Professor Emeritus John Chalmers

Professor Emeritus John Chalmers

Emeritus Professor
Medicine, Central Clinical School
+61 2 9993 4587
+61 2 9993 4588
Professor Emeritus John Chalmers

Large scale clinical trials and epidemiological studies in relation to hypertension, to coronary heart disease and stroke, and to diabetes and renal disease. Particular focus on international studies that include low and middle income countries as well as countries with advanced economies.

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Healthy Ageing, Lifespan

Selected publications



  • Chalmers, J., Colagiuri, S., Cooper, M., Grobbee, R., Hamet, P., Kengne, A., MacMahon, S., Marre, M., Mogensen, C., Neal, B., Patel, A., Perkovic, V., et al (2008). Prevention of vascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes: benefits of intensive blood pressure and blood glucose control with Preterax and Diamicron MR. France: Wolters Kluwer Health France.
  • Chalmers, J. (2007). ADVANCE: New Approaches for the prevention of Vascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes. Issue 1. France: Wolters Kluwer Health France.

Edited Books

  • Chalmers, J., Colagiuri, S., Grobbee, R., Hamet, P., Kengne, A., MacMahon, S., Mogensen, C., Neal, B., Patel, A., Perkovic, V., et al (2007). New approaches for the prevention of vascular disease in type 2 diabetes: benefits of blood pressure lowering with the fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide. France: Wolters Kluwer Health Pharma Solutions.
  • Chalmers, J., MacMahon, S., Brass, L., Chapman, N., Gorelick, P., Neal, B. (2002). Clinician's Manual on Blood Pressure and Stroke Prevention. United Kingdom: Current Medicine Group Ltd.

Book Chapters

  • Chapman, N., Arima, H., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C. (2012). Cerebrovascular Disease in Hypertension. In Henry R Black and William J Elliott (Eds.), Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease, Second Edition, (pp. 392-405). Philadelphia: Elsevier. [More Information]
  • Hata, J., Arima, H., Anderson, C., Chalmers, J. (2012). Cognitive Function and Dementia in Hypertension: Epidemiologic and Therapeutic Aspects. In Adel E. Berbari and Giuseppe Mancia (Eds.), Special Issues in Hypertension, (pp. 399-412). Milan, Italy: Springer. [More Information]
  • Chalmers, J., Cooper, M., Grobbee, R., Hamet, P., Kengne, A., MacMahon, S., Marre, M., Mogensen, C., Neal, B., Patel, A., et al (2010). Protection against cardiovascular and renal disease in type 2 diabetes: ADVANCEs in the control of blood pressure Peterax and Diamicron MR. In J Chalmers (Eds.), Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Mr Controlled Evaluation. France: Wolters Kluwer Health France.


  • Wang, N., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J., Harris, K., Poulter, N., Mancia, G., Harrap, S., Hamet, P., Grobbee, D., Marre, M. (2024). Combination blood pressure lowering therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes: messages from the ADVANCE trial. Journal of Hypertension, , 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003855. [More Information]
  • Neuen, B., Jun, M., Wick, J., Kotwal, S., Badve, S., Jardine, M., Gallagher, M., Chalmers, J., Nallaiah, K., Perkovic, V., et al (2024). Estimating the population-level impacts of improved uptake of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional observational study using routinely collected Australian primary care data. The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific, 43. [More Information]
  • Chen, C., Robinson, T., Lindley, R., Arima, H., Chalmers, J., Li, G., Chen, X., Anderson, C., Song, L., Ren, X., et al (2024). Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering and Renal Function in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Secondary Analysis of the ENCHANTED Trial. Cerebrovascular Diseases. [More Information]


  • Campbell, D., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J., Colman, S., Jenkins, A., Kemp, B., Neal, B., Patel, A., MacMahon, S. (2008). Can NT-proBNP Monitoring Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease? 13th World Congress on Heart Disease, Italy: Medimond International Proceedings.


  • Carey-Hazell, K., Boyden, A., Rooney, E., Chalmers, J., Jennings, G., Levi, C., Mathew, T., Tonkin, A., Beilby, J., Lowe, M., Lindley, R. (2005). National Health Priority Action Council (NHPAC) (2006), National Service Improvement Framework for Heart, Stroke and Vascular Disease.
  • Ward, M., Bishop, J., Theile, D., Chalmers, J., Cass, A. (2003). Options for Clinical Services.


  • Wang, N., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J., Harris, K., Poulter, N., Mancia, G., Harrap, S., Hamet, P., Grobbee, D., Marre, M. (2024). Combination blood pressure lowering therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes: messages from the ADVANCE trial. Journal of Hypertension, , 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003855. [More Information]
  • Neuen, B., Jun, M., Wick, J., Kotwal, S., Badve, S., Jardine, M., Gallagher, M., Chalmers, J., Nallaiah, K., Perkovic, V., et al (2024). Estimating the population-level impacts of improved uptake of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional observational study using routinely collected Australian primary care data. The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific, 43. [More Information]
  • Chen, C., Robinson, T., Lindley, R., Arima, H., Chalmers, J., Li, G., Chen, X., Anderson, C., Song, L., Ren, X., et al (2024). Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering and Renal Function in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Secondary Analysis of the ENCHANTED Trial. Cerebrovascular Diseases. [More Information]


  • Inker, L., Collier, W., Greene, T., Miao, S., Chaudhari, J., Appel, G., Badve, S., Caravaca-Fontán, F., Del Vecchio, L., Floege, J., et al (2023). A meta-analysis of GFR slope as a surrogate endpoint for kidney failure. Nature Medicine, 29(7), 1867-1876. [More Information]
  • Wang, N., Harris, K., Woodward, M., Harrap, S., Mancia, G., Poulter, N., Chalmers, J., Rodgers, A. (2023). Clinical Utility of Short-Term Blood Pressure Measures to Inform Long-Term Blood Pressure Management. Hypertension, 80(3), 608-617. [More Information]
  • Nolde, J., Atkins, E., Marschner, S., Hillis, G., Chalmers, J., Billot, L., Nelson, M., Reid, C., Hay, P., Burke, M., Usherwood, T., Chow, C., et al (2023). Effect of Initial Treatment With a Single Pill Containing Quadruple Combination of Quarter Doses of Blood Pressure Medicines Versus Standard Dose Monotherapy in Patients With Hypertension on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Indices: Results From the QUARTET Study. Circulation, 148(4), 375-377. [More Information]


  • Wang, X., Minhas, J., Moullaali, T., Di Tanna, G., Lindley, R., Chen, X., Arima, H., Chen, G., Delcourt, C., Bath, P., et al (2022). Associations of Early Systolic Blood Pressure Control and Outcome after Thrombolysis-Eligible Acute Ischemic Stroke: Results from the ENCHANTED Study. Stroke, 29(2), 779-787. [More Information]
  • Wang, N., Harris, K., Hamet, P., Harrap, S., Mancia, G., Poulter, N., Williams, B., Zoungas, S., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J., et al (2022). Cumulative Systolic Blood Pressure Load and Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With Diabetes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80(12), 1147-1155. [More Information]
  • Moullaali, T., Wang, X., Sandset, E., Woodhouse, L., Law, Z., Arima, H., Butcher, K., Chalmers, J., Delcourt, C., Edwards, L., et al (2022). Early lowering of blood pressure after acute intracerebral haemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 93(1), 6-13. [More Information]


  • Song, L., Wang, X., Ouyang, M., Sun, L., Chen, X., Arima, H., Sandset, E., Delcourt, C., Wang, J., Chen, G., Lindley, R., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C., et al (2021). Associations of an Abnormal Physiological Score With Outcomes in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT2 Study. Stroke, 52(2), 722-725. [More Information]
  • Wang, N., Harris, K., Chalmers, J., Harrap, S., Mancia, G., Marre, M., Poulter, N., Tzourio, C., Williams, B., Zoungas, S., et al (2021). Combination blood pressure lowering in the presence or absence of background statin and aspirin therapy: a combined analysis of PROGRESS and ADVANCE Trials. Journal of Hypertension, 39(8), 1689-1696. [More Information]
  • Minhas, J., Wang, X., Lindley, R., Delcourt, C., Song, L., Woodward, M., Lee, T., Broderick, J., Pontes-Neto, O., Kim, J., et al (2021). Comparative effects of intensive-blood pressure versus standard-blood pressure-lowering treatment in patients with severe ischemic stroke in the ENCHANTED trial. Journal of Hypertension, 39(2), 280-285. [More Information]


  • Chen, X., Delcourt, C., Sun, L., Zhou, Z., Yoshimura, S., You, S., Malavera, A., Torii-Yoshimura, T., Carcel, C., Arima, H., Hackett, M., Song, L., Lindley, R., Anderson, C., et al (2020). Brain Imaging Signs and Health-Related Quality of Life after Acute Ischemic Stroke: Analysis of ENCHANTED Alteplase Dose Arm. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 49(4), 427-436. [More Information]
  • Hua, X., Lung, T., Woodward, M., Salomon, J., Hamet, P., Harrap, S., Mancia, G., Poulter, N., Chalmers, J., Clarke, P. (2020). Self-rated health scores predict mortality among people with type 2 diabetes differently across three different country groupings: findings from the ADVANCE and ADVANCE-ON trials. Diabetic Medicine, 37(8), 1379-1385. [More Information]
  • Sandset, E., Wang, X., Carcel, C., Sato, S., Delcourt, C., Arima, H., Stapf, C., Robinson, T., Lavados, P., Chalmers, J., et al (2020). Sex differences in treatment, radiological features and outcome after intracerebral haemorrhage: Pooled analysis of Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage trials 1 and 2. European Stroke Journal, 5(4), 345-350. [More Information]


  • Robinson, T., Bray, B., Paley, L., Sprigg, N., Wang, X., Arima, H., Bath, P., Broderick, J., Durham, A., Kim, J., et al (2019). Applicability of ENCHANTED trial results to current acute ischemic stroke patients eligible for intravenous thrombolysis in England and Wales: Comparison with the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme registry. International Journal of Stroke, 14(7), 678-685. [More Information]
  • You, S., Zheng, D., Delcourt, C., Sato, S., Cao, Y., Zhang, S., Yang, J., Wang, X., Lindley, R., Robinson, T., et al (2019). Determinants of Early Versus Delayed Neurological Deterioration in Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke, 50(6), 1409-1414. [More Information]
  • Wang, X., Sandset, E., Moullaali, T., Chen, G., Song, L., Carcel, C., Delcourt, C., Woodward, M., Robinson, T., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C., et al (2019). Determinants of the high admission blood pressure in mild-to-moderate acute intracerebral hemorrhage. Journal of Hypertension, 37(7), 1463-1466. [More Information]


  • Mohammedi, K., Chalmers, J., Herrington, W., Li, Q., Mancia, G., Marre, M., Poulter, N., Rodgers, A., Williams, B., Perkovic, V., Woodward, M., et al (2018). Associations between body mass index and the risk of renal events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Nutrition and Diabetes, 8(1), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Ohkuma, T., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J. (2018). Cardiac stress and inflammatory markers as predictors of heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes: The ADVANCE trial. Diabetes care 2017;40:1203-1209. Diabetes Care, 41(3), e39. [More Information]
  • Jun, M., Ohkuma, T., Zoungas, S., Colagiuri, S., Mancia, G., Marre, M., Matthews, D., Poulter, N., Williams, B., Rodgers, A., Perkovic, V., et al (2018). Changes in Albuminuria and the Risk of Major Clinical Outcomes in Diabetes: Results From ADVANCE-ON. Diabetes Care, 41(1), 163-170. [More Information]


  • Delcourt, C., Zheng, D., Chen, X., Hackett, M., Arima, H., Hata, J., Heeley, E., Salman, R., Woodward, M., Huang, Y., Lindley, R., Davies, L., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C., Sato, S., et al (2017). Associations with health-related quality of life after intracerebral haemorrhage: pooled analysis of INTERACT studies. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 88(1), 70-75. [More Information]
  • Schilling, C., Knight, J., Mortimer, D., Petrie, D., Clarke, P., Chalmers, J., Kerr, A., Jackson, R. (2017). Australian general practitioners initiate statin therapy primarily on the basis of lipid levels; New Zealand general practitioners use absolute risk. Health Policy, 121(12), 1233-1239. [More Information]
  • Ohkuma, T., Jun, M., Woodward, M., Zoungas, S., Cooper, M., Grobbee, D., Hamet, P., Mancia, G., Williams, B., Welsh, P., Chalmers, J., et al (2017). Cardiac stress and inflammatory markers as predictors of heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes: The ADVANCE trial. Diabetes Care, 40(9), 1203-1209. [More Information]


  • Mohammedi, K., Woodward, M., Zoungas, S., Li, Q., Harrap, S., Patel, A., Marre, M., Chalmers, J. (2016). Absence of Peripheral Pulses and Risk of Major Vascular Outcomes in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 39(12), 2270-2277. [More Information]
  • Qiu, M., Sato, S., Zheng, D., Wang, X., Carcel, C., Hirakawa, Y., Sandset, E., Delcourt, C., Arima, H., Wang, J., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C. (2016). Admission Heart Rate Predicts Poor Outcomes in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial Studies. Stroke, 47(6), 1479-1485. [More Information]
  • Ettehad, D., Emdin, C., Kiran, A., Anderson, S., Callender, T., Emberson, J., Chalmers, J., Rodgers, A., Rahimi, K. (2016). Blood pressure lowering for prevention of cardiovascular disease and death: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet, 387(10022), 957-967. [More Information]


  • Zheng, D., Arima, H., Heeley, E., Karpin, A., Yang, J., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C. (2015). Ambient temperature and volume of perihematomal edema in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: the INTERACT1 study. International Journal of Stroke, 10(1), 25-27. [More Information]
  • Chalmers, J. (2015). Blood pressure control after a stroke: A continuing challenge!. Journal of Hypertension, 33(10), 2022-2024. [More Information]
  • Chalmers, J. (2015). Can blood pressure-lowering therapy reduce the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly? Journal of Hypertension, 33(10), 2029-2031. [More Information]


  • Fischer, U., Cooney, M., Bull, L., Silver, L., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C., Mehta, Z., Rothwell, P. (2014). Acute post-stroke blood pressure relative to premorbid levels in intracerebral haemorrhage versus major ischaemic stroke: a population-based study. The Lancet Neurology, 13(4), 374-384. [More Information]
  • Zheng, D., Arima, H., Heeley, E., Karpin, A., Heller, G., Yang, J., Chalmers, J., Anderson, C. (2014). Ambient Temperature and Severity of Intracerebral Haemorrhage: The INTERACT1 Study. Neuroepidemiology, 42(3), 169-173. [More Information]
  • Chalmers, J. (2014). Are the effects of telmisartan more marked in hypertensive patients? Journal of Hypertension, 32(6), 1201-1202. [More Information]


  • Rist, P., Chalmers, J., Arima, H., Anderson, C., MacMahon, S., Woodward, M., Kurth, T., Tzourio, C. (2013). Baseline Cognitive Function, Recurrent Stroke, and Risk of Dementia in Patients With Stroke. Stroke, 44(7), 1790-1795. [More Information]
  • Ninomiya, T., Perkovic, V., Turnbull, F., Neal, B., Barzi, F., Cass, A., Baigent, C., Chalmers, J., Li, N., Woodward, M., MacMahon, S. (2013). Blood pressure lowering and major cardiovascular events in people with and without chronic kidney disease: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ, 347(7929), 1-15. [More Information]
  • Perkovic, V., Woodward, M., Zoungas, S., Chalmers, J. (2013). Caution advised in interpreting nonsignificant results from ADVANCE post hoc analysis. Kidney International, 84(3), 622-622. [More Information]


  • Zoungas, S., Chalmers, J., Li, Q., Woodward, M. (2012). ADVANCE and glycaemia thresholds: a need to clarify the statistical approach. Reply to Currie CJ [letter]. Diabetologia, 55(8), 2300-2300. [More Information]
  • Zoungas, S., Chalmers, J., Ninomiya, T., Li, Q., Cooper, M., Colagiuri, S., Fulcher, G., de Galan, B., Harrap, S., Hamet, P., Patel, A., Neal, B., Woodward, M., et al (2012). Association of HbA1c levels with vascular complications and death in patients with type 2 diabetes: evidence of glycaemic thresholds. Diabetologia, 55(3), 636-643. [More Information]
  • Fox, C., Matsushita, K., Woodward, M., Bilo, H., Chalmers, J., Heerspink, H., Lee, B., Perkins, R., Rossing, P., Sairenchi, T., et al (2012). Associations of kidney disease measures with mortality and end-stage renal disease in individuals with and without diabetes: a meta-analysis. The Lancet, 380(9854), 1662-1673. [More Information]


  • Brugts, J., Isaacs, A., de Maat, M., Boersma, E., van Duijn, C., Akkerhuis, K., Uitterlinden, A., Witteman, J., Cambien, F., Ceconi, C., Ninomiya, T., Chalmers, J., MacMahon, S., et al (2011). A Pharmacogenetic Analysis of Determinants of Hypertension and Blood Pressure Response to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy in Patients With Vascular Disease and Healthy Individuals. Journal of Hypertension, 29(3), 509-519. [More Information]
  • Salomon, J., Patel, A., Neal, B., Glasziou, P., Grobbee, D., Chalmers, J., Clarke, P. (2011). Comparability of Patient-reported Health Status: Multicountry Analysis of EQ-5D Responses in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Medical Care, 49(10), 962-969. [More Information]
  • Czernichow, S., Kengne, A., Huxley, R., Batty, G., de Galan, B., Grobbee, D., Pillai, A., Zoungas, S., Marre, M., Woodward, M., Neal, B., Chalmers, J. (2011). Comparison of waist-to-hip ratio and other obesity indices as predictors of cardiovascular disease risk in people with type-2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study from ADVANCE. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 18(2), 312-319. [More Information]


  • Jardine, M., Ninomiya, T., Perkovic, V., Cass, A., Turnbull, F., Gallagher, M., Zoungas, S., Heerspink, H., Chalmers, J., Zanchetti, A. (2010). Aspirin is beneficial in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease a post-hoc subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 56(12), 956-965. [More Information]
  • Lee, C., Stolk, R., Adler, A., Patel, A., Chalmers, J., Neal, B., Poulter, N., Harrap, S., Woodward, M., Marre, M., et al (2010). Association between alcohol consumption and diabetic retinopathy and visual acuity-the AdRem Study. Diabetic Medicine, 27(10), 1130-1137. [More Information]
  • Heeley, E., Peiris, D., Patel, A., Cass, A., Weekes, A., Morgan, C., Anderson, C., Chalmers, J. (2010). Cardiovascular risk perception and evidence-practice gaps in Australian general practice (the AusHEART study). Medical Journal of Australia, 192(5), 254-259. [More Information]


  • Patel, A., Chalmers, J., MacMahon, S., Neal, B. (2009). ADVANCE: Blood Pressure Lowering in Diabetes (Letter to the Editor). Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 11(2), 108-108. [More Information]
  • Ninomiya, T., Perkovic, V., de Galan, B., Zoungas, S., Pillai, A., Jardine, M., Patel, A., Cass, A., Neal, B., Poulter, N., Woodward, M., MacMahon, S., Chalmers, J., et al (2009). Albuminuria and Kidney Function Independently Predict Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Diabetes. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 20(8), 1813-1821. [More Information]
  • Tavakoli, M., Pumford, N., Woodward, M., Doney, A., Chalmers, J., MacMahon, S., MacWalter, R. (2009). An economic evaluation of a perindopril-based blood pressure lowering regimen for patients who have suffered a cerebrovascular event. The European Journal of Health Economics, 10, 111-119. [More Information]


  • Chalmers, J., Joshi, R., Patel, A. (2008). Advances in reducing the burden of ascular disease in type 2 diabetes. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 35, 434-437. [More Information]
  • Chockalingham, A., Chalmers, J., Whitworth, J., Erdine, S., Mancia, G., Mendis, S., Heagerty, A. (2008). Antalya statement of the International Society of Hypertension on the prevention of blood pressure-related diseases. Journal of Hypertension, 26, 2255-2258. [More Information]
  • Tzourio, C., Arima, H., Harrap, S., Anderson, C., Godin, O., Woodward, M., Neal, B., Bousser, M., Chalmers, J., Cambien, F., MacMahon, S. (2008). APOE genotype, ethnicity, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage. Neurology, 70(16 (Part 1-2)), 1322-1328. [More Information]


  • Chalmers, J. (2007). ADVANCE: New Approaches for the prevention of Vascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes. Issue 1. France: Wolters Kluwer Health France.
  • Turnbull, F., Neal, B., Pfeffer, M., Kostis, J., Algert, C., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J., Zanchetti, A., MacMahon, S. (2007). Blood pressure-dependent and independent effects of agents that inhibit the renin-angiotensin system. Journal of Hypertension, 25(5), 951-958. [More Information]
  • Perkovic, V., Ninomiya, T., Arima, H., Jardine, M., Cass, A., Neal, B., MacMahon, S., Chalmers, J. (2007). Chronic Kidney Disease, Cardiovascular Events, and The Effects Of Perindopril-Based Blood Pressure Lowering: Data From The PROGRESS Study. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 18(10), 2766-2772. [More Information]


  • Chalmers, J., Perkovic, V., Joshi, R., Patel, A. (2006). ADVANCE: breaking new ground in type 2 diabetes. Journal of Hypertension, 24(Supplement 5), S22-S28. [More Information]
  • Perkovic, V., Joshi, R., Patel, A., Bompoint, S., Chalmers, J., Neal, B., MacMahon, S., Glasziou, P., Woodward, M., Cooper, M., et al (2006). ADVANCE: Lessons from the run-in phase of a large study in type 2 diabetes. Blood Pressure, 15(6), 340-346. [More Information]
  • Chalmers, J. (2006). Blood pressure and stroke: a continuing debate. Journal of Hypertension, 24(7), 1249-51. [More Information]


  • Chalmers, J., MacMahon, S., Colman, S., Heller, S., Neal, B., Pan, C., Patel, A., Woodward, M., Cooper, M., Adams, M., Fulcher, G., Mitchell, P., Pollock, C., Watson, J., et al (2005). ADVANCE - Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: patient recruitment and characteristics of the study population at baseline. Diabetic Medicine, 22(7), 882-888. [More Information]
  • Patel, A., Chalmers, J., Poulter, N. (2005). ADVANCE: action in diabetes and vascular disease. Journal of Human Hypertension, 19(Suppl 1), S27-S32. [More Information]
  • Campbell, D., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J., Colman, S., Jenkins, A., Neal, B., Patel, A., MacMahon, S. (2005). Amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP): a risk factor for most seasons. European Heart Journal, 26(Suppl 1), 257.


  • MacMahon, S., Neal, B., Rodgers, A., Chalmers, J. (2004). Commentary: The PROGRESS trial three years later: time for more action, less distraction. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 329(7472), 970-971. [More Information]
  • Chalmers, J. (2004). Comparison Of Various Blood Pressure Lowering Treatments on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Outcomes in Recent Randomised Clinical Trials. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, 26(7-8), 709-719. [More Information]
  • Chalmers, J., Chapman, N. (2004). Development Of Blood Pressure Lowering Therapy: From Trials To Practice. In WH Birkenhager, JIS Robertson, A Zanchetti (Eds.), Hypertension in the Twentieth Century: Concepts and Achievements; Handbook of Hypertension, (pp. 504-525). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.


  • MacMahon, S., Chalmers, J. (2003). Blood pressure lowering and ACE inhibition for the avoidance of cardiac and cerebral events. European Heart Journal, 24(5), 391-393. [More Information]
  • Patel, A., Chalmers, J., Chaturvedi, V., Currie, R., Monaghan, H., Neal, B. (2003). Diabetes and vascular disease: a new international trial. Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 11(2), 180-184. [More Information]
  • Chaturvedi, V., Patel, A., Chalmers, J., Chapman, N., Hansson, L., MacMahon, S., Mancia, G., Neal, B., Reid, J., Sharpe, N., Woodward, M., Anderson, C., et al (2003). Effects of a perindopril-based blood pressure lowering regimen on cardiac outcomes among patients with cerebrovascular disease. European Heart Journal, 24(5), 475-484. [More Information]


  • Chalmers, J., MacMahon, S., Brass, L., Chapman, N., Gorelick, P., Neal, B. (2002). Clinician's Manual on Blood Pressure and Stroke Prevention. United Kingdom: Current Medicine Group Ltd.
  • Chalmers, J. (2002). Enhancing risk stratification in hypertensive subjects: how far should we go in routine screening for target organ damage? Journal of Hypertension, 20(7), 1255-1257. [More Information]
  • Freedman, B., Brieger, D., Celermajer, D., Chalmers, J., Tofler, G., Campbell, T., Feneley, M., Marwick, T., Muller, D., Tonkin, A. (2002). Global cardiology comes to Australia: 14th World Congress of Cardiology, Sydney, 5-9 May 2002. Medical Journal of Australia, 177(9), 473-475. [More Information]


  • Chalmers, J., Whitworth, J. (2001). A half-century of Australian health and medical research. Medical Journal of Australia, 174, 29-32.
  • Neal, B., Chapman, J., Chalmers, J., MacMahon, S., Girgis, S., Patel, A. (2001). Blood pressure and the vascular complications of diabetes. Medicographia, 23(3), 214-219.
  • Chalmers, J., Neal, B., Chapman, J., MacMahon, S., Patel, A., Girgis, S. (2001). Blood pressure lowering in diabetes: a brief review of the current evidence and description of a new trial. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 28, 1108-1111. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Apps to improve medication adherence in Coronary Heart Disease (MedApp-CHD) Study, Redfern J, Santo K, Chow C, Chalmers J, National Heart Foundation of Australia/Vanguard Grant


  • Discovery and translation of evidence for new strategies to combat cardiovascular diseases, MacMahon S, Chalmers J, Neal B, Woodward M, Anderson C, Patel A, Rodgers A, Perkovic V, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants