Associate Professor Georgina Luscombe
Medicine, School of Rural Health (Dubbo/Orange)
Georgie is Associate Professor of Rural Health at the School of Rural Health. She has been an active researcher in this rural clinical school setting for the last decade and has formed strong collaborations with rural health service organisations and digital industry partners.
A/Prof Luscombe's principal research interest is rural health. She is dedicated to the fairer participation of Aboriginal people in both healthcare and health and wellbeing research.
A/Prof Luscombe is keen to build research capacity in rural health professionals.
Current research students:
Ms Anna Noonan
Rural sexual and reproductive rights: an exploration of the experiences of consumers and providers navigating a rural health system for unintended pregnancy and abortion.
Mr Thomas Groth
Analysis of Interventions Afforded to Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) Patients in Rural NSW: Is There a Case for Upskilling Rural Paramedics?
Mr Kheminda Imbulana
Evaluating the attitudes, needs and preferences regarding education, training and support for users of a wound care telehealth platform for patients in residential aged care.
- Evaluation of the Western NSW LHD Virtual Rural Generalist Service
- E-health to empower patients with Musculoskeletal Pain in Rural Australia (EMPoweR)
- Centralised Management System and hot transfer for STEMI in WNSW LHD
- Realising the benefits of clinical pharmacy in the bush: the efficacy and scalability of a virtual clinical pharmacy service (VCPS) in rural and remote NSW health facilities
- Sydney Medical Program Graduate Tracking Project
- Murray Darling Medical School Network Research Collaboration
Member of the Western NSW Primary Health Network Community Advisory Council
Member of the Western NSW Health Research Network steering group
Consumer representative, Lumos Data Governance Committee (
2018 Western NSW Health Research Network Health Academic Research Leader of the Year
Project title | Research student |
Virtual wound care in Australian aged care settings | Heather RUSSELL |
Book Chapters
- Robards, F., Kang, M., Sanci, L., Steinbeck, K., Hawke, C., Luscombe, G., Davies, C., Skinner, S., Usherwood, T. (2020). Recruitment and Engagement of Marginalized Young People in Mixed Methods Research: Exploring Health System Access, Engagement, and Navigation. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health. London: Sage Publications. [More Information]
- Seal, A., McGrail, M., Bain-Donohue, S., Fuller, L., Kirke, A., Garne, D., Luscombe, G., Allen, P., Wright, J., Burrows, J. (2024). Association between rural exposure/experience and practice location 10 years postgraduation, stratified by specialty: Evidence from a cohort study of graduates from nine Australian universities. BMJ Open, 14(6). [More Information]
- Mann Zhuang Mills, J., Luscombe, G., Hugh, T. (2024). Long-term patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) after primary ventral or small midline incisional hernia repair. ANZ Journal of Surgery. [More Information]
- Turner, B., Bullock, S., Butler, S., Ferrington, L., Macartney, M., Major, L., Monrouxe, L., Osuagwu, U., Southwell, P., Van Schaik, L., Luscombe, G. (2024). The Murray-Darling Medical Schools Network Research Collaboration: protocol for a longitudinal, multi-university program of work to explore the effect of rurally based medical school programs in the Murray-Darling region. Rural and Remote Health, 24(1), 8306. [More Information]
- Luscombe, G., Cheng, H., Balzer, B., Chow, C., Paxton, K., Steinbeck, K., Hawke, C. (2017). The ARCHER study of health and wellbeing in young rural Australians. 14th National Rural Health Conference (NRHC 2017), Canberra: National Rural Health Alliance.
- Ng, C., Hey Cunningham, A., Berbic, M., Luscombe, G., Markham, R., Fraser, I. (2010). Uterine expression of prokineticin-1 in women with and without endometriosis. 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Orlando, Florida, USA.: Orlando.
- Burns, J., Davenport, T., Christensen, H., Luscombe, G., Mendoza, J., Bresnan, A., Blanchard, M., Hickie, I. (2014). Game on: Exploring the impact of technologies on young men's mental health and wellbeing.
- Seal, A., McGrail, M., Bain-Donohue, S., Fuller, L., Kirke, A., Garne, D., Luscombe, G., Allen, P., Wright, J., Burrows, J. (2024). Association between rural exposure/experience and practice location 10 years postgraduation, stratified by specialty: Evidence from a cohort study of graduates from nine Australian universities. BMJ Open, 14(6). [More Information]
- Mann Zhuang Mills, J., Luscombe, G., Hugh, T. (2024). Long-term patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) after primary ventral or small midline incisional hernia repair. ANZ Journal of Surgery. [More Information]
- Turner, B., Bullock, S., Butler, S., Ferrington, L., Macartney, M., Major, L., Monrouxe, L., Osuagwu, U., Southwell, P., Van Schaik, L., Luscombe, G. (2024). The Murray-Darling Medical Schools Network Research Collaboration: protocol for a longitudinal, multi-university program of work to explore the effect of rurally based medical school programs in the Murray-Darling region. Rural and Remote Health, 24(1), 8306. [More Information]
- Hazell, P., Balzer, B., Garden, F., Handelsman, D., Paxton, K., Hawke, C., Ivers, R., Skinner, R., Luscombe, G., Steinbeck, K. (2023). Association of urinary sex hormones with mood and behavior changes in a community adolescent cohort. PloS One, 18(2024-10-10 00:00:00). [More Information]
- Luckett, T., Pond, D., Mitchell, G., Chenoweth, L., Amgarth-Duff, I., Disalvo, D., Phillips, J., Beattie, E., Davidson, P., Luscombe, G., et al (2023). Eating and drinking-related care for persons with advanced dementia in long-term care. Collegian. [More Information]
- Butler, S., Tall, J., Luscombe, G. (2023). Geographic variation in emergency department presentations among youth (10–24 years), New South Wales 2019: An epidemiological study. EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 35(6), 1013-1019. [More Information]
- Burgess, A., Luscombe, G., Ramsey-Stewart, G. (2022). An intensive anatomy by whole-body dissection elective: A longitudinal study. Clinical Anatomy, 35(5), 550-559. [More Information]
- Francisco, M., Lane, H., Luckett, T., Disalvo, D., Pond, D., Mitchell, G., Chenoweth, L., Phillips, J., Beattie, E., Luscombe, G., et al (2022). Facilitated case conferences on end-of-life care for persons with advanced dementia - A qualitative study of interactions between long-term care clinicians and family members. Age and Ageing, 51(2). [More Information]
- Seal, A., Playford, D., McGrail, M., Fuller, L., Allen, P., Burrows, J., Wright, J., Bain-Donohue, S., Garne, D., Major, L., Luscombe, G. (2022). Influence of rural clinical school experience and rural origin on practising in rural communities five and eight years after graduation. Medical Journal of Australia, 216(11), 572-577. [More Information]
- Luscombe, G., Hawthorn, J., Wu, A., Green, B., Munro, A. (2021). 'Empowering clinicians in smaller sites': A qualitative study of clinician's experiences with a rural Virtual Paediatric Feeding Clinic. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29(5), 742-752. [More Information]
- Luckett, T., Luscombe, G., Phillips, J., Beattie, E., Chenoweth, L., Davidson, P., Goodall, S., Pond, D., Mitchell, G., Agar, M. (2021). Australian long-term care personnel’s knowledge and attitudes regarding palliative care for people with advanced dementia. Dementia, 20(2), 427-443. [More Information]
- Mesa Castrillon, C., Simic, M., Ferreira, M., Hatswell, K., Luscombe, G., de Gregorio, A., Davis, P., Bauman, A., Bunker, S., Clavisi, O., Ferreira, P., et al (2021). EHealth to empower patients with musculoskeletal pain in rural Australia (EMPoweR) a randomised clinical trial: study protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1), 11. [More Information]
- Mesa Castrillon, C., Beckenkamp, P., Ferreira, M., Michell, J., Mendes, V., Luscombe, G., Stamatakis, E., Ferreira, P. (2020). Are people in the bush really physically active? A systematic review and meta-analysis of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in rural Australians populations. Journal of Global Health, 10(1), 1-13. [More Information]
- Steinbeck, K., Garden, F., Cheng, H., Luscombe, G., Handelsman, D. (2020). Bumpy and Smoother Pathways of Puberty Hormone Change: A Novel Way to Define Gonadal Hormone Trajectories in Adolescents. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 4(2), 1-14. [More Information]
- Weston, N., Luscombe, G., Duncanson, K. (2020). Effects of a Laxation and Probiotic Bowel Preparation Regimen: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Patients Undergoing Prostate Radiation Therapy. Nutrition and Cancer, 72(6), 999-1003. [More Information]
- Markham, R., Luscombe, G., Manconi, F., Fraser, I. (2019). A detailed profile of pain in severe endometriosis. Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders, 11(2), 85-94. [More Information]
- Peisah, C., Luscombe, G., Earl, J., Wijeratne, C. (2019). Aging women and men in the medical profession: The effect of gender and marital status on successful aging and retirement intent in Australian doctors. Journal of Women and Aging, 31(2), 95-107. [More Information]
- Balzer, B., Cheng, H., Garden, F., Luscombe, G., Paxton, K., Hawke, C., Handelsman, D., Steinbeck, K. (2019). Foot Length Growth as a Novel Marker of Early Puberty. Clinical Pediatrics, 58(13), 1429-1435. [More Information]
- Cheng, H., Salis (nee Sainsbury), A., Garden, F., Sritharan, M., Paxton, K., Luscombe, G., Hawke, C., Steinbeck, K. (2018). Ghrelin and Peptide YY Change During Puberty: Relationships with Adolescent Growth, Development, and Obesity. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 103(8), 2851-2860. [More Information]
- Clay-Williams, R., Plumb, J., Luscombe, G., Hawke, C., Dalton, H., Shannon, G., Johnson, J. (2018). Improving Teamwork and Patient Outcomes with Daily Structured Interdisciplinary Bedside Rounds: A Multimethod Evaluation. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 13(5), 311-317. [More Information]
- Wijeratne, C., Peisah, C., Earl, J., Luscombe, G. (2018). Occupational Determinants of Successful Aging in Older Physicians. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26(2), 200-208. [More Information]
- Ivory, K., Luscombe, G., Klein, L., Barratt, A. (2017). "Thank You for Giving Me a Voice!" A Longitudinal Evaluation of Patients’ Experience of Partnering With Students in an Australian Medical School. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 4, 1-9. [More Information]
- Luckett, T., Chenoweth, L., Phillips, J., Brooks, D., Cook, J., Mitchell, G., Pond, D., Davidson, P., Beattie, E., Luscombe, G., et al (2017). A facilitated approach to family case conferencing for people with advanced dementia living in nursing homes: perceptions of palliative care planning coordinators and other health professionals in the IDEAL study. International Psychogeriatrics, 29(10), 1713-1722. [More Information]
- Agar, M., Luckett, T., Luscombe, G., Phillips, J., Beattie, E., Pond, C., Mitchell, G., Davidson, P., Cook, J., Brookes, D., et al (2017). Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for advanced dementia: A cluster randomised clinical trial. PloS One, 12(8), 1-16. [More Information]
- Burke, C., Stein-Parbury, J., Luscombe, G., Chenoweth, L. (2016). Development and testing of the person-centered environment and care assessment tool (PCECAT). Clinical Gerontologist, 39(4), 282-306. [More Information]
- Ivory, K., Dwyer, P., Luscombe, G. (2016). Reactions to Diversity: Using Theater to Teach Medical Students About Cultural Diversity. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 3, 171-178. [More Information]
- Wong, K., Brown, A., Luscombe, G., Wong, S., Mendis, K. (2015). Antibiotic use for Vibrio infections: important insights from surveillance data. BMC Infectious Diseases, 15, 1-9. [More Information]
- Al-Jefout, M., Seham, A., Jameel, H., Randa, A., Ola, A., Oday, A., Luscombe, G. (2015). Dysmenorrhea: Prevalence and Impact on Quality of Life among Young Adult Jordanian Females. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 28(3), 173-185. [More Information]
- Atkins, J., Naismith, S., Luscombe, G., Hickie, I. (2015). Elderly care recipients' perceptions of treatment helpfulness for depression and the relationship with help-seeking. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 10, 287-295. [More Information]
- Winten, L., Quinton, S., Abraham, S., Russell, J., Luscombe, G. (2014). A comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of a day patient treatment program for eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 2(Suppl 1), O24. [More Information]
- Wang, X., Luscombe, G., Boyd, C., Kellow, J., Abraham, S. (2014). Functional gastrointestinal disorders in eating disorder patients: Altered distribution and predictors using ROME III compared to ROME II criteria. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20(43), 16293-16299. [More Information]
- Burns, J., Davenport, T., Christensen, H., Luscombe, G., Mendoza, J., Bresnan, A., Blanchard, M., Hickie, I. (2014). Game on: Exploring the impact of technologies on young men's mental health and wellbeing.
- Atkins, J., Naismith, S., Luscombe, G., Hickie, I. (2013). A preliminary study of aged care facility staff indicates limitations in awareness of the link between depression and physical morbidity. BMC Geriatrics, 13(1), 1-9. [More Information]
- Clark, T., Freedman, B., Croft, A., Dalton, H., Luscombe, G., Brown, A., Tiller, D., Frommer, M. (2013). Medical graduates becoming rural doctors: rural background versus extended rural placement. Medical Journal of Australia, 199(11), 779-782. [More Information]
- Atkins, J., Naismith, S., Luscombe, G., Hickie, I. (2013). More age-care staff report helping care recipients following a brief depression awareness raising intervention. BMC Nursing, 12(1), 1-7. [More Information]
- Stein-Parbury, J., Gallagher, R., Chenoweth, L., Luscombe, G. (2012). Factors associated with good self-management in older adults with a schizophrenic disorder compared with older adults with physical illnesses. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19(2), 146-153. [More Information]
- Abraham, S., Luscombe, G., Kellow, J. (2012). Pelvic floor dysfunction predicts abdominal bloating and distension in eating disorder patients. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 47(6), 625-631. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Luscombe, G., Chenoweth, L., Stein-Parbury, J., Brodaty, H., King, M., Haas, M. (2012). Staff outcomes from the Caring for Aged Dementia Care REsident Study (CADRES): A cluster randomised trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49(2012), 508-518. [More Information]
- Rong, Y., Glozier, N., Luscombe, G., Davenport, T., Huang, Y., Hickie, I. (2011). Improving Knowledge and Attitudes towards Depression: a controlled trial among Chinese medical students. BMC Psychiatry, 11(36), 1-10. [More Information]
- Khong, S., Bignardi, T., Luscombe, G., Lam, A. (2011). Is Pouch of Douglas Obliteration a Marker of Bowel Endometriosis. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 18(3), 333-337. [More Information]
- Chenoweth, L., King, M., Luscombe, G., Forbes, I., Jeon, Y., Stein-Parbury, J., Brodaty, H., Fleming, R., Haas, M. (2011). Study Protocol of a Randomised Controlled Group Trial of Client and Care Outcomes in the Residential Dementia Care Setting. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 8(3), 153-165. [More Information]
- Khong, S., Lam, A., Luscombe, G. (2010). Is the 30-item Endometriosis Health Profile (EHP-30) suitable as a self-report health status instrument for clinical trials? Fertility and Sterility, 94(5), 1928-1932. [More Information]
- Hickie, I., Davenport, T., Luscombe, G., Moore, M., Griffiths, K., Christensen, H. (2010). Practitioner-supported delivery of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy: evaluation of the feasibility of conducting a cluster randomised trial. Medical Journal of Australia, 192(11 Suppl), S31-S35. [More Information]
- Hale, G., Manconi, F., Luscombe, G., Fraser, I. (2010). Quantitative measurements of menstrual blood loss in ovulatory and anovulatory cycles in middle- and late-reproductive age and the menopausal transition. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 115(2 Pt 1), 249-256. [More Information]
- Luscombe, G., Markham, R., Prasada Judio, M., Grigoriu, A., Fraser, I. (2009). Abdominal Bloating: An Under-recognized Endometriosis Symptom. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 31(12), 1159-1171. [More Information]
- Chenoweth, L., King, M., Jeon, Y., Brodaty, H., Stein-Parbury, J., Norman, R., Haas, M., Luscombe, G. (2009). Caring for Aged Dementia Care Resident Study (CADRES) of Person-Centred Care, Dementia-Care Mapping, and Usual Care in dementia: a cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet Neurology, 8(4), 317-325. [More Information]
- Al-Jefout, M., Dezarnaulds, G., Cooper, M., Tokushige, N., Luscombe, G., Markham, R., Fraser, I. (2009). Diagnosis of endometriosis by detection of nerve fibres in an endometrial biopsy: a double blind study. Human Reproduction, 24(12), 3019-3024. [More Information]
- Hart, S., Abraham, S., Luscombe, G., Russell, J. (2008). Eating disorder management in hospital patients: Current practice among dietitians in Australia. Nutrition and Dietetics, 65(1), 16-22. [More Information]
- Rong, Y., Luscombe, G., Davenport, T., Huang, Y., Glozier, N., Hickie, I. (2008). Recognition and treatment of depression: A comparison of Australian and Chinese medical students. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(8), 636-642. [More Information]
- Hickie, I., Luscombe, G., Davenport, T., Fogarty, A., Burns, J. (2007). Developing enhanced primary care management of common mental disorders: responding to youth attitudes and experience. Medical Journal of Australia.
- Boyd, C., Abraham, S., Luscombe, G. (2007). Exercise Behaviours and Feelings in Eating Disorder and Non-Eating Disorder Groups. European Eating Disorders Review, 15(2), 112-118. [More Information]
- Hickie, I., Luscombe, G., Davenport, T., Burns, J., Highet, N. (2007). Perspectives of young people on depression: awareness, experiences, attitudes and treatment preferences. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 1(4), 333-339. [More Information]
- Abraham, S., Hart, S., Luscombe, G., Russell, J. (2006). Fluid intake, personality and behaviour in patients with eating disorders. Eating and Weight Disorders, 11(1), e30-e34. [More Information]
- Hickie, I., Davenport, T., Luscombe, G., Scott, E., Mackenzie, E., Morgan, H., Wilson, A., Barton, D., Barrett, E. (2006). Is real reform of the Medicare Benefits Schedule for psychiatrists in Australia economically, socially or professionally desirable? Australasian Psychiatry, 14(1), 8-14. [More Information]
- Hickie, I., Davenport, T., Luscombe, G. (2006). Mental health expenditure in Australia: time for affirmative action. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 30(2), 119-122. [More Information]
- Hickie, I., Groom, G., McGorry, P., Davenport, T., Luscombe, G. (2005). Australian mental health reform: time for real outcomes. Medical Journal of Australia, 182(8), 401-406. [More Information]
- Hickie, I., Christensen, H., Davenport, T., Luscombe, G. (2005). Can we track the impact of Australian mental health research? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39(7), 591-599. [More Information]
- Hart, S., Abraham, S., Luscombe, G., Russell, J. (2005). Fluid Intake in patients with eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 38(1), 55-59. [More Information]
- Abraham, S., Luscombe, G., Boyd, C., Olesen, I. (2004). Predictors Of The Accuracy Of Self-Reported Height And Weight In Adolescent Female School Students. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 36(1), 76-82. [More Information]
- Abraham, S., Luscombe, G., Soo, I. (2003). Oral contraception and cyclic changes in premenstrual and menstrual experiences. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 24(3), 185-193. [More Information]
- Brodaty, H., Luscombe, G., Parker, G., Wilhelm, Jr., K., Hickie, I., Austin, M., Mitchell, P. (2001). Early and late onset depression in old age: different aetiologies, same phenomenology. Journal of Affective Disorders, 66, 225-236.
Selected Grants
- The general practice and residential aged care study of Telehealth augmented best-practice care exploring safety, quality, acceptability and sustainability: "The GRACE-Telehealth Study, Makeham M, Baysari M, Von Huben A, Tyagi V, Luscombe G, McCormack B, Chen T, Russell H, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Targeted Call for Research (TCR): Ensuring the quality and safety of telehealth 2023
- CARDIOvascular support for patients after disCHARGE - CardioCHARGE, Chow C, Luscombe G, Laranjo L, Shaw T, Makeham M, Godinho M, Sarkies M, Marschner S, Chew D, Hills G, Jan S, Verjans J, Kangaharan N, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - Cardiovascular Health Mission
- The General Practice and Residential Aged Care Study of Virtual Care Models (The Grace-VC Study): Implementing safe, person-centred virtual care for residents, Makeham M, Baysari M, Luscombe G, McCormack B, Robinson F, Chen T, Russell H, Chua A, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF CRI 2023 Clinician Researchers: Applied Research in Health