Associate Professor Neeloy Alam

Associate Professor Neeloy Alam

Associate Professor in Medical Anthropology
Sydney School of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health
+61 2 9351 8925
F +61 2 9351 5049
Associate Professor Neeloy Alam

Dr Alam is a health social scientist with expertise in integrating qualitative studies within randomized trials to improve their design, conduct and interpretation. His current projects include implementation research in maternal, child and adolescent nutrition in South/Southeast Asia and Africa, i.e. Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Lao PRD, Vietnam and Malawi. Dr Alam has expertise in nutrition-sensitive agriculture and social safety net interventions. His research area also includes the impact of household air pollution on perinatal outcomes. Dr Alam’s research on neonatal skincare has translated into policy and practice in newborn care in Bangladesh, Nepal and sub-Saharan Africa. He teaches at postgraduate level in qualitative and health social science methods, medical anthropology, development anthropology, and public health project management. Dr Alam’s higher degree students conduct research in in Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Indonesia, Fiji, Myanmar, Vietnam and South Sudan.

Maternal and child nutrition; Adolescent obesity; Household air pollution; Nutrition-sensitive intervention; mNutrition.

Health social science and nutrition research: My research employs medical anthropology, health social science and qualitative approaches to investigate global health and nutrition outcomes within the areas of: infant and young child feeding; maternal and child nutrition; newborn and maternal health; social and behaviour change communication; and combined nutrition-specific (counselling) and sensitive-sensitive (agriculture, social safety net) intervention.

Implementation research in health and nutrition: My mixed-methods approach to implementation research contributes to design and implementation of complex public health interventions, and evaluation of how, why and for whom the interventions work.

Social science methods to design maternal and child intervention
Process evaluation of health project
Research students in qualitative approaches to maternal and child health

1. 2018 –. Addressing critical failures of Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN) in South Asia: IYCN challenges faced by working women in urban areas. Funding: SAFANSI/World Bank.
2. 2017–. Cash transfers and behaviour change communications to reduce child undernutrition in rural Bangladesh: a cluster randomized controlled trial to determine the most effective combination of interventions. Funding: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia.
3. 2017 –. The impact of cleaner cookstoves to reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes in low resource settings. Funding: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia.
4. 2017–. Can Bovine Lactoferrin Prevent Neonatal Infections in Low Birthweight Newborns in Pakistan? Funding: USAID.
5. 2017–. Healthier lifestyles through a peer-education and peer-support system: A school-based pilot project in adolescents in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. My role: Co-Investigator for feasibility assessment. Fund: Medical Research Council, UK.
6. 2016 –. Harnessing women’s social networks to improve maternal and child nutrition behaviours in East Java, Indonesia: An explorative study of positive and negative deviants. The Sydney Southeast Asia Centre.
7. 2015–. M-SAKHI: Mobile health solutions to help community providers promote maternal & infant nutrition & health - A community-based cluster RCT in rural India. Fund: NHMRC.

Global Health & Nutrition Research Collaboration
South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN) (Founding member)
The Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition
Member of Sydney Institute of Agriculture
Member of Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health, Lifespan



  • Patel, A., Kuhite, P., Khan, S., Puranik, A., Alam, N., Dibley, M. (2024). M-SAKHI - Mobile health solutions to help community providers promote maternal and infant nutrition and health: a description of development of the Program Impact Pathway using Theory of Change. Public Health Nutrition, 27(1), e217. [More Information]
  • Razzaq, A., Travaglia, J., Raynes-Greenow, C., Alam, N. (2024). Understanding Fijian health system challenges in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services in the three tertiary hospitals in Fiji. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/Hiv, 36(7), 954-963. [More Information]
  • Kirkwood, E., Raihana, S., Alam, N., Dibley, M. (2024). Women's participation in decision-making: Analysis of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data 2017–2018. Journal of International Development, 36(1), 26-42. [More Information]


  • Patel, A., Kuhite, P., Khan, S., Puranik, A., Alam, N., Dibley, M. (2024). M-SAKHI - Mobile health solutions to help community providers promote maternal and infant nutrition and health: a description of development of the Program Impact Pathway using Theory of Change. Public Health Nutrition, 27(1), e217. [More Information]
  • Razzaq, A., Travaglia, J., Raynes-Greenow, C., Alam, N. (2024). Understanding Fijian health system challenges in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services in the three tertiary hospitals in Fiji. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/Hiv, 36(7), 954-963. [More Information]
  • Kirkwood, E., Raihana, S., Alam, N., Dibley, M. (2024). Women's participation in decision-making: Analysis of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data 2017–2018. Journal of International Development, 36(1), 26-42. [More Information]


  • Christou, A., Raynes-Greenow, C., Mubasher, A., Hofiani, S., Rasooly, M., Rashidi, M., Alam, N. (2023). Explanatory models of stillbirth among bereaved parents in Afghanistan: Implications for stillbirth prevention. PLoS Global Public Health, 3(6), e0001420. [More Information]
  • Paramashanti, B., Dibley, M., Huda, T., Prabandari, Y., Alam, N. (2023). Factors influencing breastfeeding continuation and formula feeding beyond six months in rural and urban households in Indonesia: a qualitative investigation. International Breastfeeding Journal, 18(1), 48. [More Information]
  • Hmone, M., Li, M., Agho, K., Alam, N., Chad, N., Dibley, M. (2023). Tailored text messages to improve breastfeeding practices in Yangon, Myanmar: the M528 individually randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 117(3), 518-528. [More Information]


  • Paramashanti, B., Dibley, M., Huda, T., Alam, N. (2022). Breastfeeding perceptions and exclusive breastfeeding practices: A qualitative comparative study in rural and urban Central Java, Indonesia. Appetite, 170, 105907. [More Information]
  • Kirkwood, E., Dibley, M., Khatun, W., Ara, G., Khanam, M., Bokshi, A., Li, M., Alam, N. (2022). Can a Combined Agriculture and Nutrition Behaviour Change Intervention Improve Women's Empowerment? A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study in Rural Bangladesh. The Qualitative Report, 27(12), 2905-2922. [More Information]
  • Thi Nguyen, N., Tang, H., Nguyen, M., Dibley, M., Alam, N. (2022). Effect of a peer-led education intervention on dietary behaviour and physical activity among adolescents in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a pilot study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 76(11), 1590-1593. [More Information]


  • Christou, A., Alam, N., Hofiani, S., Mubasher, A., Rasooly, M., Rashidi, M., Raynes-Greenow, C. (2021). 'I should have seen her face at least once': parent's and healthcare providers' experiences and practices of care after stillbirth in Kabul province, Afghanistan. Journal of Perinatology, 41(9), 2182-2195. [More Information]
  • Jamil, A., Huckel Schneider, C., Alam, N., Raynes-Greenow, C. (2021). An analysis of the impact of newborn survival policies in Pakistan using a policy triangle framework. Health Research Policy and Systems, 19(1), 86-1-86-14. [More Information]
  • Kirkwood, E., Dibley, M., Hoddinott, J., Huda, T., Laba, T., Tahsina, T., Hasan, M., Iqbal, A., Khan, J., Ali, N., Goodwin, N., Alam, N., et al (2021). Assessing the impact of a combined nutrition counselling and cash transfer intervention on women's empowerment in rural Bangladesh: A randomised control trial protocol. BMJ Open, 11(6), 44261. [More Information]


  • Alam, N., Khatun, W., Khanam, M., Ara, G., Bokshi, A., Li, M., Dibley, M. (2020). "In the past, the seeds I planted often didn't grow." A mixed-methods feasibility assessment of integrating agriculture and nutrition behaviour change interventions with cash transfers in rural Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 1-15. [More Information]
  • Raynes-Greenow, C., Islam, S., Khan, J., Tasnim, F., Nisha, M., Thornburg, J., Billah, S., Alam, N. (2020). A Feasibility Study Assessing Acceptability and Supply Issues of Distributing LPG Cookstoves and Gas Cylinders to Pregnant Women Living in Rural Bangladesh for Poriborton: The CHANge Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 848. [More Information]
  • Fahmida, U., Htet, M., Ferguson, E., Do, T., Buanasita, A., Titaley, C., Alam, N., Sutrisna, A., Li, M., Ariawan, I., Dibley, M. (2020). Effect of an integrated package of nutrition behavior change interventions on infant and young child feeding practices and child growth from birth to 18 months: Cohort evaluation of the baduta cluster randomized controlled trial in east Java, Indonesia. Nutrients, 12(12), 1-16. [More Information]


  • Khatun, W., Rasheed, S., Alam, N., Huda, T., Dibley, M. (2019). Assessing the Intergenerational Linkage between Short Maternal Stature and Under-Five Stunting and Wasting in Bangladesh. Nutrients, 11(8), 1-15. [More Information]
  • Raihana, S., Dibley, M., Rahman, M., Tahsina, T., Siddique, A., Rahman, Q., Islam, S., Alam, N., Kelly, P., El Arifeen, S., Huda, T. (2019). Early initiation of breastfeeding and severe illness in the early newborn period: An observational study in rural Bangladesh. PLoS Medicine, 16(8), 1-17. [More Information]
  • Akber, S., Mahmood, H., Fatima, R., Wali, A., Alam, N., Sheraz, S., Yaqoob, A., Najmi, H., Abbasi, S., Mahmood, H., Dibley, M., et al (2019). Effectiveness of a mobile health intervention on infant and young child feeding among children <24 months of age in rural Islamabad over six months duration. F1000Research, 8, 1-20. [More Information]


  • Mugo, N., Dibley, M., Damundu, E., Alam, N. (2018). "The system here isn't on patients' side"- perspectives of women and men on the barriers to accessing and utilizing maternal healthcare services in South Sudan. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Huda, T., Rahman, M., Raihana, S., Islam, S., Tahsina, T., Alam, N., Agho, K., Rasheed, S., Hayes, A., Karim, M., Chowdhury, M., Raynes-Greenow, C., Dibley, M., et al (2018). A community-based cluster randomised controlled trial in rural Bangladesh to evaluate the impact of the use of iron-folic acid supplements early in pregnancy on the risk of neonatal mortality: the Shonjibon trial. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Mugo, N., Dibley, M., Damundu, E., Alam, N. (2018). Barriers Faced by the Health Workers to Deliver Maternal Care Services and Their Perceptions of the Factors Preventing Their Clients from Receiving the Services: A Qualitative Study in South Sudan. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22(11), 1598-1606. [More Information]


  • Hmone, M., Li, M., Agho, K., Alam, N., Dibley, M. (2017). Factors associated with intention to exclusive breastfeed in central women's hospital, Yangon, Myanmar. International Breastfeeding Journal, 12(1), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Chowdhury, M., Raynes-Greenow, C., Alam, N., Dibley, M. (2017). Making a balanced plate for pregnant women to improve birthweight of infants: a study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in rural Bangladesh. BMJ Open, 7(8), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Pan Hmone, M., Li, M., Alam, N., Dibley, M. (2017). Mobile Phone Short Messages to Improve Exclusive Breastfeeding and Reduce Adverse Infant Feeding Practices: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Yangon, Myanmar. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 6(6), 1-15. [More Information]


  • Pan Hmone, M., Dibley, M., Li, M., Alam, N. (2016). A formative study to inform mHealth based randomized controlled trial intervention to promote exclusive breastfeeding practices in Myanmar: incorporating qualitative study findings. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 16(1), 1-10. [More Information]
  • Alam, N., Tawale, N., Patel, A., Dibley, M., Jadhao, S., Raynes-Greenow, C. (2016). Household Air Pollution Intervention Implications: Findings from Qualitative Studies and a Field Trial of Clean Cookstoves in Two Rural Villages in India. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(9), 1-14. [More Information]
  • Nisar, Y., Aurangzeb, B., Dibley, M., Alam, N. (2016). Qualitative exploration of facilitating factors and barriers to use of antenatal care services by pregnant women in urban and rural settings in Pakistan. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16(1), 1-9. [More Information]


  • Alam, N., Rasheed, S., Khan, N., Sharmin, T., Huda, T., El Arifeen, S., Dibley, M. (2015). How can formative research inform the design of an iron-folic acid supplementation intervention starting in first trimester of pregnancy in Bangladesh? BMC Public Health, 15(1), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Henry, E., Lehnertz, N., Alam, N., Ali, N., Williams, E., Rahman, S., Ahmed, S., El Arifeen, S., Baqui, A., Winch, P. (2015). Sociocultural factors perpetuating the practices of early marriage and childbirth in Sylhet District, Bangladesh. International Health, 7(3), 212-217. [More Information]


  • Matthews, L., Harris, L., Jaworski, A., Alam, N., Bozdag, G. (2014). Function, health and psychosocial needs in job-seekers with anxiety, mood, and psychotic disorders who access disability employment services. Work, 49(2), 271-279. [More Information]
  • Nisar, Y., Alam, N., Aurangzeb, B., Dibley, M. (2014). Perceptions of antenatal iron-folic acid supplements in urban and rural Pakistan: A qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(1), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Harris, L., Matthews, L., Penrose-Wall, J., Alam, N., Jaworski, A. (2014). Perspectives on barriers to employment for job seekers with mental illness and additional substance-use problems. Health and Social Care in the Community, 22(1), 67-77. [More Information]


  • Uddin, S., Hossain, L., Hamra, J., Alam, N. (2013). A study of physician collaborations through social network and exponential random graph. BMC Health Services Research, 13(1), 1-14. [More Information]


  • Choudhury, N., Moran, A., Alam, N., Ahsan, K., Rashid, S., Streatfield, P. (2012). Beliefs and practices during pregnancy and childbirth in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. BMC Public Health, 12(11), 1-6. [More Information]
  • Khatun, F., Rasheed, S., Moran, A., Alam, A., Shomik, M., Sultana, M., Choudhury, N., Iqbal, M., Bhuiya, A. (2012). Causes of neonatal and maternal deaths in Dhaka slums: implications for service delivery. BMC Public Health, 12(1), 1-9. [More Information]


  • Ahmed, S., Hossain, A., Khan, M., Mridha, M., Alam, A., Choudhury, N., Sharmin, T., Afsana, K., Bhuiya, A. (2010). Using formative research to develop MNCH programme in urban slums in Bangladesh: experiences from MANOSHI, BRAC. BMC Public Health, 10(0), 663-663. [More Information]


  • Moran, A., Choudhury, N., Khan, N., Karar, Z., Wahed, T., Rashid, S., Alam, M. (2009). Newborn care practices among slum dwellers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a quantitative and qualitative exploratory study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 9(0), 54-54. [More Information]


  • Alam, M., Ali, N., Sultana, N., Mullany, L., Teela, K., Khan, N., Baqui, A., El Arifeen, S., Mannan, I., Darmstadt, G., et al (2008). Newborn umbilical cord and skin care in Sylhet District, Bangladesh: implications for the promotion of umbilical cord cleansing with topical chlorhexidine. Journal of Perinatology, 28(Suppl 2), S61-68. [More Information]


  • Winch, P., Alam, N., Akther, A., Afroz, D., Ali, N., Ellis, A., Baqui, A., Darmstadt, G., El Arifeen, S., Seraji, M., et al (2005). Local understandings of vulnerability and protection during the neonatal period in Sylhet District, Bangladesh: a qualitative study. The Lancet, 366, 478-485. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • A gender-based analysis of womens livelihoods and the impact on their health and nutrition status in rural Lao PDR, Kirkwood E, Alam N, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre/Collaborative Research Grant


  • Exploring the barriers and facilitators for womens participation in reproductive, maternal and child health services in rural Lao PDR: a gender-based analysis, Kirkwood E, Alam N, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre/EMCR Seed Grant