Dr Eli Muller

Dr Eli Muller

School of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Project titleResearch student
Modelling the brain's response to stimulationRishikesan MARAN



  • Taylor, N., Whyte, C., Munn, B., Chang, C., Lizier, J., Leopold, D., Turchi, J., Zaborszky, L., Muller, E., Shine, J. (2024). Causal evidence for cholinergic stabilization of attractor landscape dynamics. Cell Reports, 43(6). [More Information]
  • Toker, D., Muller, E., Miyamoto, H., Riga, M., Lladó-Pelfort, L., Yamakawa, K., Artigas, F., Shine, J., Hudson, A., Pouratian, N., et al (2024). Criticality supports cross-frequency cortical-thalamic information transfer during conscious states. eLife, 13. [More Information]
  • Polyakov, D., Robinson, P., Muller, E., Shriki, O. (2024). Recruiting neural field theory for data augmentation in a motor imagery brain–computer interface. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 11. [More Information]


  • Taylor, N., Whyte, C., Munn, B., Chang, C., Lizier, J., Leopold, D., Turchi, J., Zaborszky, L., Muller, E., Shine, J. (2024). Causal evidence for cholinergic stabilization of attractor landscape dynamics. Cell Reports, 43(6). [More Information]
  • Toker, D., Muller, E., Miyamoto, H., Riga, M., Lladó-Pelfort, L., Yamakawa, K., Artigas, F., Shine, J., Hudson, A., Pouratian, N., et al (2024). Criticality supports cross-frequency cortical-thalamic information transfer during conscious states. eLife, 13. [More Information]
  • Polyakov, D., Robinson, P., Muller, E., Shriki, O. (2024). Recruiting neural field theory for data augmentation in a motor imagery brain–computer interface. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 11. [More Information]


  • Munn, B., Muller, E., Aru, J., Whyte, C., Gidon, A., Larkum, M., Shine, J. (2023). A thalamocortical substrate for integrated information via critical synchronous bursting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(46), e2308670120. [More Information]
  • Munn, B., Muller, E., Medel, V., Naismith, S., Lizier, J., Sanders, R., Shine, J. (2023). Neuronal connected burst cascades bridge macroscale adaptive signatures across arousal states. Nature Communications, 14(1). [More Information]
  • Muller, E., Munn, B., Redinbaugh, M., Lizier, J., Breakspear, M., Saalmann, Y., Shine, J. (2023). The non-specific matrix thalamus facilitates the cortical information processing modes relevant for conscious awareness. Cell Reports, 42(8). [More Information]


  • Siu, P., Muller, E., Zerbi, V., Aquino, K., Fulcher, B. (2022). Extracting Dynamical Understanding From Neural-Mass Models of Mouse Cortex. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 16. [More Information]
  • Iyer, K., Hwang, K., Hearne, L., Muller, E., D’Esposito, M., Shine, J., Cocchi, L. (2022). Focal neural perturbations reshape low-dimensional trajectories of brain activity supporting cognitive performance. Nature Communications, 13(1), 4. [More Information]
  • John, Y., Sawyer, K., Srinivasan, K., Muller, E., Munn, B., Shine, J. (2022). It’s about time: Linking dynamical systems with human neuroimaging to understand the brain. Network Neuroscience, 6(4), 960-979. [More Information]


  • Muller, E., Munn, B., Mohr, H., Ruge, H., Shine, J. (2021). Brain state kinematics and the trajectory of task performance improvement. NeuroImage, 243, 118510. [More Information]
  • Shine, J., Muller, E., Munn, B., Cabral, J., Moran, R., Breakspear, M. (2021). Computational models link cellular mechanisms of neuromodulation to large-scale neural dynamics. Nature Neuroscience, 24(6), 765-776. [More Information]
  • Munn, B., Muller, E., Wainstein Bezamat, G., Shine, J. (2021). The ascending arousal system shapes neural dynamics to mediate awareness of cognitive states. Nature Communications, 12(1), 6016. [More Information]


  • Muller, E., Munn, B., Hearne, L., Smith, J., Fulcher, B., Arnatkeviciute, A., Lurie, D., Cocchi, L., Shine, J. (2020). Core and matrix thalamic sub-populations relate to spatio-temporal cortical connectivity gradients. NeuroImage, 222, 1-10. [More Information]
  • Muller, E., Munn, B., Shine, J. (2020). Diffuse neural coupling mediates complex network dynamics through the formation of quasi-critical brain states. Nature Communications, 11, 6337. [More Information]
  • Taylor, N., Muller, E., Shine, J. (2020). Shaking with fear: the role of noradrenaline in modulating resting tremor. Brain, 143(5), 1288-1291. [More Information]


  • Shine, J., Hearne, L., Breakspear, M., Hwang, K., Muller, E., Sporns, O., Poldrack, R., Mattingley, J., Cocchi, L. (2019). The Low-Dimensional Neural Architecture of Cognitive Complexity Is Related to Activity in Medial Thalamic Nuclei. Neuron, 104(5), 849-855.e1-e3. [More Information]


  • Muller, E., Robinson, P. (2018). Quantitative theory of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus for the suppression of pathological rhythms in Parkinson's disease. PLoS Computational Biology, 14(5), 1-20. [More Information]
  • Muller, E., Robinson, P. (2018). Suppression of parkinsonian beta oscillations by deep brain stimulation: Determination of effective protocols. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 12, 1-16. [More Information]


  • Muller, E., Van Albada, S., Kim, J., Robinson, P. (2017). Unified neural field theory of brain dynamics underlying oscillations in Parkinson's disease and generalized epilepsies. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 428, 132-146. [More Information]