Professor Fiona Blyth
Associate Dean, Concord Clinical School
Professor of Public Health & Pain Medicine
Professor of Public Health & Pain Medicine
Member of the Charles Perkins Centre
Healthy Ageing, Lifespan
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Book Chapters
- Blyth, F. (2011). The demography of chronic pain: An overview. In Peter Croft, Fiona Blyth, Danielle van der Windt (Eds.), Chronic Pain Epidemiology: From Aetiology to Public Health, (pp. 19-34). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Blyth, F., Boyle, F. (2010). Cancer and chronic pain. In Peter Croft, Fiona Blyth, Danielle van der Windt (Eds.), Chronic Pain Epidemiology: From Aetiology to Public Health, (pp. 271-276). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Van Zwieten, A., Blyth, F., Wong, G., Khalatbari Soltani, S. (2024). Consideration of overadjustment bias in guidelines and tools for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies is long overdue. International Journal of Epidemiology, 53(1), dyad174. [More Information]
- Langford, A., Nielsen, S., Penm, J., Reeve, E., Reid, S., Wale, J., Osman, R., Gnjidic, D., Schneider, C., Bero, L., Lin, C., Blyth, F., Jeon, Y., Murnion, B., et al (2024). Context matters: using an Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework to develop and encourage uptake of opioid deprescribing guideline recommendations at the point-of-care. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 165, 111204. [More Information]
- Luong, R., Ribeiro, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Seibel, M., Hirani, V. (2024). Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between empirically derived dietary patterns and frailty among older men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 28(1), 100021. [More Information]
- Luong, R., Ribeiro, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Seibel, M., Hirani, V. (2024). Empirically derived dietary patterns are associated with major adverse cardiovascular events, all-cause mortality, and congestive cardiac failure in older men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 28(2), 100020. [More Information]
- Tran, M., Van Zwieten, A., Kiely, K., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Seibel, M., Waite, L., Cumming, R., Khalatbari Soltani, S. (2024). Intra-generational social mobility and mortality among older men in the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project: A cohort study. SSM - Population Health, 25, 101581. [More Information]
- Van Zwieten, A., Dai, J., Blyth, F., Wong, G., Khalatbari Soltani, S. (2024). Overadjustment bias in systematic reviews and meta-analyses of socio-economic inequalities in health: a meta-research scoping review. International Journal of Epidemiology, 53(1), dyad177. [More Information]
- Bliuc, D., Tran, T., Alarkawi, D., Chen, W., Alajlouni, D., Blyth, F., March, L., Blank, R., Center, J. (2024). Patient Self-Assessment of Walking Ability and Fracture Risk in Older Australian Adults. JAMA Network Open, , E2352675. [More Information]
- Sakiris, M., Hilmer, S., Sawan, M., Lo, S., Kelly, P., Blyth, F., McLachlan, A., Gnjidic, D. (2024). Prevalence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospital Among Older Patients with and Without Dementia. Drugs and Aging. [More Information]
- Daniels, B., Luckett, T., Liauw, W., Falster, M., Gisev, N., Blyth, F., Pearson, S. (2024). Trajectories of Opioid Use Before and After Cancer Diagnosis: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. [More Information]
- Khalatbari Soltani, S., Si, Y., Dominguez, M., Scott, T., Blyth, F. (2024). Worldwide cohort studies to support healthy ageing research: data availabilities and gaps. Ageing Research Reviews, 96, 102277-102277. [More Information]
- Bliuc, D., Tran, T., Chen, W., Alarkawi, D., Alajlouni, D., Blyth, F., March, L., Blank, R., Center, J. (2023). Antiresorptive Medication Use Is not Associated With Acute Cardiovascular Risk: An Observational Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 108(5), e110-e119. [More Information]
- Abdel Shaheed, C., Ivers, R., Vizza, L., McLachlan, A., Kelly, P., Blyth, F., Stanaway, F., Clare, P., Thompson, R., Lung, T., Reid, S., McCaffery, K., Mathieson, S., Maher, C., et al (2023). Clinical Observation, Management and Function Of low back pain Relief Therapies (COMFORT): A cluster randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open, 13(11), e075286. [More Information]
- Langford, A., Nielsen, S., Osman, R., Penm, J., Reeve, E., Reid, S., Schneider, C., Gnjidic, D., Lin, C., Bero, L., Blyth, F., Jeon, Y., Murnion, B., et al (2023). Clinical practice guideline for deprescribing opioid analgesics: summary of recommendations. Medical Journal of Australia, 219(2), 80-89. [More Information]
- Gisev, N., Pearson, S., Dobbins, T., Buizen, L., Murphy, T., Wilson, A., Blyth, F., Dunlop, A., Larney, S., Currow, D., et al (2023). Cohort profile: POPPY II - A population-based cohort examining the patterns and outcomes of prescription opioid use in New South Wales, Australia. BMJ Open, 13(5). [More Information]
- Gisev, N., Buizen, L., Hopkins, R., Schaffer, A., Daniels, B., Bharat, C., Dobbins, T., Larney, S., Blyth, F., Currow, D., Wilson, A., Pearson, S., et al (2023). Five-Year Trajectories of Prescription Opioid Use. JAMA Network Open, 6(8), E2328159. [More Information]
- Ferreira, M., de Luca, K., Haile, L., Steinmetz, J., Culbreth, G., Cross, M., Kopec, J., Ferreira, P., Blyth, F., Buchbinder, R., et al (2023). Global, regional, and national burden of low back pain, 1990–2020, its attributable risk factors, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet Rheumatology, 5(6), e316-e329. [More Information]
- Luong, R., Ribeiro, R., Rangan, A., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Seibel, M., Hirani, V. (2023). Haem Iron Intake Is Associated with Increased Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events, All-Cause Mortality, Congestive Cardiac Failure, and Coronary Revascularisation in Older Men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 27(7), 559-570. [More Information]
- Chand, R., Blyth, F., Khalatbari Soltani, S. (2023). Healthy dietary indices and noncancer pain: a systematic review of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Pain, 164(4), E177-E189. [More Information]
- Kiely, K., Khalatbari Soltani, S., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Handelsman, D., Waite, L., Le Couteur, D., Mortby, M., Cumming, R., Anstey, K. (2023). Mixed Evidence of an Association between Self-Rated Hearing Difficulties and Falls: Prospective Analysis of Two Longitudinal Studies. Gerontology, 69(1), 98-108. [More Information]
- Hamilton, M., Kwok, W., Hsu, A., Mathieson, S., Gnjidic, D., Deyo, R., Ballantyne, J., Von Korff, M., Blyth, F., Lin, C. (2023). Opioid deprescribing in patients with chronic noncancer pain: a systematic review of international guidelines. Pain, 164(3), 485-493. [More Information]
- Schaffer, A., Gisev, N., Blyth, F., Buckley, N., Currow, D., Dobbins, T., Wilson, A., Degenhardt, L., Pearson, S. (2023). Opioid prescribing patterns among medical practitioners in New South Wales, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42(6), 1472-1481. [More Information]
- Joshy, G., Khalatbari Soltani, S., Soga, K., Butow, P., Laidsaar-Powell, R., Koczwara, B., Rankin, N., Brown, S., Weber, M., Mazariego, C., Grogan, P., Canfell, K., Blyth, F., et al (2023). Pain and its interference with daily living in relation to cancer: a comparative population-based study of 16,053 cancer survivors and 106,345 people without cancer. BMC Cancer, 23(1). [More Information]
- Scott, D., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Waite, L., Hirani, V. (2023). Sarcopenia prevalence and functional outcomes in older men with obesity: Comparing the use of the EWGSOP2 sarcopenia versus ESPEN-EASO sarcopenic obesity consensus definitions. Clinical Nutrition, 42(9), 1610-1618. [More Information]
- Calais-Ferreira, L., Pozzobon, D., De Barros Pinheiro, M., Blyth, F., Ordoñana, J., Duncan, G., Hopper, J., Ferreira, P., Ferreira, M. (2023). Sex differences in lifetime prevalence of low back pain: A multinational study of opposite-sex twin pairs. European Journal of Pain, 27(10), 1150-1160. [More Information]
- Bliuc, D., Tran, T., Chen, W., Alarkawi, D., Alajlouni, D., Blyth, F., March, L., Ensrud, K., Blank, R., Center, J. (2023). The association between multimorbidity and osteoporosis investigation and treatment in high-risk fracture patients in Australia: A prospective cohort study. PLoS Medicine, 20(1). [More Information]
- Hilmer, S., Lo, S., Kelly, P., Viney, R., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., McLachlan, A., Arora, S., Hossain, L., Gnjidic, D. (2023). Towards Optimizing Hospitalized Older adults' MEdications (TO HOME): Multi-centre study of medication use and outcomes in routine care. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. [More Information]
- Parambath, S., Cordeiro da Costa, N., Huckel Schneider, C., Blyth, F. (2023). What guides back pain care? A content analysis of low back pain directives in the Australian context. Health Research Policy and Systems, 21(1). [More Information]
- Cordeiro da Costa, N., Blyth, F., Parambath, S., Huckel Schneider, C. (2023). What's the low back pain problem represented to be? An analysis of discourse of the Australian policy directives. Disability and Rehabilitation, 45(20), 3312-3322. [More Information]
- Das, A., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Waite, L., Ribeiro, R., Simpson, S., Hirani, V. (2022). Associations between dietary intake of total protein and sources of protein (plant vs. animal) and risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in older Australian men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 35(5), 845-860. [More Information]
- Van Zwieten, A., Tennant, P., Kelly-Irving, M., Blyth, F., Teixeira-Pinto, A., Khalatbari Soltani, S. (2022). Avoiding overadjustment bias in social epidemiology through appropriate covariate selection: a primer. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 149, 127-136. [More Information]
- Hamilton, M., Mathieson, S., Gnjidic, D., Jansen, J., Weir, K., Shaheed, C., Blyth, F., Lin, C. (2022). Barriers, facilitators, and resources to opioid deprescribing in primary care: Experiences of general practitioners in Australia. Pain, 163(4), E518-E526. [More Information]
- Luong, R., Ribeiro, R., Rangan, A., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Cumming, R., Le Couteur, D., Hirani, V. (2022). Changes in Dietary Total and Nonheme Iron Intake Is Associated With Incident Frailty in Older Men: The Concord Health and Aging in Men Project. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77(9), 1853-1865. [More Information]
- Walker, P., Cornell, S., De Morgan, S., Bonner, C., Blyth, F. (2022). Chronic pain and cardiovascular disease prevention in primary care: A review of Australian primary health network needs assessments. Australian Health Review, 46(1), 70-77. [More Information]
- Khalatbari Soltani, S., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Seibel, M., Hirani, V., Wright, F., Waite, L., Cumming, R. (2022). Cohort Profile Update: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project (CHAMP). International Journal of Epidemiology, 51(1), 31-32H. [More Information]
- De Morgan, S., Walker, P., Blyth, F., Nicholas, M., Wilson, A. (2022). Community-based pain programs commissioned by primary health networks: Key findings from an online survey and consultation with program managers. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28(4), 303-314. [More Information]
- Wu, H., Mach, J., Gnjidic, D., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Hilmer, S. (2022). Comparing Effects of Polypharmacy on Inflammatory Profiles in Older Adults and Mice: Implications for Translational Aging Research. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77(7), 1295-1303. [More Information]
- Chow, E., Hsu, B., Waite, L., Blyth, F., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Naganathan, V., Stanaway, F. (2022). Diagnostic accuracy of linked administrative data for dementia diagnosis in community-dwelling older men in Australia. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). [More Information]
- de Luca, K., Briggs, A., French, S., Ferreira, M., Cross, M., Blyth, F., March, L. (2022). Disability burden due to musculoskeletal conditions and low back pain in Australia: findings from GBD 2019. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies, 30(1), 22. [More Information]
- Shu, C., Wright, F., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Stanaway, F. (2022). Does social support predict increased use of dental services in older men? Australian Dental Journal, 67(3), 262-270. [More Information]
- Avery, N., McNeilage, A., Stanaway, F., Ashton-James, C., Blyth, F., Martin, R., Gholamrezaei, A. (2022). Efficacy of interventions to reduce long term opioid treatment for chronic non-cancer pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 377, e066375. [More Information]
- Abdel Shaheed, C., Awal, W., Zhang, G., Gilbert, S., Gallacher, D., McLachlan, A., Day, R., Ferreira, G., Jones, C., Ahedi, H., Blyth, F., Stanaway, F., Maher, C., et al (2022). Efficacy, safety, and dose-dependence of the analgesic effects of opioid therapy for people with osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis. Medical Journal of Australia, 216(6), 305-311. [More Information]
- Walker, P., De Morgan, S., Wilson, A., Blyth, F. (2022). Establishing consensus on key elements and implementation enablers of community-based pain programs to support primary health network decision making: An eDelphi study. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28(1), 56-62. [More Information]
- De Morgan, S., Walker, P., Blyth, F., Marks, L., Rychetnik, L., Nicholas, M., Sanders, D., Wilson, A. (2022). Health and service needs, priorities and initiatives of primary health networks related to chronic pain. Australian Journal of Primary Health. [More Information]
- Gnanenthiran, S., Ng, A., Cumming, R., Brieger, D., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Seibel, M., Handelsman, D., Naganathan, V., Kritharides, L., Blyth, F. (2022). Hemoglobin, Frailty, and Long-term Cardiovascular Events in Community-Dwelling Older Men Aged ≥ 70 Years. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 38(6), 745-753. [More Information]
- Cordeiro da Costa, N., Blyth, F., Amorim, A., Parambath, S., Shanmuganathan, S., Huckel Schneider, C. (2022). Implementation Initiatives to Improve Low Back Pain Care in Australia: A Scoping Review. Pain Medicine, 23(12), 1979-2009. [More Information]
- Khalatbari Soltani, S., MacCora, J., Blyth, F., Joannès, C., Kelly-Irving, M. (2022). Measuring education in the context of health inequalities. International Journal of Epidemiology, 51(3), 701-708. [More Information]
- Hamilton, M., Gnjidic, D., Lin, C., Jansen, J., Weir, K., Abdel Shaheed, C., Blyth, F., Mathieson, S. (2022). Opioid deprescribing: Qualitative perspectives from those with chronic non-cancer pain. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(12), 4083-4091. [More Information]
- Wright, F., Shu, E., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Hirani, V., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Seibel, M., Waite, L., Stanaway, F. (2022). Oral health-related quality of life of older Australian men. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. [More Information]
- Wainwright, E., Bevan, S., Blyth, F., Khalatbari Soltani, S., Sullivan, M., Walker-Bone, K., Eccleston, C. (2022). Pain, work, and the workplace: A topical review. Pain, 163(3), 408-414. [More Information]
- Xu, P., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Cumming, R., Handelsman, D., Seibel, M., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Khalatbari Soltani, S. (2022). Socioeconomic Inequalities in Elective and Nonelective Hospitalizations in Older Men. JAMA Network Open, 5(4), e226398. [More Information]
- Khalatbari Soltani, S., Blyth, F. (2022). Socioeconomic position and pain: A topical review. Pain, 163(10), 1855-1861. [More Information]
- Hopkins, R., Campbell, G., Degenhardt, L., Nielsen, S., Blyth, F., Cohen, M., Gisev, N. (2022). Use of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments for chronic noncancer pain among people using opioids: a longitudinal cohort study. Pain, 163(6), 1049-1059. [More Information]
- Langford, A., Gnjidic, D., Lin, C., Bero, L., Blyth, F., Penm, J., Schneider, C. (2021). "The lesser of two evils": a framework analysis of consumers' perspectives on opioid deprescribing and the development of opioid deprescribing guidelines. Pain, 162(11), 2686-2692. [More Information]
- Takehara, S., Wright, F., Naganathan, V., Hirani, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Seibel, M., Handelsman, D., Cumming, R. (2021). A Cross-Sectional Study of Perceived Dental Treatment Needs and Oral Health Status in Community-Dwelling Older Australian Men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. International Dental Journal, 71(3), 224-232. [More Information]
- Cervo, M., Scott, D., Seibel, M., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Ribeiro, R., Waite, L., Hirani, V. (2021). Adherence to Mediterranean diet and its associations with circulating cytokines, musculoskeletal health and incident falls in community-dwelling older men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Clinical Nutrition, 40(12), 5753-5763. [More Information]
- Takehara, S., Hirani, V., Wright, F., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Seibel, M., Handelsman, D., Cumming, R. (2021). Appetite, oral health and weight loss in community-dwelling older men: an observational study from the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project (CHAMP). BMC Geriatrics, 21(1), 1-9. [More Information]
- Das, A., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Waite, L., Ribeiro, R., Simpson, S., Hirani, V. (2021). Associations between nutrient intakes and dietary patterns with different sarcopenia definitions in older Australian men: the concord health and ageing in men project. Public Health Nutrition, 24(14), 4490-4505. [More Information]
- Milledge, K., Cumming, R., Wright, F., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Hirani, V. (2021). Associations between the composition of functional tooth units and nutrient intake in older men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Public Health Nutrition, 24(18), 6335-6345. [More Information]
- Langford, A., Gnjidic, D., Lin, C., Bero, L., Penm, J., Blyth, F., Schneider, C. (2021). Challenges of opioid deprescribing and factors to be considered in the development of opioid deprescribing guidelines: A qualitative analysis. BMJ Quality and Safety, 30(2), 133-140. [More Information]
- Das, A., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Ribeiro, R., Waite, L., Simpson, S., Hirani, V. (2021). Changes in micronutrient intake and factors associated with this change among older Australian men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Public Health Nutrition, 24(14), 4454-4465. [More Information]
- Nielsen, S., Gisev, N., Leung, J., Clare, P., Bruno, R., Lintzeris, N., Larance, B., Blyth, F., Hall, W., Cohen, M., et al (2021). Clinical correlates and outcomes associated with pregabalin use among people prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain: A five-year prospective cohort study. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(8), 3092-3104. [More Information]
- Stanaway, F., Ribeiro, R., Khalatbari Soltani, S., Cvejic, E., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Simpson, S., Waite, L., Cumming, R., Hirani, V. (2021). Diet quality in an ethnically diverse population of older men in Australia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51(1). [More Information]
- Das, A., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Waite, L., Ribeiro, R., Simpson, S., Hirani, V. (2021). Dietary and supplemental antioxidant intake and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in older men: The concord health and ageing in men project. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, 31(4), 1102-1112. [More Information]
- Mohiuddin, M., Blyth, F., Degenhardt, L., Di Forti, M., Eccleston, C., Haroutounian, S., Rice, A., Wallace, M., Park, R., Gilron, I. (2021). General risks of harm with cannabinoids, cannabis, and cannabis-based medicine possibly relevant to patients receiving these for pain management: an overview of systematic reviews. Pain, 162, S80-S96. [More Information]
- Abdel Shaheed, C., Blyth, F., Furmage, A., Stanaway, F. (2021). Getting the "balance" right in clinical trials. BMJ, 375, n2869. [More Information]
- Briggs, A., Huckel Schneider, C., Slater, H., Jordan, J., Parambath, S., Young, J., Sharma, S., Kopansky-Giles, D., Mishrra, S., Akesson, K., Blyth, F., et al (2021). Health systems strengthening to arrest the global disability burden: Empirical development of prioritised components for a global strategy for improving musculoskeletal health. BMJ Global Health, 6(6), e006045. [More Information]
- Ng, C., Scott, D., Seibel, M., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Hirani, V. (2021). Higher-Impact Physical Activity Is Associated With Maintenance of Bone Mineral Density But Not Reduced Incident Falls or Fractures in Older Men: The Concord Health and Aging in Men Project. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 36(4), 662-672. [More Information]
- Haroutounian, S., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Belton, J., Blyth, F., Degenhardt, L., Di Forti, M., Eccleston, C., Finn, D., Finnerup, N., Fisher, E., et al (2021). International Association for the Study of Pain Presidential Task Force on Cannabis and Cannabinoid Analgesia: research agenda on the use of cannabinoids, cannabis, and cannabis-based medicines for pain management. Pain, 162, S117-S124. [More Information]
- Duong, M., McLachlan, A., Bennett, A., Jokanovic, N., Le Couteur, D., Baysari, M., Gnjidic, D., Blyth, F., Hilmer, S. (2021). Iterative Development of Clinician Guides to Support Deprescribing Decisions and Communication for Older Patients in Hospital: A Novel Methodology. Drugs and Aging, 38(1), 75-87. [More Information]
- Degenhardt, L., Hungerford, P., Nielsen, S., Bruno, R., Larance, B., Clare, P., Dobbins, T., Hall, W., Cohen, M., Blyth, F., Lintzeris, N., et al (2021). Pharmaceutical Opioid Use Patterns and Indicators of Extramedical Use and Harm in Adults with Chronic Noncancer Pain, 2012-2018. JAMA Network Open, 4(4), 20213059. [More Information]
- Aitken, S., Lujic, S., Randall, D., Noguchi, N., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F. (2021). Predicting outcomes in older patients undergoing vascular surgery using the Hospital Frailty Risk Score. British Journal of Surgery, 108(6), 659-666. [More Information]
- Scott, D., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Seibel, M., Waite, L., Hirani, V. (2021). Prospective associations of chronic and intrusive pain with sarcopenia and physical disability amongst older Australian men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Experimental Gerontology, 153, 111501. [More Information]
- Aitken, S., Lujic, S., Randall, D., Noguchi, N., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F. (2021). Response to Correspondence re 'Predicting outcomes in older patients undergoing vascular surgery using the Hospital Frailty Risk Score' by Guijuri et al. British Journal of Surgery, 108(2), e96. [More Information]
- Mesinovic, J., Scott, D., Seibel, M., Cumming, R., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Handelsman, D., Hirani, V. (2021). Risk factors for incident falls and fractures in older men with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus: The concord health and ageing in men project. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 76(6), 1090-1100. [More Information]
- Wagg, E., Blyth, F., Cumming, R., Khalatbari Soltani, S. (2021). Socioeconomic position and healthy ageing: a systematic review of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Ageing Research Reviews, 69, 101365. [More Information]
- Khalatbari Soltani, S., Cumming, R., Chomik, R., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Handelsman, D., Le Couteur, D., Waite, L., Stanaway, F. (2021). The association between home ownership and the health of older men: Cross-sectional analysis of the Australian Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 40(3), e199-e206. [More Information]
- Khalatbari Soltani, S., Stanaway, F., Sherrington, C., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Handelsman, D., Seibel, M., Waite, L., Le Couteur, D., Cumming, R. (2021). The Prospective Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Falls Among Community-Dwelling Older Men. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 76(10), 1821-1828. [More Information]
- Scott, D., Hirani, V., Waite, L., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Cumming, R., Jones, G. (2021). ‘Giant’ Claims Require Strong Evidence: A Comment on ‘Osteosarcopenia: A Geriatric Giant of the XXI Century’. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 25(7), 946-947. [More Information]
- Miaskowski, C., Blyth, F., Nicosia, F., Haan, M., Keefe, F., Smith, A., Ritchie, C. (2020). A Biopsychosocial Model of Chronic Pain for Older Adults. Pain Medicine, 21(9), 1793-1805. [More Information]
- Le Couteur, D., Stanaway, F., Waite, L., Cullen, J., Lindley, R., Blyth, F., Naganathan, V., Cumming, R., Handelsman, D. (2020). Apolipoprotein E and Health in Older Men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 75(10), 1858-1862. [More Information]
- Wright, F., Takehara, S., Stanaway, F., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Hirani, V., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Waite, L., Seibel, M., Cumming, R. (2020). Associations between oral health and depressive symptoms: Findings from the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 39(3), e306-e314. [More Information]
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- Walker, P., De Morgan, S., Day, M., Blyth, F. (2021). Commissioning community-based pain programs. A summary of research findings to support Primary Health Networks. The University of Sydney and The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre.
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Selected Grants
- Development of an electronic frailty index to improve care of older people in hospital, Hilmer S, Srikanth V, Thillainadesan J, Masnoon N, Edwards D, Kouladjian-O'Donnell L, Fujita K, Etherton-Beer C, Blyth F, Rockwood K, Ferguson C, Baysari M, Sarkies M, Hubbard R, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission
- COMFORT: Clinical Observation, Management, and Function Of low back pain Relief Therapies, Abdel Shaheed C, Maher C, McLachlan A, Blyth F, Kelly P, Stanaway F, Thompson R, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies
- Determining the impact of a new primary care model for low backpain: A cluster randomised trial, Blyth F, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - International Clinical Trials Collaborations Program
- Low Back Pain Centre for Research Excellence, Maher C, Buchbinder R, Hancock M, O'Sullivan P, McAuley J, Blyth F, Jorm L, Collie A, McCaffery K, Hayes A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Centres of Research Excellence
- Combating escalating harms associated with pharmaceutical opioid use, Blyth F, Degenhardt L, Dunlop A, Wilson A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants
- ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, Baird M, Piggott J, Blyth F, Cumming R, McDonald P, Anstey K, Keane M, Parker S, Sherris M, Bateman H, Clarke P, McKibbin W, Woodland A, Australian Research Council (ARC)/ARC Centres of Excellence
- Surgical Outcomes of Older Patients having Vascular Surgery in NSW, Aitken S, Blyth F, Naganathan V, Vascular Foundation/Research Support
- Epidemiology and outcomes of vascular surgery in elderly patients of NSW, Aitken S, Naganathan V, Blyth F, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons/Research Support
- Pharmaceutical opioids for chronic non-cancer pain: Evaluating health outcomes and economic impact over five years , Degenhardt L, Blyth F, Mattick R, Shanahan M, Cohen M, Lintzeris N, Bruno R, Nielsen S, Dobbins T, Larance B, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- 45 and Up Study data access , Sherrington C, Bauman A, Clemson L, Blyth F, Lin C, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Equipment Grant
- Study of the relationship of oral health and oral health service utilisation to the general health of older Australian men, Cumming R, Wright F, Hirani V, Naganathan V, Blyth F, Harford J, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Factors Influencing Social and health Outcomes After Land transport Injury FISH: inception cohort study, Cameron I, Blyth F, Collie A, Gabbe B, Ivers R, Maher C, Nicholas M, Boufous S, Willcock S, Dinh M, Joseph A, Button G, Derrett S, Kenardy J, Motor Accidents Authority (NSW)/Research Support
- Risk Assessment and Delivery of a Low Intensity Intervention for Pain and Anxiety Following Motor Vehicle Accidents, Dear B, Nicholas M, Blyth F, Girosi F, Nicholson Perry K, Motor Accidents Authority (NSW)/Research Support
- High risk prescribing in older Australians, Banks E, Le Couteur D, Pearson S, McLachlan A, Viney R, Hilmer S, Gnjidic D, Blyth F, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Triggers for low back pain, Maher C, Latimer J, Koes B, Blyth F, Ferreira P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Ageing, Nutrition and Geometric Framework, Cumming R, Simpson S, Le Couteur D, Blyth F, Naganathan V, Kendig H, Seibel M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
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