Professor Emeritus Norbert Berend

Professor Emeritus Norbert Berend

Emeritus Professor
The George Institute for Global Health
+61 2 9515 7062
+61 2 9550 5865



  • Daley-Yates, P., Singh, D., Igea, J., Macchia, L., Verma, M., Berend, N., Plank, M. (2023). Assessing the Effects of Changing Patterns of Inhaled Corticosteroid Dosing and Adherence with Fluticasone Furoate and Budesonide on Asthma Management. Advances in Therapy, 40(9), 4042-4059. [More Information]
  • Domingo, C., Garcia, G., Gemicioðlu, B., Van, G., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Neffen, H., Poachanukoon, O., Sagara, H., Berend, N., Pizzichini, E., et al (2023). Consensus on mild asthma management: results of a modified Delphi study. Journal of Asthma, 60(1), 145-157. [More Information]
  • Sunjaya, A., Homaira, N., Corcoran, K., Martin, A., Berend, N., Jenkins, C. (2022). Assessment and diagnosis of chronic dyspnoea: a literature review. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 32(1). [More Information]


  • Berend, N., McClean, M., Ammit, A., Rynell, A., Matheson,, M. (2001). Myosin light chain kinase levels are not affected by increased airway smooth muscle contractility in the sheep. 2001 International Conference, : Ads & Adea.


  • Daley-Yates, P., Singh, D., Igea, J., Macchia, L., Verma, M., Berend, N., Plank, M. (2023). Assessing the Effects of Changing Patterns of Inhaled Corticosteroid Dosing and Adherence with Fluticasone Furoate and Budesonide on Asthma Management. Advances in Therapy, 40(9), 4042-4059. [More Information]
  • Domingo, C., Garcia, G., Gemicioðlu, B., Van, G., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Neffen, H., Poachanukoon, O., Sagara, H., Berend, N., Pizzichini, E., et al (2023). Consensus on mild asthma management: results of a modified Delphi study. Journal of Asthma, 60(1), 145-157. [More Information]


  • Sunjaya, A., Homaira, N., Corcoran, K., Martin, A., Berend, N., Jenkins, C. (2022). Assessment and diagnosis of chronic dyspnoea: a literature review. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 32(1). [More Information]
  • Bradbury, T., Di Tanna, G., Scaria, A., Martin, A., Wen, F., Zhong, N., Zheng, J., Barnes, P., Celli, B., Berend, N., et al (2022). Blood Eosinophils in Chinese COPD Participants and Response to Treatment with Combination Low-Dose Theophylline and Prednisone: A Post-Hoc Analysis of the TASCS Trial. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 17, 273-282. [More Information]
  • Singh, D., Garcia, G., Maneechotesuwan, K., Daley-Yates, P., Irusen, E., Aggarwal, B., Boucot, I., Berend, N. (2022). New Versus Old: The Impact of Changing Patterns of Inhaled Corticosteroid Prescribing and Dosing Regimens in Asthma Management. Advances in Therapy, 39(5), 1895-1914. [More Information]


  • Jetmalani, K., Brown, N., Boustany, C., Toelle, B., Marks, G., Abramson, M., Johns, D., James, A., Hunter, M., Musk, A., Berend, N., Farah, C., Chapman, D., Thamrin, C., King, G. (2021). Normal limits for oscillometric bronchodilator responses and relationships with clinical factors. ERJ Open Research, 7(4), 00439-2021. [More Information]
  • Jenkins, C., Wen, F., Martin, A., Barnes, P., Celli, B., Zhong, N., Zheng, J., Scaria, A., Di Tanna, G., Bradbury, T., Berend, N. (2021). The effect of low-dose corticosteroids and theophylline on the risk of acute exacerbations of COPD: The TASCS randomised controlled trial. European Respiratory Journal, 57(6), 2003338. [More Information]


  • Tonga, K., Chapman, D., Farah, C., Oliver, B., Zimmermann, S., Milne, S., Sanai, F., Jetmalani, K., Berend, N., Thamrin, C., King, G. (2020). Reduced lung elastic recoil and fixed airflow obstruction in asthma. Respirology, 25(6), 613-619. [More Information]


  • Tonga, K., Berend, N., Thamrin, C., Farah, C., Jetmalani, K., Chapman, D., King, G. (2019). Lung elastic recoil and ventilation heterogeneity of diffusion-dependent airways in older people with asthma and fixed airflow obstruction. European Respiratory Journal, 53(3), 1801028. [More Information]


  • Aggarwal, B., Mulgirigama, A., Berend, N. (2018). Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction: prevalence, pathophysiology, patient impact, diagnosis and management. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 28(1), 31. [More Information]
  • Jetmalani, K., Thamrin, C., Farah, C., Bertolin, A., Chapman, D., Berend, N., Salome, C., King, G. (2018). Peripheral airway dysfunction and relationship with symptoms in smokers with preserved spirometry. Respirology, 23(5), 512-518. [More Information]


  • Farrow, C., Salome, C., Harris, B., Bailey, D., Berend, N., King, G. (2017). Peripheral ventilation heterogeneity determines the extent of bronchoconstriction in asthma. Journal of Applied Physiology, 123(5), 1188-1194. [More Information]
  • Berend, N. (2017). The silent zone of the lung in asthma under scrutiny again. Respirology, 22, 1047-1048. [More Information]


  • Jetmalani, K., Chapman, D., Thamrin, C., Farah, C., Berend, N., Salome, C., King, G. (2016). Bronchodilator responsiveness of peripheral airways in smokers with normal spirometry. Respirology, 21(7), 1270-1276. [More Information]
  • Berend, N. (2016). Contribution of air pollution to COPD and small airway dysfunction. Respirology, 21(2), 237-244. [More Information]


  • Farah, C., Keulers, L., Hardaker, K., Peters, M., Berend, N., Postma, D., Salome, C., King, G. (2015). Association between peripheral airway function and neutrophilic inflammation in asthma. Respirology, 20(6), 975-981. [More Information]
  • Jetmalani, K., Timmins, S., Brown, N., Diba, C., Berend, N., Salome, C., Wen, F., Chen, P., King, G., Farah, C. (2015). Expiratory flow limitation relates to symptoms during COPD exacerbations requiring hospital admission. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 10, 939-945. [More Information]
  • Dame Carroll, J., Magnussen, J., Berend, N., Salome, C., King, G. (2015). Greater parallel heterogeneity of airway narrowing and airway closure in asthma measured by high-resolution CT. Thorax, 70(12), 1163-1170. [More Information]


  • Berend, N. (2014). Respiratory disease and respiratory physiology: Putting lung function into perspective interstitial lung disease. Respirology, 19(7), 952-959. [More Information]


  • Timmins, S., Coatsworth, N., Palnitkar, G., Thamrin, C., Farrow, C., Schoeffel, R., Berend, N., Diba, C., Salome, C., King, G. (2013). Day-to-day variability of oscillatory impedance and spirometry in asthma and COPD. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 185(2), 416-424. [More Information]
  • Hulme, K., Salome, C., Brown, N., Berend, N., Agus, H., Horlyck, K., King, G., Chapman, D. (2013). Deep inspiration volume and the impaired reversal of bronchoconstriction in asthma. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 189(3), 506-512. [More Information]
  • Downie, S., Salome, C., Verbanck, S., Thompson, B., Berend, N., King, G. (2013). Effect of methacholine on peripheral lung mechanics and ventilation heterogeneity in asthma. Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(6), 770-777. [More Information]


  • Farrow, C., Salome, C., Harris, B., Bailey, D., Bailey, E., Berend, N., Young, I., King, G. (2012). Airway closure on imaging relates to airway hyperresponsiveness and peripheral airway disease in asthma. Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(6), 958-966. [More Information]
  • Chapman, D., Berend, N., Horlyck, K., King, G., Salome, C. (2012). Does increased baseline ventilation heterogeneity following chest wall strapping predispose to airway hyperresponsiveness? Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(1), 25-30. [More Information]
  • Timmins, S., Diba, C., Farrow, C., Schoeffel, R., Berend, N., Salome, C., King, G. (2012). The Relationship Between Airflow Obstruction, Emphysema Extent, and Small Airways Function in COPD. Chest, 142(2), 312-319. [More Information]


  • McClean, M., Htun, C., King, G., Berend, N., Salome, C. (2011). Cut-Points for Response to Mannitol Challenges Using the Forced Oscillation Technique. Respiratory Medicine, 105(4), 533-540. [More Information]
  • Chapman, D., Berend, N., King, G., Salome, C. (2011). Effect of deep inspiration avoidance on ventilation heterogeneity and airway responsiveness in healthy adults. Journal of Applied Physiology, 110(5), 1400-1405. [More Information]
  • Diba, C., King, G., Berend, N., Salome, C. (2011). Improved respiratory system conductance following bronchodilator predicts reduced exertional dyspnoea. Respiratory Medicine, 105(9), 1345-1351. [More Information]


  • Chapman, D., King, G., Berend, N., Diba, C., Salome, C. (2010). Avoiding Deep Inspirations Increases The Maximal Response To Methacholine Without Altering Sensitivity In Non-Asthmatics. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 173(2), 157-163. [More Information]
  • Chapman, D., Berend, N., Salome, C. (2010). Can we cure airway hyperresponsiveness with a gym membership? Journal of Applied Physiology, 109(2), 267-268. [More Information]
  • Salome, C., King, G., Berend, N. (2010). Physiology of obesity and effects on lung function. Journal of Applied Physiology, 108(1), 206-11. [More Information]


  • Phillips, C., Yee, B., Trenell, M., Magnussen, J., Wang, D., Banerjee, D., Berend, N., Grunstein, R. (2009). Changes in regional adiposity and cardio-metabolic function following a weight loss program with sibutramine in obese men with obstructive sleep apnea. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 5(5), 416-421. [More Information]
  • Chapman, D., Berend, N., King, G., McParland, B., Salome, C. (2009). Deep inspirations protect against airway closure in nonasthmatic subjects. Journal of Applied Physiology, 107(2), 564-569. [More Information]


  • Phillips, C., Yee, B., Yang, Q., Villaneuva, A., Hedner, J., Berend, N., Grunstein, R. (2008). Effects of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment and withdrawal in patients with obstructive sleep apnea on arterial stiffness and central BP. Chest, 134(1), 94-100. [More Information]
  • Chapman, D., Berend, N., King, G., Salome, C. (2008). Increased airway closure is a determinant of airway hyperresponsiveness. European Respiratory Journal, 32(6), 1563-1569. [More Information]
  • Berend, N., Salome, C., King, G. (2008). Mechanisms of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma. Respirology, 13(5), 624-631. [More Information]


  • Brown, N., Salome, C., Berend, N., Thorpe, C., King, G. (2007). Airway distensibility in adults with asthma and healthy adults, measured by forced oscillation technique. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 176(2), 129-137. [More Information]
  • Berend, N., Salome, C. (2007). Editorial: Can a deep breath blow away the fog surrounding airway hyperresponsiveness? American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 176(2), 109-111. [More Information]
  • Salome, C., Munoz, P., Berend, N., Thorpe, C., Schachter, L., King, G. (2007). Effect of obesity on breathlessness and airway responsiveness to methacholine in non-asthmatic subjects. International Journal of Obesity, online(0), 1-8. [More Information]


  • Dame Carroll, J., Chandra, A., Jones, A., Berend, N., Magnussen, J., King, G. (2006). Airway dimensions measured from microcomputed tomography and high-resolution computed tomography. European Respiratory Journal, 28, 712-720. [More Information]


  • Hedner, J., Berend, N., Grunstein, R., Phillips, C. (2005). Diurnal and obstructive sleep apnea influences on arterial stiffness and central blood pressure in men. Sleep, 28(5), 604-609. [More Information]
  • King, G., Downie, S., Verbanck, S., Thorpe, C., Berend, N., Salome, C., Thompson, B. (2005). Effects of methacholine on small airway function measured by forced oscillation technique and multiple breath nitrogen washout in normal subjects. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 148(01-Feb), 165-177. [More Information]
  • Berend, N. (2005). Normal ageing of the lung: implications for diagnosis and monitoring of asthma in older people. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(1 (Suppl)), S28-S29. [More Information]


  • Berend, N., Salome, C., Thompson, B., Brown, N., Thorpe, C., Verbanck, S., Downie, S., King, G. (2004). A Comparison Of Two Methods For Measuring Airway Distensibility: Nitrogen Washout And The Forced Oscillation Technique. Physiological Measurement, 25(4), 1067-1075. [More Information]
  • Burgess, K., Berend, N. (2004). Increased Lung Water Without Hypocapnia Does Not Cause Central Sleep Apnoea In A Lamb Model. Respirology, 9(1), 60-65. [More Information]
  • Matheson, M., McClean, M., Rynell, A., Berend, N. (2004). Methylprednisolone Reduces Airway Microvascular Permeability But Not Airway Resistance Induced By N-Formylmethionine Leucyl-Phenylalanine In The Rabbit. Respirology, 9(2), 211-214. [More Information]


  • Salome, C., Thorpe, C., Diba, C., Brown, N., Berend, N., King, G. (2003). Airway re-narrowing following deep inspiration in asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects. European Respiratory Journal, 22, 62-68. [More Information]
  • Matheson, M., Rynell, A., McClean, M., Berend, N. (2003). Cigarette smoking increases neutrophil formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine receptor numbers. Chest, 123(5), 1642-1646. [More Information]
  • McClean, M., Matheson, M., McKay, K., Johnson, P., Rynell, A., Ammit, A., Black, J., Berend, N. (2003). Low lung volume alters contractile properties of airway smooth muscle in sheep. European Respiratory Journal, 22(1), 50-56. [More Information]


  • Berend, N., Kellett, B., Kent, N., Sly, P. (2001). Improved safety with equivalent asthma control in adults with chronic severe asthma on high-dose fluticasone propionate. Respirology, 6(3), 237-246. [More Information]
  • Berend, N., McClean, M., Ammit, A., Rynell, A., Matheson,, M. (2001). Myosin light chain kinase levels are not affected by increased airway smooth muscle contractility in the sheep. 2001 International Conference, : Ads & Adea.

Selected Grants


  • Localised airway reactivity as a determinant of asthma control and AHR, King G, Salome C, Berend N, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
  • Low dose corticosteroids and theophylline in the treatment of COPD, Berend N, Jenkins C, Barnes P, Celli B, Seale J, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants


  • Is asthma in the elderly a disease of the peripheral airways?, Downie S, King G, Salome C, Berend N, Brown N, Downie S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants