Professor Mark Halaki

Professor Mark Halaki

BSc (Mech Eng), GradCert (Higher Ed), MSc (Biomed Eng), PhD
Professor of Human Movement
Director of Academic Career Development
Deputy Head of School and Dean, Sydney School of Health Science
Professor Mark Halaki

Mark has a background in mechanical and biomedical engineering with research interests in electromyographic and biomechanical studies in the area of motor control. The primary focus of Mark’s research is the study of the control of movements in healthy people and people with pathology. With injury and pathology, movement control is disturbed, resulting in pain or inability to move. By understanding differences in movement and muscle coordination between healthy people and people with pathology, our ability to treat patients with pathology is enhanced. His main research area is studying these differences with the ultimate goal of identifying methods, validated using large randomised control studies, of preventing and treating injuries effectively.

Mark is an associate director of the research group Sound Practice: Australian Musicians Health in Performance working with director Associate Prefessor Bronwen Ackermann and associate directors Professor Tim Driscoll and Professor Dianna Kenny on testing and implementing evidence-based solutions for musicians' health issues.

He co-leads the Shoulder Research Group working with Professor Karen Ginn and Dr Daren Reed on investigating shoulder muscle recruitment and coordination in healthy people and people with shoulder injuries and pathology.

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Healthy Ageing, Musculoskeletal Health
Project titleResearch student
Respiratory Muscle Performance in Wind Instrumentalists: Are they Breathing AthletesSarah MORRIS
The Impact of Late/Early Meals on Health Outcomes of Late vs Early ChronotypeZohreh SAJADI HEZAVEH
Reliability and Validity of Remote Physical Performance Assessments in Healthy Adults.Anju VERMA
Acute Effects of Novel Rest Interval Strategies in Resistance Training on Exercise-Related Outcomes Across Young Aging and Clinical PopulationsAllen WANG
Aberrant running biomechanics and hamstring strain injury. Is there a relationship between the two?Lisa WOLSKI


Book Chapters

  • Mat Rosly, M., Mat Rosly, H., Halaki, M. (2020). Exergaming for Health and Fitness Application. In Christopher M. Hayre, Dave Muller, Marcia Scherer (Eds.), Everyday Technologies in Healthcare, (pp. 53-69). Boca Raton: CRC Press. [More Information]
  • Noor, D., Ferdinands, E., Beach, A., Halaki, M. (2016). A Method of Measuring the Linear and Angular Kinematics of a Soccer Ball in Flight. In Terence Favero, Barry Drust and Brian Dawson (Eds.), International Research in Science and Soccer II, (pp. 259-264). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Halaki, M., Ginn, K. (2012). Normalization of EMG Signals: To Normalize or Not to Normalize and What to Normalize to? In Garnesh R. Naik (Eds.), Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis - A Perspective on Current Applications and Future Challenges, (pp. 175-194). Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Open Access Publishers (peer reviewed). [More Information]


  • Ackermann, B., Wijsman, S., Halaki, M. (2024). The Australian Music Students Health Survey: Impact of past experience on student attitudes to health education. British Journal of Music Education. [More Information]
  • Atif, M., Saeed, Z., Halaki, M., Chow, C., Raynes-Greenow, C. (2023). A qualitative exploration of experiences and perceptions in recent parents screening positive for perinatal depression in Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan Medical Association Journal, 73(9), 1874-1877. [More Information]
  • Nocum, D., Robinson, J., Halaki, M., Bath, M., Mekis, N., Liang, E., Thompson, N., Moscova, M., Reed, W. (2023). Comparison of image quality assessments between interventional radiographers and interventional radiologists using digital subtraction angiography. Journal of Medical Imaging, 10(2), 025501-1-025501-10. [More Information]


  • Nocum, D., Robinson, J., Halaki, M., Bath, M., Mekis, N., Thompson, N., Moscova, M., Reed, W. (2022). Visual grading characteristics (VGC) analysis of uterine artery embolisation (UAE) image quality assessment by interventional radiologists and interventional radiographers. SPIE Medical Imaging 2022, United States: SPIE. [More Information]
  • Mat Rosly, M., Halaki, M., Mat Rosly, H., Hasnan, N., Husain, R., Davis, G. (2019). Arm Exercises for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: Exergaming versus Arm Cranking. IEEE 7th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), Kyoto: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
  • Morris, N., Filingeri, D., Halaki, M., Jay, O. (2016). Cold defence thermoeffector responses are modified by ingested fluid temperature independently of differences in mean body temperature. Experimental Biology Meeting 2016, Bethesda, MD: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.


  • Ackermann, B., Wijsman, S., Halaki, M. (2024). The Australian Music Students Health Survey: Impact of past experience on student attitudes to health education. British Journal of Music Education. [More Information]


  • Atif, M., Saeed, Z., Halaki, M., Chow, C., Raynes-Greenow, C. (2023). A qualitative exploration of experiences and perceptions in recent parents screening positive for perinatal depression in Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan Medical Association Journal, 73(9), 1874-1877. [More Information]
  • Nocum, D., Robinson, J., Halaki, M., Bath, M., Mekis, N., Liang, E., Thompson, N., Moscova, M., Reed, W. (2023). Comparison of image quality assessments between interventional radiographers and interventional radiologists using digital subtraction angiography. Journal of Medical Imaging, 10(2), 025501-1-025501-10. [More Information]
  • Lin, J., Halaki, M., Leaver, A. (2023). Limited evidence of altered gait parameters in people with chronic nonspecific low back pain. Gait and Posture, 99, 98-103. [More Information]


  • Ginn, K., Cathers, I., Boettcher, C., Halaki, M. (2022). Analysis of phase detects altered timing of muscle activation in subjects with chronic shoulder pain. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 62, 102621. [More Information]
  • Brown, L., Wilson, L., Packman, A., Halaki, M., Andrews, C., O’brian, S., Onslow, M., Menzies, R. (2022). Conversational speech of school-age children after syllable-timed speech treatment for stuttering. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24(1), 42-52. [More Information]
  • Davies, T., Andersen, J., Halaki, M., Orr, R., Hackett, D. (2022). Effect of high-volume cluster sets versus lower-volume traditional sets on muscular performance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 62(11), 1456-1464. [More Information]


  • Parker, E., Flood, V., Halaki, M., Wearne, C., Anderson, G., Gomes, L., Clarke, S., Wilson, F., Russell, J., Frig, E., Kohn, M. (2021). A standard enteral formula versus an iso-caloric lower carbohydrate/high fat enteral formula in the hospital management of adolescent and young adults admitted with anorexia nervosa: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Eating Disorders, 9(1), 160. [More Information]
  • Ford, B., Halaki, M., Diong, J., Ginn, K. (2021). Acute experimentally-induced pain replicates the distribution but not the quality or behaviour of clinical appendicular musculoskeletal pain. A systematic review. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 21(2), 217-237. [More Information]
  • Orr, R., Hamidi, J., Levy, B., Halaki, M. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in Australian junior rugby league players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 24(3), 241-246. [More Information]


  • Davies, T., Halaki, M., Orr, R., Helms, E., Hackett, D. (2020). Changes in Bench Press Velocity and Power After 8 Weeks of High-Load Cluster-or Traditional- Set Structures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(10), 2734-2742. [More Information]
  • Mansor, N., Chow, C., Halaki, M. (2020). Cognitive effects of video games in older adults and their moderators: a systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression. Aging and Mental Health, 24(6), 841-856. [More Information]
  • Ginn, K., Cools, A., Halaki, M. (2020). Do surface electrodes validly represent lower trapezius activation patterns during shoulder tasks? Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 53, 102427. [More Information]


  • Kartages, K., Wilson, G., Fornusek, C., Halaki, M., Hackett, D. (2019). Acute Effect of Kettlebell Swings on Sprint Performance. Sports, 7(2), 1-13. [More Information]
  • Mat Rosly, M., Halaki, M., Mat Rosly, H., Hasnan, N., Husain, R., Davis, G. (2019). Arm Exercises for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: Exergaming versus Arm Cranking. IEEE 7th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), Kyoto: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
  • Hackett, D., Selvanayagam, V., Halaki, M., Cobley, S. (2019). Associations between perceptual fatigue and accuracy of estimated repetitions to failure during resistance exercises. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 4(3), 1-10. [More Information]


  • Ballard, K., Halaki, M., Sowman, P., Kha, A., Daliri, A., Robin, D., Tourville, J., Guenther, F. (2018). An investigation of compensation and adaptation to auditory perturbations in individuals with acquired apraxia of speech. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 1-14. [More Information]
  • Orr, R., Grassmayr, M., Macniven, R., Grunseit, A., Halaki, M., Bauman, A. (2018). Australian athletes' knowledge of the WADA Prohibited Substances List and performance enhancing substances. International Journal of Drug Policy, 56, 40-45. [More Information]
  • Hollmann, L., Halaki, M., Kamper, S., Haber, M., Ginn, K. (2018). Does muscle guarding play a role in range of motion loss in patients with frozen shoulder? Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 37, 64-68. [More Information]


  • Cobley, S., Sanders, R., Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N. (2017). A solid swing and .. contact [or miss]? Commentary on "Towards a grand unified theory of sports performance". Human Movement Science, 56, 163-165. [More Information]
  • Hackett, D., Cobley, S., Davies, T., Michael, S., Halaki, M. (2017). Accuracy in estimating repetitions to failure during resistance exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 31(8), 2162-2168. [More Information]
  • Davies, T., Kuang, K., Orr, R., Halaki, M., Hackett, D. (2017). Effect of movement velocity during resistance training on dynamic muscular strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 47(8), 1603-1617. [More Information]


  • Noor, D., Ferdinands, E., Beach, A., Halaki, M. (2016). A Method of Measuring the Linear and Angular Kinematics of a Soccer Ball in Flight. In Terence Favero, Barry Drust and Brian Dawson (Eds.), International Research in Science and Soccer II, (pp. 259-264). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Ballard, K., Azizi, L., Duffy, J., McNeil, M., Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Layfield, C., Scholl, D., Vogel, A., Robin, D. (2016). A predictive model for diagnosing stroke-related apraxia of speech. Neuropsychologia, 81, 129-139. [More Information]
  • Alotaibi, M., Halaki, M., Chow, C. (2016). A systematic review of light therapy on mood scores in major depressive disorder: light specification, dose, timing and delivery. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(1), 30-37. [More Information]


  • McCrary, J., Ackermann, B., Halaki, M. (2015). A systematic review of the effects of upper body warm-up on performance and injury. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49(14), 935-942. [More Information]
  • O'Dwyer, N., Halaki, M., Wang, X., Bruton, M., Chang, M., Kwee-Yum Lee, K., Smith, R., Adams, R., Cobley, S. (2015). Coordination of whole body movements is governed by linear dynamic inter-joint relations with a single degree of freedom. Sensorimotor Control Meeting (SMC 2015), Brisbane: The University of Queensland.
  • Ginn, K., Halaki, M. (2015). Do surface electrode recordings validly represent latissimus dorsi activation patterns during shoulder tasks? Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 25(1), 8-13. [More Information]


  • Sharp, T., Halaki, M., Greene, A., Vanwanseele, B. (2014). An EMG assessment of front row Rugby Union scrummaging. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14(1), 225-237. [More Information]
  • Hackett, L., Reed, D., Halaki, M., Ginn, K. (2014). Assessing the validity of surface electromyography for recording muscle activation patterns from serratus anterior. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 24(2), 221-227. [More Information]
  • Ahmadi, F., Ribeiro, M., Halaki, M. (2014). Surface Electromyography of Neck Strap Muscles for Estimating the Intended Pitch of a Bionic Voice Source. 2014 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]


  • Wang, X., O'Dwyer, N., Halaki, M. (2013). A review on the coordinative structure of human walking and the application of principal component analysis. Neural Regeneration Research, 8(7), 662-670. [More Information]
  • Chiu, H., Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N. (2013). Associated Reactions during a Visual Pursuit position Tracking Task in Hemiplegic and Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 56(2), 117-126. [More Information]
  • Reed, D., Cathers, I., Halaki, M., Ginn, K. (2013). Does supraspinatus initiate shoulder abduction? Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 23(2), 425-429. [More Information]


  • Lee, K., O'Dwyer, N., Halaki, M., Smith, R. (2012). A new paradigm for human stick balancing: a suspended not an inverted pendulum. Experimental Brain Research, 221(3), 309-328. [More Information]
  • Hackett, D., Johnson, N., Halaki, M., Chow, C. (2012). A novel scale to assess resistance-exercise effort. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(13), 1405-1413. [More Information]
  • Rickert, D., Barrett, M., Halaki, M., Driscoll, T., Ackermann, B. (2012). A study of right shoulder injury in collegiate and professional orchestral cellists: An investigation using questionnaires and physical assessment. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 27(2), 65-73. [More Information]


  • Wattanaprakornkul, D., Halaki, M., Boettcher, C., Cathers, I., Ginn, K. (2011). A Comprehensive Analysis of Muscle Recruitment Patterns During Shoulder Flexion: An Electromyographic Study. Clinical Anatomy, 24(5), 619-626. [More Information]
  • Wattanaprakornkul, D., Halaki, M., Cathers, I., Ginn, K. (2011). Direction-specific recruitment of rotator cuff muscles during bench press and row. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21(6), 1041-1049. [More Information]
  • Yiasemides, R., Halaki, M., Cathers, I., Ginn, K. (2011). Does Passive Mobilization of Shoulder Region Joints Provide Additional Benefit Over Advice and Exercise Alone for People Who Have Shoulder Pain and Minimal Movement Restriction? A Randomized Controlled Trial. Physical Therapy, 91(2), 178-189. [More Information]


  • Reed, D., Halaki, M., Ginn, K. (2010). The rotator cuff muscles are activated at low levels during shoulder adduction: an experimental study. Journal of Physiotherapy, 56(4), 259-264. [More Information]


  • O'Dwyer, N., Smith, R., Halaki, M., Smith, E. (2009). Independent assessment of pattern and offset variability of time series waveforms. Gait and Posture, 29(2), 285-289. [More Information]


  • Packman, A., Halaki, M., Mohr, J., O'Dwyer, N., Bosshardt, H., Murdoch, B., Goozee, J., Onslow, M. (2007). Investigating The Relationship Between Stuttering And The Voluntary Control Of Breathing. Fifth World Congress on Fluency Disorders: New Horizons, Dublin, Ireland: The International Fluency Association.
  • Trevithick, B., Ginn, K., Halaki, M., Balnave, R. (2007). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns during a kayak stroke performed on a paddling ergometer. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 17(1), 74-79. [More Information]
  • Dark, A., Ginn, K., Halaki, M. (2007). Shoulder Muscle Recruitment Patterns During Commonly Used Rotator Cuff Exercises: An Electromyographic Study. Physical Therapy, 87(8), 1039-1046. [More Information]


  • Lee, H., Nicholson, L., Adams, R., Maher, C., Halaki, M., Bae, S. (2006). Development and Psychometric Testing of Korean Language Versions of 4 Neck Pain and Disability Questionnaires. Spine, 31(16), 1841-1845. [More Information]
  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2006). Systematic nonlinear relations between displacement amplitude and joint mechanics at the human wrist. Journal of Biomechanics, 39(12), 2171-2182. [More Information]
  • Lee, K., O'Dwyer, N., Smith, R., Halaki, M. (2006). Whole body coordination in balancing a stick. 2nd Australian Association for Exercise and Sport Science Conference, Brisbane: Australian Association for Exercise and Sports Science (AAESS).


  • O'Dwyer, N., Yankai, A., Smith, R., Halaki, M. (2005). Whole body kinematics in adult males and females during walking at a range of speeds. 7th Motor Control and Human Skill Conference, Perth, WA: Curtin Univeristy of Technology.


  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2004). Does the stretch reflex account for changes in wrist joint mechanics with changes in stretch amplitude? Australian Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting, Kent Town, SA: Australian Neuroscience Society.
  • O'Dwyer, N., Halaki, M., Brinkworth, R., Turker, K. (2004). The role of neural time delay in the stretch reflex. Australian Neuroscience Society 24th Annual Meeting, Kent Town, SA: Australian Neuroscience Society.
  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Brinkworth, R., Turker, K. (2004). The role of neural time delay in the stretch reflex. The Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC: The Society for Neuroscience.


  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2003). Adaptation of the stretch reflex to the frequency content and bandwidth of the stretch signal. Australian Neuroscience Society 23rd Annual Meeting, Burlington, MA: Academic Press.
  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2003). Adaptation of the stretch reflex to the frequency content of the stretch signal. Australian Neuroscience Society 23rd Annual Meeting, Burlington, MA: Academic Press.
  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2003). The contribution of the stretch reflex to wrist joint mechanics with changes in stretch amplitude. The Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC: The Society for Neuroscience.


  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2002). Does the stretch reflex contribute to compensation for muscle fatigue? Society for Neuroscience 32nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.
  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2002). The effects of muscle fatigue on the stretch reflex gain. Australian Neuroscience Society 22nd Annual Meeting, Sydney: Australian Neuroscience Society.
  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2002). The muscle stretch reflex and fatigue. From Cell to Society 3, Sydney: The College of Health Sciences.


  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2001). The effects of fatigue on the stretch reflex. IUPS Satellite Conference on Movement and Sensation, Cairns.
  • Halaki, M., O'Dwyer, N., Cathers, I. (2001). The effects of fatigue on the stretch reflex. Movement and Sensation - International Symposium, Australia: Ads & Adea.
  • Halaki, M. (2001). The effects of muscle fatigue on the stretch reflex. 1st Postgraduate Research Symposium, School of Physiotherapy, Sydney: University of Sydney.

Selected Grants


  • RES: Binaural beats for sleep induction - DENSO Automotive Systems Australia - Chin Moi Chow, Chow C, Halaki M, Denso Automotive Systems Australia Pty Ltd/Research Grant


  • Is there a relationship between training load and injury in female Australian rules football players, Grayson J, Orr R, McKay M, Halaki M, Knee Research Australia Ltd/Anterior Cruciate Ligament Research Grant