Professor Gin Malhi

Professor Gin Malhi

Psychiatry Chair, Northern Clinical School
Professor Gin Malhi

Professor Gin (Gurjhinder) Singh Malhi holds a Psychiatry Chair within The University of Sydney. He is the Executive and Clinical Director of the CADE Clinic and is based at the Northern Clinical School as the Head of the Academic Department of Psychiatry within Royal North Shore Hospital.

Having obtained a degree in Pharmacology and a subsequent medical degree in the UK he completed his general psychiatry training in Cambridge and gained Membership of the United Kingdom Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1996. He then completed his specialist psychiatry training at the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals in London and as a Clinical Lecturer began mood disorders research at the Institute of Psychiatry (UK) in London.

In 1999 he moved to Sydney in Australia where he has continued to conduct clinical research in depression and bipolar disorder. Since 2003 he has been a Chief Investigator on several successive National Health Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Program Grants and during this time (2005) he completed his Doctorate of Medicine (MD) on neuroimaging of bipolar disorders from UNSW.

In 2006 was appointed the Editor-in-Chief of an international journal;Acta Neuropsychiatrica. In 2010 he was appointed the Editor-in-Chief of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. In 2017 he became theEditor of Bipolar Disorders and in 2018 he was appointed as the Editorials Editor and Deputy Editor of The British Journal of Psychiatry. He is now the Editor-in-Chief of Bipolar Disorders and President of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders.

He has published more than 700 articles including books and book chapters and in 2018 was recognised as a Highly Cited Researcher across two domains.

Professor Malhi has a longstanding interest in mood disorders in particular bipolar disorder and depression and the factors that contribute to suicide in the context of mental illness.

His research team based at the CADE Clinic (Royal North Shore Hospital) makes use of clinical and neuropsychological assessments in conjunction with functional neuroimaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural basis of affective disorders in adolescents and adults.

He is especially interested in pharmacological therapies, such as lithium, and their mechanisms of action. He is also interested in psychological therapies and the impact of lifestyle on mood. And in recent years, his research has increasingly focused on the prevention of suicide and mood disorders in young people.

Professor Malhi is a sought after speaker and has been recognised internationally for his achievements as an educator. He regularly delivers lectures to colleagues, trainee doctors and medical students, and conducts seminars and provides tutorials to small groups and individuals.

He is passionate about education. His early work produced many study and examination books for students and those specialising in psychiatry. And he continues to generate educational material in the form of national and international guidelines.

1. Investigating the emergence of depression and bipolar disorder in adolescents.

2. Understanding the mechanisms of suicide and assessing suicide risk in clinical practice.

3. Developong guidelines for the management of mood disorders and the adminstration of lithium.

4. Dissecting the phenomenology and developing the classification of psychiatric disorders.

President, International Society for Bipolar Disorders.

Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK.

Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Australia.

Member of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD), USA.

Member of the Australasian Society of Bipolar Disorders and Depression (ASBDD), Australia.

Member of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (ASPR), Australia.

Distinguished Professorial Achievement Award - TheUniversity of Sydney Medical School, 2016

Mogens Schou Award -International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD), 2015.

College Citation -RANZCP, 2015

Senior Researcher Award -RANZCP, 2013

NSW Mental Health Matters Award for Research - NSW Health2013

Senior Research Oration -Australian Society for Psychiatric Research (ASPR), 2011

Distinguished Academic Contribution Award -SAFA, WPA, 2006

Young Investigator Award- International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD), 2002

Early Career Researcher Award -Australian Society for Psychiatric Research (ASPR), 2001

Excellence in Teaching Prize -Institue of Psychiatry & Maudsley Hospital, London, 1999

Neurosciences and Mental Health
Project titleResearch student
Understanding irritability: Definition, measurement and modellingErica BELL



  • Malhi, G., Malhi, B. (2005). Examination Notes in Psychiatry: Basic Sciences. United Kingdom: Hodder Arnold.
  • Malhi, G., Malhi, B. (2004). MRCPsych Part 1: Practice Questions. United Kingdom: Pastest.

Edited Books

  • Malhi, G., Masson, M., Bellivier, F. (2017). The Science and Practice of Lithium Therapy. Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Bhugra, D., Malhi, G. (2015). Troublesome disguises: Managing challenging disorders in psychiatry. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Malhi, G., Outhred, T., Das, P. (2017). Lithium: Neurotransmission and Cellular Mechanism Pathways Underlying Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder. In Gin S. Malhi, Marc Masson and Frank Bellivier (Eds.), The Science and Practice of Lithium Therapy, (pp. 55-75). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Gessler, D., Fritz, K., Allwang, C., Outhred, T., Das, P. (2017). Recommendations in International Clinical Practice Guidelines for Lithium Therapy of Bipolar Disorder. In Gin S. Malhi, Marc Masson and Frank Bellivier (Eds.), The Science and Practice of Lithium Therapy, (pp. 189-209). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Byrow, Y. (2017). The current classification of bipolar disorders. In Andre F. Carvalho and Eduard Vieta (Eds.), The Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Integrative Clinical Strategies and Future Directions, (pp. 1-18). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G. (2024). Assisted dying for mental illness: a contemporary concern that requires careful and compassionate consideration. British Journal of Psychiatry. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Bell, E. (2024). British contributions to the therapeutic use of John Cade's lithium. British Journal of Psychiatry. [More Information]
  • Bartoli, F., Malhi, G., Carra, G. (2024). Combining predominant polarity and affective spectrum concepts in bipolar disorder: towards a novel theoretical and clinical perspective. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 12(1). [More Information]


  • Malhi, G. (2024). Assisted dying for mental illness: a contemporary concern that requires careful and compassionate consideration. British Journal of Psychiatry. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Bell, E. (2024). British contributions to the therapeutic use of John Cade's lithium. British Journal of Psychiatry. [More Information]
  • Bartoli, F., Malhi, G., Carra, G. (2024). Combining predominant polarity and affective spectrum concepts in bipolar disorder: towards a novel theoretical and clinical perspective. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 12(1). [More Information]


  • Walker, A., Mohebbi, M., Maes, M., Berk, M., Walder, K., Bortolasci, C., Liu, Z., Ng, C., Ashton, M., Berk, L., Malhi, G., et al (2023). Adjunctive minocycline for major depressive disorder: A sub-study exploring peripheral immune-inflammatory markers and associated treatment response. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 27. [More Information]
  • Smith, K., Ostinelli, E., Ede, R., Allard, L., Thomson, M., Hewitt, K., Brown, P., Zangani, C., Jenkins, M., Hinze, V., Malhi, G., et al (2023). Assessing the Impact of Evidence-Based Mental Health Guidance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review and Qualitative Evaluation. JMIR Mental Health, 10(1). [More Information]
  • Korgaonkar, M., Felmingham, K., Malhi, G., Williamson, T., Williams, L., Bryant, R. (2023). Changes in neural responses during affective and non-affective tasks and improvement of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following trauma-focused psychotherapy. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1). [More Information]


  • Malhi, G. (2022). A key clinical consideration: antidepressant withdrawal or illness relapse? BJ Psych Advances, 28(5), 312-315. [More Information]
  • Bell, E., Pooley, A., Tam, P., Boyce, P., Bryant, R., Porter, R., Malhi, G. (2022). A novel exploration of irritability in adolescent males: A preliminary study. Australasian Psychiatry. [More Information]
  • Barreiros, A., Breukelaar, I., Mayur, P., Andepalli, J., Tomimatsu, Y., Funayama, K., Foster, S., Boyce, P., Malhi, G., Harris, A., Korgaonkar, M. (2022). Abnormal habenula functional connectivity characterizes treatment-resistant depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, 102990. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G. (2021). 21st year of the 21st century: And still, we need guidelines? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 55(1), 5-6. [More Information]
  • Dodd, S., Bauer, M., Carvalho, A., Eyre, H., Fava, M., Kasper, S., Kennedy, S., Khoo, J., Lopez-Jaramillo, C., Malhi, G., et al (2021). A clinical approach to treatment resistance in depressed patients: What to do when the usual treatments don’t work well enough? The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 22(7), 483-494. [More Information]
  • Liddell, B., Malhi, G., Felmingham, K., Den, M., Das, P., Outhred, T., Nickerson, A., Askovic, M., Coello, M., Aroche, J., et al (2021). Activating the attachment system modulates neural responses to threat in refugees with PTSD. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(12), 1244-1255. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G., Morris, G., Bell, E., Hamilton, A. (2020). A New Paradigm for Achieving a Rapid Antidepressant Response. Drugs, 80(8), 755-764. [More Information]
  • Parker, G., Bassett, D., Boyce, P., Lyndon, B., Mulder, R., Porter, R., Singh, A., Bell, E., Hamilton, A., Morris, G., Malhi, G., et al (2020). Acute coronary syndrome-associated depression: Getting to the heart of the data. Journal of Affective Disorders, 269, 70-77. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Chengappa, K. (2020). An Editorial Note …. Bipolar Disorders, 22(S1), 7-8. [More Information]


  • Berk, M., Turner, A., Malhi, G., Ng, C., Cotton, S., Dodd, S., Samuni, Y., Tanious, M., McAulay, C., Dowling, N., et al (2019). A randomised controlled trial of a mitochondrial therapeutic target for bipolar depression: mitochondrial agents, N-acetylcysteine, and placebo. BMC Medicine, 17(1), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Korgaonkar, M., Erlinger, M., Breukelaar, I., Boyce, P., Hazell, P., Antees, C., Foster, S., Grieve, S., Gomes, L., Williams, L., Harris, A., Malhi, G. (2019). Amygdala Activation and Connectivity to Emotional Processing Distinguishes Asymptomatic Patients With Bipolar Disorders and Unipolar Depression. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4(4), 361-370. [More Information]
  • Sheriff, R., Van Hooff, M., Malhi, G., Grace, B., McFarlane, A. (2019). Associations Among Childhood Trauma, Childhood Mental Disorders, and Past-Year Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military and Civilian Men. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32(5), 712-723. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G. (2018). A cognitive perspective on mood. Bipolar Disorders, 20(3), 180. [More Information]
  • Battaglini, E., Liddell, B., Das, P., Malhi, G., Felmingham, K., Bryant, R. (2018). An investigation of potential neural correlates of intrusive retrieval of distressing memories. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 58, 60-67. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2018). ANZJP this month: AAA-llelujah!. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 52(12), 1105-1106. [More Information]


  • O'Donnell, M., Schaefer, I., Varker, T., Kartal, D., Forbes, D., Bryant, R., Silove, D., Creamer, M., McFarlane, A., Malhi, G., et al (2017). A systematic review of person-centered approaches to investigating patterns of trauma exposure. Clinical Psychology Review, 57, 208-225. [More Information]
  • Dean, O., Kanchanatawan, B., Ashton, M., Mohebbi, M., Ng, C., Maes, M., Berk, L., Sughondhabirom, A., Tangwongchai, S., Singh, A., Malhi, G., et al (2017). Adjunctive minocycline treatment for major depressive disorder: A proof of concept trial. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(8), 829-840. [More Information]
  • Hasebe, K., Gray, L., Bortolasci, C., Panizzutti, B., Mohebbi, M., Kidnapillai, S., Spolding, B., Walder, K., Berk, M., Malhi, G., et al (2017). Adjunctive N-acetylcysteine in depression: exploration of interleukin-6, C-reactive protein and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 29(6), 337-346. [More Information]


  • Byrne, S., Rapee, R., Malhi, G., Sweller, N., Hudson, J. (2016). An Examination of Harm Beliefs in Dog Fearful Children. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 7(2), 153-159. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Lingford-Hughes, A., Young, A. (2016). Antidepressant treatment response: 'I want it all, and i want it now!'. British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(2), 101-103. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2016). ANZJP publishing policy: On bears, birds and bonfires. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50(1), 5-6. [More Information]


  • Baune, B., Malhi, G. (2015). A review on the impact of cognitive dysfunction on social, occupational, and general functional outcomes in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 17(Suppl 2), 41-55. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Fritz, K., Allwang, C., Burston, N., Cocks, C., Harper, M., Kearney, B., Klug, P., Meagher, L., Mimnagh, J., et al (2015). Agitation for recognition by DSM-5 mixed features specifier signals fatigue? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49(6), 499-501. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2015). Antidepressants in bipolar depression: yes, no, maybe? Evidence-Based Mental Health, 18(4), 100-102. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G., Gershon, S. (2014). A DeCade of science. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(1), 7-9. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Boyce, P. (2014). A spectrum of views. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(4), 376-377. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2014). A triage approach for the time-poor reader. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(7), 595-596. [More Information]


  • Hunt, G., Walter, G., Malhi, G. (2013). 'Open for business': Do open-access psychiatry journals provide value for money? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47(5), 407-411. [More Information]
  • Quintana, D., McGregor, I., Guastella, A., Malhi, G., Kemp, A. (2013). A Meta-Analysis on the Impact of Alcohol Dependence on Short-Term Resting-State Heart Rate Variability: Implications for Cardiovascular Risk. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37(S1), E23-E29. [More Information]
  • Magalhaes, P., Dean, O., Bush, A., Copolov, D., Malhi, G., Kohlmann, K., Jeavons, S., Schapkaitz, I., Anderson-Hunt, M., Berk, M. (2013). A preliminary investigation on the efficacy of N-acetyl cysteine for mania or hypomania. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47(6), 564-568. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G., Ponder, J. (2012). A 'conflict' of interests. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(6), 491-492. [More Information]
  • Gershon, S., Chengappa, K., Malhi, G. (2012). A new face for Bipolar Disorders? Bipolar Disorders, 14(7), 681-683. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Bargh, D., McIntyre, R., Gitlin, M., Frye, M., Bauer, M., Berk, M. (2012). Balanced efficacy, safety, and tolerability recommendations for the clinical management of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 14(Suppl 2), 1-21. [More Information]


  • Dodd, S., Malhi, G., Tiller, J., Schweitzer, I., Hickie, I., Khoo, J., Bassett, D., Lyndon, B., Mitchell, P., Parker, G., et al (2011). A consensus statement for safety monitoring guidelines of treatments for major depressive disorder. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(9), 712-725. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2011). A mood point .. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 23(1), 2-2. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2011). Adios Acta.. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 23(2), 55-56. [More Information]


  • Loo, C., Sachdev, P., Martin, D., Pigot, M., Alonzo, A., Malhi, G., Lagopoulos, J., Mitchell, P. (2010). A double-blind, sham-controlled trial of transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of depression. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13(1), 61-69. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2010). Back to feeling normal. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 22(6), 268-268. [More Information]
  • Walter, G., Robertson, M., Malhi, G., Soh, N. (2010). Charles Lasegue (1816-1883): beyond anorexie hysterique. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 22, 300-301.


  • Malhi, G. (2009). 'Unusually usual' to 'usually unusual'. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 21(1), 1-1. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Adams, D. (2009). Are guidelines in need of CPR? The development of clinical practice recommendations (CPR). Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum, (439), 5-7. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2009). Are we having any impact? Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 21(4), 157-157. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G., Lagopoulos, J., Das, P., Moss, K., Berk, M., Coulston, C. (2008). A functional MRI study of Theory of Mind in euthymic bipolar disorder patients. Bipolar Disorders, 10(8), 943-956. [More Information]
  • Loo, C., Sachdev, P., Mitchell, P., Gandevia, S., Malhi, G., Todd, G., Taylor, J. (2008). A study using transcranial magnetic stimulation to investigate motor mechanisms in psychomotor retardation in depression. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 11(7), 935-946. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G. (2008). An emphasis on stress. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 20(3), 111-111. [More Information]


  • Lagopoulos, J., Malhi, G. (2007). A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of emotional Stroop in euthymic bipolar disorder. NeuroReport, 18(15), 1583-1587. [More Information]
  • Xu, J., Rasmussen, I., Berntsen, E., Moss, K., Shnier, R., Lagopoulos, J., Malhi, G. (2007). A growth in bipolar disorder? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 15(3), 246-250. [More Information]
  • Loo, C., Mitchell, P., McFarquhar, T., Malhi, G., Sachdev, P. (2007). A sham-controlled trial of the efficacy and safety of twice-daily rTMS in major depression. Psychological Medicine, 37(3), 341-349. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G., Loo, C., Cahill, C., Lagopoulos, J., Mitchell, P., Sachdev, P. (2006). "Getting physical": the management of neuropsychiatric disorders using novel physical treatments. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2(2), 165-179. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Cahill, C., Ivanovski, B., Lagopoulos, J. (2006). A Neuropsychologic 'Image' of Bipolar Disorder. Clinical Approaches in Bipolar Disorders, 5(1), 2-13.
  • Malhi, G. (2006). A new beginning. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 18, 127.


  • Berk, M., Dodd, S., Malhi, G. (2005). 'Bipolar missed states': the diagnosis and clinical salience of bipolar mixed states. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39, 215-221. [More Information]
  • Gladstone, G., Parker, G., Mitchell, P., Malhi, G., Wilhelm, K., Austin, M. (2005). A Brief Measure of Worry Severity (BMWS): personality and clinical correlates of severe worriers. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19, 877-892. [More Information]
  • Lagopoulos, J., Malhi, G., Shnier, R. (2005). A fiber-optic system for recording skin conductance in the MRI scanner. Behavior Research Methods, 37(4), 657-664. [More Information]


  • Mitchell, P., Malhi, G., Redwood, B., Ball, J. (2004). Australian and New Zealand clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38, 280-305. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Yatham, L. (2004). Bipolar and beyond: "Black bile and blessings to Bedlam and brain biology". Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 110(Suppl. 422), 5-6.
  • Mitchell, P., Malhi, G. (2004). Bipolar depression: phenomenological overview and clinical characteristics. Bipolar Disorders, 6, 530-539. [More Information]


  • Parker, G., Hadzi-Pavlovic, D., Parker, K., Malhi, G., Mitchell, P., Wilhelm, K., Austin, M. (2003). An Australian validation study of the temperament and character inventory. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 108(5), 359-366. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., McKay, D. (2003). Assessing assessing! An examination of the impact of the new RANZCP by-laws for training. Australasian Psychiatry, 11(4), 435-441. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Parker, G., Parker, K., Carr, V., Kirkby, K., Yellowlees, P., Boyce, P., Tonge, B. (2003). Attitudes toward psychiatry among students entering medical school. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 107(6), 424-429. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Mental Health Australia General Clinical Trial Network (MAGNET), Berk M, Rossell S, Fitzgerald P, Turner A, Rodgers A, Mihalopoulos C, Ng C, Galletly C, Davey C, Harris A, Pantelis C, Loo C, Lubman D, Siskind D, Forbes D, Meyer D, Jacka F, Kay-Lambkin F, Malhi G, Murray G, Christensen H, Kulkarni J, Sarris J, Lagopoulos J, McGrath J, Hoy K, Mills K, Nelson M, O'Donnell M, Gunn J, Millard M, Kyrios M, Yucel M, Glozier N, Martin N, Dean O, Almeida O, Batterham P, McKetin R, Bryant R, Osborne R, Harvey S, Hood S, Touyz S, Sundram S, Apostolopoulos V, Zoungas S, Venkatesh S, Russell S, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF - Million Minds Mission - 2020 Mental Health Research Grant


  • The Candesartan Adjunctive Major Depression Trial - CADET: A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, Malhi G, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies
  • Advancing posttraumatic mental health - Neuroimaging of refugees, Bryant R, Malhi G, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Investigator Grant