Dr Linda Taoube

Dr Linda Taoube

Senior Lecturer in General Practice
Sydney Medical School
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Dr Linda Taoube



  • Taoube, L., Khanna, P., Schneider, C., Burgess, A., Bleasel, J., Haq, I., Roberts, C. (2023). Situated learning in community environments (SLICE): Systems design of an immersive and integrated curriculum for community-based learning. Medical Teacher, 45(1), 80-88. [More Information]
  • Feletto, E., Lew, J., Worthington, J., He, E., Caruana, M., Butler, K., Hui, H., Taylor, N., Banks, E., Barclay, K., Grogan, P., Kench, J., Taoube, L., Ward, R., Armstrong, B., Canfell, K., et al (2020). Pathways to a cancer-free future: A protocol for modelled evaluations to minimise the future burden of colorectal cancer in Australia. BMJ Open, 10(6), 1-9. [More Information]


  • Taoube, L., Khanna, P., Schneider, C., Burgess, A., Bleasel, J., Haq, I., Roberts, C. (2023). Situated learning in community environments (SLICE): Systems design of an immersive and integrated curriculum for community-based learning. Medical Teacher, 45(1), 80-88. [More Information]


  • Feletto, E., Lew, J., Worthington, J., He, E., Caruana, M., Butler, K., Hui, H., Taylor, N., Banks, E., Barclay, K., Grogan, P., Kench, J., Taoube, L., Ward, R., Armstrong, B., Canfell, K., et al (2020). Pathways to a cancer-free future: A protocol for modelled evaluations to minimise the future burden of colorectal cancer in Australia. BMJ Open, 10(6), 1-9. [More Information]