Professor Joy Ho

Professor Joy Ho

Clinical Professor
Medicine, Central Clinical School
+61 2 9515 8031
+61 2 9515 8474
Professor Joy Ho

Professor P. Joy Ho, MB.BS. (Hons), D.Phil (Oxon), FRACP, FRCPA, FFSc(RCPA) is Senior Staff Specialist in Haematology, Director of Research, Head of the Multiple Myeloma Research Unit and Thalassemia/Haemoglobinopathy Unit at the Institute of Haematology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH).

She is Founding Director of Sydney Blood Cancer Research Insitute, the research foundation of the Institute of Haematology, RPAH. Since July 2019, she is also Acting Director of the Institute of Haematology.

Trained in Sydney (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Concord Hospital, Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine & Cell Biology), University of Oxford (Institute of Molecular Medicine) and Cornell University, New York (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Sciences, Weill Cornell Medical College), her work spans benign and malignant haematology, with particular interests in myeloma, lymphoma, immunotherapy and the haemoglobinopathies.

She continues to build a broad national portfolio of multi-centre clinical trials across a spectrum of haematological diseases including myeloma, lymphoma and thalassemia, bringing emerging new therapies to Australia, which have had a seminal effect on the care and clinical outcomes of patients.

In myeloma, Prof Ho is the Chief Investigator of the national multi-centre Australasian Leukemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) MM16 study assessing the effect of carfilzomib treatment on early free light chain kinetics in myeloma patients with renal impairment, an interim analysis of which has provided key data which may change the standard of care. Prof Ho’s portfolio of clinical trials in myeloma is expanding with Phase I studies in bi-specific T cell-engager antibodies and Mcl-1 inhibitors in relapsed/refractory myeloma.

In lymphoma, Prof Ho is Principal Investigator of the first clinical trial of chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells in Australia, in relapsed diffuse large B cell lymphoma, with additional trials commencing in 2018.

As Head of the Myeloma Research Unit, Prof Ho and her colleagues are conducting innovative and comprehensive research into the structural heterogeneity of T cells in myeloma, using state-of-the-art technology of mass spectrometry and single cell transcriptome analysis.

In the haemoglobinopathies and iron metabolism, Prof Ho is currently the principal investigator of studies on two novel molecules in beta- thalassemia, an activin receptor fusion protein for its effect on ineffective erythropoiesis, and hepcidin in iron regulation. Prof Ho was chief investigator of a national multi-centre epidemiological study on the prevalence of cardiac and hepatic iron load in transfusion-dependent anaemias and non-transfusion-dependent thalassaemia. This study established the role of cardiac and liver MRI monitoring as an innovative assessment modality and was awarded an oral presentation at the American Society of Hematology Annual Conference. She was also Chief Investigator of the national MILE study on the effect of iron chelation assessed by MRI, published in Eur J Hem in 2017. Prof Ho’s Thalassemia Unit was one of only two non-US based sites participating in the International Northstar study (HGB-204) of gene therapy for beta thalassaemia, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2017. She is also the lead author of the Australian Guidelines on Iron chelation in the thalassemias and haemoblobinopathies.

Dedicated to both national and international research and education, Prof Ho is Foundation Member of the Medical Scientific Advisory Group, Myeloma Foundation of Australia (since 2006) and Deputy Chair (since 2015), Chair of the Steering Committee of National Australian Haemoglobinopathy Registry (since 2012), member of the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) since its inception in 2010, invited member of American Society of Hematology (ASH) International Members’ Committee (since 2016) and the Steering subcommittee of the International ASH Highlights conferences (since 2018), member of International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) Scientific Advisory Board (since 2006) and IMF Education Committee (since 2015).

She was recently appointed Chair of the Metrics Subcommittee of the American Society of Haematology (ASH) International Members Committee, responsible for evaluating several ASH International Programmes benefiting international haematology communities - haematologists, scientists and trainees, namely the Visitors' Training Program (VTP), Partnership with Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) and Latin American Training Program (LATP).

Among many professional activities, Prof Ho was President of the of Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand (2013-2015), having been Vice-President (2011-2013) and Council Member (2009-2015). Prof Ho was appointed a member of Australian Government Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) in 2017, on which she continues to serve. She was Chair (2015-2016) and member (2013-2014) of the Joint Specialist Advisory Committee in Haematology, Royal Australasian College of Physicians and Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, Chair of Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group (ALLG) Laboratory Science Committee (2005-2011), Treasurer and member of ALLG Executive and Scientific Advisory Committee (2005-2011), Member of the National Leukemia & Lymphoma Tissue Bank Management Committee (2005-2015), Member of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Academy (2015 – 2016), Chair of Scientific Committee of the 10th International Myeloma Workshop, Sydney (2005), and President of Balliol Medical Society, Balliol College, University of Oxford (1996-1997).

Dr Ho has published in leading journals including New England Journal of Medicine, Blood and Leukemia.

• Multiple Myeloma
• Lymphoma
• Thalassemia
• Haemoglobinopathy
• Iron metabolism

Prof Ho is extensively involved in undergraduate teaching and post graduate supervision, having been co-supervisor for PhD and MD students for the University of Sydney, as well as supervisor of RACP and RCPA trainees for Fellowship of both colleges. She was Chair (2015-2016) and member (2013-2014) of the Joint Specialist Advisory Committee in Haematology, Royal Australasian College of Physicians and Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, in charge of Fellowship training and examinations in Haematology.

2019 Elected to the Board of the International Myeloma Society (IMS).

2019 Sydney Local Health District Clinical Trial of the Year Award - Joint winner for the Northstar trial, gene therapy for beta thalassemia major.

2018 Millhouse Foundation Grant: Fortessa 18-colour Flow Cytometer for Myeloma Research to Sydney Blood Cancer Research Institute. CIs: PJ Ho, S Vuckovic, C Bryant, J Gibson. $100,000.

2017 Millhouse Foundation Grant: Illumina Next Generation Sequencer. CIs: H. Iland, D McCulloch, PJ Ho, C Bryant, J Gibson. $100,000.

2015 - 2018 Cancer Institute of NSW Project Grant: Anti-Sclerostin – a novel, dual action agent to treat multiple myeloma. CIs: P. Croucher, M. McDonald, T. Phan, P. J. Ho, P. Baldock $360,000 over 3 years.

2006 - 2011 NHMRC Enabling Grant, National Leukemia & Lymphoma Tissue Bank: CIs: Marlton P, Hughes T, Ho PJ, Roberts A, Iland H, Spencer A, Seymour J, Bradstock K. $1.5 million over 5 years.

2005 - 2010 NHMRC Enabling Grant. Infrastructure for Australasian Leukemia & Lymphoma Group Trial Centre: CIs: Seymour J, Wolf M, Hughes T, Szer J, Marlton P, Bradstock K, Fisher R, Ho PJ. $790,000over 5 years.

2007 Cancer Institute of NSW Research Equipment Grant: Rotor-Gene 6000 real time PCR machine. Investigators: Richardson D, Halliday GM, Twigg S, Yue D, King NJC, Sharland AF, Bishop AG, Stocker R, Ho PJ, Zreiqat H, Bao B, McLennan SV, Matsumoto I, Hambly BD, Lee SC, Rose B, Harbour C. $73,950.

2007 Cancer Institute of NSW Research Infrastructure Grant: CIs: Richardson D, Halliday GM, Twigg S, Yue D, King NJC, Sharland AF, Bishop AG, Stocker R, Ho PJ, Zreiqat H, Bao B, McLennan SV, Matsumoto I, Hambly BD, Lee SC, Rose B, Harbour C. $324,666.

2002 - 2004 University of Sydney Cancer Research Fund Grant: Switch translocations in Myeloma- ontogeny, oncogenicity and relationship with isotype recombination. CIs: P. Joy Ho, Douglas Joshua, Christopher Jolly. $50,00 0over 2 years

2001 Kanematsu Memorial Award, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

2001 Cure Cancer Australia: Young Cancer Researcher of the Year

1999 -2002 Anthony Rothe Memorial Trust: Idiotype reactivity of expanded T cell clones in multiple myeloma. CIs Douglas Joshua, Ross Brown, John Gibson, P. Joy Ho. $150,000 over 3 years.

1999 Arnott Fellowship in Cancer Research, Royal Australasian College of Physicians: The molecular pathogenesis of multiple myeloma. $20,000.

1999 Cure Cancer Australia: The molecular pathogenesis of multiple myeloma-chromosomal translocations, oncogene expression and growth factor requirements. CI: PJ Ho, AI: D Joshua, A Basten. $49,715.

1999 Arnott Fellowship in Cancer Research, Royal Australasian College of Physicians: The molecular pathogenesis of multiple myeloma. $20,000.

1998 Albert G. Baikie Memorial Medal, Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand

1997 New York Academy of Sciences Fellowship

1994-1997 Oxford Nuffield Medical Fellowship, University of Oxford.

Project titleResearch student
Global assays of haemostasis in the diagnosis and monitoring of haemophiliaGeoffrey KERSHAW

Selected publications



  • Ho, P. (2005). Multiple Myeloma: Methods and Protocols. Totowa, NJ, USA: Humana Press.

Book Chapters

  • Ling, S., Campbell, L., Ho, P., Gibson, J., Joshua, D. (2007). Molecular Biology, Pathology, and Cytogenetics. In Mikkael A. Sekeres, Matt E. Kalaycio, Brian J. Bolwell (Eds.), Clinical Malignant Haematology, (pp. 847-857). United States: McGraw Hill.
  • Gibson, J., Joshua, D., Ho, P., Campbell, L., Ling, S. (2005). Multiple Myeloma: molecular biology, Pathology and Cytogenics. In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, Michael Thaut (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Joshua, D., Gibson, J., Brown, R., Ho, P. (2004). The Immune System In Myeloma. In Gosta Garton, Brian Durie, Diana Samson (Eds.), Multiple myeloma and related disorders, (pp. 29-46). UK: Hodder Arnold.


  • Campbell, A., Trotman, J., Lane, S., Dickinson, M., Quach, H., Enjeti, A., Ku, M., Gregory, G., Hapgood, G., Ho, P., Greenwood, M., Mulligan, S., et al (2024). Australia and New Zealand consensus position statement: use of COVID-19 therapeutics in patients with haematological malignancies. Internal Medicine Journal, 54(2), 328-336. [More Information]
  • Hungria, V., Grosicki, S., Sia, H., Bryant, A., Pitombeira de Lacerda, M., Martinez, G., Balarí, A., Sandhu, I., Cerchione, C., Ganly, P., Ho, P., et al (2024). Belantamab Mafodotin, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone for Multiple Myeloma. New England Journal of Medicine, 391(5), 393-407. [More Information]
  • Lin, Y., Hajek, R., Ho, P., Kastritis, E., Martinez-Lopez, J., Mateos, M., Mikhael, J., Moreau, P., Nagarajan, C., Nooka, A., et al (2024). Consensus guidelines and recommendations for the management and response assessment of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in clinical practice for relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma: a report from the International Myeloma Working Group Immunotherapy Committee. The Lancet Oncology. [More Information]


  • Campbell, A., Trotman, J., Lane, S., Dickinson, M., Quach, H., Enjeti, A., Ku, M., Gregory, G., Hapgood, G., Ho, P., Greenwood, M., Mulligan, S., et al (2024). Australia and New Zealand consensus position statement: use of COVID-19 therapeutics in patients with haematological malignancies. Internal Medicine Journal, 54(2), 328-336. [More Information]
  • Hungria, V., Grosicki, S., Sia, H., Bryant, A., Pitombeira de Lacerda, M., Martinez, G., Balarí, A., Sandhu, I., Cerchione, C., Ganly, P., Ho, P., et al (2024). Belantamab Mafodotin, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone for Multiple Myeloma. New England Journal of Medicine, 391(5), 393-407. [More Information]
  • Lin, Y., Hajek, R., Ho, P., Kastritis, E., Martinez-Lopez, J., Mateos, M., Mikhael, J., Moreau, P., Nagarajan, C., Nooka, A., et al (2024). Consensus guidelines and recommendations for the management and response assessment of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in clinical practice for relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma: a report from the International Myeloma Working Group Immunotherapy Committee. The Lancet Oncology. [More Information]


  • Li, E., Walsh, R., Ho, P. (2023). Benign clinical phenotype of co-inherited congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia type I and heterozygous haemoglobin Lepore. European Journal of Haematology. [More Information]
  • Burge, C., Vanguru, V., Ho, P. (2023). Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy. Australian Prescriber, 46(2), 36-39. [More Information]
  • San-Miguel, J., Touzeau, C., Leleu, X., Avivi, I., Cavo, M., Ishida, T., Kim, S., Roeloffzen, W., Van De Donk, N., Dytfeld, D., Ho, P., et al (2023). Cilta-cel or Standard Care in Lenalidomide-Refractory Multiple Myeloma. New England Journal of Medicine, 389(4), 335-347. [More Information]


  • Tam, C., Ho, P., Purtill, D., Blyth, E., Butler, J., Dickinson, M., Harrison, S. (2022). Fitness criteria for Australian patients referred for chimeric antigen receptor T‐cell therapy. Internal Medicine Journal, 52(8), 1454-1456. [More Information]
  • Jaeger, U., Tam, C., Borchmann, P., McGuirk, J., Johansen, M., Waller, E., Jaglowski, S., Andreadis, C., Foley, S., Ho, P., et al (2022). Long-term safety for patients with tisagenlecleucel-treated relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Blood Advances, 6(16), 4816-4820. [More Information]
  • Richardson, P., Mateos, M., Vangsted, A., Ramasamy, K., Abildgaard, N., Ho, P., Quach, H., Bahlis, N. (2022). The role of E3 ubiquitin ligase in multiple myeloma: potential for cereblon E3 ligase modulators in the treatment of relapsed/refractory disease. Expert Review of Proteomics. [More Information]


  • Ramesh, M., Favaloro, J., Bryant, C., Ho, P., Abadir, E. (2021). Bioinformatic gene expression analysis demonstrates a limited number of multiple myeloma specific therapeutic targets. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 62(8), 2005-2009. [More Information]
  • McCaughan, G., Di Ciaccio, P., Ananda-Rajah, M., Gilroy, N., MacIntyre, R., Teh, B., Weinkove, R., Curnow, J., Szer, J., Enjeti, A., Mulligan, S., Trotman, J., Ho, P., Greenwood, M., et al (2021). COVID-19 vaccination in haematology patients: an Australian and New Zealand consensus position statement. Internal Medicine Journal, 51(5), 763-768. [More Information]
  • Bergin, K., Wellard, C., Augustson, B., Cooke, R., Blacklock, H., Harrison, S., Ho, P., King, T., Quach, H., Mollee, P., et al (2021). Real-world utilisation of ASCT in multiple myeloma (MM): a report from the Australian and New Zealand myeloma and related diseases registry (MRDR). Bone Marrow Transplantation, 56(10), 2533-2543. [More Information]


  • Domenica Cappellini, M., Viprakasit, V., Taher, A., Georgiev, P., Kuo, K., Coates, T., Voskaridou, E., Liew, H., Pazgal-Kobrowski, I., Forni, G., Ho, P., et al (2020). A phase 3 trial of luspatercept in patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia. New England Journal of Medicine, 382(13), 1219-1231. [More Information]
  • Di Ciaccio, P., McCaughan, G., Trotman, J., Ho, P., Cheah, C., Gangatharan, S., Wight, J., Ku, M., Quach, H., Gasiorowski, R., Mulligan, S., Hamad, N., et al (2020). Australian and New Zealand consensus statement on the management of lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and myeloma during the COVID-19 pandemic. Internal Medicine Journal, 50(6), 667-679. [More Information]
  • Bahlis, N., Dimopoulos, M., White, D., Benboubker, L., Cook, G., Leiba, M., Ho, P., Kim, K., Takezako, N., Moreau, P., et al (2020). Daratumumab plus lenalidomide and dexamethasone in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: extended follow-up of POLLUX, a randomized, open-label, phase 3 study. Leukemia, 34(7), 1875-1884. [More Information]


  • Joshua, D., Bryant, C., Dix, C., Gibson, J., Ho, J. (2019). Biology and therapy of multiple myeloma. Medical Journal of Australia, 210(8), 375-380. [More Information]
  • Ho, P., Hiwase, D., Ramakrishna, R., Viiala, N., Solterbeck, A., Traficante, R., Zor, E., Gervasio, O., High, L., Ross, D., et al (2019). Cardiac and hepatic siderosis in myelodysplastic syndrome, thalassemia and diverse causes of transfusion-dependent anemia: the TIMES study. HemaSphere, 3(3), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Abadir, E., Gasiorowski, R., Lai, K., Kupresanin, F., Romano, A., Silveira, P., Lo, T., Fromm, P., Kennerson, M., Iland, H., Ho, P., Hart, D., Clark, G., et al (2019). CD300f epitopes are specific targets for acute myeloid leukemia with monocytic differentiation. Molecular Oncology, 13(10), 2107-2120. [More Information]


  • Hsu, J., Bryant, C., Papadimitrious, M., Kong, B., Gasiorowski, R., Orellana, D., McGuire, H., Fazekas de St Groth, B., Joshua, D., Ho, P., Iland, H., Gibson, J., Clark, G., Fromm, P., Hart, D., et al (2018). A blood dendritic cell vaccine for acute myeloid leukemia expands anti-tumor T cell responses at remission. OncoImmunology, 7(4), e1419114-1-e1419114-11. [More Information]
  • Dimopoulos, M., San-Miguel, J., Belch, A., White, D., Benboubker, L., Cook, G., Leiba, M., Morton, J., Ho, P., Kim, K., et al (2018). Daratumumab plus lenalidomide and dexamethasone versus lenalidomide and dexamethasone in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: updated analysis of POLLUX. Haematologica, 103(12), 2088-2096. [More Information]
  • Thompson, A., Walters, M., Kwiatkowski, J., Rasko, J., Ribeil, J., Hongeng, S., Magrin, E., Schiller, G., Payen, E., Semeraro, M., Ho, P., et al (2018). Gene Therapy in Patients with Transfusion-Dependent [Beta]-Thalassemia. New England Journal of Medicine, 378(16), 1479-1493. [More Information]


  • Ho, P., Bajel, A., Burbury, K., Dunlop, L., Durrant, S., Forsyth, C., Perkins, A., Ross, D. (2017). A case-based discussion of clinical problems in the management of patients treated with ruxolitinib for myelofibrosis. Internal Medicine Journal, 47(3), 262-268. [More Information]
  • Lee, O., Horvath, N., Lee, C., Joshua, D., Ho, P., Szer, J., Quach, H., Spencer, A., Harrison, S., Mollee, P., Gibson, J., Ward, C., et al (2017). Bisphosphonate guidelines for treatment and prevention of myeloma bone disease. Internal Medicine Journal, 47(8), 938-951. [More Information]
  • Ho, P., Tay, L., Teo, J., Marlton, P., Grigg, A., St Pierre, T., Brown, G., Badcock, C., Traficante, R., Gervasio, O., et al (2017). Cardiac iron load and function in transfused patients treated with deferasirox (the MILE study). European Journal of Haematology, 98(2), 97-105. [More Information]


  • Bryant, C., Fromm, P., Kupresanin, F., Clark, G., Lee, K., Clarke, C., Silveira, P., Suen, H., Brown, R., Newman, E., Ho, P., Bradstock, K., Joshua, D., Hart, D., et al (2016). A CD2 high-expressing stress-resistant human plasmacytoid dendritic-cell subset. Immunology and Cell Biology, 94(5), 447-457. [More Information]
  • Bergin, K., Moore, E., McQuilten, Z., Wood, E., Augustson, B., Blacklock, H., Ho, P., Horvath, N., King, T., McNeil, J., et al (2016). Design and development of the Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) myeloma and related diseases registry. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 16(1), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Crighton, G., Wood, E., Scarborough, R., Ho, P., Bowden, D. (2016). Haemoglobin disorders in Australia: where are we now and where will we be in the future? Internal Medicine Journal, 46(7), 770-779. [More Information]


  • Weber, N., Mollee, P., Augustson, B., Brown, R., Catley, L., Gibson, J., Harrison, S., Ho, P., Horvath, N., Jaksic, W., et al (2015). Management of Systemic AL Amyloidosis: Recommendations of the Myeloma Foundation of Australia Medical and Scientific Advisory Group. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(4), 371-382. [More Information]
  • Brown, R., Yang, S., Weatherburn, C., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Suen, H., Hart, D., Joshua, D. (2015). Phospho-flow detection of constitutive and cytokine-induced pSTAT3/5, pAKT and pERK expression highlights novel prognostic biomarkers for patients with multiple myeloma. Leukemia, 29(2), 483-490. [More Information]
  • Ho, P., Marlton, P., Tam, C., Stevenson, W., Ritchie, D., Bird, R., Dunlop, L., Durrant, S., Ross, D. (2015). Practical management of myelofibrosis with ruxolitinib. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(12), 1221-1230. [More Information]


  • Favaloro, J., Brown, R., Aklilu, E., Yang, S., Suen, H., Hart, D., Fromm, P., Gibson, J., Khoo, L., Ho, P., Joshua, D. (2014). Myeloma skews regulatory T and pro-inflammatory T helper 17 cell balance in favor of a suppressive state. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 55(5), 1090-1098. [More Information]


  • Bryant, C., Suen, H., Brown, R., Yang, S., Favaloro, J., Aklilu, E., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Iland, H., Fromm, P., Hart, D., Joshua, D., et al (2013). Long-term survival in multiple myeloma is associated with a distinct immunological profile, which includes proliferative cytotoxic T-cell clones and a favourable Treg/Th17 balance. Blood Cancer Journal, 3, 1-7. [More Information]


  • Ling, S., Lau, K., Al-Shabeeb, A., Nikolic, A., Catalano, A., Iland, H., Horvath, N., Ho, P., Harrison, S., Fleming, S., Joshua, D., Allen, J. (2012). Response of myeloma to the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib is correlated with the unfolded protein response regulator XBP-1. Haematologica, 97(1), 64-72. [More Information]
  • Ho, P., Brown, R., Spencer, A., Jeffels, M., Daniher, D., Gibson, J., Joshua, D. (2012). Thalidomide consolidation improves progression-free survival in myeloma with normal but not up-regulated expression of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3: analysis from the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group MM6 clinical trial. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 53(9), 1728-1734. [More Information]


  • Ho, P., Tay, L., Lindeman, R., Catley, L., Bowden, D. (2011). Australian guidelines for the assessment of iron overload and iron chelation in transfusion-dependent thalassaemia major, sickle cell disease and other congenital anaemias. Internal Medicine Journal, 41(7), 516-524. [More Information]
  • Viprakasit, V., Ibrahim, H., Ha, S., Ho, P., Li, C., Chan, L., Chiu, C., Sutcharitchan, P., Habr, D., Domokos, G., et al (2011). Clinical efficacy and safety evaluation of tailoring iron chelation practice in thalassaemia patients from Asia-Pacific: a subanalysis of the EPIC study of deferasirox. International Journal of Hematology (online), 93(3), 319-328. [More Information]


  • Loh, Y., Mo, S., Brown, R., Yamagishi, T., Yang, S., Joshua, D., Ho, P., Gibson, J., Roufogalis, B., Sze, D. (2007). Characteristics of 'side population' as the putative cancer stem cells in myeloma: Cell growth and differentiation capability. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 6(12), 3365s-3366s.
  • Sanders, J., Crawford, B., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Iland, H., Joshua, D. (2007). Is there a case for the early use of bisphosphonates in smouldering myeloma and MGUS? (Bisphosphonates in SMM & MGUS). International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 29(5), 395-397. [More Information]
  • Ling, S., Campbell, L., Ho, P., Gibson, J., Joshua, D. (2007). Molecular Biology, Pathology, and Cytogenetics. In Mikkael A. Sekeres, Matt E. Kalaycio, Brian J. Bolwell (Eds.), Clinical Malignant Haematology, (pp. 847-857). United States: McGraw Hill.


  • Trent, R., Webster, B., Bowden, D., Gilbert, A., Ho, P., Lindeman, R., Lammi, A., Rowell, J., Hinchcliffe, M., Colley, A., et al (2006). Complex phenotypes in the haemoglobinopathies: recommendations on screening and DNA testing. Pathology, 38(6), 507-519. [More Information]
  • Sze, D., Brown, R., Yang, S., Ho, P., Gibson, J., Joshua, D. (2006). The use of thalidomide in myeloma therapy as an effective anticancer drug. Current Cancer Drug Targets, 6(4), 325-331. [More Information]
  • Ling, S., Joshua, D., Gibson, J., Young, G., Iland, H., Watson, G., Ho, P. (2006). Transformation and Progression of Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia Following Cladribine Therapy in Two Cases: Natural Evolution or Iatrogenic Causation? American Journal Of Hematology, 81(2), 110-114. [More Information]


  • Brown, R., Ho, P. (2005). Identification of Malignant Plasma Cells by mRNA In Situ Hybridization. Methods in molecular medicine, 113, 175-181.
  • Joshua, D., Brown, R., Ho, P. (2005). Multiple myeloma: challenges and opportunities. Methods in molecular medicine, 113(Multiple Myeloma: Methods and Protocols), 1-4.
  • Ho, P. (2005). Multiple Myeloma: Methods and Protocols. Totowa, NJ, USA: Humana Press.


  • Brown, R., Murray, A., Pope, B., Sze, D., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Joshua, D. (2004). B7+ T Cells In Myeloma: An Acquired Marker Of Prior Chronic Antigen Presentation. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 45(2), 363-371. [More Information]
  • Brown, R., Murray, A., Pope, B., Sze, D., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Hart, D., Joshua, D. (2004). Either Interleukin-12 Or Interferon-γ Can Correct The Dendritic Cell Defect Induced By Transforming Growth Factor βâ‚� In Patients With Myeloma. British Journal of Haematology, 125(2), 743-748. [More Information]
  • Gibson, J., Ho, P., Joshua, D. (2004). Evolving Transplant Options For Multiple Myeloma: Autologous And Nonmyeloablative Allogenic. Transplantation Proceedings, 36(8), 2501-2503. [More Information]


  • Sze, D., Brown, R., Yuen, E., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Raitakari, M., Basten, A., Joshua, D., Fazekas de St Groth, B. (2003). Clonal Cytotoxic T Cells in Myeloma. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 44(10), 1667-1674. [More Information]
  • Sze, D., Brown, R., Yang, S., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Fazekas de St Groth, B., Basten, A., Joshua, D. (2003). Prediction of high affinity class I-restricted multiple myeloma idiotype peptide epitopes. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 44(9), 1557-1568. [More Information]


  • Ho, P. (2002). Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in myeloma. Clinical and Laboratory Haematology, 24(5), 259-269. [More Information]
  • Ho, P., Gibson, J., Joshua, D., Campbell, L., Brown, R. (2002). The biology and cytogenetics of multiple myeloma. Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Hematology, 6(3), 276-300. [More Information]


  • Sze, D., Giesajtis,, G., Brown, R., Raitakari, M., Gibson, J., Ho, P., Baxter, A., Fazekas de St Groth, B., Basten, A., Joshua, D. (2001). Clonal cytotoxic T cells are expanded in myeloma and reside in the CD8+Cd57+CD28- compartment. Blood, 98(9), 2817-2827.
  • Ho, P., Basten, A., Gibson, J., Joshua, D., Brown, R., Pelka, G. (2001). Illegitimate switch recombinations are present in approximately half of primary myeloma tumors, but do not relate to known prognostic indicators or survival. Blood, 97, 490-495.


  • Ho, P., Thein, S. (2000). Gene regulation and deregulation: a beta globin perspective. Blood Reviews, 14, 78-93.

Selected Grants


  • Therapeutic Antibody Translation into Patients, Clark G, Ho P, Larsen S, Horvath L, Cancer Institute NSW/Translational Program Grant


  • CLARIOstar Multifunctional Microplate Reader for Shared Used at the Open Access, Multi-User Molecular Biology Core Facility, Allbutt H, Ammit A, Assinder S, Bao B, Barrs V, Black J, Brennan-Speranza T, Buckland M, Burgess J, Byrne M, Camp A, Christopherson R, Codd R, Day M, de Graaf S, Dixon K, Dong Q, Dos Remedios C, Fraser S, Fu D, Goldsbury C, Groundwater P, Halliday G, Hambly B, Hardikar A, Hibbs D, Ho P, Hong A, Huang M, Huq F, Jansson P, Johnstone D, Joshua D, Ju Y, Kalinowski D, King N, Kovacevic Z, Kril J, Lai D, Lane D, Lay P, Lee C, Lok H, Lovicu F, Lu Z, Lyons J, Mason R, McLennan S, Morris B, Murphy C, Murray M, Naylor M, Oliver B, Owens T, Poronnik P, Rendina L, Richardson D, Ryan R, Sahni S, Scolyer R, Shafie N, Sharland A, Slobedman B, Sunde M, Sutherland G, Triccas J, Williamson P, Zhu L, Zreiqat H, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Equipment Grant