Dr Elizabeth Machan

Dr Elizabeth Machan

+61 2 9351 0648
+61 2 9351 0615
Dr Elizabeth Machan

Dr Elizabeth Cayanan is an accredited Exercise Physiologist and Nutritionist and is also a clinical research fellow in the Sleep and Circadian Research group at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, supported by the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence, NeuroSLEEP. Her clinical research fellowship focuses on implementing clinical nutritional and exercise physiology pathways for patients with sleep and circadian disorders. Elizabeth was awarded a rapid translational grant from the Medical Research Future Fund to test the implementation of a comprehensive weight loss lifestyle programme she developed in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea at Royal Prince Alfred Hosptial. In addition, she is in a collaborative international research group partnered with National Taiwan University to investigate the food intake and preferences in shift working nurses.

Elizabeth graduated with first class honours in exercise, sports science and nutrition from the University of Sydney where her research focused on the cardio-metabolic effects of high intensity interval training compared to traditional weight loss exercise. She received a prestigious postgraduate award scholarship, and completed her PhD in the field of obstructive sleep apnea and obesity management at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, the University of Sydney. She has led weight loss intervention programmes for overweight and obese patients with obstructive sleep apnoea, PCOS, diabetes and other chronic conditions in both clinical and research settings and has extensive experience working in multidisciplinary teams.

Dr Cayanan commenced her role at Sydney Nursing School as a Scholarly Teaching Fellow immediately after her PhD was awarded and is passionate about education. She maintains a clinical workload in public and private settings, consulting patients with a range of chronic diseases to aid lifestyle management and long-term weight loss maintenance. Her clinical expertise, strong background in physiology and overlap with nurses in multi-disciplinary settings positioned her well in Sydney Nursing School. She endeavors to deliver a high-quality and scientific understanding of complex health diseases and disorders and draws significantly from her extensive clinical experience to provide an integrated insight into interdisciplinary care. Dr Cayanan contributes constructive input regarding the learning and teaching environment and processes to enhance the quality of teaching to enhance student experience.

Dr Cayanan is also a part of a grant awarded to re-invigorate the website for first year students to improve their experience at the University. In addition, she is a part of a national collaboration with Griffith University that seeks to improve nursing student engagement with physiology and pathophysiology teaching at universities.

Her research interests include the neurocognitive and cardio-metabolic changes associated with weight loss and the effects of dietary composition on various health outcomes including metabolic and endocrine dysfunction. Dr Cayanan’s future research development is structured towards translational projects for obesity management in clinical settings with collaboration across multiple sites. She endeavors to develop a weight loss intervention for patients with obstructive sleep apnea tailored specifically for delivery by nurses with the intention of translation within the hospital setting.

In addition, Dr Cayanan is investigating the impact of shift work on nutritional preferences and energy intake in nurses with the intention of developing an intervention to target obesity amongst shiftworkers. Dr Cayanan continues to collaborate with the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, The Brain and Mind Centre, The Boden Institute, The Charles Perkins Centre and is a member of the Sydney Sleep Clinical Trials Network whose goal is to roll out translational programs within hospital settings.

Unit Coordinator

NURS1001: Health and Human Biology

NURS1005:Interruptions to Normal Physiology

NURS5042: The Body, Its Function and Pharmacology

Teaching Staff

EXSS5101 Design and Implementation of Exercise

EXSS5201 Exercise in Chronic and Complex Cases

EXSS3070 Advanced Exercise Programming and Delivery

Sydney Medical Program Year 1 2022

  • Medical Research Future Fund Award, Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant (Funding Jan 2019- Mar 2021)- Weight loss for sleep disordered breathing: Translating Sleep, Lifestyle, Energy, Eating, Exercise Programme into practice, Lead principal investigator (CIA)
  • The impact of shift work on energy and macronutrient intake in nurses, Australia and Taiwan The TASTE Study.Investigators: Gordon C, Shiao J, Guo L, Marshall N, Cayanan E, Chen C, Ouyang C, Comas Soberats M, Hoyos C, Phillips C; Office of Global Engagement/Partnership Collaboration Awards.
  • Treating sleep apnoea after weight loss in patients with pre-diabetes to maintain cardio-metabolic health - A Randomised Controlled Trial; Sydney Medical School Foundation/Foundation Grant & Diabetes Australia Grant
  • Body composition effects of high intensity functional exercise training during rapid weight loss in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: A pilot randomised controlled trial (WOLF study: Weight loss Obstructive sLeep apnoea & Functional exercise)- Woolcock Medical Research Institute Seed Funding Grant
  • PRT MEDIC: Progressive Resistance Training for Metabolic syndrome and Depression Integrated Care. A Randomised Controlled Trial
  • Member of the Australia New Zealand Obesity Society
  • Member of the Australasian Sleep Association
  • Member of the World Obesity Federation
  • Member of the Obesity Society
  • Member of Exercise, Sport Science Australia
  • Member of the Sydney Sleep Clinical Trials Network
  • Member of the European Sleep Research Society
  • Member of the Golden Key Honours Society

Journal reviewer

Reviewer for peer-reviewed journal articles for Annals of the American Thoracic Society, Respiratory Medicine Journal, International Journal of Obesity, Journal of Sleep Research, BMC Obesity

Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship: (2011-2014)

Top-up scholarship 2011

Travel grant from the European Sleep Research Society for the 2014 conference held in Estonia

Travel grant from the Australasian Society Australasian Sleep Association for the Sleep DownUnder Conference in Perth 2014

Travel grant from the Australasian Society Australasian Sleep Association for the Sleep DownUnder Conference in Melbourne 2015

Highly Commended Award for oral presentation at the Woolcock Symposium, 2015.

Best Sleep Presentation Prize for oral presentation at the NSW branch Annual General Meeting, Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2015.

Best Early Career Presentation at the Inaugural Think Tank, a joint networking event for Heart Research Institute, the Centenary and the Woolcock. 2021

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic disease and ageing



  • Phillips, C., Machan, E., Yee, B. (2022). Predicting Weight-Loss Effects on Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiometabolic Health In Search of the Craniofacial "Holy Grail". American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 205(6), 614-616. [More Information]
  • Altree, T., Bartlett, D., Marshall, N., Hoyos, C., Phillips, C., Birks, C., Kanagaratnam, A., Mullins, A., Serinel, Y., Wong, K., Yee, B., Grunstein, R., Machan, E. (2022). Predictors of weight loss in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing, 26(2), 753-762. [More Information]
  • Lin, T., Guo, Y., Gordon, C., Chen, Y., Wu, H., Machan, E., Ouyang, C., Shiao, J. (2022). Snacking among shiftwork nurses related to non-optimal dietary intake. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(11), 3629-3640. [More Information]


  • Phillips, C., Machan, E., Yee, B. (2022). Predicting Weight-Loss Effects on Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiometabolic Health In Search of the Craniofacial "Holy Grail". American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 205(6), 614-616. [More Information]
  • Altree, T., Bartlett, D., Marshall, N., Hoyos, C., Phillips, C., Birks, C., Kanagaratnam, A., Mullins, A., Serinel, Y., Wong, K., Yee, B., Grunstein, R., Machan, E. (2022). Predictors of weight loss in obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing, 26(2), 753-762. [More Information]
  • Lin, T., Guo, Y., Gordon, C., Chen, Y., Wu, H., Machan, E., Ouyang, C., Shiao, J. (2022). Snacking among shiftwork nurses related to non-optimal dietary intake. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(11), 3629-3640. [More Information]


  • Sutherland, K., Chapman, J., Machan, E., Lowth, A., Hoyos, C., Wong, K., Yee, B., Grunstein, R., Cistulli, P., Marshall, N. (2021). Does craniofacial morphology relate to sleep apnea severity reduction following weight loss intervention? A patient-level meta-analysis. Sleep, 44(3), zsaa200. [More Information]
  • Barton, M., Bentley, S., Craft, J., Dupen, O., Gordon, C., Machan, E., Kunst, E., Connors, A., Todorovic, M., Johnston, A. (2021). Nursing students' perceptions of clinical relevance and engagement with bioscience education: A cross-sectional study of undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 99, 104767. [More Information]
  • Tsai, S., Lee, P., Gordon, C., Machan, E., Lee, C. (2021). Objective sleep efficiency but not subjective sleep quality is associated with longitudinal risk of depression in pregnant women: A prospective observational cohort study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 120, 103966-1-103966-8. [More Information]


  • Machan, E., Bartlett, D., Chapman, J., Hoyos, C., Phillips, C., Grunstein, R. (2019). A review of psychosocial factors and personality in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea. European Respiratory Review, 28(152), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Lin, T., Guo, Y., Gordon, C., Machan, E., Chen, Y., Ouyang, C., Shiao, J. (2019). Association between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption as meal substitutes, workload, and obesity in nurses: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Hoyos, C., Murugan, S., Melehan, K., Yee, B., Phillips, C., Killick, R., Machan, E., Wong, K., Liu, P., Grunstein, R., Marshall, N. (2019). Dose-dependent effects of continuous positive airway pressure for sleep apnea on weight or metabolic function: Individual patient-level clinical trial meta-analysis. Journal of Sleep Research, 28(5), 1-7. [More Information]


  • Phillips, C., Machan, E., Hoyos, C. (2018). Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation for obese sleep-disordered breathing: a new treatment frontier? Thorax, 73(7), 603-604. [More Information]
  • Chapman, J., Machan, E., Hoyos, C., Serinel, Y., Comas Soberats, M., Yee, B., Wong, K., Grunstein, R., Marshall, N. (2018). Does Armodafinil Improve Driving Task Performance and Weight Loss in Sleep Apnea? A Randomized Trial. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 198(7), 941-950. [More Information]
  • Machan, E., Marshall, N., Hoyos, C., Phillips, C., Serinel, Y., Wong, K., Yee, B., Grunstein, R. (2018). Maintenance diets following rapid weight loss in obstructive sleep apnea: a pilot 1-year clinical trial. Journal of Sleep Research, 27(2), 244-253. [More Information]


  • Hoyos, C., Yee, B., Phillips, C., Machan, E., Grunstein, R., Liu, P. (2015). Body compositional and cardiometabolic effects of testosterone therapy in obese men with severe obstructive sleep apnea: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. European Journal of Endocrinology, 173(5), x3. [More Information]


  • Keating, S., Machan, E., O'Connor, H., Gerofi, J., Salis (nee Sainsbury), A., Caterson, I., Johnson, N. (2014). Continuous Exercise but Not High Intensity Interval Training Improves Fat Distribution in Overweight Adults. Journal of Obesity, 2014, 1-12. [More Information]


  • Bonsignore, M., Borel, A., Machan, E., Grunstein, R. (2013). Sleep apnoea and metabolic dysfunction. European Respiratory Review, 22(129), 353-364. [More Information]


  • Hoyos, C., Yee, B., Phillips, C., Machan, E., Grunstein, R., Liu, P. (2012). Body compositional and cardiometabolic effects of testosterone therapy in obese men with severe obstructive sleep apnea: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. European Journal of Endocrinology, 167(4), 531-541. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Optimising sleep quality inside insecticide treated mosquito nets in hot overnight environments, Mavros Y, Bartlett D, Capon A, Machan E, Vargas N, Smallcombe J, Capon A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Ideas Grant


  • Weight loss for sleep disordered breathing: translating sleep, lifestyle, energy, eating, exercise program into practice, Machan E, Yee B, Wong K, Phillips C, Grunstein R, Marshall N, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - Rapid Applied Research Translation (RART) - Sydney Health Partners