Dr James Kang

Dr James Kang

Associate Lecturer
Department of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Dr James Kang

My research focuses on the functional neuroanatomy of emotional systems and pain, using animal models, molecular and cellular techniques, neuroimaging, behavioural assays, surgical procedures and brain manipulations to understand the neurobiology that underpins chronic pain states. Currently, I utilise these techniques to unravel the neuronal-glial interactions that occur along the pain pathways during the transition from acute to chronic pain. Building on insights gained from these studies I aim to fast-track translational treatment options for chronic pain through drug repurposing.



  • Kang, J., Davanzo, O., Emvalomenos, G., Mychasiuk, R., Henderson, L., Keay, K. (2024). Infraorbital nerve injury triggers sex-specific neuroimmune responses in the peripheral trigeminal pathway and common pain behaviours. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 16(118), 480-498. [More Information]
  • Emvalomenos, G., Kang, J., Jupp, B., Mychasiuk, R., Keay, K., Henderson, L. (2024). Recent developments and challenges in positron emission tomography imaging of gliosis in chronic neuropathic pain. Pain, 165(10), 2184-2199. [More Information]
  • Kang, J., Keay, K., Kendig, M., Corbit, L., Mor, D. (2023). Serotonin and Dopamine Show Different Response Profiles to Acute Stress in the Nucleus Accumbens and Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Rats with Neuropathic Pain. Neurochemical Research. [More Information]


  • Kang, J., Davanzo, O., Emvalomenos, G., Mychasiuk, R., Henderson, L., Keay, K. (2024). Infraorbital nerve injury triggers sex-specific neuroimmune responses in the peripheral trigeminal pathway and common pain behaviours. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 16(118), 480-498. [More Information]
  • Emvalomenos, G., Kang, J., Jupp, B., Mychasiuk, R., Keay, K., Henderson, L. (2024). Recent developments and challenges in positron emission tomography imaging of gliosis in chronic neuropathic pain. Pain, 165(10), 2184-2199. [More Information]


  • Kang, J., Keay, K., Kendig, M., Corbit, L., Mor, D. (2023). Serotonin and Dopamine Show Different Response Profiles to Acute Stress in the Nucleus Accumbens and Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Rats with Neuropathic Pain. Neurochemical Research. [More Information]


  • Kang, J., Mor, D., Keay, K. (2021). Nerve injury alters restraint-induced activation of the basolateral amygdala in male rats. Brain Structure and Function, 226(4), 1209-1227. [More Information]


  • Gemikonakli, G., Keay, K., Kendig, M., Kang, J., Corbit, L., Mor, D. (2019). Altered monoamine levels in the dorsal striatum of the rat are associated with alterations in behavioural selection and motivation following peripheral nerve injury and acute stress. European Journal of Neuroscience, 50(5), 2786-2800. [More Information]
  • Castorina, A., Vogiatzis, M., Kang, J., Keay, K. (2019). PACAP and VIP expression in the periaqueductal grey of the rat following sciatic nerve constriction injury. Neuropeptides, 74, 60-69. [More Information]
  • Boorman, D., Kang, J., Keay, K. (2019). Peripheral Nerve Injury Attenuates Stress-Induced Fos-Family Expression in the Locus Coeruleus of Male Sprague-Dawley Rats. Brain Research, 1719, 253-262. [More Information]


  • Kang, J. (2017). Intentional and unintentional impacts of anaesthesia: Insights from experiments in pain and injury. Neural Regeneration Research, 12(12), 1985-1986. [More Information]
  • Mor, D., Kendig, M., Kang, J., Gemikonakli, G., Austin, P., Kalman, E., Corbit, L. (2017). Peripheral nerve injury impairs the ability to maintain behavioural flexibility following acute stress in the rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 328, 123-129. [More Information]
  • Kang, J., Keay, K., Mor, D. (2017). Resolving the contributions of anaesthesia, surgery, and nerve injury on brain derived neurotrophic factor expression in the medial prefrontal cortex of male rats in the CCI model of neuropathic pain. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 95(12), 2376-2390. [More Information]


  • Austin, P., Berglund, A., Siu, S., Fiore, N., Gerke, M., Ollerenshaw, S., Leigh, S., Kunjan, P., Kang, J., Keay, K. (2015). Evidence for a distinct neuro-immune signature in rats that develop behavioural disability after nerve injury. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 12(1), 1-16. [More Information]
  • Mor, D., Kang, J., Wyllie, P., Thirunavukarasu, V., Houlton, H., Austin, P., Keay, K. (2015). Recruitment of dorsal midbrain catecholaminergic pathways in the recovery from nerve injury evoked disabilities. Molecular Pain, 11(1), 1-9. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Emerging Researcher Award - James Kang, Kang J, Brain and Mind Centre/BMC Emerging Researcher Award
  • A Drug Repurposing Study Targeting Oxidative Stress to Treat Chronic Pain Outcomes, Kang J, Faculty of Medicine and Health/Neurodrug Funding Scheme
  • Drug Repurposing for Treating Social Impairments and Chronic Pain Outcomes, Kang J, Brain and Mind Centre/Brain and Mind Research Development Grant


  • Neil and Norma Hill Foundation Seed Grant Award for 2023, Kang J, Faculty of Medicine and Health/Neil and Norma Hill Foundation Seed Grant Award for 2023