Associate Professor John Loadsman

Associate Professor John Loadsman

Conjoint Associate Professor
Anaesthesia, Central Clinical School
+61 2 9515 6111
+61 2 9519 2455
Neurosciences and Mental Health


Book Chapters

  • Loadsman, J. (2010). The patient with obstructive sleep apnoea. Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence, (pp. 415-418). Melbourne: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine.


  • Payne, T., Braithwaite, H., Mcculloch, T., Paleologos, M., Johnstone, C., Wehrman, J., Taylor, J., Loadsman, J., Wang, A., Sanders, R. (2023). Depth of anaesthesia and mortality after cardiac or noncardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 130(2), e317-e329. [More Information]
  • Braithwaite, H., Sanders, R., Payne, T., Duce, N., Lim, J., Mcculloch, T., Loadsman, J., Leslie, K., Webster, A., Gaskell, A. (2023). Impact of female sex on anaesthetic awareness, depth, and emergence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 131(3), 510-522. [More Information]
  • Robertson, T., McCulloch, T., Paleologos, M., Downey, R., Loadsman, J., Thanigasalam, R., Leslie, S. (2022). Effects of sevoflurane versus propofol on cerebral autoregulation during anaesthesia for robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 50(5), 361-367. [More Information]


  • Payne, T., Braithwaite, H., Mcculloch, T., Paleologos, M., Johnstone, C., Wehrman, J., Taylor, J., Loadsman, J., Wang, A., Sanders, R. (2023). Depth of anaesthesia and mortality after cardiac or noncardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 130(2), e317-e329. [More Information]
  • Braithwaite, H., Sanders, R., Payne, T., Duce, N., Lim, J., Mcculloch, T., Loadsman, J., Leslie, K., Webster, A., Gaskell, A. (2023). Impact of female sex on anaesthetic awareness, depth, and emergence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 131(3), 510-522. [More Information]


  • Robertson, T., McCulloch, T., Paleologos, M., Downey, R., Loadsman, J., Thanigasalam, R., Leslie, S. (2022). Effects of sevoflurane versus propofol on cerebral autoregulation during anaesthesia for robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 50(5), 361-367. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2022). Morphine to methadone, and beyond. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 50, 8-9. [More Information]


  • Gibbs, N., Loadsman, J. (2021). Claims to primacy or priority (being the ‘first’) are an unnecessary conceit. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 49(3), 162-163. [More Information]


  • Loadsman, J., Ho, K. (2020). A review series on the management of burns injury. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 48(2), 87-88. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2020). Awards for papers in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 2019, and recent Queen's Birthday Honours for Editorial Board Members. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 48(4), 330. [More Information]


  • Crawford, J., Loadsman, J., Yang, K., Kam, P. (2019). Adding low concentrations of clonidine to ropivacaine for transversus abdominis plane blocks does not reduce plasma ropivacaine levels, suggesting a lack of vasoconstrictor effect. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 47(2), 134-140. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2019). Awards for papers in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 2018. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 47(5), 482. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J., Craigie, M. (2019). Clinical assessment of pain and its measurement and reporting for research: A state of discomfort. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 47(5), 411-412. [More Information]


  • Loadsman, J. (2018). A data sharing policy for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 46(6), 561-561. [More Information]
  • Piper, B., Loadsman, J. (2018). Anaesthesia and awareness: searching for the truth about consciousness in Oblivion. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 46(5), 451-452. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2018). Caveat scriptor. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, 12(4), 508-509. [More Information]


  • Carlisle, J., Loadsman, J. (2017). Evidence for non-random sampling in randomised, controlled trials by Yuhji Saitoh. Anaesthesia, 72(1), 17-27. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J., McCulloch, T. (2017). Widening the search for suspect data - is the flood of retractions about to become a tsunami? Anaesthesia, 72(8), 931-935. [More Information]


  • Loadsman, J., McCulloch, T., Paleologos, M., Kam, P. (2016). Peri-operative lidocaine infusion for open radical prostatectomy. Anaesthesia, 71(10), 1237-1238. [More Information]


  • Rhou, Y., Pather, S., Loadsman, J., Campbell, N., Philp, S., Carter, J. (2015). Direct hospital costs of total laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with fast-track open hysterectomy at a tertiary hospital: a retrospective case-controlled study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 55(6), 584-587. [More Information]


  • Loadsman, J. (2012). Dilemmas in biomedical research publication: are we losing the plot? Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 25(6), 730-735. [More Information]


  • Macintyre, P., Loadsman, J., Scott, D. (2011). Opioids, ventilation and acute pain management. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 39(4), 545-558. [More Information]
  • Chen, J., Hruby, G., Stockler, M., Patanjali, N., Bucci, J., Perez, G., Loadsman, J., Sheehan, E. (2011). Patient-reported outcomes of prostate high-dose-rate brachytherapy boost comparing an outpatient and inpatient protocol: A two-center chronologic cohort study. Brachytherapy, 10(6), 454-460. [More Information]
  • Hruby, G., Chen, J., Bucci, J., Loadsman, J., Perry, P., Stockler, M. (2011). Patients' experiences of high-dose-rate brachytherapy boost for prostate cancer using an inpatient protocol. Brachytherapy, 10(5), 395-400. [More Information]


  • Drummond, G., Loadsman, J. (2010). Conflicts of interest and medical publishing: the Private Eye test. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 38(2), 241-243. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2010). The patient with obstructive sleep apnoea. Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence, (pp. 415-418). Melbourne: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine.


  • Loadsman, J. (2009). Plagiarism: transparency required. Science. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2009). Preoperative screening for obstructive sleep apnoea--are we losing sleep over nothing? Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 37(5), 697-699. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2009). Scientific misconduct in anesthesia research: no exception to the rule. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 21, 33-36.


  • Doyle, C., Loadsman, J., Hruby, G. (2008). An audit of analgesia requirements for high-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 36(5), 707-709. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J. (2008). Half of patients with obstructive sleep apnea have a higher NREM AHI than REM AHI. Sleep Medicine, 9(4), 466-467. [More Information]
  • Loadsman, J., Garner, H., Drummond, G. (2008). Towards the elimination of duplication in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 36(5), 643-645. [More Information]


  • Hillman, D., Loadsman, J., Platt, P., Eastwood, P. (2004). Obstructive Sleep Apnoea And Anaesthesia. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 8(6), 459-471. [More Information]


  • Loadsman, J., Hillman, D. (2001). Anaesthesia and sleep apnoea. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 86, 254-266.


  • Loadsman, J., Wilcox, I. (2000). Is obstructive sleep apnoea a rapid eye movement-predoninant phenomenon? British Journal of Anaesthesia, 85, 354-358.