Dr Karen Cullen

Dr Karen Cullen

Senior Lecturer
Anatomy & Histology, School of Medical Sciences
Bosch Institute
+61 2 9351 2696
+61 2 9351 2813



  • Hansra, G., Popov, G., Banaczek, P., Vogiatzis, M., Jegathees, T., Goldbury, C., Cullen, K. (2019). The neuritic plaque in Alzheimer's disease: perivascular degeneration of neuronal processes. Neurobiology of Aging, 82, 88-101. [More Information]
  • El Massri, N., Cullen, K., Stefani, S., Moro, C., Torres, N., Benabid, A., Mitrofanis, J. (2018). Evidence for encephalopsin immunoreactivity in interneurones and striosomes of the monkey striatum. Experimental Brain Research, 236(4), 955-961. [More Information]
  • Moro, C., Torres, N., Arvanitakis, K., Cullen, K., Chabrol, C., Agay, D., Darlot, F., Benabid, A., Mitrofanis, J. (2017). No evidence for toxicity after long-term photobiomodulation in normal non-human primates. Experimental Brain Research, 235(10), 3081-3092. [More Information]


  • Hansra, G., Popov, G., Banaczek, P., Vogiatzis, M., Jegathees, T., Goldbury, C., Cullen, K. (2019). The neuritic plaque in Alzheimer's disease: perivascular degeneration of neuronal processes. Neurobiology of Aging, 82, 88-101. [More Information]


  • El Massri, N., Cullen, K., Stefani, S., Moro, C., Torres, N., Benabid, A., Mitrofanis, J. (2018). Evidence for encephalopsin immunoreactivity in interneurones and striosomes of the monkey striatum. Experimental Brain Research, 236(4), 955-961. [More Information]


  • Moro, C., Torres, N., Arvanitakis, K., Cullen, K., Chabrol, C., Agay, D., Darlot, F., Benabid, A., Mitrofanis, J. (2017). No evidence for toxicity after long-term photobiomodulation in normal non-human primates. Experimental Brain Research, 235(10), 3081-3092. [More Information]


  • Mathews, M., Murray, A., Wijesinghe, R., Cullen, K., Tung, V., Camp, A. (2015). Efferent Vestibular Neurons Show Homogenous Discharge Output But Heterogeneous Synaptic Input Profile In Vitro. PloS One, 10(9), 1-21. [More Information]


  • Rahman, T., Davies, D., Tannenberg, R., Fok, S., Shepherd, C., Dodd, P., Cullen, K., Goldsbury, C. (2014). Cofilin rods and aggregates concur with tau pathology and the development of alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 42(4), 1443-1460. [More Information]


  • Wu, W., Nicolazzo, J., Wen, L., Chung, R., Stankovic, R., Bao, B., Lim, C., Brew, B., Cullen, K., Guillemin, G. (2013). Expression of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase and production of kynurenine pathway metabolites in triple transgenic mice and human Alzheimer's disease brain. PloS One, 8(4), 1-11. [More Information]


  • Romo, P., Madigan, M., Provis, J., Cullen, K. (2010). Differential effects of TGF-Beta and FGF-2 on in vitro proliferation and migration of primate retinal endothelial and Muller cells. Acta Ophthalmologica, 89(3), 1-6. [More Information]
  • Gregory-Roberts, E., Naismith, S., Cullen, K., Hickie, I. (2010). Electroconvulsive therapy-induced persistent retrograde amnesia: Could it be minimised by ketamine or other pharmacological approaches? Journal of Affective Disorders, 126(1 - Feb), 39-45. [More Information]
  • Chen, Y., Stankovic, R., Cullen, K., Meininger, V., Garner, B., Coggan, S., Grant, R., Brew, B., Guillemin, G. (2010). The Kynurenine Pathway and Inflammation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Neurotoxicity Research, 18(2), 132-142. [More Information]


  • Whiteman, I., Gervasio, O., Cullen, K., Guillemin, G., Jeong, E., Witting, P., Antao, S., Minamide, L., Bamburg, J., Goldsbury, C. (2009). Activated actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin sequesters phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein during the assembly of alzheimer-like neuritic cytoskeletal striations. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(41), 12994-13005. [More Information]
  • Buljan, V., Ivanova, E., Cullen, K. (2009). How calcium controls microtubule anisotropic phase formation in the presence of microtubule-associated proteins in vitro. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 381(2), 224-228. [More Information]
  • Rahman, A., Ting, K., Cullen, K., Braidy, N., Brew, B., Guillemin, G. (2009). The excitotoxin quinolinic acid induces tau phosphorylation in human neurons. PloS One, 4(7), e6344 - 1-e6344 - 15. [More Information]


  • Guillemin, G., Cullen, K., Lim, C., Smythe, G., Garner, B., Kapoor, V., Takikawa, O., Brew, B. (2007). Characterization of the kynurenine pathway in primary human neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(47), 12884-12892. [More Information]
  • Guillemin, G., Brew, B., Noonan, C., Knight, T., Smythe, G., Cullen, K. (2007). Mass spectrometric detection of quinolinic acid in microdissected Alzheimer disease plaques. International Congress Series, 1304, 404-408. [More Information]


  • Hardy, J., Cullen, K. (2006). Amyloid at the blood vessel wall. Nature Medicine, 12(7), 756-7. [More Information]
  • Cullen, K., Kócsi, Z., Stone, J. (2006). Microvascular pathology in the aging human brain: evidence that senile plaques are sites of microhaemorrhages. Neurobiology of Aging, 27(12), 1786-1796. [More Information]


  • Guillemin, G., Brew, B., Noonan, C., Takikawa, O., Cullen, K. (2005). Audiologists' attitudes to cochlear implants. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 31, 395-404.
  • Guillemin, G., Brew, B., Noonan, C., Takikawa, O., Cullen, K. (2005). Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase and quinolinic acid immunoreactivity in Alzheimer's disease hippocampus. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 31(4), 395-404. [More Information]
  • Cullen, K., Kocsi, Z., Stone, J. (2005). Pericapillary haem-rich deposits: evidence for microhaemorrhages in aging human cerebral cortex. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 25(12), 1656-1667. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Microvascular breakdown: the cause of plaque formation and neuronal pathology in Alzheimer's disease, Cullen K, Equity Trustees Limited/Mason Foundation National Medical Research


  • Microvascular breakdown: at the core of plaque and tangle pathology in Alzheimers disease, Cullen K, Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation/Equipment Grant
  • Microvascular breakdown: at the core of plaque and tangle pathology in Alzheimers disease, Cullen K, The Judith Jane Mason and Harold Stannett Williams Memorial Foundation/Medical and Scientific Research Grants
  • Multiphoton microscope for Cellular Imaging in Live Animals, Allen D, Arabzadeh E, Cullen K, Dampney R, Dreher B, Hunt N, Keay K, King N, Koeppl C, Leamey C, McGregor I, Morley J, Phillips W, Protti D, Solomon S, Westbrook R, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF)