Associate Professor Janice Gullick
Associate Professor, Critical Care
Coordinator of Intensive Care Nursing
Janice is the Director of Clinical Integration and Coordinator of the Master of Intensive Care Nursing program at the Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery (Sydney Nursing School). Janice has had a long career as a professional leader in the field of cardiac nursing including acute cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, intensive care, clinical trials and many years as a clinical nurse specialist, educator and consultant. Janice is Executive Director of the International Collaboration of Nurse Scholars (ICoNS). She serves on the Editorial Board of Australian Critical Care, is a member of the Agency for Clinical Innovation Cardiac Network, and is a Member Scholar of the International Institute of Qualitative Methodologies.
Janice’s program of research has two distinct arms. Her cardio-respiratory research is currently focussed on acute coronary syndrome systems of care. Working with a large interprofessional team with expertise in data engineering, implementation science and information systems, she is exploring the extraction and use of routinely collected data for quality purposes and decision support mechanisms.
Janice has an international profile in patient and family-centred research; she is an expert in qualitative methodologies, in particular, hermeneutic phenomenology. She is currently leading a series of methodological articles modelling the application of Heideggerian existential philosophy to nursing research through meta-synthesis techniques. Janice actively mentors and collaborates with advanced practice nurses to develop their capacity for high-quality, theoretically/philosophically-driven qualitative and mixed-methods research.
Forthcoming Publications
Chang, H., Hutchinson, C., Gullick, J. Pulled away: the experience of bilingual nurses as ad hoc interpreters in the emergency department. Ethnicity and Health (Article in Press)
Gullick, J., West, S. Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology as method: modelling analysis through a meta-synthesis of articles on Being-towards-death. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. (Article in Press)
Jin, K., Neubeck, L., Koo. F., Ding, D., Gullick, J. Understanding Prevention and Management of Coronary Heart Disease Among Chinese Immigrants and Their Family Carers: A Socioecological Approach. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. (Article in Press)
Sheils, S., Mason, S., and Gullick, J. (2019). Acceptability of External Jugular Venepuncture for Patients with Liver Disease and Difficult Venous Access. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access. (Article in Press)
Janice coordinates the Master of Intensive Care Nursing course, and embedded Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma. She teaches across pre- and post-registration coursework programs in the areas of illness experience, acute and critical care, cardiac nursing, research in clinical practice, and the professional development of advanced practice nurses. Janice currently supervises three PhD students and three Master of Philosophy students.
Executive Director, International Collaboration of Nurse Scholars (ICoNS), Editorial Board member, Australian Critical Care; Member Scholar, International Institute of Qualitative Methods; Member, Australian College of Critical Care Nurses; Committee member, Agency for Clinical Innovation, Cardiac Services Network; Affiliate Member, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand; Affiliate member, Association for Publication Integrity & Ethics; Reviewer for competitive grants: National Heart Foundation, NH & MRC (external reviewer).
Reviewer for American Journal of Critical Care, Australian Critical Care, Best Evidence for Nursing Care, BMC Health Services Journal, BURNS, Contemporary Nurse, Health Sociology Review, Injury, International Journal of Cardiology, International Journal of COPD, International Journal of Nursing Practice, Journal of Clinical Nursing; Journal of Educational Research & Reviews, Journal of Palliative Care, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, Nursing Inquiry, Nursing Philosophy, Quality of Life Research, Research in Nursing & Health, The Collegian.
- 2020 Runner Up Australian Critical Care Gavin Leslie Best Nursing Paper
- 2016 Outstanding Achievement in Team Research “The CRGH Burns Research Team” Sydney Local Health District.
- 2016 Top Reviewers for Nursing: Ranked 15th Internationally in Sentinels of Science Reviewer Rankings (October 2015-September 2016)
- Finalist, 2010 NSW Health Awards – Integrating Cardiology from the Hospital to the Community
- 2010 SSWAHS Quality Awards – Enhanced Cardiology Outpatient Services: Improving Primary Health Care in the Community
- NSW Premier’s Award, International Nurses Day, 2006
- International Nurses Day Excellence in Nursing Practice Award – (Education), May 2003
- Short-listed, University of Sydney, College of Health Sciences Research Prize, October 2003
- Outstanding Achievement in Nursing. Royal Price Alfred Hospital Employee Recognition Award – August, RPAH 2001
Project title | Research student |
The impact of not knowing patient outcomes on emergency nurses: A multi methods study | Rebecca CAULFIELD |
Gaps in Care for Australian Adults with Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) where, why and how can we address them | Cheryl DICKSON |
Selected publications
- Gullick, J. (2008). Conscious Body Management of Breathlessness. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
Book Chapters
- Gullick, J., Ringdal, M. (2015). Respiratory assessment and monitoring. In L Aitken, A Marshall, and W Chaboyer (Eds.), ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing (3rd ed.), (pp. 402-437). Chatswood: Elsevier Australia.
- Gullick, J. (2012). Psychosocial Dimensions of COPD for the Patient and Family. In Dr. Kian-Chung Ong (Eds.), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Current Concepts and Practice, (pp. 153-178). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Publishers. [More Information]
- Kivunja, S., Pryor, J., River, J., Gullick, J. (2024). Conceptualising personhood in nursing care for people with altered consciousness, cognition and behaviours: A discussion paper. Nursing Philosophy, 25(3), e12490. [More Information]
- Kivunja, S., Gullick, J., Pryor, J., River, J. (2024). Exploring ‘Personhood’ as the basis for understanding social processes in traumatic brain injury. Nursing Philosophy, 25(4), 1-8. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., West, S., Gullick, J. (2024). Making decisions about amputation for chronic limb threatening ischaemia. Journal of Vascular Nursing. [More Information]
- Sheriff, M., Ng, A., Brazete, S., Gullick, J., Brieger, D., Kritharides, L., Lowe, H. (2016). Anatomy of a Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic (RACPC) in a Metropolitan Tertiary Hospital Setting. Abstracts for the 64th Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting and the International Society for Heart Research Australasian Section Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide: Elsevier.
- Jin, K., Ding, D., Gullick, J., Koo, F., Neubeck, A. (2016). Marked Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Profiles in Middle-Aged and Older Chinese Residents: Evidence from a Large Australian Cohort. The 64th Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting and the International Society for Heart Research Australasian Section Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide: Elsevier. [More Information]
- Parkinson, J., Buckley, T., Gullick, J., Marshall, A., Alchin, D. (2015). An evaluation of peripheral vascular access site complications following cardiac angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting and the International Society for Heart Research Australasian Section Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne: Elsevier. [More Information]
- Tam, C., Brieger, D., Gullick, J., Morris, J., Saavedra, A., Morris, R., Figtree, G., Vernon, S. (2020). Electronic Data on STEMI Patients (Stage 1).
Reference Works
- Gullick, J. (2017). Participant Observation: A Method to Evaluate a Nursing Research Community of Practice. Sage Research Methods Cases. (pp. 1-16). London UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Kivunja, S., Pryor, J., River, J., Gullick, J. (2024). Conceptualising personhood in nursing care for people with altered consciousness, cognition and behaviours: A discussion paper. Nursing Philosophy, 25(3), e12490. [More Information]
- Kivunja, S., Gullick, J., Pryor, J., River, J. (2024). Exploring ‘Personhood’ as the basis for understanding social processes in traumatic brain injury. Nursing Philosophy, 25(4), 1-8. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., West, S., Gullick, J. (2024). Making decisions about amputation for chronic limb threatening ischaemia. Journal of Vascular Nursing. [More Information]
- Smith, E., Gullick, J., Perez, D., Einboden, R. (2023). A peek behind the curtain: An integrative review of sexual harassment of nursing students on clinical placement. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32(2023-06-05 00:00:00), 666-687. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., West, S., Gullick, J. (2023). Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia and confronting amputation: A Heideggerian derived understanding of Being-with and discourse. Journal of Clinical Nursing. [More Information]
- Candelaria, D., Kirkness, A., Bruntsch, C., Gullick, J., Randall, S., Ladak, L., Gallagher, R. (2023). Exercise Self-efficacy Improvements During Cardiac Rehabilitation: IMPACT OF SOCIAL DISPARITIES. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 43(3), 179-185. [More Information]
- Kivunja, S., Pryor, J., River, J., Gullick, J. (2022). Navigating the role of clinician-researcher: Insights from a Constructivist Grounded Theory study in traumatic brain injury. Australasian Journal of Neuroscience, 32(2), 6-17. [More Information]
- Gullick, J., Wu, J., Chew, D., Gale, C., Yan, A., Goodman, S., Waters, D., Hyun, K., Brieger, D. (2022). Objective risk assessment vs standard care for acute coronary syndromes-The Australian GRACE Risk tool Implementation Study (AGRIS): a process evaluation. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 380. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., Gullick, J., West, S. (2022). Qualitative Data Analysis for Health Research: A Step-by-Step Example of Phenomenological Interpretation. The Qualitative Report, 27(4), 1040-1057. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., West, S., Gullick, J. (2021). Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia and reframing the meaning of 'end'. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30, 687-700. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., Pinkova, J., Ko, N., Stromsmoe, N., Gullick, J. (2021). Chronic wound care delivery in wound clinics, community nursing and residential aged care settings: A qualitative analysis using Levine’s Conservation Model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30, 1295-1311. [More Information]
- Tam, C., Gullick, J., Saavedra, A., Vernon, S., Figtree, G., Chow, C., Cretikos, M., Morris, R., William, M., Morris, J., et al (2021). Combining structured and unstructured data in EMRs to create clinically-defined EMR-derived cohorts. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1), 91. [More Information]
- Lembo, R., Gullick, J., Chow, C., Figtree, G., Kozor, R. (2020). A Study of Patient Satisfaction and Uncertainty in a Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, 29(8), e210-e216. [More Information]
- Sheils, S., Mason, S., Gullick, J. (2020). Acceptability of external jugular venepuncture for patients with liver disease and difficult venous access. British Journal of Nursing, 29(2), S27-S34. [More Information]
- Tam, C., Brieger, D., Gullick, J., Morris, J., Saavedra, A., Morris, R., Figtree, G., Vernon, S. (2020). Electronic Data on STEMI Patients (Stage 1).
- Gill, F., Lin, F., Massey, D., Wilson, L., Greenwood, M., Skylas, K., Woodard, M., Tembo, A., Mitchell, M., Gullick, J. (2019). Development of a position statement for Australian critical care nurse education. Australian Critical Care, 32(4), 346-350. [More Information]
- Ladak, L., Hasan, B., Gullick, J., Gallagher, R. (2019). Health-related quality of life in congenital heart disease surgery in children and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104(4), 340-347. [More Information]
- Ladak, L., Hasan, B., Gullick, J., Awais, K., Abdullah, A., Gallagher, R. (2019). Health-related quality of life in surgical children and adolescents with congenital heart disease compared with their age-matched healthy sibling: a cross-sectional study from a lower middle-income country, Pakistan. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104(5), 419-425. [More Information]
- Gullick, J., Smith, S. (2018). A call for a stronger articulation of education and role delineation for nurse researchers. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 24(3), 1-2. [More Information]
- Smith, S., Gullick, J., Ballard, J., Perry, L. (2018). A proposed clinical research support career pathway for noninvestigators. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 24(3), e12641. [More Information]
- Yu, C., Sheriff, J., Ng, A., Brazete, S., Gullick, J., Brieger, D., Kritharides, L., Lowe, H. (2018). A Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic (RACPC): Initial Australian Experience. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, 27(11), 1376-1380. [More Information]
- Gullick, J., Krivograd, M., Taggart, S., Brazete, S., Panaretto, L., Wu, J. (2017). A phenomenological construct of caring among spouses following acute coronary syndrome. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 20(3), 393-404. [More Information]
- Jin, K., Gullick, J., Neubeck, A., Koo, F., Ding, D. (2017). Acculturation is associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk-factors among Chinese immigrants in Australia: Evidence from a large population-based cohort. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 24(18), 2000-2008. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., West, S., Gullick, J. (2017). An integrative review of health-related quality of life in patients with critical limb ischaemia. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(19-20), 2826-2844. [More Information]
- Sheriff, M., Ng, A., Brazete, S., Gullick, J., Brieger, D., Kritharides, L., Lowe, H. (2016). Anatomy of a Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic (RACPC) in a Metropolitan Tertiary Hospital Setting. Abstracts for the 64th Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting and the International Society for Heart Research Australasian Section Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide: Elsevier.
- Gullick, J., West, S. (2016). Building research capacity and productivity among advanced practice nurses: an evaluation of the Community of Practice model. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(3), 605-619. [More Information]
- Johnson, R., Taggart, S., Gullick, J. (2016). Emerging from the trauma bubble: Redefining 'normal' after burn injury. Burns, 42(6), 1223-1232. [More Information]
- Jin, K., Ding, D., Gullick, J., Koo, F., Neubeck, L. (2015). A Chinese Immigrant Paradox? Low Coronary Heart Disease Incidence but Higher Short-Term Mortality in Western-Dwelling Chinese Immigrants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association, 4(12), 1-12. [More Information]
- Parkinson, J., Buckley, T., Gullick, J., Marshall, A., Alchin, D. (2015). An evaluation of peripheral vascular access site complications following cardiac angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting and the International Society for Heart Research Australasian Section Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne: Elsevier. [More Information]
- Cashin, A., Stasa, H., Gullick, J., Conway, R., Cunich, M., Buckley, T. (2015). Clarifying Clinical Nurse Consultant work in Australia: A phenomenological study. Collegian, 22(4), 405-412. [More Information]
- Monaro, S., Stewart, G., Gullick, J. (2014). A 'lost life': coming to terms with haemodialysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(21-22), 3262-3273. [More Information]
- Aliprandi-Costa, B., Brieger, D., Hyun, K., Walters, D., West, S., Gullick, J., Miller, V., Ranasinghe, I. (2014). Hospital performance in the treatment of ST elevation myocardial infarction correlates with overall adherence to evidenced based care in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes in the Australian Cooperative National Registry of Acute Coronary Care, guideline adherence and clinical events concordance. ACC. 14 - American College of Cardiology 63rd Annual Scientific Session & Expo, Washington, DC, USA. [More Information]
- Aliprandi-Costa, B., Brieger, D., West, S., Gullick, J., Ryan, E., Turnbull, R., Morgan, C., Alford, K., Kamaldasa, K., Ranasinghe, I. (2014). Real-time reporting of clinical process measures reveals improved performance, yet differences persist between hospitals in the Australian Cooperative National Registry of Acute Coronary Care, guideline adherence and clinical events (concordance). ACC. 14 - American College of Cardiology 63rd Annual Scientific Session & Expo, Washington, DC, USA. [More Information]
- Cheung, W., Middleton, P., Davies, S., Tummala, S., Thanakrishnan, G., Gullick, J. (2013). A comparison of survival following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Sydney, Australia, between 2004-2005 and 2009-2010. Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15(3), 241-246. [More Information]
- Cheung, N., Mann-Farrar, J., Gullick, J., Vogelzang, B., Thanakrishnan, G., Veitch, E., Tighe, C., Spiker, C., Anandacoomarasamy, A., Fugaccia, E. (2013). Future trials to investigate a ward physician leadership model for the Medical Emergency Team are not logistically feasible. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 41(5), 679-680. [More Information]
- Cheung, W., Gullick, J., Thanakrishnan, G., Snars, J., Milliss, D., Tan, J. (2012). Expansion of a Medical Emergency Team system to a Mental Health Facility. Resuscitation, 83(3), 293-296. [More Information]
- Khatri, S., Whiteley, I., Gullick, J., Wildbore, C. (2012). Marking Time: The temporal experience of gastrointestinal cancer. Contemporary Nurse, 41(2), 146-159. [More Information]
- Gullick, J. (2012). Psychosocial Dimensions of COPD for the Patient and Family. In Dr. Kian-Chung Ong (Eds.), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Current Concepts and Practice, (pp. 153-178). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Publishers. [More Information]
- Cheung, W., Gullick, J., Thanakrishnan, G., Jacobs, R., Au, W., Uy, J., Fick, M., Narayan, P., Ralston, S., Tan, J. (2009). Injuries occurring in hospital staff attending medical emergency team (MET) calls-A prospective, observational study. Resuscitation, 80(12), 1351-1356. [More Information]
- Gullick, J., Stainton, M. (2009). Taking a chance: the experience of lung volume reduction procedures for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic Illness, 5(4), 293-304. [More Information]
- Gullick, J. (2008). Conscious Body Management of Breathlessness. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
- Gullick, J., Stainton, M. (2008). Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: developing conscious body management in a shrinking life-world. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64(6), 605-614. [More Information]
- Gullick, J., Shimadry, B. (2008). Using Patient Stories to Guide Solutions for Quality and Clinical Redesign. Nursing Times.
- Gullick, J., Stainton, M. (2006). Smoking in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Need of the Taken-for-Granted Body. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 1(1), 7-12.
- Gullick, J., Stainton, M. (2006). Smoking in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Need of the Taken-For-Granted Body. Journal of Smoking Cessation.
Selected Grants
- Preparing the foundations for a fully integrated electronic chest pain pathway, Gullick J, Brieger D, Morris J, Chow C, Figtree G, Saavedra A, Shaw T, Miller A, Ritchie A, Guney S, Agency for Clinical Innovation (NSW)/Research Support
Additional Grants
Electronic Data on Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome, Morris J, Tam C, Morris R, Strasiotto M, Saavedra A, Brieger D, Gullick J, Vernon S, Figtree G, NSW Health Strategic Funding (Speed Extract ) $504,436
Electronic Data on Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome, Brieger D, Tam C, Gullick J, Morris J, Figtree G, Vernon S, NSW Health Strategic Funding (Speed Extract) $207,314
Characteristics, management and outcomes of patients presenting with chest pain and acute coronary syndrome using data extracted from electronic records from Sydney Health Partner Facilities (Stage 1), Figtree G, Brieger D, Chow C, Gullick J, Kozor R, Sindone A, Wright S , Cretikos M, Gale M, Morris J, Shaw T, Gallimore F, Tam C, Saavedra A, Ritchie A, Avery B, Yeung W, NSW Health Strategic Funding (Speed Extract) $332,329