Associate Professor George Larcos
MB BS (Hons), FRACP, DDU, MPH, ThC (Hons), PhD.
Clinical Associate Professor
Medical Imaging, Westmead Clinical School
Medical Imaging, Westmead Clinical School
Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Neurosciences and Mental Health
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- Power, J., Larcos, G. (2023). 18-Fluoride fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography is impactful in newly diagnosed pancreatic adenocarcinoma. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 93(1-2), 145-150. [More Information]
- Lambeth, C., Perri, R., Lee, S., Verma, M., Campbell-Rogers, N., Larcos, G., Byth, K., Kairaitis, K., Amis, T., Wheatley, J. (2021). Predictors for carotid and femoral artery intima-media thickness in a non-diabetic sleep clinic cohort. PloS One, 16(6-Jun), e0252569. [More Information]
- Larcos, G. (2020). Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in Australia: time to improve the diagnosis of cirrhosis and use liver ultrasound. Medical Journal of Australia, 213(9), 431-431. [More Information]
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- Power, J., Larcos, G. (2023). 18-Fluoride fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography is impactful in newly diagnosed pancreatic adenocarcinoma. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 93(1-2), 145-150. [More Information]
- Lambeth, C., Perri, R., Lee, S., Verma, M., Campbell-Rogers, N., Larcos, G., Byth, K., Kairaitis, K., Amis, T., Wheatley, J. (2021). Predictors for carotid and femoral artery intima-media thickness in a non-diabetic sleep clinic cohort. PloS One, 16(6-Jun), e0252569. [More Information]
- Larcos, G. (2020). Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in Australia: time to improve the diagnosis of cirrhosis and use liver ultrasound. Medical Journal of Australia, 213(9), 431-431. [More Information]
- Mahajan, H., Gosselink, M., Di Re, A., Larcos, G., P'ng, C., Ctercteko, G. (2019). A Multifocal Pattern of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Along the Appendix: A Series of Six Cases. International Journal of Surgical Pathology, 27(6), 613-618. [More Information]
- Liu, J., Larcos, G. (2019). Radionuclide lung scans for suspected acute pulmonary embolism: Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or hybrid SPECT/CT? Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 63(6), 731-736. [More Information]
- Larcos, G., Prgomet, M., Georgiou, A., Westbrook, J. (2017). A work observation study of nuclear medicine technologists: Interruptions, resilience and implications for patient safety. BMJ Quality and Safety, 26(6), 466-474. [More Information]
- Liu, J., Larcos, G., Howle, J., Veness, M. (2017). Lack of clinical impact of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography with simultaneous computed tomography for stage I and II Merkel cell carcinoma with concurrent sentinel lymph node biopsy staging: A single institutional experience from Westmead Hospital, Sydney. Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 58(2), 99-105. [More Information]
- Larcos, G., Collins, L., Georgiou, A., Westbrook, J. (2015). Nuclear medicine incident reporting in australia: Control charts and notification rates inform quality improvement. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(6), 609-617. [More Information]
- Larcos, G., Collins, L., Georgiou, A., Westbrook, J. (2014). Maladministrations in nuclear medicine: revelations from the Australian Radiation Incident Register. Medical Journal of Australia, 200(1), 37-40. [More Information]
- Larcos, G. (2013). Diagnostic benefit of adding low-dose CT to SPECT V/Q. Internal Medicine Journal, 43(7), 841-842. [More Information]
- Better, N., Webb, M., Prior, D., Unger, S., Larcos, G. (2011). A new algorithm for the management of stable coronary artery disease incorporating CT coronary angiography and fractional flow reserve: how we can improve outcomes and reduce costs. Comment. Medical Journal of Australia, 194(12), 668-669. [More Information]
- Ansari, S., Tan, J., Larcos, G., Paterson, H. (2011). Low prevalence of significant carotid artery disease on ultrasounds in patients proceeding to coronary artery bypass surgery. Internal Medicine Journal, 41(9), 658-661. [More Information]
- Wong, C., Nikpour (Mohamed), A., Larcos, G., McCredie, R., Somerville, E., Bleasel, A. (2010). Brain activation patterns of versive, hypermotor, and bilateral asymmetric tonic seizures. Epilepsia, 51(10), 2131-2139. [More Information]
- Concannon, R., Larcos, G., Veness, M. (2010). The impact of (18)F-FDG PET-CT scanning for staging and management of Merkel cell carcinoma: Results from Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia. Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology, 62(1), 76-84. [More Information]
- Macfarlane, D., Angelides, S., Eisenberg, P., Larcos, G., Roach, P., Gerometta, M., Smart, R., Tsui, W., Scott, A. (2009). Imaging of deep venous thrombosis in patients using a radiolabelled anti-D-dimer Fab '' fragment (Tc-99m-DI-DD3B6/22-80B3): results of a phase I trial. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 36(2), 250-259. [More Information]
- Wong, K., Gruenewald, S., Larcos, G. (2009). Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch Resulting From Iatrogenic Pulmonary Vein Stenosis After Radiofrequency Ablation: A Case Report. Clinical Cardiology, 32(11), E67-70. [More Information]
- Lee, S., Amis, T., Byth Wilson, K., Larcos, G., Kairaitis, K., Robinson, T., Wheatley, J. (2008). Heavy snoring as a cause of carotid artery atherosclerosis. Sleep, 31(9), 1207-1213. [More Information]
- Wong, K., Gruenewald, S., Larcos, G., Jamali, M. (2006). Neonatal fungal ventriculitis. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 34(8), 402-406. [More Information]
- Young, S., Khalil, T., Larcos, G. (2006). Pneumonia can cause 111indium octreotide uptake. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 50(3), 218-21. [More Information]
- Arulventhan, R., Larcos, G., Gruenewald, S., Farrell, G. (2006). Primary sclerosing cholangitis: Correlation of hepatobiliary scintigraphy with clinical and laboratory status. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 50(4), 330-334. [More Information]
- Larcos, G. (2005). Australia's first religiously affiliated medical school. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(6), 331; author reply 333. [More Information]
- Larcos, G., Yenson, T., Collins, L. (2005). Radiopharmaceutical maladministrations in New South Wales. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 26(11), 1037-41. [More Information]
- Hatton, R., Hutton, B., Angelides, S., Choong, K., Larcos, G. (2004). Improved Tolerance To Missing Data In Myocardial Perfusion Spet Using Osem Reconstruction. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 31(6), 857-861.
- Wong, P., Spencer, D., McElduff, P., Manolios, N., Larcos, G., Howe, G. (2003). Secondary screening for osteoporosis in patients admitted with minimal-trauma fracture to a major teaching hospital. Internal Medicine Journal, 33(11), 505-510. [More Information]