Associate Professor Iryna Zablotska-Manos

Associate Professor Iryna Zablotska-Manos

Associate Professor
Westmead Clinical School
+61 (2) 9762 5382
+61 (2) 9762 5387
Associate Professor Iryna Zablotska-Manos

Associate Professor Iryna Zablotska, a medical doctor and PhD graduate (Johns Hopkins University), is an Epidemiologist with the Western Sydney Sexual Health, Sydney Medical School – Westmead. She is highly regarded for her extensive skills in the conception, design, execution and analysis of complex longitudinal studies of HIV risk and prevention, including treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Her PhD work (2000-2004) on the Rakai study - the largest population-based HIV observational cohort globally- was focused on behavioural risk factors for HIV transmission in heterosexual populations. During 2006-2009, she worked as a Lecturer at the National Centre in HIV Social Research (now the Centre in for Social Research in Health), the UNSW Sydney, where she led the Australian Gay Community Periodic Surveys (national HIV behavioural surveillance) and was an investigator on other complex studies among gay men in Australia, such as Positive Health and Health in Men cohorts of HIV positive and negative gay men, respectively. Her behavioural surveillance and research on risk factors for HIV transmission among gay men informed HIV prevention strategy in NSW and nationally. During 2009-17, A/Prof Zablotska worked at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, were she continued her research into behavioural risk factors for HIV and methods for biomedical HIV prevention. As a leading Australian researcher on PrEP, she led the first community survey about PrEP use in NSW and a demonstration study of PrEP users in Sydney (PrELUDE), and was responsible for establishing the NSW implementation trial of Expanded PrEP implementation in communities in NSW (EPIC-NSW), the first study to evaluate the population impact of PrEP. A/Prof Zablotska has expertise in policy development as a member of the expert Australian Society of HIV Medicine group which developed the first national PrEP guidelines and was a member of the WHO/UNAIDS technical expert group on developing PrEP implementation guidelines. Her work is based on longstanding engagement with HIV affected communities in Australia. She also has strong research ties with HIV researchers and community leaders, and collaborations with leading international research groups on HIV prevention.

Iryna's research interests focus on several areas including:

  • epidemiology of HIV , HIV prevention, including biomedical HIV prevention with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and treatment as prevention (TasP), health services and models of care in HIV/STI prevention.
  • Epidemiology of STI and drug resistance
  • Sexual behaviour and behavioural surveillance
  • Reproductive epidemiology, particularly the use and effectiveness of reproductive technologies, modern family planning and partner violence

Iryna’s teaching and supervision expertise spans three different countries (Ukraine, USA and Australia). She has taught postgraduate and medical students on epidemiological methods and their application in practice; basic statistical methods for public health; epidemiology of HIV and STI (sexual transmission of HIV; sexual practices and behavioural surveillance, biomedical prevention of HIV), and epidemiology of reproductive health (HIV, family planning and partner violence). Iryna has further interests in the areas of clinical epidemiology and global prevention of infectious diseases.


Implementation trial “Expanded PrEP Implementation in Communities in NSW (EPIC-NSW)” (CI,; funding from the NSW Ministry of Health (MoH)


SIN-PrEP, a qualitative study of the experience of PrEP and its perceived effects on safe sex culture (CI; funding from the AIDS Council of NSW)


Partnership project “The HIV prevention revolution: measuring outcomes and maximising effectiveness” (CID; NHMRC Partnership Grant APP1092852)


Research Program “Discovery and translation of interventions to control sexually transmitted infections” ( AI, NHMRC Program GrantAPP1071267)

2006 - present

Gay Community Periodic surveys in Sydmey, Melbourne, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Australian Capitol Territory, Tasmania (2006-2009 – managing CI; 2009-present – CI; funding from the NSWMoH)


Chemsex Prevalence and associated Risk Profiles and Characteristics of MSM in South Australia (Consultant)


Clinical trial “A patient preference evaluation study of Bemfola (recombinant FSH) administered with a 12mm needle or a 4mm needle in the treatment of subjects undergoing in-vitro fertilisation (IVF)” (Associate Investigator; industry funded)



Project Grant “The effects of partner choice on sexual preferences and behaviour among gay and bisexual men” (CIC; ARC Discovery Grant)


Demonstration trial PrELUDE (CIA; funding from the NSW MoH; medication provided by Gilead Sciences Inc.)


Gilead Australia Fellowship research grant on PrEP (CIA, $40K)


NHMRC Project Grant 1008367 ‘HIV treatment and HIV transmission’ (CIB, $1.37 mln.)


NSW MoH Research Grant ‘Mapping of gay communities in NSW’ (CIA, $35K)


NHMRC Project grant 630547 ‘Social norms and HIV risk reduction’ (CIA, 670K)


UNSW, FASS ERC Fellowship Award ($16K,)


State DoH in six states, ‘Australian Gay Community Periodic Surveys’ (2006-09 (CIA) and 2010-present (CIB) - total 260K per annum)


NSW MoH Research Grant, ‘Positive Health cohort (PH)’ (CIA, $90K per annum)

• Public Health Association of Australia (2013-present),

• The Australian Epidemiological Association (2013-present)

• ASHM (2006-present),

• The International AIDS Society (2002-present),

• APHA (US, 1998-2008)

1998/2000 Public Health Fellowship, Open Society Institute

- MPH training in International Maternal and Child Health in Boston University, US;

- thesis research about induced abortion and women’s health in Ukraine

2000/01 & 2001/2 Nafis Sadik Fellowship in Reproductive Health

- doctoral studies in Reproductive/Women’s Health in Johns Hopkins University, US;

- research into the role of communication programs in women’s behaviour change

2002/2003 The Carl S. Shultz Fellowship

- doctoral studies;

- thesis research in risky behaviours and women’s health

2003/2004 Fellowship in Family Planning and Reproductive Health

- doctoral studies in international reproductive health;

- research into the utilization of formal health sector for delivery services

Infection and Immunological Conditions, Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health
Project titleResearch student
Comprehensive sexuality education including sexual consent among adolescents with intellectual disability in New South Wales AustraliaAnju DEVKOTA
Investigation of factors impacting on sexual health literacy access to services and sexual and reproductive outcomes among adolescent and young Rohingya refugee women in BangladeshMuhammad Anwar HOSSAIN



  • Lee, E., Mao, L., Creamer, M., Laing, S., Comfort, J., Prestage, G., Zablotska, I., de Wit, J., Holt, M. (2016). Gay Community Periodic Survey: Perth 2016. Australia: Centre for Social Research in Health. UNSW Australia.

Book Chapters

  • Zablotska, I., McAllister, J., McNulty, A. (2014). Biomedical prevention of HIV. In M Burke, T Cabrie, B Cowie, G Dore, S Duffy, G Matthews, R McCoy, et al (Eds.), HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STIs: A guide for Primary Care (2014 Edition), (pp. 169-174). Sydney: ASHM - Australasian Society for HIV Medicine.
  • Zablotska, I., McAllister, J., Keen, P., Carr, A. (2014). Exposure and acute HIV infection. In M Burke, T Cabrie, B Cowie, G Dore, S Duffy, G Matthews, R McCoy, et al (Eds.), HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STIs: A guide for Primary Care (2014 Edition), (pp. 49-56). Sydney: ASHM - Australasian Society for HIV Medicine.
  • de Wit, J., Ellard, J., Murphy, D., Zablotska, I., Kippax, S. (2009). Sexual practices, serostatus, disclosure and relationships - life and law among gay men. In S. Cameron & J. Rule (Eds.), The Criminalisation of HIV Transmission in Australia: Legality, Morality and Reality. Sydney: National Association of People with HIV Australia.


  • Devkota, A., Robards, F., Zablotska-Manos, I. (2025). Relationships and Consent Education for Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review. Youth, 5(1), 22. [More Information]
  • Gray, J., Prestage, G., Jin, F., Phanuphak, N., Friedman, R., Fairley, C., Kelleher, A., Templeton, D., Zablotska-Manos, I., Hoy, J., et al (2023). Agreements, Behaviour, and Change: Sex Outside the Relationship in Male HIV-negative Partners in HIV Serodiscordant Relationships in Australia, Brazil, and Thailand. AIDS and Behavior, 27(9), 3098-3108. [More Information]
  • Dowell-Day, A., Dobbins, T., Chan, C., Fraser, D., Holt, M., Vaccher, S., Clifton, B., Zablotska-Manos, I., Grulich, A., Bavinton, B. (2023). Attitudes Towards Treatment as Prevention Among PrEP-Experienced Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia. AIDS and Behavior. [More Information]

Research Reports

  • Hull, P., Lea, T., Mao, L., Jeffries, D., Logue, W., Calabretto, H., Narciso, L., Prestage, G., Zablotska, I., de Wit, J., et al (2017). Gay Community Periodic Survey: Adelaide 2016, (pp. 1 - 34). Australia: Centre for Social Research in Health. UNSW Australia.
  • Lee, E., Mao, L., Lea, T., Johns, L., Adair, A., Williams, G., Scott, M., Watts, P., O'Connor, S., Warner, M., et al (2017). Gay Community Periodic Survey: Queensland 2016, Australia: Centre for Social Research in Health. UNSW Australia.
  • Hull, P., Mao, L., Kolstee, J., Duck, T., Feeney, L., Prestage, G., Zablotska, I., Lea, T., de Wit, J., Holt, M. (2017). Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney 2016, (pp. 1 - 36). Australia: Centre for Social Research in Health. UNSW Australia.


  • Devkota, A., Robards, F., Zablotska-Manos, I. (2025). Relationships and Consent Education for Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review. Youth, 5(1), 22. [More Information]


  • Gray, J., Prestage, G., Jin, F., Phanuphak, N., Friedman, R., Fairley, C., Kelleher, A., Templeton, D., Zablotska-Manos, I., Hoy, J., et al (2023). Agreements, Behaviour, and Change: Sex Outside the Relationship in Male HIV-negative Partners in HIV Serodiscordant Relationships in Australia, Brazil, and Thailand. AIDS and Behavior, 27(9), 3098-3108. [More Information]
  • Dowell-Day, A., Dobbins, T., Chan, C., Fraser, D., Holt, M., Vaccher, S., Clifton, B., Zablotska-Manos, I., Grulich, A., Bavinton, B. (2023). Attitudes Towards Treatment as Prevention Among PrEP-Experienced Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia. AIDS and Behavior. [More Information]
  • Dharan, N., Jin, F., Vaccher, S., Bavinton, B., Yeung, B., Guy, R., Carr, A., Zablotska-Manos, I., Amin, J., Read, P., Templeton, D., Ooi, C., et al (2023). Characteristics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Seroconversions in a Large Prospective Implementation Cohort Study of Oral HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis in Men Who Have Sex with Men (EPIC-NSW). Clinical Infectious Diseases, 76(3), E622-E628. [More Information]


  • Chan, C., Vaccher, S., Fraser, D., Grulich, A., Holt, M., Zablotska-Manos, I., Prestage, G., Bavinton, B. (2022). Incorrect Knowledge of Event-Driven PrEP "2-1-1" Dosing Regimen Among PrEP-Experienced Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 90(2), 132-139. [More Information]
  • Amin, J., Vaccher, S., Templeton, D., Bavinton, B., Jin, F., Zablotska-Manos, I., Matthews, G., Ogilvie, E., Yeung, B., Dharan, N., et al (2022). Low Prior Exposure and Incidence of Hepatitis C in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Negative Gay and Bisexual Men Taking Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Findings From the Expanded PrEP Implementation in Communities-New South Wales Prospective Implementation Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75(9), 1497-1502. [More Information]
  • Chan, C., Vaccher, S., Fraser, D., Grulich, A., Holt, M., Zablotska-Manos, I., Prestage, G., Bavinton, B. (2022). Preferences for Current and Future PrEP Modalities Among PrEP-Experienced Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia. AIDS and Behavior, 26(1), 88-95. [More Information]


  • Jin, F., Amin, J., Guy, R., Vaccher, S., Selvey, C., Zablotska-Manos, I., Holden, J., Yeung, B., Ogilvie, E., Quichua, G., Templeton, D., et al (2021). Adherence to daily HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in a large-scale implementation study in New South Wales, Australia. AIDS, 35(12), 1987-1996. [More Information]
  • Gray, J., Prestage, G., Jin, F., Phanuphak, N., Friedman, R., Fairley, C., Kelleher, A., Templeton, D., Zablotska-Manos, I., Hoy, J., et al (2021). Characteristics of Agreements to have Condomless Anal Intercourse in the Presence of an Undetectable Viral Load Among HIV Serodiscordant Male Couples in Australia, Brazil and Thailand. AIDS and Behavior, 25(12), 3944-3954. [More Information]
  • Bavinton, B., Vaccher, S., Jin, F., Prestage, G., Holt, M., Zablotska-Manos, I., Guy, R., Amin, J., Templeton, D., Yeung, B., Lewis, D., et al (2021). High Levels of Prevention-Effective Adherence to HIV PrEP: An Analysis of Substudy Data From the EPIC-NSW Trial. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 87(4), 1040-1047. [More Information]


  • McManus, H., Grulich, A., Amin, J., Selvey, C., Vickers, T., Bavinton, B., Zablotska-Manos, I., Vaccher, S., Jin, F., Holden, J., et al (2020). Comparison of Trends in Rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections Before vs After Initiation of HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. JAMA Network Open, 3(12), 1-20. [More Information]
  • Richardson, D., Shapiro, J., Lewis, D., Zablotska-Manos, I. (2020). Inconsistent HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use and HIV transmission in men who have sex with men (MSM). Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23(8), e25579. [More Information]


  • Zablotska-Manos, I., Vaccher, S., Bloch, M., Carr, A., Foster, R., Grulich, A., Guy, R., McNulty, A., Ooi, C., Templeton, D., et al (2019). High Adherence to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and No HIV Seroconversions Despite High Levels of Risk Behaviour and STIs: The Australian Demonstration Study PrELUDE. AIDS and Behavior, 23(7), 1780-1789. [More Information]
  • Vaccher, S., Marzinke, M., Templeton, D., Haire, B., Ryder, N., McNulty, A., Foster, R., Grulich, A., Zablotska, I. (2019). Predictors of Daily Adherence to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Gay/Bisexual Men in the PRELUDE Demonstration Project. AIDS and Behavior, 23(5), 1287-1296. [More Information]
  • Prestage, G., Mao, L., Philpot, S., Jin, F., Callander, D., Doyle, M., Zablotska-Manos, I., Kolstee, J., Keen, P., Bavinton, B. (2019). The Role of Age and Homonegativity in Racial or Ethnic Partner Preferences Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(1), 357-368. [More Information]


  • Holt, M., Lea, T., Mao, L., Kolstee, J., Zablotska-Manos, I., Duck, T., Allan, B., West, M., Lee, E., Hull, P., et al (2018). Community-level changes in condom use and uptake of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis by gay and bisexual men in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia: results of repeated behavioural surveillance in 2013–17. The Lancet HIV, 5(8), e448-e456. [More Information]
  • Zablotska, I., Selvey, C., Guy, R., Price, K., Holden, J., Schmidt, H., McNulty, A., Smith, D., Jin, F., et al (2018). Expanded HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation in communities in New South Wales, Australia (EPIC-NSW): design of an open label, single arm implementation trial. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 210. [More Information]
  • Zablotska-Manos, I., Baeten, J., Phanuphak, N., McCormack, S., Ong, J. (2018). Getting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to the people: Opportunities, challenges and examples of successful health service models of PrEP implementation. Sexual Health, 15(6), 481-484. [More Information]


  • Holt, M., Lea, T., Mao, L., Zablotska, I., Lee, E., Hull, P., de Wit, J., Prestage, G. (2017). Adapting behavioural surveillance to antiretroviral-based HIV prevention: reviewing and anticipating trends in the Australian Gay Community Periodic Surveys. Sexual Health, 14(1), 72-79. [More Information]
  • Polis, S., Zablotska-Manos, I., Zekry, A., Maher, L. (2017). Adherence to Hepatitis B Antiviral Therapy: A Qualitative Study. Gastroenterology Nursing, 40(3), 239-246. [More Information]
  • Wright, E., Grulich, A., Roy, K., Boyd, M., Cornelisse, V., Russell, D., O‘Donnell, D., Whittaker, B., Crooks, L., Zablotska, I. (2017). Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: clinical guidelines. Journal of Virus Eradication, 3(3), 168-184.


  • Poynten, I., Machalek, D., Templeton, D., Jin, F., Hillman, R., Zablotska, I., Prestage, G., Holt, M., Grulich, A. (2016). Comparison of age-specific patterns of sexual behaviour and anal HPV prevalence in homosexual men with patterns in women. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 92(3), 228-231. [More Information]
  • Lee, E., Mao, L., Creamer, M., Laing, S., Comfort, J., Prestage, G., Zablotska, I., de Wit, J., Holt, M. (2016). Gay Community Periodic Survey: Perth 2016. Australia: Centre for Social Research in Health. UNSW Australia.
  • Moore, C., Grulich, A., Prestage, G., Gidding, H., Jin, F., Mao, L., Petoumenos, K., Zablotska, I., Poynten, I., Law, M., et al (2016). Hospitalisation rates and associated factors in community-based cohorts of HIV-infected and -uninfected gay and bisexual men. HIV Medicine, 17(5), 327-339. [More Information]


  • Jin, F., Prestage, G., Mao, L., Poynten, I., Templeton, D., Grulich, A., Zablotska, I. (2015). "Any Condomless Anal Intercourse" is No Longer an Accurate Measure of HIV Sexual risk Behavior in Gay and Other Men Who have Sex with Men. Frontiers in Immunology, 6(86), 86. [More Information]
  • Zablotska, I., Spelman, T., Grulich, A. (2015). 2015 - a seminal year for HIV biomedical prevention. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18(1), 1-3.
  • Zablotska, I., Spelman, T., Grulich, A. (2015). 2015-A seminal year for HIV biomedical prevention. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18(1). [More Information]


  • Zablotska, I., Holt, M., de Wit, J., Mao, L., Down, I., Prestage, G. (2014). At home and away: gay men and high risk sexual practices. AIDS and Behavior, 18(8), 1436-1442. [More Information]
  • Zablotska, I., McAllister, J., McNulty, A. (2014). Biomedical prevention of HIV. In M Burke, T Cabrie, B Cowie, G Dore, S Duffy, G Matthews, R McCoy, et al (Eds.), HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STIs: A guide for Primary Care (2014 Edition), (pp. 169-174). Sydney: ASHM - Australasian Society for HIV Medicine.
  • Zablotska, I., Whittaker, B., de Wit, J., Kamarulzaman, A., Ananworanich, J., Wright, E., Poynten, I., Mayer, K. (2014). Bringing new HIV infections to zero - opportunities and challenges offered by antiretroviral-based prevention in Asia, the Pacific and beyond: An overview of this special issue. Sexual Health, 11(2), 97-100. [More Information]


  • Lea, T., Costello, M., Mao, L., Prestage, G., Zablotska, I., Ward, J., Kaldor, J., de Wit, J., Holt, M. (2013). Elevated reporting of unprotected anal intercourse and injecting drug use but no difference in HIV prevalence among Indigenous Australian men who have sex with men compared with their Anglo-Australian peers. Sexual Health, 10(2), 146-155. [More Information]
  • Zablotska, I. (2013). Ending the pandemic: reducing new HIV infections to zero. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 16(1), 18933.
  • Zablotska, I. (2013). Ending the pandemic: Reducing new HIV infections to zero. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 16. [More Information]


  • Zablotska, I., Holt, M., Prestage, G. (2012). Changes in gay men's participation in gay community life: implications for HIV surveillance and research. AIDS and Behavior, 16(3), 669-675. [More Information]
  • Poynten, I., Zablotska, I., Grulich, A. (2012). Considerations regarding antiretroviral chemoprophylaxis in MSM. Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS, 7(6), 549-556. [More Information]
  • Prestage, G., Jin, F., Grulich, A., de Wit, J., Zablotska, I. (2012). Gay men are less likely to use condoms with casual sex partners they know 'well'. AIDS and Behavior, 16(3), 664-668. [More Information]


  • Zablotska, I., Prestage, G., Holt, M., Poynten, M., de Wit, J., Guy, R., Mao, L., McAllister, J., Grulich, A. (2011). Australian gay men who have taken nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis for HIV are in need of effective HIV prevention methods. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 58(4), 424-428. [More Information]
  • Zablotska, I., Kippax, S., Grulich, A., Holt, M., Prestage, G. (2011). Behavioural surveillance among gay men in Australia: methods, findings and policy implications for the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmissible infections. Sexual Health, 8(3), 272-279. [More Information]
  • Zablotska-Manos, I., Grulich, A., de Wit, J., Prestage, G. (2011). Casual sexual encounters among gay men: familiarity, trust and unprotected anal intercourse. AIDS and Behavior, 15(3), 607-612. [More Information]


  • Jin, J., Jansson, J., Law, M., Prestage, G., Zablotska, I., Imrie, J., Kippax, S., Kaldor, J., Grulich, A., Wilson, D. (2010). Per-contact Probability of HIV Transmission in Homosexual Men in Sydney in the Era of HAART. AIDS, 24(6), 907-913. [More Information]


  • Vajdic, C., van Leeuwen, M., Jin, F., Prestage, G., Medley, G., Hillman, R., Stevens, M., Botes, L., Zablotska, I., Tabrizi, S., et al (2009). Anal human papillomavirus genotype diversity and co-infection in a community-based sample of homosexual men. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 85(5), 330-335. [More Information]
  • de Wit, J., Ellard, J., Murphy, D., Zablotska, I., Kippax, S. (2009). Sexual practices, serostatus, disclosure and relationships - life and law among gay men. In S. Cameron & J. Rule (Eds.), The Criminalisation of HIV Transmission in Australia: Legality, Morality and Reality. Sydney: National Association of People with HIV Australia.


  • Falster, K., Gelgor, L., Shaik, A., Zablotska, I., Prestage, G., Grierson, J., Thorpe, R., Pitts, M., Anderson, J., Chuah, J., Mulhall, B., et al (2008). Trends in antiretroviral treatment use and treatment response in three Australian states in the first decade of combination antiretroviral treatment. Sexual Health, 5(2), 141-154. [More Information]

Collaboration Group Publications

  • Patel PG., Keen P., McManus H., Duck T., Callander D., Selvey C., Power C., Gray RT., Knight V., Asselin J., Read P., Johnson K., Bavinton BR., Bowden VJ., Grulich AE., Guy R., NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project. (2021). Increased targeted HIV testing and reduced undiagnosed HIV infections among gay and bisexual men.HIV Medicine, 22, 605-616.[More Information]