Professor Michael Skilton

Professor Michael Skilton

BSc (Hons) UQ, PhD Syd
Professor of Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health
Maurice Blackmore Principal Research Fellow in Integrative Medicine
Boden Collaboration for Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders
Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Professor Michael Skilton

Michael Skilton is Professor of Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health, and the Maurice Blackmore Principal Research Fellow in Integrative Medicine, in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney.

He leads the Nutrition and Cardiometabolic disease research group at the Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders, and the Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health Project Node at the Charles Perkins Centre.

He graduated from the University of Queensland (BSc Hons I) in 1998, and was awarded a PhD from the University of Sydney in 2005 for his doctoral studies on “Nutrition and cardiovascular structure and function”, before holding postdoctoral positions in Lyon, France (2005-2007) and at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne (2007-2010).

He has published over 120 scientific papers, in high ranking journals including the Lancet, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Pediatrics. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease.

He has been a Chief Investigator on research grants totaling over $4m, and has ongoing collaborations with research teams in Adelaide, Alice Springs and Darwin.

The Nutrition and Cardiometabolic disease research group within the Boden Collaboration uses a life course approach, focusing on basic biomedical discovery, and prevention of disease.

This includes

- identification of people at risk of cardiometabolic diseases in adulthood based on their early life exposures (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease; DOHaD);

- identification of the mechanisms through which these exposures affect long term risk of cardiometabolic diseases;

- developing and trialing nutrition strategies to improve the cardiometabolic risk profile, and subsequently prevent cardiovascular events and type 2 diabetes, in people using a precision medicine approach.

The group also actively works to develop and refine age-appropriate methodologies for assessing preclinical measures of cardiometabolic health, which inform and facilitate the above work.

MPhil and PhD supervision


  • Diet, health and disease
  • Dietary fats, lipids and cardiovascular disease
  • Environment, epigenetics and fetal programming
  • Developing dietary precision prevention strategies to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease
  • Identification of individuals at risk of early vascular damage due to their intrauterine environment, including exposure to maternal obesity and gestational diabetes
  • Determining the mechanisms by which obesity increases cardiovascular risk
  • Determining the factors that contribute to increased cardiovascular risk in Indigenous Australians, and developing appropriate strategies to improve vascular health in this population.

Member of the:

  • American Heart Association (AHA)
  • American Physiological Society (APS)
  • Australian Atherosclerosis Society (AAS)
  • Council member of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Society of Australia and New Zealand (DOHaD ANZ)
  • American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
  • Carotid extra-media thickness (Skilton et al, JACC-Cardiovasc Imag 2009) named as one of the top five vascular imaging research highlights of 2009 by the American Society of Echocardiography.
  • 2018 Sir Zelman Cowen Prize for Discovery in Medical Research, for a discovery which has made a major contribution to the understanding or treatment of disease and has achieved or has the potential to achieve therapeutic outcomes.

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health, Lifespan


Book Chapters

  • Skilton, M. (2022). Obesity and Cancer. Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children (4th Edition), (pp. 211-220). United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Celermajer, D. (2020). Noninvasive Assessment of Arterial Structure and Function. In Not known (Eds.), Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care, (pp. 1-16). TBC. [More Information]
  • Dissanayake, H., Phang, M., Skilton, M. (2017). Maternal n-3 Fatty Acids and Blood Pressure in Children. In Rajkumar Rajendram, Victor R. Preedy, & Vinood B. Patel (Eds.), Diet, Nutrition, and Fetal Programming, (pp. 279-292). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [More Information]


  • Koemel, N., Laouali, N., Skilton, M., Shah, S., Senior, A., Severi, G., Mancini, F., Gill, T., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D., et al (2024). Macronutrient composition of plant-based diets and breast cancer risk: the E3N prospective cohort study. European Journal of Nutrition, 63(5), 1771-1781. [More Information]
  • Koemel, N., Laouali, N., Senior, A., Celermajer, D., Grech, A., Solon-Biet, S., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D., Gill, T., Skilton, M. (2024). The Relationship between Dietary Macronutrient Composition and Telomere Length Among US Adults. Advanced Biology, 8(4). [More Information]
  • Grech, A., Kizirian, N., Lal, R., Zankl, A., Birkner, K., Nasir, J., Muirhead, R., Sau-Harvey, R., Mosalman Haghighi, M., Collins, C., Holmes, A., Skilton, M., Simpson, S., Gordon, A. (2023). Cohort profile: the BABY1000 pilot prospective longitudinal birth cohort study based in Sydney, Australia. BMJ Open, 13(6), e068275. [More Information]


  • Zahnd, G., Skilton, M., Navab, N. (2018). Automatic Quantification of Extra-Medial Thickness in Carotid Ultrasound. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2018), Kobe: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]


  • Koemel, N., Laouali, N., Skilton, M., Shah, S., Senior, A., Severi, G., Mancini, F., Gill, T., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D., et al (2024). Macronutrient composition of plant-based diets and breast cancer risk: the E3N prospective cohort study. European Journal of Nutrition, 63(5), 1771-1781. [More Information]
  • Koemel, N., Laouali, N., Senior, A., Celermajer, D., Grech, A., Solon-Biet, S., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D., Gill, T., Skilton, M. (2024). The Relationship between Dietary Macronutrient Composition and Telomere Length Among US Adults. Advanced Biology, 8(4). [More Information]


  • Grech, A., Kizirian, N., Lal, R., Zankl, A., Birkner, K., Nasir, J., Muirhead, R., Sau-Harvey, R., Mosalman Haghighi, M., Collins, C., Holmes, A., Skilton, M., Simpson, S., Gordon, A. (2023). Cohort profile: the BABY1000 pilot prospective longitudinal birth cohort study based in Sydney, Australia. BMJ Open, 13(6), e068275. [More Information]
  • Liang, S., Li, A., Skilton, M. (2023). Development of a Multibiomarker Panel of Healthy Eating Index in United States Adults: A Machine Learning Approach. The Journal of Nutrition, 153(1), 385-392. [More Information]
  • Koemel, N., Senior, A., Benmarhnia, T., Holmes, A., Okada, M., Oulhote, Y., Parker, H., Shah, S., Simpson, S., Raubenheimer, D., Gill, T., Skilton, M., et al (2023). Diet Quality, Microbial Lignan Metabolites, and Cardiometabolic Health among US Adults. Nutrients, 15(6). [More Information]


  • Gow, M., Varley, B., Nasir, J., Skilton, M., Craig, M. (2022). Aortic intima media thickness in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: A systematic review. Pediatric Diabetes, 23(4), 489-498. [More Information]
  • Ross, J., van Dijk, S., Phang, M., Skilton, M., Molloy, P., Oytam, Y. (2022). Batch-effect detection, correction and characterisation in Illumina HumanMethylation450 and MethylationEPIC BeadChip array data. Clinical Epigenetics, 14(1). [More Information]
  • Liang, S., Nasir, J., Bell-Anderson, K., Toniutti, C., O'Leary, F., Skilton, M. (2022). Biomarkers of dietary patterns: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Nutrition Reviews, 80(8), 1856-1895. [More Information]


  • Muirhead, R., Kizirian, N., Lal, R., Black, K., Prys-Davies, A., Nassar, N., Baur, L., Sainsbury, A., Sweeting, A., Markovic, T., Skilton, M., Hyett, J., De Vries, B., Tarnow-Mordi, W., Brand-Miller, J., Gordon, A. (2021). A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Partial Meal Replacement Preconception Weight Loss Program for Women with Overweight and Obesity. Nutrients, 13(9), 3200. [More Information]
  • Cai, T., Mosalman Haghighi, M., Roberts, P., Mervis, J., Qasem, A., Butlin, M., Celermajer, D., Avolio, A., Skilton, M., Ayer, J. (2021). Assessment of Central Arterial Hemodynamics in Children: Comparison of Noninvasive and Invasive Measurements. American Journal of Hypertension, 34(2), 163-171. [More Information]
  • Dissanayake, H., McMullan, R., Kong, Y., Caterson, I., Celermajer, D., Phang, M., Raynes-Greenow, C., Polson, J., Gordon, A., Skilton, M. (2021). Cardiac and vascular health in late preterm infants (In Press). Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 13(1), 128-134. [More Information]


  • Willeit, P., Tschiderer, L., Allara, E., Reuber, K., Seekircher, L., Gao, L., Liao, X., Lonn, E., Gerstein, H., Yusuf, S., Skilton, M., et al (2020). Carotid intima-media thickness progression as surrogate marker for cardiovascular risk: Meta-Analysis of 119 clinical trials involving 100,667 patients. Circulation, 142(7), 621-642. [More Information]
  • Cai, T., Qasem, A., Butlin, M., Aviolo, A., Ayer, J., Celermajer, D., Skilton, M. (2020). Effect of body habitus and heart rate on accuracy of aortic-radial transfer functions for predicting central hemodynamic indices in growing children. Artery Research, 26(4), 242-249. [More Information]
  • Phang, M., Ross, J., Raythatha, J., Dissanayake, H., McMullan, R., Kong, Y., Hyett, J., Gordon, A., Molloy, P., Skilton, M. (2020). Epigenetic aging in newborns: role of maternal diet. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 111(3), 555-561. [More Information]


  • Kirollos, S., Skilton, M., Patel, S., Arnott, C. (2019). A Systematic Review of Vascular Structure and Function in Pre-eclampsia: Non-invasive Assessment and Mechanistic Links. Frontiers in Cardovascular Medicine, 6, 1-12. [More Information]
  • Dissanayake, H., Skilton, M., Polson, J. (2019). Autonomic dysfunction in programmed hypertension. Journal of Human Hypertension, 33(4), 267-276. [More Information]
  • Liang, S., Nasir, J., Skilton, M., Bell-Anderson, K., O'Leary, F. (2019). Biomarkers as indicators of dietary patterns: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials and prospective cohort studies. PROSPERO, 2019, 1-4.


  • Zahnd, G., Skilton, M., Navab, N. (2018). Automatic Quantification of Extra-Medial Thickness in Carotid Ultrasound. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2018), Kobe: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
  • Dissanayake, H., McMullan, R., Kong, Y., Caterson, I., Celermajer, D., Phang, M., Raynes-Greenow, C., Polson, J., Gordon, A., Skilton, M. (2018). Body Fatness and Cardiovascular Health in Newborn Infants. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(9), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Garden, F., Toelle, B., Mihrshahi, S., Webb, K., Almqvist, C., Tovey, E., Brew, B., Ayer, J., Skilton, M., Jones, G., Cowie, C., Britton, W., Celermajer, D., Leeder, S., Peat, J., Marks, G., et al (2018). Cohort profile: The Childhood Asthma Prevention Study (CAPS). International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(6), 1736a-1736k. [More Information]


  • Zahnd, G., Kapellas, K., van Hattem, M., van Dijk, A., Serusclat, A., Moulin, P., van der Lugt, A., Skilton, M., Orkisz, M. (2017). A Fully-Automatic Method to Segment the Carotid Artery Layers in Ultrasound Imaging: Application to Quantify the Compression-Decompression Pattern of the Intima-Media Complex During the Cardiac Cycle. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 43(1), 239-257. [More Information]
  • Hosseini, B., Saedisomeolia, A., Skilton, M. (2017). Association between Micronutrients Intake/Status and Carotid Intima Media Thickness: A Systematic Review. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(1), 69-82. [More Information]
  • Lefferts, W., Sperry, S., Jorgensen, R., Kasprowicz, A., Skilton, M., Figueroa, A., Heffernan, K. (2017). Carotid stiffness, extra-media thickness and visceral adiposity in young adults. Atherosclerosis, 265, 140-146. [More Information]


  • Cai, T., Magnussen, C., Haluska, B., Johnson, D., Mottram, P., Isbel, N., Celermajer, D., Marwick, T., Skilton, M. (2016). Carotid extra-medial thickness does not predict adverse cardiovascular outcomes in high-risk adults. Diabetes and Metabolism, 42(3), 200-203. [More Information]
  • Cai, T., Sullivan, T., Ayer, J., Harmer, J., Leeder, S., Toelle, B., Marks, G., Celermajer, D., Skilton, M. (2016). Carotid extramedial thickness is associated with local arterial stiffness in children. Journal of Hypertension, 34(1), 109-115. [More Information]
  • Juonala, M., Singh, G., Davison, B., van Schilfgaarde, K., Skilton, M., Sabin, M., Cheung, M., Sayers, S., Burgner, D. (2016). Childhood metabolic syndrome, inflammation and carotid intima-media thickness The Aboriginal Birth Cohort Study. International Journal of Cardiology, 203, 32-36. [More Information]


  • Amarasena, N., Kapellas, K., Skilton, M., Maple-Brown, L., Brown, A., O’Dea, K., Celermajer, D., Jamieson, L. (2015). Associations with dental caries experience among a convenience sample of Aboriginal Australian adults. Australian Dental Journal, 60(4), 471-478. [More Information]
  • McCloskey, K., Vuillermin, P., Carlin, J., Skilton, M., Raitakari, O., Jachno, K., Cheung, M., Burgner, D., Ponsonby, A. (2015). Early-Life Markers of Atherosclerosis Using Aortic and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness: An Assessment of Methods to Account for Child Size. Journal for Vascular Ultrasound, 39(3), 119-126.
  • Juonala, M., Cheung, M., Sabin, M., Burgner, D., Skilton, M., Kahonen, M., Hutri-Kahonen, N., Lehtimaki, T., Jula, A., Laitinen, T., et al (2015). Effect of birth weight on life-course blood pressure levels among children born premature: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Journal of Hypertension, 33(8), 1542-1548. [More Information]


  • McCloskey, K., Vuillermin, P., Ponsonby, A., Cheung, M., Skilton, M., Burgner, D. (2014). Aortic intima-media thickness measured by trans-abdominal ultrasound as an early life marker of subclinical atherosclerosis. Acta Paediatrica, 103(2), 124-130. [More Information]
  • Kapellas, K., Jamieson, L., Do, L., Bartold, P., Wang, H., Maple-Brown, L., Sullivan, D., O'Dea, K., Brown, A., Celermajer, D., Skilton, M., et al (2014). Associations between periodontal disease and cardiovascular surrogate measures among Indigenous Australians. International Journal of Cardiology, 173(2), 190-196. [More Information]
  • Harmer, J., Keech, A., Veillard, A., Skilton, M., Marwick, T., Watts, G., Meredith, I., Celermajer, D. (2014). Cigarette smoking and albuminuria are associated with impaired arterial smooth muscle function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a FIELD substudy. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 106(2), 328-336. [More Information]


  • Kapellas, K., Do, L., Bartold, M., Skilton, M., Maple-Brown, L., O'Dea, K., Brown, A., Celermajer, D., Slade, G., Jamieson, L. (2013). Effects of full-mouth scaling on the periodontal health of Indigenous Australians: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 40(11), 1016-1024. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Mikkila, V., Wurtz, P., Ala-Korpela, M., Sim, K., Soininen, P., Kangas, A., Viikari, J., Juonala, M., Laitinen, T., Celermajer, D., et al (2013). Fetal growth, omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids, and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: preventing fetal origins of disease? The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study 1-3. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 97(1), 58-65. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Raitakari, O., Celermajer, D. (2013). High Intake of Dietary Long-Chain {omega}-3 Fatty Acids Is Associated With Lower Blood Pressure in Children Born With Low Birth Weight: NHANES 2003-2008. Hypertension, 61(5), 972-976. [More Information]


  • Magnussen, C., Koskinen, J., Juonala, M., Wei, C., Srinivasan, S., Sabin, M., Thomson, R., Schmidt, M., Nguyen, Q., Xu, J., Skilton, M., et al (2012). A Diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome in Youth That Resolves by Adult Life Is Associated With a Normalization of High Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 60(17), 1631-1639. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Sullivan, T., Ayer, J., Harmer, J., Toelle, B., Webb, K., Marks, G., Celermajer, D. (2012). Carotid extra-medial thickness in childhood: Early life effects on the arterial adventitia. Atherosclerosis, 222(2), 478-482. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Ayer, J., Harmer, J., Webb, K., Leeder, S., Marks, G., Celermajer, D. (2012). Impaired Fetal Growth and Arterial Wall Thickening: A Randomized Trial of Omega-3 Supplementation. Pediatrics, 129(3), e698-e703. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M., Pyne-Geithman, G. (2011). Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein and ischemic stroke: Another brick in the wall? Neurology, 76(23), 1954-1955. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Boussel, L., Bonnet, F., Bernard, S., Douek, P., Moulin, P., Serusclat, A. (2011). Carotid intima-media and adventitial thickening: comparison of new and established ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Atherosclerosis, 215(2), 405-410. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Viikari, J., Juonala, M., Laitinen, T., Lehtimaki, T., Taittonen, L., Kahonen, M., Celermajer, D., Raitakari, O. (2011). Fetal Growth and Preterm Birth Influence Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Arterial Health in Young Adults: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 31(12), 2975-2981. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M., Bonnet, F., Begg, L., Juonala, M., Kahonen, M., Lehtimaki, T., Viikari, J., Raitakari, O. (2010). Childbearing, child-rearing, cardiovascular risk factors, and progression of carotid intima-media thickness: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study. Stroke, 41(7), 1332-7. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M. (2010). Parity and risk of stroke: Fetal origins of adult disease? Neurology, 74(18), 1408-1409. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M., Serusclat, A., Sethu, A., Brun, S., Bernard, S., Balkau, B., Moulin, P., Bonnet, F. (2009). Noninvasive measurement of carotid extra-media thickness: associations with cardiovascular risk factors and intima-media thickness. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 2(2), 176-182. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Sersclat, A., Bregg, L., Moulin, P., Bonnet, F. (2009). Parity and carotid atherosclerosis in men and women: insights into the roles of childbearing and child-rearing. Stroke, 40(4), 1152-1157. [More Information]
  • Cust, A., Skilton, M., van Bakel, M., Halkjaer, J., Olsen, A., Agnoli, C., Psaltopoulou, T., Buurma, E., Sonestedt, E., Chirlaque, M., et al (2009). Total dietary carbohydrate, sugar, starch and fibre intakes in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63(Supplement 4), S37-S60. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M. (2008). Intrauterine risk factors for precocious atherosclerosis. Pediatrics, 121(3), 570-574. [More Information]
  • Guebre-Egziabher, F., Rabasa-Lhoret, R., Bonnet, F., Bastard, J., Desage, M., Skilton, M., Vidal, H., Laville, M. (2008). Nutritional intervention to reduce the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio increases adiponectin concentration and fatty acid oxidation in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62(11), 1287-1293. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Laville, M., Cust, A., Moulin, P., Bonnet, F. (2008). The association between dietary macronutrient intake and the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome. British Journal of Nutrition, 100(2), 400-407. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M., Moulin, P., Serusclat, A., Nony, P., Bonnet, F. (2007). A comparison of the NCEP-ATPIII, IDF and AHA/NHLBI metabolic syndrome definitions with relation to early carotid atherosclerosis in subjects with hypercholesterolemia or at risk of CVD: evidence for sex-specific differences. Atherosclerosis, 190(2), 416-422. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Moulin, P., Terra, J., Bonnet, F. (2007). Associations between anxiety, depression, and the metabolic syndrome. Biological Psychiatry, 62(11), 1251-1257. [More Information]
  • de Rougement, A., Normand, S., Nazare, J., Skilton, M., Sothier, M., Vinoy, S., Laville, M. (2007). Beneficial effects of a 5-week low-glycaemic index regimen on weight control and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight non-diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 98(6), 1288-1298. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M., Celermajer, D. (2006). Endothelial dysfunction and arterial abnormalities in childhood obesity. International Journal of Obesity, 30(7), 1041-1049. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Gosby, A., Wu, B., Ho, L., Stocker, R., Caterson, I., Celermajer, D. (2006). Maternal undernutrition reduces aortic wall thickness and elastin content in offspring rats without altering endothelial function. Clinical Science, 111(4), 281-287. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Celermajer, D. (2006). The effects of obesity-related peptides on the vasculature. Current Vascular Pharmacology, 4(1), 79-85. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M., Evans, N., Griffiths, K., Harmer, J., Celermajer, D. (2005). Aortic wall thickness in newborns with intrauterine growth restriction. The Lancet, 365(9469), 1484-1486. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Lai, N., Griffiths, K., Molyneaux, L., Yue, D., Sullivan, D., Celermajer, D. (2005). Meal-related increases in vascular reactivity are impaired in older and diabetic adults: insights into roles of aging and insulin in vascular flow. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 288(3), H1404-H1410. [More Information]
  • Skilton, M., Nakhla, S., Sieveking, D., Caterson, I., Celermajer, D. (2005). Pathophysiological levels of the obesity related peptides resistin and ghrelin increase adhesion molecule expression on human vascular endothelial cells. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 32(10), 839-844. [More Information]


  • Skilton, M., Ho, L., Gosby, A., Caterson, I., Celermajer, D. (2004). Maternal Undernutrition And Early Postnatal Diet Affect Aortic Structure And Composition In Rats. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 43 Abstracts(5), 517A-517A.


  • Griffiths, K., Sader, M., Skilton, M., Harmer, J., Celermajer, D. (2003). Effects of Raloxifene on endothelium-dependent dilation, lipoproteins, and markers of vascular function in postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 42(4), 698-704. [More Information]
  • Sader, M., Griffiths, K., Skilton, M., Wishart, S., Handelsman, D., Celermajer, D. (2003). Physiological testosterone replacement and arterial endothelial function in men. Clinical Endocrinology, 59(1), 62-67. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Optimizing obstructive sleep apnea therapy in patients with coronary artery disease: a pilot study, Cistulli P, Skilton M, Sutherland K, De Chazal P, Dissanayake H, ResMed Foundation/Research Grant


  • Assessing autonomic activity in children: Preventing cardio-metabolic disease, Skilton M, Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation/Research Grant