Professor David Barnes
Clinical Professor
Medicine, Central Clinical School
Medicine, Central Clinical School
Cancer, Infection and Immunological Conditions, Healthy Ageing
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- Dennis, C., Menadue, C., Schneeberger, T., Leitl, D., Schoenheit-Kenn, U., Harmer, A., Barnes, D., Koczulla, A., Kenn, K., Alison, J. (2022). Perceptions of Noninvasive Ventilation During Exercise in Noninvasive Ventilation-Naive Patients With COPD. Respiratory Care, 67(5), 543-552. [More Information]
- McLean, A., Kao, S., Barnes, D., Wong, K., Scolyer, R., Cooper, W., Kohonen-Corish, M. (2022). The emerging role of the lung microbiome and its importance in non-small cell lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. Lung Cancer, 165, 124-132. [More Information]
- Dennis, C., Menadue, C., Schneeberger, T., Leitl, D., Schoenheit-Kenn, U., Hoyos, C., Harmer, A., Barnes, D., Koczulla, A., Kenn, K., Alison, J. (2021). Bilevel Noninvasive Ventilation During Exercise Reduces Dynamic Hyperinflation and Improves Cycle Endurance Time in Severe to Very Severe COPD. Chest, 160(6), 2066-2079. [More Information]
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- Barnes, D. (2018). Lung Cancer Framework Principles for Best Practice Lung Cancer Care in Australia.
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- Dennis, C., Menadue, C., Schneeberger, T., Leitl, D., Schoenheit-Kenn, U., Harmer, A., Barnes, D., Koczulla, A., Kenn, K., Alison, J. (2022). Perceptions of Noninvasive Ventilation During Exercise in Noninvasive Ventilation-Naive Patients With COPD. Respiratory Care, 67(5), 543-552. [More Information]
- McLean, A., Kao, S., Barnes, D., Wong, K., Scolyer, R., Cooper, W., Kohonen-Corish, M. (2022). The emerging role of the lung microbiome and its importance in non-small cell lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. Lung Cancer, 165, 124-132. [More Information]
- Dennis, C., Menadue, C., Schneeberger, T., Leitl, D., Schoenheit-Kenn, U., Hoyos, C., Harmer, A., Barnes, D., Koczulla, A., Kenn, K., Alison, J. (2021). Bilevel Noninvasive Ventilation During Exercise Reduces Dynamic Hyperinflation and Improves Cycle Endurance Time in Severe to Very Severe COPD. Chest, 160(6), 2066-2079. [More Information]
- Rankin, N., Fradgley, E., Barnes, D. (2020). Implementation of lung cancer multidisciplinary teams: A review of evidence-practice gaps. Translational Lung Cancer Research, 9(4), 1667-1679. [More Information]
- Joshi, E., Nanayakkara, B., Barnes, D., Troy, L. (2020). Precision Medicine in Lung Cancer. European Medical Journal Oncology, November 2020, 70-81. [More Information]
- Collett, G., Durcinoska, I., Rankin, N., Blinman, P., Barnes, D., Anderiesz, C., Young, J. (2019). Patients' experience of lung cancer care coordination: a quantitative exploration. Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(2), 485-493. [More Information]
- Emery, J., Murray, S., Walter, F., Martin, A., Goodall, S., Mazza, D., Habgood, E., Kutzer, Y., Barnes, D., Murchie, P. (2019). The Chest Australia Trial: a randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase consultation rates in smokers at risk of lung cancer. Thorax, 74(4), 362-370. [More Information]
- McLean, A., Barnes, D., Troy, L. (2018). Diagnosing Lung Cancer: The Complexities of Obtaining a Tissue Diagnosis in the Era of Minimally Invasive and Personalised Medicine. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(7), E163. [More Information]
- Barnes, D. (2018). Lung Cancer Framework Principles for Best Practice Lung Cancer Care in Australia.
- Mazza, D., Lin, X., Walter, F., Young, J., Barnes, D., Mitchell, P., Brijnath, B., Martin, A., Emery, J. (2018). The LEAD study protocol: a mixed-method cohort study evaluating the lung cancer diagnostic and pre-treatment pathways of patients from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds compared to patients from Anglo-Australian backgrounds. BMC Cancer, 18(1), 754. [More Information]
- Gray, E., Barnes, D. (2017). Beyond the thermistor: Novel technology for the ambulatory diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea. Respirology, 22(3), 418-419. [More Information]
- McGregor, D., Rankin, N., Butow, P., York, S., White, K., Phillips, J., Stone, E., Barnes, D., Jones, R., Shaw, T. (2017). Closing evidence-practice gaps in lung cancer: Results from multi-methods priority setting in the clinical context. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 13(1), 28-36. [More Information]
- Barnes, D. (2017). Commentaries and clinical tips for assessing respiratory diseases. Medical Journal of Australia, 207(10), 424.
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- Dennis, C., Menadue, C., Harmer, A., Barnes, D., Alison, J. (2016). Effect of non-invasive ventilation on the measurement of ventilatory and metabolic variables. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 228, 76-82. [More Information]
- Stone, A., Wong, K., Barnes, D. (2015). Blood oxygen equilibration time after cessation of supplemental oxygen in chronic respiratory disease. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(1), 26-32. [More Information]
- Murray, S., Murchie, P., Campbell, N., Walter, F., Mazza, D., Habgood, E., Kutzer, Y., Martin, A., Goodall, S., Barnes, D., et al (2015). Protocol for the CHEST Australia Trial: a phase II randomised controlled trial of an intervention to reduce time-to-consult with symptoms of lung cancer. BMJ Open, 5(5), e008046. [More Information]
- Jo, H., Barnes, D. (2015). Role of novel oral anticoagulants in the management and prevention of venous thromboembolism. World Journal of Hematology, 4(1), 1-9. [More Information]
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- Troy, L., Wong, K., Barnes, D. (2013). Prevalence and Utility of Positive Pneumococcal Urinary Antigen Tests in Australian Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia. ISRN Infectious Diseases, 2013, 1-5. [More Information]
- Boyer, M., McCaughan, B., Barnes, D., Yip, P. (2012). Diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer: A focus on the GPs role. Medicine Today, 13(2), 30-36.
- Lau, E., Barnes, D., Moriarty, C., Ogle, R., Dentice, R., Civitico, J., Avedello, A., Torzillo, P., Bye, P. (2011). Pregnancy outcomes in the current era of cystic fibrosis care: A 15-year experience. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 51(3), 220-224. [More Information]
- Barnes, D. (2009). Keeping the workplace safe in troubled times. Chest, 136(4), 956-957. [More Information]
- McEvoy, R., Pierce, R., Hillman, D., Esterman, A., Ellis, E., Catcheside, P., O'Donoghue, F., Barnes, D., Grunstein, R. (2009). Nocturnal non-invasive nasal ventilation in stable hypercapnic COPD: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax, 64(7), 561-566. [More Information]
- Piper, A., Wang, D., Yee, B., Grunstein, R., Barnes, D. (2008). Randomised trial of CPAP vs bilevel support in the treatment of obesity hypoventilation syndrome without severe nocturnal desaturation. Thorax, 63(5), 395-401. [More Information]
- Vedam, H., Phillips, C., Wang, D., Barnes, D., Hedner, J., Unger, G., Grunstein, R. (2008). Short-term hypoxia reduces arterial stiffness in healthy men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 105(1), 19-25. [More Information]
- Harrington, Z., Barnes, D. (2007). One drug or two? Step-down therapy after i.v. antibiotics for community-acquired pneumonia. Internal Medicine Journal, 37(11), 767-771. [More Information]
- Barnes, D. (2007). The staging system for nonsmall cell lung cancer - Time for an overhaul? Chest, 131, 948-949. [More Information]
- Reddel, H., Barnes, D. (2006). Pharmacological strategies for self-management of asthma exacerbations. European Respiratory Journal, 28(1), 182-199. [More Information]
- Barnes, D. (2004). The Changing Face of Lung Cancer. Chest, 126(6), 1718-1721. [More Information]
- Vedam, H., Barnes, D. (2003). Comparison of large-and-small-bore intercostal catheters in the management of spontaneous pneumothorax. Internal Medicine Journal, 33(11), 495-499. [More Information]
- Dobbin, C., Duggan, C., Barnes, D. (2001). The efficacy of an antibiotic protocol for community-acquired pneumonia. Medical Journal of Australia, 174, 333-337.
Selected Grants
- LEAD- Lung Cancer Diagnostic Pathways: A Comparison Between CALD and Anglo-Australian Patients, Mazza D, Emery J, Walter F, Young J, Barnes D, Cancer Australia/Priority Driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme
- CHEST Australia: reducing time to consult in primary care with symptoms of lung cancer, Emery J, Mazza D, Campbell N, Murchie P, Martin A, Walter F, Barnes D, Goodall S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants