for 'Working Well: Mental Health and Mining'

2004: Faculty of Health, University of Newcastle: Award for the Development and Establishment of the Master in Workplace Injury Management and Occupational Rehabilitation Program.

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Neurosciences and Mental Health


Book Chapters

  • James, C., Rich, J., Kelly, B. (2020). Mental Health and Mining: Research Challenges and Influences. In Campbell, A, Duffy, M, & Edmondson, B (Eds.), Located research: regional places, transitions and challenges, (pp. 135-152). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
  • Mackenzie, L., O'Toole, G., James, C. (2017). Core Business: Activity, Task and Occupational Analysis. In Ted Brown, Helen Bourke-Taylor, Stephen Isbel, Reinie Cordier (Eds.), Occupational therapy in Australia: Professional and practice issues. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.


  • Antonini, M., Hagen, T., Hinwood, M., James, C., Kellner, A., Kelly, B., Murauskienė, L., McGregor, N., Melegaro, A., Moy, N., et al (2024). Public preferences for vaccination campaigns in the COVID-19 endemic phase: insights from the VaxPref database. Health Policy And Technology, , 100849. [More Information]
  • Bezzina, A., Clarke, E., Ashton, L., Watson, T., James, C. (2024). Workplace Health Promotion Programs Targeting Smoking, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity in Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Health Education and Behavior, 51(1), 113-127. [More Information]
  • Liebenberg, A., Gardner, M., Nie, V., James, C., Reed, S. (2023). A Scoping Review: Identifying Targeted Intervention Strategies for Workers with Occupational Hearing Loss. Acoustics Australia, 51(3), 407-417. [More Information]


  • Arnold, S., Mackenzie, L., Millington, M., James, C. (2015). What are the essential factors considered by occupational therapists when undertaking an assessment of a person's capacity to perform housework? Occupational Therapy Australia, 26th National Conference and Exhibition, Australia: Australian Occupational Therapy Journal.
  • James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2013). Functional capacity evaluation: Content validity of the Workhab. Occupational Therapy Australia, 25th National Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia: Adelaide Convention Centre.


  • Bezzina, A., Smith, G., Hardacre, S., James, C. (2022). Obesity and Coal Mining: Pilot Intervention Project Final Report.
  • Tynan, R., James, C., Kelly, B., Kay-Lambkin, F. (2019). Development and testing the feasibility and acceptability of Health-e Mines. An online approach to improve mental health, reduce alcohol/other drug use, and fatigue related problems in New South Wales and Queensland coal mining.
  • James, C., Chapman, P., Rich, J. (2018). Obesity and NSW Coal Mining (CS Health and Safety Trust Project: 20648).


  • Antonini, M., Hagen, T., Hinwood, M., James, C., Kellner, A., Kelly, B., Murauskienė, L., McGregor, N., Melegaro, A., Moy, N., et al (2024). Public preferences for vaccination campaigns in the COVID-19 endemic phase: insights from the VaxPref database. Health Policy And Technology, , 100849. [More Information]
  • Bezzina, A., Clarke, E., Ashton, L., Watson, T., James, C. (2024). Workplace Health Promotion Programs Targeting Smoking, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity in Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Health Education and Behavior, 51(1), 113-127. [More Information]


  • Liebenberg, A., Gardner, M., Nie, V., James, C., Reed, S. (2023). A Scoping Review: Identifying Targeted Intervention Strategies for Workers with Occupational Hearing Loss. Acoustics Australia, 51(3), 407-417. [More Information]
  • Aaron Bezzina, B., Ashton, L., Watson, T., James, C. (2023). Health and wellness in the Australian coal mining industry: An analysis of pre-post findings from the RESHAPE workplace health promotion program. PloS One, 18(2024-07-07 00:00:00). [More Information]
  • Bezzina, A., Ashton, L., Watson, T., James, C. (2023). Healthy Eating in the Australian Coal Mining Industry: Assessing the Efficacy of the ‘Out of the Box’ Workplace Health Promotion Program. Nutrients, 15(14). [More Information]


  • Lee, R., James, C., Edwards, S., Snodgrass, S. (2022). Differences in upper body posture between individuals with and without chronic idiopathic neck pain during computerised device use: A 3D motion analysis study. Gait and Posture, 95, 30-37. [More Information]
  • Arnold, S., Mackenzie, L., James, C., Millington, M. (2022). Estimating domestic assistance requirements in medico-legal practice: Australian occupational therapy perspective. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(10), 1880-1888. [More Information]
  • Asare-Doku, W., James, C., Rich, J., Amponsah-Tawiah, K., Kelly, B. (2022). Mental Health is not our core business: A qualitative study of mental health supports in the Ghanaian mining industry. Safety Science, 145, 105484. [More Information]


  • James, C., Tynan, R., Bezzina, A., Rahman, M., Kelly, B. (2021). Alcohol Consumption in the Australian Mining Industry: The Role of Workplace, Social, and Individual Factors. Workplace Health & Safety, 69(9), 423-434. [More Information]
  • Frith, J., James, C., Hubbard, I., Warren-Forward, H. (2021). Australian health professionals' perceptions about the management of return to driving early after stroke: A mixed methods study. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 28(3), 198-206. [More Information]
  • Cavanagh, B., Haracz, K., Lawry, M., Wales, K., James, C. (2021). Changes in emotions and perceived stress following time spent in an artistically designed multisensory environment. Medical Humanities, 47(4), e13. [More Information]


  • Soprovich, A., Seaton, C., Bottorff, J., Duncan, M., Caperchione, C., Oliffe, J., James, C., Rice, S., Tjosvold, L., Eurich, D., et al (2020). A systematic review of workplace behavioral interventions to promote sleep health in men. Sleep Health, 6(3), 418-430. [More Information]
  • King, A., Campbell, J., James, C., Duff, J. (2020). A workplace stretching program for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in perioperative staff: A mixed methods implementation study. Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 33(4), e-3-e-10. [More Information]
  • James, C., Rahman, M., Bezzina, A., Kelly, B. (2020). Factors associated with patterns of psychological distress, alcohol use and social network among Australian mineworkers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44(5), 390-396. [More Information]


  • Bohatko-Naismith, J., James, C., Guest, M., Rivett, D., Ashby, S. (2019). An exploratory study of injured worker's experience and relationship with the workplace return to work coordinator in NSW, Australia. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 12(2), 57-70. [More Information]
  • James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2019). Content validity of the WorkHab functional capacity evaluation. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66(3), 380-392. [More Information]
  • Tynan, R., James, C., Kelly, B., Kay-Lambkin, F. (2019). Development and testing the feasibility and acceptability of Health-e Mines. An online approach to improve mental health, reduce alcohol/other drug use, and fatigue related problems in New South Wales and Queensland coal mining.


  • Bohatko-Naismith, J., Guest, M., James, C., Pond, C., Rivett, D. (2018). Australian general practitioners' perspective on the role of the workplace Return-to-Work Coordinator. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 24(6), 502-509. [More Information]
  • James, C., Tynan, R., Roach, D., Leigh, L., Oldmeadow, C., Rahman, M., Kelly, B. (2018). Correlates of psychological distress among workers in the mining industry in remote Australia: Evidence from a multi-site cross-sectional survey. PloS One, 13(12), e0209377. [More Information]
  • Yu, Z., James, C., Edwards, S., Snodgrass, S. (2018). Differences in posture kinematics between using a tablet, a laptop, and a desktop computer in sitting and in standing. Work, 61(2), 257-266. [More Information]


  • Tynan, R., Considine, R., Wiggers, J., Lewin, T., James, C., Inder, K., Kay-Lambkin, F., Baker, A., Skehan, J., Perkins, D., et al (2017). Alcohol consumption in the Australian coal mining industry. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 74(4), 259-267. [More Information]
  • Ashby, S., Gray, M., Ryan, S., James, C. (2017). An exploratory study into the application of psychological theories and therapies in Australian mental health occupational therapy practice: Challenges to occupation-based practice. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64(1), 24-32. [More Information]
  • James, C., Rusli, N., Broady, T. (2017). Carers and manual handling: Survey results. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 24(4), 146-154. [More Information]


  • Harris, K., Phelan, L., McBain, B., Archer, J., Drew, A., James, C. (2016). Attitudes toward learning oral communication skills online: the importance of intrinsic interest and student-instructor differences. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64, 591-609. [More Information]
  • Thomas, K., Broady, T., James, C. (2016). Exploring manual handling practices by informal carers. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 23(7), 305-313. [More Information]
  • Kelly, B., Considine, R., Rich, J., Skehan, J., Perkins, D., Lewin, T., Inder, K., Wiggers, J., James, C. (2016). Feasibility and Acceptability of Strategies to Address Mental Health in Coal Mining in New South Wales and Queensland - Report 2.


  • MacDonald-Wicks, L., Gallagher, L., Snodgrass, S., Guest, M., Kable, A., James, C., Ashby, S., Plotnikoff, R., Collins, C. (2015). Difference in perceived knowledge, confidence and attitudes between dietitians and other health professionals in the provision of weight management advice. Nutrition and Dietetics, 72(2), 114-121. [More Information]
  • Ashby, S., Gray, M., Ryan, S., James, C. (2015). Maintaining occupation-based practice in Australian mental health practice: A critical stance. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(7), 431-439. [More Information]
  • Kable, A., James, C., Snodgrass, S., Plotnikoff, R., Guest, M., Ashby, S., Oldmeadow, C., Collins, C. (2015). Nurse provision of healthy lifestyle advice to people who are overweight or obese. Nursing and Health Sciences, 17(4), 451-459. [More Information]


  • James, C., Southgate, E., Kable, A., Rivett, D., Guest, M., Bohatko-Naismith, J. (2014). Return-to-work coordinators' resourcefulness and the provision of suitable duties for nurses with injuries. Work, 48(4), 557-566. [More Information]
  • Melino, N., James, C., Snodgrass, S. (2014). The effect of load in a floor-to-bench lift during the WorkHab Functional Capacity Evaluation. Work, 49(4), 585-596. [More Information]
  • Snodgrass, S., Carter, A., Guest, M., Collins, C., James, C., Kable, A., Ashby, S., Plotnikoff, R. (2014). Weight management including dietary and physical activity advice provided by Australian physiotherapists: A pilot cross-sectional survey. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 30(6), 409-420. [More Information]


  • Ashby, S., Ryan, S., Gray, M., James, C. (2013). Factors that influence the professional resilience of occupational therapists in mental health practice. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 60(2), 110-119. [More Information]
  • James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2013). Functional capacity evaluation: Content validity of the Workhab. Occupational Therapy Australia, 25th National Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia: Adelaide Convention Centre.
  • Haracz, K., Ryan, S., Hazelton, M., James, C. (2013). Occupational therapy and obesity: An integrative literature review. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 60(5), 356-365. [More Information]


  • James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2011). Inter- and intra-rater reliability of the manual handling component of the WorkHab Functional Capacity Evaluation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(19-20), 1797-1804. [More Information]


  • James, C., Mackenzie, L., Capra, M. (2010). Test-retest Reliability of the Manual Handling Component of the WorkHab Functional Capacity Evaluation in Healthy Adults. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(22), 1863-1869. [More Information]


  • James, C., Mackenzie, L. (2009). Health Professional's Perceptions and Practices in Relation to Functional Capacity Evaluations: Results of a Quantitative Survey. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 19(2), 203-211. [More Information]
  • James, C., Mackenzie, L. (2009). The clinical utility of functional capacity evaluations: The opinion of health professionals working within occupational rehabilitation. Work, 33(3), 231-239. [More Information]


  • Lee, F., Mackenzie, L., James, C. (2008). Perceptions of older people living in the community about their fear of falling. Disability and Rehabilitation, 30(23), 1803-1811. [More Information]


  • James, C., Mackenzie, L., Higginbotham, N. (2007). Health professionals' attitudes and practices in relation to functional capacity evaluations. Work, 29(2), 81-87.


  • Brown, K., James, C., Mackenzie, L. (2006). The Practice Placement Education Experience: an Australian Pilot Study Exploring the Perspectives of Health Professional Students with a Disability. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(1), 31-37. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • FMH Start-up Scheme, James C, Faculty of Medicine and Health/New Academic Staff Funding


  • Implementation of lung function analyses that may facilitate earlier detection of harmful dust exposure and occupational lung disease. Co-Investigators:Associate Professor Jay Horvat, Doctor Jemma Mayall, Conjoint Professor Peter Wark, Doctor Dusan Ilic. Funding Body:Coal Services Health and Safety Trust Scheme: Research Project. Period:1/01/2022 - 31/12/2025 Funding: $513,691

  • Out of the Box. Co-Investigators: Doctor Lee Ashton. Funding Body:Port Waratah Coal Services LimitedScheme: Research Project. Period:1/01/2022 - 31/12/2022 Funding:$30,000

  • Out of the Box. Co-Investigators:Doctor Lee Ashton. Funding Body:Ulan Coal Mines Pty Limited Scheme: Research Grant. Period:1/01/2022 - 31/12/2022 Funding: $10,000

  • MRFF Support Grant: accelerated silicosis. Co-Investigators:Conjoint Professor Peter Wark, Associate Professor Jay Horvat, Doctor Gerard Kaiko, Doctor Dusan Ilic, Professor Paul Foster, Doctor Hock Tay. Funding Body: Hunter Medical Research Institute Scheme:Research Grant. Period:1/01/2021 - 31/12/2021 Funding:$10,000

  • Out of the Box. Co-Investigators:Doctor Lee Ashton. Funding Body:Four Mile Pty. Limited Scheme: Research Grant. Period:1/01/2021 - 31/12/2021 Funding: $27,800

  • Psychosocial antecedents of musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review. Funding Body: NSW Department of Customer ServiceScheme: Centre for Work health and Safety Research grant Period:1/01/2020 - 31/12/2021 Funding:$25,000

  • A Structured Stretching Program for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Perioperative Staff: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study. Co-Investigators: Associate Professor Jed Duff. Funding Body: Mid North Coast Local Health DistrictScheme: Research Support Grant Program. Period:1/01/2019 - 31/12/2019 Funding:$7,500

  • Health and wellbeing survey. Co-Investigators: Doctor Jane Rich, Professor Brian Kelly. Funding Body: Port Waratah Coal Services Limited Scheme: Research Funding. Period: 1/01/2019 - 31/12/2020 Funding: $11,815

  • Independent study on silicosis technologies. Co-Investigators:Associate Professor Jay Horvat, Mr John Tessier, Doctor Jemma Mayall. Funding Body: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science Scheme: Entrepreneurs' Programme: Innovation Connections. Period:1/01/2019 - 31/12/2021 Funding: $49,577

  • Independent study on silicosis technologies. Co-Investigators: Associate Professor Jay Horvat, Mr John Tessier, Doctor Jemma Mayall. Funding Body:Humanomics Pty Ltd Scheme: Entrepreneurs' Programme: Innovation Connections. Period: 1/01/2019 - 31/12/2021 Funding: $49,577

  • Obesity and Coal Mining: Pilot Intervention. Co-Investigators: Doctor Jane Rich. Funding Body: Coal Services Health and Safety Trust Scheme: Research Project. Period:1/01/2019 - 31/12/2022Funding: $185,401

  • Obesity and NSW Coal Mining: A Pilot Study. Co-Investigators: Doctor Jane Rich. Funding Body: Glencore Coal Assets Australia Pty Ltd Scheme:Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2019 - 31/12/2019 Funding: $15,000

  • Obesity and NSW Coal Mining. Co-Investigators:Doctor Jane Rich. Funding Body: Coal Services Health and Safety Trust Scheme:Research Project. Period: 1/01/2018 - 31/12/2018 Funding: $90,900

  • Powerplay: building employee health and safety through prevention. Funding Body: Alberta Government | Canada Scheme: Alberta Ministry of Labour - Occupational Health and Safety Futures Program. Period:1/01/2018 - 31/12/2019 Funding:$0

  • An internet delivered, evidenced-based treatment program for mental health and alcohol use in contemporary veterans. Co-Investigators:Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin, Doctor Jane Rich. Funding Body: Defence Health Foundation Scheme: Booster Grant. Period: 1/01/2017 - 31/12/2018 Funding: $80,000

  • Baseline Data Collection - Rosebery Mine. Co-Investigators: Doctor Jane Rich. Funding Body: Minerals Council of Australia Scheme: Research Grant. Period:1/01/2017 - 31/12/2017 Funding: $10,356

  • Bridging Account. Funding Body: University of Newcastle Scheme: Bridging Accounts. Period: 1/01/2017 - 31/12/2017 Funding: $1

  • Characterising the epidemiological and biological effects of particulate matter exposures in coal mining to protect and improve the health of workers. Co-Investigators: Associate Professor Jay Horvat, Professor Kenneth Williams, Professor Phil Hansbro, Doctor Dusan Ilic. Funding Body: Coal Services Health and Safety Trust Scheme:Research Project. Period: 1/01/2017 - 31/12/2019 Funding: $171,062

  • Mates in Mining (MIM) Working Well data collection and reporting. Co-Investigators: Doctor Jane Rich, Professor Brian Kelly. Funding Body: Mates in Construction (Aust). Limited Scheme: Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2017 - 31/12/2017 Funding: $33,105

  • Health-e Mines: the development and implementation of a virtual health system to improve mental health, reduce alcohol/other drug use, and fatigue-related problems in underground and open cut mines. Funding Body: ACARP (Australian Coal Industry’s Research Program) | Australia Scheme: Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP). Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2018 Funding: $289,984

  • Mates in Mining at Clermont Mine. Co-Investigators:Professor Brian Kelly. Funding Body :Glencore Coal Assets Australia Pty Ltd Scheme:Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 Funding: $36,500

  • Mates in Mining at Glendell Mine. Co-Investigators:Doctor Jane Rich, Professor Brian Kelly. Funding Body: Glencore Coal Assets Australia Pty Ltd Scheme:Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 Funding: $26,500

  • Mates in Mining at Hunter Valley Operations. Co-Investigators:Doctor Jane Rich. Funding Body: Hunter Valley Operations Pty Ltd Scheme:Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 Funding:$6,500

  • Mates in Mining at Mt Thorley Mine. Co-Investigators:Doctor Jane Rich. Funding Body: Warkworth Mining Linited Scheme:Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 Funding:$4,500

  • Obesity and Mining Blueprint. Co-Investigators: Doctor Jane Rich, Professor Brian Kelly Funding Body: NSW Minerals Council Scheme:Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 Funding: $34,000

  • Phase 1 Baseline Data Collection at Tanami Mine. Co-Investigators: Doctor Jane Rich, Professor Brian Kelly. Funding Body: Minerals Council of Australia Scheme: Research Grant Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 Funding: $8,792

  • SIA alternative knowledge assessment. Funding Body:Safety Institute of Australia Ltd Scheme: Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2017 Funding: $18,920

  • Task Rotation in an Underground Coal Mine. Funding Body:Coal Services Pty Limited Scheme: CS Health Research Project. Period: 1/01/2016 - 31/12/2016 Funding: $10,000

  • Mining and Mental Health: embedding mental health awareness and policy into industry occupational health and safety frameworks. Co-Investigators: Mr Ross Tynan, Doctor Ross Tynan, Doctor Jane Rich, Professor Brian Kelly. Funding Body: University of Newcastle Scheme: Linkage Pilot Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2015 - 31/12/2015 Funding: $10,000

  • Working Well: Mental Health and Mining. Co-Investigators:Professor John Wiggers, Professor Brian Kelly. Funding Body: Minerals Council of Australia Scheme:Research Grant. Period: 1/01/2015 - 31/12/2015 Funding: $90,000

  • Workplace Safety and Health in the Singapore Construction Industry: Assessing the Nexus between Mental Health and Productivity. Funding Body:Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Institute | Singapore Scheme: Request for Proposal for Workplace SAfety and Health Research. Period: 1/01/2014 - 31/12/2014 Funding: $0

  • Mental Health in the Coal Mining Industry: Measuring Extent, Impact and Solutions for Workplace Health, Safety and Productivity. Co-Investigators: Professor Brian Kelly, Mrs Robyn Considine, Professor Kerry Inder, Professor John Wiggers, Conjoint Associate Professor Terry Lewin. Funding Body:Australian Coal Research LimitedScheme:Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP). Period:1/01/2013 - 31/12/2014 Funding: $353,227

  • The outcome of occupational rehabilitation of NSW nurses. Co-Investigators: Professor Ashley Kable. Funding Body:WorkCover Authority of New South WalesScheme:WorkCover Assist Applied Research Projects. Period: 1/01/2009 - 31/12/2009 Funding: $114,050

  • Hydro Aluminium Biomechanical Study of the Carbon Plant. Co-Investigators: Professor Suzanne Snodgrass. Funding Body:Newcastle Innovation Scheme:Administered Research Period: 1/01/2008 - 31/12/2008 Funding: $14,446

Conference Presentations

  • Little, A., Croker, A., Brown, L., & James, C. (2022). Lego, rams and pigeons?: Creative approaches when (and for) researching collaborative practice. In Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) Showcase. Auckland, NZ: ANZAHPE.
  • Bezzina, A., Hardacre, S., Watson, T. & James, C. (2022) Overweight and Obesity in Australian Mining, 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health 2022, 06/02/2022 - 10/02/2022. Safety and Health at Work, Volume 13, Supplement
  • Bezzina, A. & James, C. (2022) Mining and Wellness Case Study. Australian Meat Packing Corporation Work, health, and Safety Conference, Brisbane, Australia 01/06/2022 – 2/06/2022.
  • James, C., Chapman, P. & Rich, J. (2021). Workplace Wellness in the Mining Industry: A Focus on Obesity. XXII World Congress on Safety & Health at Work. September 20-23, 2021.
  • James, C., Rahman, M & Bezzina. A. (2021) Task Rotation in an Underground Coal Mine: Implications on Injury and Musculoskeletal Discomfort. XXII World Congress on Safety & Health at Work. September 20-23, 2021.
  • James, C., Johnson, S., Bottorff, J., Seaton, C., Soprovich, A., Caperchione, C,. Duncan, M., Oliffe, J., Rice, S., Rich, J & Eurich, D. (2021) Promoting physical activity in male-dominated workplaces: Acceptability of the POWERPLAY program. XXII World Congress on Safety & Health at Work. September 20-23, 2021.
  • James, C., Johnson, S., Bottorff, J., Seaton, C., Soprovich, A., Caperchione, C,. Duncan, M., Oliffe, J., Rice, S., Rich, J & Eurich, D. (2021). Working Men’s Sleep Duration and Quality: The Role of Shiftwork, Overtime and Sociodemographic Variables. XXII World Congress on Safety & Health at Work. September 20-23, 2021.
  • Vanka, AF. Kim, R. Brown, A. Donovan, C. Ali, K. Gomez, H. Shukla, S. Palanisami, T. James, C. Williams, K. Ilic, D. Hansbro, P. Horvat, J. (2020). Characterising the differential effects of coal dust exposures on respiratory health. In Respirology Vol. 25 (pp. 82). WILEY. Retrieved from
  • Vanka, AF. Kim, R. Brown, A. Donovan, C. Ali, K. Gomez, H. Shukla, S. Palanisami, T. James, C. Williams, K. Ilic, D. Hansbro, P. Horvat, J. (2020). Investigating Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Different Coal Dust (PM10) Exposures on Respiratory Health. In American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine Vol. 201 (pp. 2 pages). Electr Network: Amer Thoracic Soc. Retrieved from
  • Liebenberg, A, Nie, V., Brichta, A & James, C. (2019). The prevalence of hearing loss: Pre-employment audiograms in NSW Coal Mining. Center for WHS, Sydney.
  • Austin, E. Kelly, B. James, C. (2019). SafeWork NSW Colloquium August 2019, Gosford, NSW.
  • James, C.L. & Rahman, M. (2019). Task Rotation: Implementation in an industrial setting. 28th National Occupational Therapy Conference 10-12 July 2019, Sydney, NSW Oral Presentations – Friday 12 July 2019. (2019). Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66(S1), 83-115.
  • James, C.L., Rahman, M, & Kelly, B. (2019). Addressing industry Mental Health: Mates in Mining Mental Health Program. 28th National Occupational Therapy Conference 10-12 July 2019, Sydney, NSW Oral Presentations – Thursday 11 July 2019. (2019). Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66(S1), 39-82.
  • Lupton, B., James, C., Ashby, S., & Haracz, K. (2019). Mental health consumers’ participation in social leisure activities: The tension between wanting to connect and needing to retreat. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66(S1), 111.
  • James, C.L., Rahman, M., Sayers, E. & Kelly, B. (2019). Mates in Mining: An industry mental health program. 5th Work Prevention and Integration Conference, 4-7 June 2019, Odense, Denmark.
  • James, C.L., Rahman, M., Sayers, E. & Kelly, B. (2019). Task Rotation: Implementation in industry. 5th Work Prevention and Integration Conference, 4-7 June 2019, Odense, Denmark.
  • James, C.L., Chapman, P. & Rich, J. (2019). Obesity at the coal face. 5th Work Prevention and Integration Conference, 4-7 June 2019, Odense, Denmark.
  • James, C.L. Invited keynote speaker: Shedding Light on Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Mining Industry.Mining Leaders Forum 2018, Perth, WA. 18-20 November 2018.
  • James, C.L., West, N. & Snodgrass, S. Biomechanics and Load in the WorkHab Functional Capacity Evaluation: An update. 4th International FCE Research Conference, 2018. 21-22 September, Valens, Switzerland.
  • Holland, J., Wang, H., & James, C. (2018). Can The Smartcap (R) Alarm Rate Predict Fatigue Related Medical Conditions?. In Can the Smartcap® alarm rate predict fatigue related medical conditions? Vol. 48 (pp. 25). 14 – 16 May 2018 Sydney: WILEY.
  • James, C.L., Rich, J. & Watson, T. RESHAPE – A healthy weight initiative: Next steps. Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference 2018, 19-22 August, Gold Coast, Australia.
  • Palaniappan, K., Ramasoori Krishnan, SP., James, C.L., Wang, H. Nano Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Enabled Products in Singapore: Results of a Mapping Study. Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association International Conference and Exhibition 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 Oct 2018 - 25 Oct 2018. MIHAICE 2018 Program Book. MIHA. 33-35 (3 pages).
  • James, C.L., Kay-Lambkin, F., Tynan, R., Rich, J., & Kelly, B. Alcohol and Mining: prevalence, social factors and cultural determinants. NSW Mining HSEC Conference 2018. 5-7 August, Hunter Valley, Australia.
  • James, C. L., Tynan, R., & Kelly, B. Mentally healthy workplaces: a multicomponent approach, 17th WFOT Congress, 21 – 25 May 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • James, C.L., & Rahman, M. Task Rotation in an underground coalmine. 17th WFOT Congress 2018, 21 – 25 May 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Liebenberg A,James, C.L., Brichta A,Nie V. 2017. Audiometric profiles: NSW Coal Mine workers 1991 - 2015. AIOH Conference. December 4th 2017, Canberra, Australia
  • Bohatko-Naismith, J., Guest, M., Rivett, D., James, C.L. Deficient or sufficient? Contemporary Australian return to work coordinator training practices. XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017, Singapore, 03 Sep 2017 - 06 Sep 2017.
  • James, C.L., Rich, J., Kelly, B., Considine, R., Tynan, R., Wiggers, J., Lewin, T., Inder, K. Gullestrup, J. (2017). A Multi-component Workplace intervention to address mental health in mining. Poster presentation. 27th National Occupational Therapy Conference 19-21 July 2017, Perth WA. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64: 115.
  • James, C.L., Coomes, K. & Haracz, K. (2017), Individual Placement and Support employment program: Mental health consumers’ experiences. Oral Presentations – Thursday 20 July 2017. 27th National Occupational Therapy Conference 19-21 July 2017, Perth WA Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64: 45
  • Frith, J., Hubbard, I., James, C.L. & Warren Forward, H. (2017). Return to driving after stroke: have we shifted gears? Poster presentation. 27th National Occupational Therapy Conference 19-21 July 2017, Perth WA. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64: 114.
  • Arnold, S., Mackenzie, L., James, C.L. & Millington, M. (2017). How to determine the amount of domestic assistance a person requires following an injury: focus group results. Poster presentation. 27th National Occupational Therapy Conference 19-21 July 2017, Perth WA. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64: 93.
  • Lupton, B., James, C.L., Haracz, K. & Ashby, S. (2017). Barriers and Facilitators of mental health consumers’ participation in a community street soccer program. Oral presentation. 27th National Occupational Therapy Conference 19-21 July 2017, Perth WA. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64: 76.
  • Conn, A., Haracz, K. & James, C.L. (2017). Occupational Therapy intervention addressing weight gain and obesity in people with severe mental illness: a scoping review. Oral presentation. 27th National Occupational Therapy Conference 19-21 July 2017, Perth WA. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64: 72.
  • Bourke, N., Haracz, K. & James, C.L. (2017). Occupational Therapy involvement in lifestyle interventions to address overweight and obesity in people with mental illness: A national survey. Oral presentation. 27th National Occupational Therapy Conference 19-21 July 2017, Perth WA. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64: 46.
  • James, C.L., Kelly, B., Wiggers, J., Tynan, R. & Inder, K. (2017). A multicomponent workplace intervention for mental health in the mining industry, XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, Singapore, Sept 3-6,
  • James, C.L., Tynan, R., Rich, J. & Kelly, B. (2017). The prevalence of mental health problems in the metalliferous mining sector. AusImm Minesafe International Conference, WA, May 1-2, 2017
  • James, C.L., Kelly, B., Considine, R., Tynan, R., Wiggers, J., Lewin, T., Inder, K. (2016). Working Well Mental Health and Mining program: a multicomponent workplace intervention. 4th Work Prevention and Integration Conference, 25-28 September 2016, Amsterdam.
  • James, C.L. & Jones, O. (2016). Task rotation in an underground coal mine – a pilot feasibility study. 4th Work Prevention and Integration Conference, 25-28 September 2016, Amsterdam.
  • Rich, J., James, C.L., Tynan, R., Kelly, B. (2016). Perspectives from the mine site: interviews with miners about mental health and the workplace. 8th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium,2-4 November 2016, Kingscliff, NSW.
  • Rich, J., James, C.L., Tynan, R., Kelly, B., Wigger, J., Considine, R., Lewin,T., Gullestrup, J., Inder, K. (2016). Male dominated work places – are there lessons for the Military from Working Well: Mental Health and Mining? Australian Military Medical Conference, 15-16 October 2016, Melbourne.
  • James, C.L., Kelly, B., Considine, R., Tynan, R., Inder, K., Skehan, J. & Rich, J. (2016). Industry partnerships in addressing mental health; Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Conference; 5-8 June 2016, Brisbane.
  • Rich, J., James, C.L., Tynan, R., Kelly, B., Wigger, J., Considine, R., Lewin,T., Gullestrup, J., Inder, K. (2016). Working Well Mental Health and Mining program: a multicomponent workplace intervention. 38th Annual Society for Mental Health Research Conference, 7-9 December 2016, Sydney.
  • Tynan, R., Considine, R., Rich, J., Kay-Lambkin, R., Lewin, T., Wiggers, J., James, C.L., Kelly, B. (2016). Factors associated with psychological distress and alcohol use in the Australian coal mining industry; Society for Mental Health Research, Brisbane 7-9 December 2016.