Professor Kate Conigrave

Professor Kate Conigrave

Conjoint Professor, Addiction Medicine, Central Clinical School
Professor Kate Conigrave

Kate is an Addiction Medicine Specialist and Public Health Physician based at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Her work combines treating individuals with alcohol, drug and tobacco problems; promoting the health of communities; and research and teaching. Kate was joint head of the Centre of Research Excellence in Indigenous Health and Alcohol. She chaired the National Health and Medical Research Council's Working Group that revised the guidelines to reduce the health risks from drinking alcohol (released 2020).

Kate's research has a focus on improving access to early detection and healthcare for alcohol and other drug problems. For more than 20 years Kate has worked in partnership with Aboriginal communities and agencies in research, teaching and clinical service delivery.

Kate teaches a wide range of health professional students and practising health professionals.

Kate is an editor of two practical texts: Addiction Medicine" (Oxford University Press, 2nd edition), which is a guide for doctors and other health professionals; and the "Handbook of Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Work", written with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals.

Kate received the Senior Scientist Award from the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs in 2007, and their Mentor award in 2019.

Kate was part of a team, led by Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service, which won two awards in 2014 for setting up an alcohol home detoxification program (the 'A Clinic'):

  • 'Best Program' award from the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Network, NSW, and
  • the Award for Continuity of Care in Aboriginal Health from the NSW Ministry of Health (NSW Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Awards).
Neurosciences and Mental Health

Selected publications



  • Latt, N., Conigrave, K., Saunders, J., Marshall, E., Nutt, D. (2009). Addiction Medicine. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Saunders, J., Conigrave, K., Latt, N., Nutt, D., Marshall, E., Ling, W., Higuchi, S. (2016). Addiction Medicine (Second Edition). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Lee, K., Freeburn, B., Ella, S., Miller, W., Perry, J., Conigrave, K. (2012). Handbook for Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Work. Sydney: University of Sydney.

Book Chapters

  • Islam, M., Nielsen, S., McRae, I., Haber, P., Demirkol, A., Murnion, B., Wilson, H., Conigrave, K. (2016). Prescribing and Dispensing of Benzodiazepines: Implications for Dependence and Misuse. In Victor R. Preedy (Eds.), Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse Volume 3: General Processes and Mechanisms, Prescription Medications, Caffeine and Areca, Polydrug Misuse, Emerging Addictions and Non-Drug Addictions, (pp. 283-292). London: Academia Press. [More Information]
  • Conigrave, K., Lee, K., Freeburn, B. (2015). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. In Paul Haber, Carolyn Day, Michael Farrell (Eds.), Addiction Medicine: Principles and Practice, (pp. 115-144). Melbourne: IP Communications.
  • Shourie, S., Haber, P., Boughton, R., Conigrave, K. (2005). Clinical implications of alcohol misuse for surgery. In Preedey V; Watson R (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of alcohol related pathology, (pp. 337-348). United States: Academic Press.


  • Lee, K., Lee, A., Hayman, N., Zheng, C., Fitts, M., Wilson, D., Dawson, A., Conigrave, J., Dale, E., Conigrave, K., Dzidowska, M., et al (2024). Acceptability and quality of the ‘Grog Survey App’ brief intervention: Helping Aboriginal Australians reflect on their drinking using a digital health tool. Drug and Alcohol Review. [More Information]
  • Weatherall, T., Conigrave, J., Lee, K., Vnuk, J., Ivers, R., Hayman, N., Wilson, S., Gray, D., Conigrave, K. (2024). Alcohol screening in 22 Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations: Clinical context and who is screened. Drug and Alcohol Review. [More Information]
  • Conigrave, J., Lee, K., Wilson, S., Conigrave, K., Perry, J., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., Wilson, D., Zheng, C., Weatherall, T. (2024). Countering stereotypes: Exploring the characteristics of Aboriginal Australians who do not drink alcohol in a community representative sample. Drug and Alcohol Review. [More Information]


  • Lockwood, J., Lander, J., Conigrave, K., Lee, K. (2009). An online resource for Indigenous health professionals undertaking a graduate diploma. 26th Annual Ascilite International Conference (ASCILITE 2009): Same places, different spaces, Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland.
  • Lander, J., Conigrave, K., Lee, K., Lockwood, J. (2009). Supporting indigenous students attending in block mode. ANAPHI Teaching and Learning Forum 2009, Canberra.
  • Wurst, F., Weisbeck, G., Aradottir, S., Pragst, F., Johnson, B., Lesch, O., Conigrave, K., Weinmann, W. (2006). Direct ethanol metabolites such as ethyl glucuronide (EtG), ethyl sulfate (EtS), fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) and phosphatidyl ethanol (PEth) - Their use in diagnosis and treatment. International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism World congress on Alcohol Research (ISBRA 2006), Maryland: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.


  • Lee, K., Lee, A., Hayman, N., Zheng, C., Fitts, M., Wilson, D., Dawson, A., Conigrave, J., Dale, E., Conigrave, K., Dzidowska, M., et al (2024). Acceptability and quality of the ‘Grog Survey App’ brief intervention: Helping Aboriginal Australians reflect on their drinking using a digital health tool. Drug and Alcohol Review. [More Information]
  • Weatherall, T., Conigrave, J., Lee, K., Vnuk, J., Ivers, R., Hayman, N., Wilson, S., Gray, D., Conigrave, K. (2024). Alcohol screening in 22 Australian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations: Clinical context and who is screened. Drug and Alcohol Review. [More Information]
  • Conigrave, J., Lee, K., Wilson, S., Conigrave, K., Perry, J., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., Wilson, D., Zheng, C., Weatherall, T. (2024). Countering stereotypes: Exploring the characteristics of Aboriginal Australians who do not drink alcohol in a community representative sample. Drug and Alcohol Review. [More Information]


  • Doyle, M., Al-Ansari, F., Kaye, S., Williams, M., Conigrave, K., Bowman, J. (2023). Alcohol and other drug use before custody among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in New South Wales, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47(3). [More Information]
  • Liang, Y., Roberts, J., Conigrave, K., Kim, S., Doyle, M. (2023). Alcohol relapse prevention health care after alcohol withdrawal in New South Wales prisons, Australia: A patient file review. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42(7), 1733-1743. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Bullen, L., Zheng, C., Dawson, A., Munro, A., Conigrave, K. (2023). Beliefs and attitudes of drug and alcohol clinicians when considering referral of Aboriginal clients to involuntary drug and alcohol treatment: A qualitative study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42(1), 169-180. [More Information]


  • Conigrave, J., Wilson, S., Conigrave, K., Chikritzhs, T., Hayman, N., Dawson, A., Ali, R., Perry, J., Fitts, M., Degenhardt, L., Doyle, M., Slade, T., Dzidowska, M., Lee, K., et al (2022). 'The Drug Survey App': a protocol for developing and validating an interactive population survey tool for drug use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 17(1), 17. [More Information]
  • Al Ansari, M., Dawson, A., Room, R., Abdulzahra, M., Conigrave, K. (2022). Alcohol and University Students in Iraq: Attitudes, Availability, and Use. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 16(2), 45-63. [More Information]
  • Freeburn, B., Loggins, S., Lee, K., Conigrave, K. (2022). Coming of age: 21 years of providing opioid substitution treatment within an Aboriginal community-controlled primary health service. Drug and Alcohol Review, 41(1), 260-264. [More Information]


  • Vichitkunakorn, P., Conigrave, K., Geater, A., Assanangkornchai, S. (2021). A Context-Specific Instrument to Record Drinking Behaviour: A Pilot Study on Implications of Identifying the Context of Risky Drinking. Community Mental Health Journal, 57(1), 167-177. [More Information]
  • Dale, E., Conigrave, K., Kelly, P., Ivers, R., Clapham, K., Lee, K. (2021). A Delphi yarn: applying Indigenous knowledges to enhance the cultural utility of SMART Recovery Australia. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16(1), 2. [More Information]
  • Dale, E., Lee, K., Conigrave, K., Conigrave, J., Ivers, R., Clapham, K., Kelly, P. (2021). A multi-methods yarn about SMART Recovery: First insights from Australian Aboriginal facilitators and group members. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40(6), 1013-1027. [More Information]


  • Dzidowska, M., Lee, K., Wylie, C., Bailie, J., Percival, N., Conigrave, J., Hayman, N., Conigrave, K. (2020). A systematic review of approaches to improve practice, detection and treatment of unhealthy alcohol use in primary health care: a role for continuous quality improvement. BMC Family Practice, 21(1), 33. [More Information]
  • Al-Ansari, B., Noroozi, A., Thow, A., Day, C., Mirzaie, M., Conigrave, K. (2020). Alcohol treatment systems in Muslim majority countries: Case study of alcohol treatment policy in Iran. International Journal of Drug Policy, 80, 102753. [More Information]
  • Al-Ansari, F., Al Ansari, M., Hill-Cawthorne, G., Abdulzahra, M., Al-Ansari, M., Al-Ansari, B., Rashid, H., Negin, J., Conigrave, K. (2020). Arbaeen public health concerns: A pilot cross-sectional survey. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 35, 101546. [More Information]


  • Reilly, R., McKetin, R., Wand, H., Butt, J., Smout, M., Ezard, N., Conigrave, K., Clark, Y., Quinn, B., Treloar, C., et al (2019). A web-based therapeutic program (We Can Do This) for reducing methamphetamine use and increasing help-seeking among aboriginal and torres strait islander people: Protocol for a randomized wait-list controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(7), e14084. [More Information]
  • Al-Ansari, B., Thow, A., Mirzaei, M., Day, C., Conigrave, K. (2019). Alcohol policy in Iran: Policy content analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy, 73, 185-198. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Conigrave, J., Callinan, S., Wilson, S., Room, R., Perry, J., Slade, T., Chikritzhs, T., Hayman, N., Weatherall, T., Conigrave, K., et al (2019). Asking about the last four drinking occasions on a tablet computer as a way to record alcohol consumption in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: a validation. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 14(1), 1-11. [More Information]


  • Lee, K., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Room, R., Callinan, S., Assan, R., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., Gray, D., Wilkes, E., Conigrave, K., et al (2018). Correction to: Developing a tablet computer-based application ('App') to measure self-reported alcohol consumption in Indigenous Australians. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 18(1), 26. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Wilson, S., Perry, J., Room, R., Callinan, S., Assan, R., Hayman, N., Chikritzhs, T., Gray, D., Wilkes, E., Conigrave, K., et al (2018). Developing a tablet computer-based application ('App') to measure self-reported alcohol consumption in Indigenous Australians. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 18(1), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Conigrave, K., Ivers, R., Morley, K., Haber, P. (2018). Managing your withdrawal from alcohol at home. Medicine Today, 19(12), 33-34.


  • Brett, J., Dawson, A., Ivers, R., Lawrence, L., Barclay, S., Conigrave, K. (2017). Healing at Home: Developing a Model for Ambulatory Alcohol "Detox" in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 12(1), 24-38. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Freeburn, B., Ella, S., Wilson, S., Mcewan, M., Harrison, K., Conigrave, K. (2017). Supporting the Aboriginal alcohol and other drug workforce in New South Wales, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 36(4), 523-526. [More Information]


  • Saunders, J., Conigrave, K., Latt, N., Nutt, D., Marshall, E., Ling, W., Higuchi, S. (2016). Addiction Medicine (Second Edition). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Al-Ansari, B., Day, C., Thow, A., Conigrave, K. (2016). Civil alcohol policy in Muslim majority countries: need for global tools, expert support and local partnerships. Addiction, 111(10), 1718-1719. [More Information]
  • Al-Ansari, B., Thow, A., Day, C., Conigrave, K. (2016). Extent of alcohol prohibition in civil policy in Muslim majority countries: the impact of globalization. Addiction, 111(10), 1703-1713. [More Information]


  • Conigrave, K., Lee, K., Freeburn, B. (2015). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. In Paul Haber, Carolyn Day, Michael Farrell (Eds.), Addiction Medicine: Principles and Practice, (pp. 115-144). Melbourne: IP Communications.
  • Lee, K., Sukavatvibul, K., Conigrave, K. (2015). Cannabis use and violence in three remote Aboriginal Australian communities: Analysis of clinic presentations. Transcultural Psychiatry, 52(6), 827-839. [More Information]
  • Noble, N., Paul, C., Conigrave, K., Lee, K., Blunden, S., Turon, H., Carey, M., McElduff, P. (2015). Does a Retrospective Seven-day Alcohol Diary Reflect Usual Alcohol Intake for a Predominantly Disadvantaged Australian Aboriginal Population. Substance Use and Misuse, 50(3), 308-319. [More Information]


  • Noble, N., Paul, C., Carey, M., Sanson-Fisher, R., Blunden, S., Stewart, J., Conigrave, K. (2014). A cross-sectional survey assessing the acceptability and feasibility of self-report electronic data collection about health risks from patients attending an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 14(1), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Chikritzhs, T., Wilson, S., Wilkes, E., Gray, D., Room, R., Conigrave, K. (2014). Better methods to collect self-reported alcohol and other drug use data from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Drug and Alcohol Review, 33(5), 462-472. [More Information]
  • Calabria, B., Clifford, A., Shakeshaft, A., Conigrave, K., Simpson, L., Bliss, D., Allan, J. (2014). Identifying Aboriginal-specific AUDIT-C and AUDIT-3 cutoff scores for at-risk, high-risk, and likely dependent drinkers using measures of agreement with the 10-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 9(17), 1-12. [More Information]


  • Robertson, J., Conigrave, K., Ivers, R., Hindmarsh, E., Clough, A. (2013). Addressing high rates of smoking in remote Aboriginal communities: New evidence for GPs. Australian Family Physician, 42(7), 492-496. [More Information]
  • Islam, M., Topp, L., Conigrave, K., White, A., Haber, P., Day, C. (2013). Are primary health care centres that target injecting drug users attracting and serving the clients they are designed for? A case study from Sydney, Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24(4), 326-332. [More Information]
  • Md Mofizul, M., Topp, L., Conigrave, K., Day, C. (2013). Deï¬�ning a service for people who use drugs as 'low-threshold': What should be the criteria? International Journal of Drug Policy, 24(3), 220-222. [More Information]


  • Wise, M., Massi, L., Rose, M., Nancarrow, H., Conigrave, K., Bauman, A., Hearn, S. (2012). Developing and implementing a state-wide Aboriginal health promotion program: the process and factors influencing successful delivery. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 23(1), 25-29. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Freeburn, B., Ella, S., Miller, W., Perry, J., Conigrave, K. (2012). Handbook for Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Work. Sydney: University of Sydney.
  • Islam, M., Topp, L., Conigrave, K., White, A., Reid, S., Grummett, S., Haber, P., Day, C. (2012). Linkage into specialist hepatitis C treatment services of injecting drug users attending a needle syringe program-based primary healthcare centre. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43(4), 440-445. [More Information]


  • Clough, A., Maclaren, D., Robertson, J., Ivers, R., Conigrave, K. (2011). Can we measure daily tobacco consumption in remote Indigenous communities? Comparing self-reported tobacco consumption with community-level estimates in an Arnhem Land study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30(-), 166-172. [More Information]
  • Hearn, S., Nancarrow, H., Rose, M., Massi, L., Wise, M., Conigrave, K., Barnes, I., Bauman, A. (2011). Evaluating NSW SmokeCheck: a culturally specific smoking cessation training program for health professionals working in Aboriginal health. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 22(3), 189-195. [More Information]
  • Dawes, G., Sitharthan, T., Conigrave, K., Phung, N., Weltman, M. (2011). Patients admitted for inpatient cannabis detoxification: withdrawal symptoms and impacts of common comorbidities. Journal of Substance Use, 16(5), 392-405. [More Information]


  • Indig, D., Copeland, J., Conigrave, K., Arcuri, A. (2010). Characteristics and comorbidity of drug and alcohol-related emergency department presentations detected by nursing triage text. Addiction, 105(5), 897-906. [More Information]
  • Sanson-Fisher, R., Brand, M., Shakeshaft, A., Haber, P., Day, C., Conigrave, K., Mattick, R., Lintzeris, N., Teesson, M. (2010). Forming a national multicentre collaboration to conduct clinical trials: increasing high-quality research in the drug and alcohol field. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29(5), 469-474. [More Information]
  • Mofizul Islam, M., Day, C., Conigrave, K. (2010). Harm reduction healthcare: From an alternative to the mainstream platform? International Journal of Drug Policy, 21(2), 131-133. [More Information]


  • Latt, N., Conigrave, K., Saunders, J., Marshall, E., Nutt, D. (2009). Addiction Medicine. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
  • Lockwood, J., Lander, J., Conigrave, K., Lee, K. (2009). An online resource for Indigenous health professionals undertaking a graduate diploma. 26th Annual Ascilite International Conference (ASCILITE 2009): Same places, different spaces, Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland.
  • Indig, D., Copeland, J., Conigrave, K., Rotenko, I. (2009). Attitudes and beliefs of emergency department staff regarding alcohol-related presentations. International Emergency Nursing, 17(1), 23-30. [More Information]


  • Mills, K., Hodge, W., Johansson, K., Conigrave, K. (2008). An outcome evaluation of the New South Wales Sober Driver Programme: a remedial programme for recidivist drink drivers. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, 65-74. [More Information]
  • Md Mofizul, M., Stern, T., Conigrave, K., Wodak, A. (2008). Client satisfaction and risk behaviours of the users of syringe dispensing machines: a pilot study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, 13-19. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., Conigrave, K., Clough, A., Wallace, C., Silins, E., Rawles, J. (2008). Evaluation of a community-driven preventive youth initiative in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(1), 75-82. [More Information]


  • Md Mofizul, M., Conigrave, K. (2007). Assessing the role of syringe dispensing machines and mobile van outlets in reaching hard-to-reach and high-risk groups of injecting drug users (IDUs): a review. Harm Reduction Journal, 4(14), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Wurst, F., Haber, P., Wiesbeck, G., Watson, B., Wallace, C., Whitfield, J., Halter, C., Weinmann, W., Conigrave, K. (2007). Assessment of alcohol consumption among hepatitis C-positive people receiving opioid maintenance treatment using direct ethanol metabolites and self-report: a pilot study. Addiction Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1369-1600.2007.00076.x, 1-7. [More Information]
  • Shourie, S., Conigrave, K., Proude, E., Haber, P. (2007). Detection of and intervention for excessive alcohol and tobacco use among adult hospital in-patients. Drug and Alcohol Review, 26(2), 127-133. [More Information]


  • Clough, A., Currie, B., Yunupingu, M., Conigrave, K. (2006). Action is required to reduce kava supply in Arnhem Land . again!. Medical Journal of Australia, 184(2), 91-92. [More Information]
  • Conigrave, K., Freeburn, B., Teasdale, K., Kiel, K., Becker, K. (2006). Are our mainstream services for treatment of alcohol problems accessible to urban Aboriginal communities? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(s2), 166A-166A.
  • Clough, A., Lee, K., Cairney, S., Maruff, P., O'Reilly, B., d'Abbs, P., Conigrave, K. (2006). Changes in cannabis use and its consequences over 3 years in a remote indigenous population in northern Australia. Addiction, 101(5), 696-705. [More Information]


  • Mukamal, K., Ascherio, A., Mittleman, M., Conigrave, K., Camargo, C., Kawachi, I., Stampfer, M., Willett, W., Rimm, E. (2005). Alcohol and risk for ischemic stroke in men: the role of drinking patterns and usual beverage. Annals of Internal Medicine, 142(1), 11-19. [More Information]
  • Watson, B., Haber, P., Conigrave, K., Whitfield, J., Wallace, C., Wurst, F. (2005). Alcohol consumption patterns amongst hepatitis C positive people receiving opioid maintenance treatment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 29(S1), 32A-32A.
  • Wurst, F., Watson, B., Haber, P., Whitfield, J., Wallace, C., Lauer, J., Weinmann, W., Conigrave, K. (2005). Alcohol consumption patterns amongst hepatitis C positive people receiving opioid maintenance treatment. 24th Symposium of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie, Germany: Georg Thieme.


  • Proude, E., Shourie, S., Conigrave, K., Wutzke, S., Haber, P., Ward, J. (2004). Do Elective Surgery Patients Use The Internet To Look For Information About Their Condition? ANZ Journal of Surgery, 74(5), 304-307. [More Information]


  • Meyer, K., Conigrave, K., Chu, N., Rifai, N., Spiegelman, D., Stampfer, M., Rimm, E. (2003). Alcohol consumption patterns and HbA1c, C-peptide and insulin concentrations in men. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 22(3), 185-194. [More Information]
  • Conigrave, K., Rimm, E. (2003). Alcohol for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus? Treatments in Endocrinology, 2(3), 145-152. [More Information]
  • Cochrane, J., Chen, H., Conigrave, K., Hao, W. (2003). Alcohol use in China. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 38(6), 537-542. [More Information]


  • Conigrave, K., Lopatko,, O., McLean, S., Saunders, J., Young,, R., Robinson, G. (2002). Alcohol. In G Hulse, J White, G Cape (Eds.), Management of Alcohol and Drug Problems, (pp. 158-211). Australia: Oxford University Press Australia.
  • Conigrave, K., Degenhardt, L., Whitfield, J., Saunders, J., Helander, A., Tabakoff, B. (2002). CDT, GGT, and AST As Markers of Alcohol Use: The WHO/ISBRA Collaborative Project. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26(3), 332-339.
  • Conigrave, K., Hulse,, G., White, J. (2002). Identifying treatment options. In G Hulse, J White, G Cape (Eds.), Management of Alcohol and Drug Problems, (pp. 59-75). Australia: Oxford University Press Australia.


  • Haber, P., Nakamura, M., Tsuchimoto, K., Ishii, H., Keogh, G., Apte, M., Moran, C., Stewart, N., Crawford, D., Pirola, R., McCaughan, G., Ramm, G., Conigrave, K., et al (2001). Alcohol and the pancreas. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 25, 244S-250S.
  • Wutzke, S., Shiell, A., Conigrave, K., Gomel,, M. (2001). Cost effectiveness of brief interventions for reducing alcohol consumption. Social Science and Medicine, 52, 863-870. [More Information]


  • Conigrave, K., Hu, B., Camargo, C., Stampfer, M., Willett, W., Rimm, E. (2000). A prospective study of drinking patterns in relation to risk of type 2 diabetes among men. Diabetes, 50, 2390-2395.
  • Wutzke, S., Conigrave, K., Kogler, B., Saunders, J., Hall, W. (2000). Longitudinal research: methods for maximizing subject follow-up. Drug and Alcohol Review, 19, 159-163.
  • Assanangkornchai, S., Saunders, J., Conigrave, K. (2000). Patterns of drinking in Thai men. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 35(3), 263-269. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Development of the first Culturally-based Social and Emotional Wellbeing program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in prison, Doyle M, Conigrave K, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - Indigenous Health Research Fund


  • Making it easier for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care services to screen for risky drinking and provide tailored feedback: adapting the Grog Survey App, Lee K, Conigrave J, Wilson S, Hayman N, Conigrave K, Percival N, Chikritzhs T, Dawson A, Tracy M, Morley K, Doyle M, Fitts M, Weatherall T, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/2021 Primary Health Care Digital Innovations