Professor Paul Keall

Professor Paul Keall

Professor of Medical Physics
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
Director of the Image X Institute
Sydney School of Health Sciences
+61 2 8627 1159
Professor Paul Keall

Professor Keall is the Director of the Image X Institute at the University of Sydney. His team of scientists, clinical partners and international collaborators create, share and apply novel cancer imaging and targeted radiation therapy methods. Several of these innovations have been translated to clinical practice for improved health care.

Since being awarded his Ph.D. in 1996 he has risen to be in top tier of cancer imaging and radiotherapy researchers internationally. He was the Director of the Radiation Physics Division at Stanford University (2006-2010) where he was charged with leading the academic, clinical and educational missions of 70 academic and clinical staff. In 2010 he was awarded the prestigious Australia Fellowship and recruited to the University of Sydney.

Outputs from his research include multiple bench-to-bedside clinical trials, over 350 scientific publications, clinical practice guidelines, 25 patents, 15 licenses and three start-up companies. He has given over 200 invited lectures. His work is funded primarily by competitive government research grants. He works closely with industry partners to broadly apply his research discoveries to have a real-world impact on the lives and livelihoods of cancer patients.

Prof Keall’s research focuses on making radiotherapy treatment more effective and accessible. This is achieved by developing imaging and treatment technologies that maximise the radiation dose to the tumour while minimising it elsewhere. Many of these innovations can be implemented on existing treatment systems and are being used in clinical trials. Other innovations focus on broadening the applications of radiotherapy, from treating multiple lesions, to developing low cost radiotherapy systems for developing countries and remote areas.

The Australian MRI-linac program is a next-generation cancer therapy system in which changing patient anatomy and physiology can be visualised during treatment.

The Nano-X cancer radiotherapy systemwill deliver smarter, smaller and more accessible radiotherapy treatment through integrating science, bold design and real-world needs.

Audiovisual Biofeedback methods help patients achieve either breath hold or regular breathing depending on the treatment application to reduce radiation dose to healthy tissues.

Patient Connected Imagingconnects the patient's physiological signals to imaging acquisistion, to ensure clearer images, lower imaging dose and faster acquisition.

Kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring (KIM)is a novel real-time tumour localisation method employed during treatment to enable more accurate radiation dose delivery.

Markerless tracking is an extension to KIM that uses the patient’s anatomy itself, rather than markers to find the tumour in real-time during radiotherapy.

Beam Adaptation adjusts the beam of radiation according to the tumour motion during treatment.

Remove the Mask is a project to develop a surface monitoring technology that can detect and guide patient motion for Head and Neck Cancer patients, enabling us to "remove the mask".

Project titleResearch student
Real-time monitoring of head and neck motion using x-ray and surface imaging to improve radiation therapy for cancer patientsChen CHENG
Developing, deploying, and assessing deep learning techniques to advance real-time adaptive magnetic resonance imaging guided radiation therapyJames GROVER
Quality Assurance of Real Time Radiation Therapy TechniquesJonathan HINDMARSH
The multi-institutional introduction and investigation of functional lung sparing radiation therapy.Guneet KAUR
Lung Ventilation and Perfusion Imaging: Incorporating Lung Function into Radiation Therapy Treatment PlanningJeremy Jun Jian LIM


Book Chapters

  • Capaldi, D., Keall, P., Nano, T. (2023). Motion Management and Image-Guided Radiation Therapy. In Gilmer Valdes, Lei Xing (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology and Biomedical Physics, (pp. 125-143). United States: CRC Press. [More Information]
  • Hewson, E., Nguyen, D., Hugo, G., Booth, J., Keall, P. (2020). Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART). In Jacob Van Dyk (Eds.), The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 4, (pp. 259-299). Madison WI: Medical Physics Publishing.
  • Geimer, T., Keall, P., Breininger, K., Caillet, V., Dunbar, M., Bert, C., Maier, A. (2019). Decoupling Respiratory and Angular Variation in Rotational X-ray Scans Using a Prior Bilinear Model. In Thomas Brox, Andres Bruhn, Mario Fritz (Eds.), Pattern Recognition: 40th German Conference, GCPR 2018, Stuttgart, Germany, October 9-12, 2018, Proceedings, (pp. 583-594). Cham: Springer. [More Information]


  • Abdel-Wahab, M., Agarwal, J., Prasanna, P., MacManus, M., Keall, P., Mayr, N., Jereczek-Fossa, B., Giammarile, F., Kim, I., Aggarwal, A., et al (2024). Addressing challenges in low-income and middle-income countries through novel radiotherapy research opportunities. The Lancet Oncology, 25(6), e270-e280. [More Information]
  • Gardner, M., Dillon, O., Byrne, H., Keall, P., O’Brien, R. (2024). Data-driven rapid 4D cone-beam CT reconstruction for new generation linacs. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 69(18), 18NT02. [More Information]
  • Whelan, B., Liu, P., Shan, S., Waddington, D., Dong, B., Jameson, M., Keall, P. (2024). Open-source hardware and software for the measurement, characterization, reporting, and correction of geometric distortion in MRI. Medical Physics. [More Information]


  • Muurholm, C., Ravkilde, T., Skouboe, S., Eade, T., Nguyen, D., Booth, J., Keall, P., Poulsen, P. (2019). Dose reconstruction including dynamic six-degree of freedom motion during prostate radiotherapy. 10th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry (IC3DDose 2018), Kunshan: Institute of Physics Publishing. [More Information]
  • Geimer,, T., Ploner,, S., Keall, P., Bert,, C., Maier,, A. (2019). Respiratory Deformation Estimation in X-Ray-Guided IMRT Using a Bilinear Model. Informatik aktuell, : Springer Verlag.
  • Mueller, M., Paganelli, C., Keall, P. (2018). A phantom study to create synthetic CT from orthogonal two-dimensional cine MRI and evaluate the effect of irregular breathing. 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2018), Honolulu, Hawaii: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]


  • O'Brien, R., Keall, P. (2020). Optimized 4D Cone Beam Computed Tomography Projection Allocation. Patent No. 2015213469, 3102111. , France, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
  • Keall, P., O'Brien, R., Cooper, B., Lu, J., Williamson, J. (2017). Optimising RMG-4DCBCT Image Acquisition. Patent No. 201280037958, 2736415, 9538976. , China, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
  • Ruan, D., Keall, P., Sawant, A. (2015). Method and System for Real-Time DMLC-based Target tracking with Opt Motion Compens' Leaf Adaptation. Patent No. 8971489.


  • Abdel-Wahab, M., Agarwal, J., Prasanna, P., MacManus, M., Keall, P., Mayr, N., Jereczek-Fossa, B., Giammarile, F., Kim, I., Aggarwal, A., et al (2024). Addressing challenges in low-income and middle-income countries through novel radiotherapy research opportunities. The Lancet Oncology, 25(6), e270-e280. [More Information]
  • Gardner, M., Dillon, O., Byrne, H., Keall, P., O’Brien, R. (2024). Data-driven rapid 4D cone-beam CT reconstruction for new generation linacs. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 69(18), 18NT02. [More Information]
  • Whelan, B., Liu, P., Shan, S., Waddington, D., Dong, B., Jameson, M., Keall, P. (2024). Open-source hardware and software for the measurement, characterization, reporting, and correction of geometric distortion in MRI. Medical Physics. [More Information]


  • Hindley, N., Shieh, C., Keall, P. (2023). A patient-specific deep learning framework for 3D motion estimation and volumetric imaging during lung cancer radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68(14). [More Information]
  • Byrne, H., Steiner, E., Booth, J., Lamoury, G., Morgia, M., Richardson, K., Ambrose, L., Makhija, K., Stanton, C., Zwan, B., Silvester, S., Plant, N., Keall, P., et al (2023). BRAVEHeart: a randomised trial comparing the accuracy of Breathe Well and RPM for deep inspiration breath hold breast cancer radiotherapy. Trials, 24(1). [More Information]
  • Chrystall, D., Mylonas, A., Hewson, E., Martin, J., Keall, P., Booth, J., Nguyen, D. (2023). Deep learning enables MV-based real-time image guided radiation therapy for prostate cancer patients. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68(9). [More Information]


  • Brighi, C., Puttick, S., Li, S., Keall, P., Neville, K., Waddington, D., Bourgeat, P., Gillman, A., Fay, M. (2022). A novel semiautomated method for background activity and biological tumour volume definition to improve standardisation of 18F-FET PET imaging in glioblastoma. EJNMMI Physics, 9(1), 9. [More Information]
  • Keall, R., Keall, P., Kiani, C., Luckett, T., McNeill, R., Lovell, M. (2022). A systematic review of assessment approaches to predict opioid misuse in people with cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(7), 5645-5658. [More Information]
  • Brighi, C., Keall, P., Holloway, L., Walker, A., Whelan, B., de Witt Hamer, P., Verburg, N., Aly, F., Chen, C., Koh, E., Waddington, D. (2022). An investigation of the conformity, feasibility, and expected clinical benefits of multiparametric MRI-guided dose painting radiotherapy in glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 4(1). [More Information]


  • Lydiard PGDip, S., Blanck, O., Hugo, G., O'Brien, R., Keall, P. (2021). A Review of Cardiac Radioablation (CR) for Arrhythmias: Procedures, Technology, and Future Opportunities. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 109(3), 783-800. [More Information]
  • Keall, P., Sawant, A., Berbeco, R., Booth, J., Cho, B., Cerviño, L., Cirino, E., Dieterich, S., Fast, M., Greer, P., et al (2021). AAPM Task Group 264: The safe clinical implementation of MLC tracking in radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 48(5), e44-e64. [More Information]
  • Hewson, E., Ge, Y., O'Brien, R., Roderick, S., Bell, L., Poulsen, P., Eade, T., Booth, J., Keall, P., Nguyen, D. (2021). Adapting to the motion of multiple independent targets using multileaf collimator tracking for locally advanced prostate cancer: Proof of principle simulation study. Medical Physics, 48(1), 114-124. [More Information]


  • Hewson, E., Nguyen, D., Hugo, G., Booth, J., Keall, P. (2020). Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART). In Jacob Van Dyk (Eds.), The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 4, (pp. 259-299). Madison WI: Medical Physics Publishing.
  • Jelen, U., Dong, B., Begg, J., Roberts, N., Whelan, B., Keall, P., Liney, G. (2020). Dosimetric Optimization and Commissioning of a High Field Inline MRI-Linac. Frontiers in Oncology, 10, 136. [More Information]
  • Dillon, O., Keall, P., Shieh, C., O'Brien, R. (2020). Evaluating reconstruction algorithms for respiratory motion guided acquisition. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65(17), 175009. [More Information]


  • Mylonas, A., Keall, P., Booth, J., Shieh, C., Eade, T., Poulsen, P., Nguyen, D. (2019). A deep learning framework for automatic detection of arbitrarily shaped fiducial markers in intrafraction fluoroscopic images. Medical Physics, 46(5), 2286-2297. [More Information]
  • Pinkham, D., Negahdar, M., Yamamoto, T., Mittra, E., Diehn, M., Nair, V., Keall, P., Maxim, P., Loo, B. (2019). A Feasibility Study of Single-inhalation, Single-energy Xenon-enhanced CT for High-resolution Imaging of Regional Lung Ventilation in Humans. Academic Radiology, 26(1), 38-49. [More Information]
  • Lee, D., Kim, S., Palta, J., Lewis, B., Keall, P., Kim, T. (2019). A retrospective 4D-MRI based on 2D diaphragm profiles for lung cancer patients. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 63(3), 360-369. [More Information]


  • Steiner, E., Shieh, C., Caillet, V., Booth, J., Hardcastle, N., Briggs, A., Jayamanne, D., Haddad, C., Eade, T., Keall, P. (2018). 4-Dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomography-Measured Target Motion Underrepresents Actual Motion. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 102(4), 932-940. [More Information]
  • Colvill, E., Booth, J., Keall, P. (2018). 4D Dosimetry. In B Mijnheer (Eds.), Clinical 3D Dosimetry in Modern Radiation Therapy, (pp. 281-299). Boca Raton: CRC Press. [More Information]
  • Barber, J., Shieh, C., Counter, W., Sykes, J., Bennett, P., Ahern, V., Corde, S., Heng, S., White, P., Jackson, M., Liu, P., Keall, P., Feain, I. (2018). A CBCT study of the gravity-induced movement in rotating rabbits. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(10), 1-8. [More Information]


  • Shieh, C., Caillet, V., Dunbar, M., Keall, P., Booth, J., Hardcastle, N., Haddad, C., Eade, T., Feain, I. (2017). A Bayesian approach for three-dimensional markerless tumor tracking using kV imaging during lung radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62(8), 3065-3080. [More Information]
  • Hugo, G., Weiss, E., Sleeman, W., Balik, S., Keall, P., Lu, J., Williamson, J. (2017). A longitudinal four-dimensional computed tomography and cone beam computed tomography dataset for image-guided radiation therapy research in lung cancer. Medical Physics, 44(2), 762-771. [More Information]
  • Whelan, B., Liney, G., Dowling, J., Rai, R., Holloway, L., McGarvie, L., Feain, I., Barton, M., Berry, M., Wilkins, R., Keall, P. (2017). An MRI-compatible patient rotation system - design, construction, and first organ deformation results. Medical Physics, 44(2), 581-588. [More Information]


  • Colvill, E., Booth, J., Nill, S., Fast, M., Bedford, J., Oelfke, U., Nakamura, M., Poulsen, P., Worm, E., Hansen, R., Keall, P., et al (2016). A dosimetric comparison of real-time adaptive and non-adaptive radiotherapy: A multi-institutional study encompassing robotic, gimbaled, multileaf collimator and couch tracking. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 119(1), 159-165. [More Information]
  • Whelan, B., Gierman, S., Holloway, L., Schmerge, J., Keall, P., Fahrig, R. (2016). A novel electron accelerator for MRI-Linac radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 43(3), 1285-1294. [More Information]
  • Zwan, B., Barnes, M., Fuangrod, T., Stanton, C., O'Connor, D., Keall, P., Greer, P. (2016). An EPID-based system for gantry-resolved MLC quality assurance for VMAT. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 17(5), 348-365. [More Information]


  • Pollock, S., O'Brien, R., Makhija, K., Hegi-Johnson, F., Ludbrook, J., Rezo, A., Tse, R., Eade, T., Yeghiaian-Alvandi, R., Gebski, V., Keall, P. (2015). Audiovisual biofeedback breathing guidance for lung cancer patients receiving radiotherapy: A multi-institutional phase II randomised clinical trial. BMC Cancer, 15(1), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Pollock, S., Keall, R., Keall, P. (2015). Breathing guidance in radiation oncology and radiology: A systematic review of patient and healthy volunteer studies. Medical Physics, 42(9), 5490-5509. [More Information]
  • Wallace, D., Ng, J., Keall, P., O'Brien, R., Poulsen, P., Juneja, P., Booth, J. (2015). Determining appropriate imaging parameters for kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring: an experimental phantom study. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60(12), 4835-4847. [More Information]


  • Constantin, D., Holloway, L., Keall, P., Fahrig, R. (2014). A novel electron gun for inline MRI-linac configurations. Medical Physics, 41(2), 1-10. [More Information]
  • Lee, D., Greer, P., Arm, J., Keall, P., Kim, T. (2014). Audiovisual biofeedback improves image quality and reduces scan time for respiratory-gated 3D MRI. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 489(1), 1-4. [More Information]
  • Colvill, E., Poulsen, P., Booth, J., O'Brien, R., Ng, J., Keall, P. (2014). DMLC tracking and gating can improve dose coverage for prostate VMAT. Medical Physics, 41(9), 1-10. [More Information]


  • Yamamoto, T., Kabus, S., Lorenz, C., Johnston, E., Maxim, P., Diehn, M., Eclov, N., Barquero, C., Loo, Jr., B., Keall, P. (2013). 4D CT lung ventilation images are affected by the 4D CT sorting method. Medical Physics, 40(10), 1-9. [More Information]
  • Pollock, S., Lee, D., Keall, P., Kim, T. (2013). Audiovisual biofeedback improves motion prediction accuracy. Medical Physics, 40(4), 041705-1-041705-9. [More Information]
  • Pommer, T., Falk, M., Poulsen, P., Keall, P., O'Brien, R., Petersen, P., af Rosenschold, P. (2013). Dosimetric benefit of DMLC tracking for conventional and sub-volume boosted prostate intensity-modulated arc radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58(7), 2349-2361. [More Information]


  • Poulsen, P., Schmidt, M., Keall, P., Worm, E., Fledelius, W., Hoffmann, L. (2012). A method of dose reconstruction for moving targets compatible with dynamic treatments. Medical Physics, 39(10), 6237-6246. [More Information]
  • Kim, T., Pollock, S., Lee, D., O'Brien, R., Keall, P. (2012). Audiovisual biofeedback improves diaphragm motion reproducibility in MRI. Medical Physics, 39(11), 6921-6928. [More Information]
  • Wu, J., Ruan, D., Cho, B., Sawant, A., Petersen, J., Newell, L., Cattell, H., Keall, P. (2012). Electromagnetic Detection and Real-Time DMLC Adaptation to Target Rotation During Radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 82(3), e545-e553. [More Information]


  • Poulsen, P., Fledelius, W., Keall, P., Weiss, E., Lu, J., Brackbill, E., Hugo, G. (2011). A method for robust segmentation of arbitrarily shaped radiopaque structures in cone-beam CT projections. Medical Physics, 38(4), 2151-2156. [More Information]
  • Constantin, D., Fahrig, R., Keall, P. (2011). A study of the effect of in-line and perpendicular magnetic fields on beam characteristics of electron guns in medical linear accelerators. Medical Physics, 38(7), 4174-4185. [More Information]
  • Ruan, D., Keall, P. (2011). Dynamic multileaf collimator control for motion adaptive radiotherapy: an optimization approach. 2011 IEEE Power Engineering and Automation Conference (PEAM 2011), Piscataway, New Jersey, United States of America: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]


  • Zhou, H., Rodriguez, M., Van Den Haak, F., Nelson, G., Jogani, R., Xu, J., Zhu, X., Xian, Y., Tran, P., Felsher, D., Keall, P., et al (2010). Development of a Micro-Computed Tomography-Based Image-Guided Conformal Radiotherapy System for Small Animals. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 78(1), 297-305. [More Information]
  • Poulsen, P., Cho, B., Ruan, D., Sawant, A., Keall, P. (2010). Dynamic Multileaf Collimator Tracking of Respiratory Target Motion Based on a Single Kilovoltage Imager During Arc Radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 77(2), 600-607. [More Information]
  • Poulsen, P., Cho, B., Sawant, A., Keall, P. (2010). Implementation of a new method for dynamic multileaf collimator tracking of prostate motion in arc radiotherapy using a single kV imager. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 76(3), 914-923. [More Information]


  • Zhou, H., Keall, P., Graves, E. (2009). A bone composition model for Monte Carlo x-ray transport simulations. Medical Physics, 36(3), 1008-1018. [More Information]
  • Langner, U., Keall, P. (2009). Accuracy in the localization of thoracic and abdominal tumors using respiratory displacement, velocity, and phase. Medical Physics, 36(2), 386-393. [More Information]
  • Rodriguez, M., Zhou, H., Keall, P., Graves, E. (2009). Commissioning of a novel microCT/RT system for small animal conformal radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54(12), 3727-3740. [More Information]


  • Suh, Y., Weiss, E., Zhong, H., Fatyga, M., Siebers, J., Keall, P. (2008). A deliverable four-dimensional intensity-modulated radiation therapy-planning method for dynamic multileaf collimator tumor tracking delivery. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 71(5), 1526-1536. [More Information]
  • Poulsen, P., Cho, B., Keall, P. (2008). A method to estimate mean position, motion magnitude, motion correlation, and trajectory of a tumor from cone-beam CT projections for image-guided radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 72(5), 1587-1596. [More Information]
  • Cho, B., Suh, Y., Dieterich, S., Keall, P. (2008). A monoscopic method for real-time tumour tracking using combined occasional x-ray imaging and continuous respiratory monitoring. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(11), 2837-2855. [More Information]


  • Keall, P., Lauve, A., Hagan, M., Siebers, J. (2007). A strategy to correct for intrafraction target translation in conformal prostate radiotherapy: simulation results. Medical Physics, 34(6), 1944-1951. [More Information]
  • Weiss, E., Siebers, J., Keall, P. (2007). An analysis of 6-MV versus 18-MV photon energy plans for intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) of lung cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 82(1), 55-62. [More Information]
  • Xing, L., Siebers, J., Keall, P. (2007). Computational Challenges for Image-Guided Radiation Therapy: Framework and Current Research. Seminars in Radiation Oncology. [More Information]


  • George, R., Chung, T., Vedam, S., Ramakrishnan, V., Mohan, R., Weiss, E., Keall, P. (2006). Audio-visual biofeedback for respiratory-gated radiotherapy: impact of audio instruction and audio-visual biofeedback on respiratory-gated radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 65(3), 924-933. [More Information]
  • Dogan, N., Siebers, J., Keall, P. (2006). Clinical comparison of head and neck and prostate IMRT plans using absorbed dose to medium and absorbed dose to water. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(19), 4967-4980. [More Information]
  • Fitzpatrick, M., Starkschall, G., Antolak, J., Fu, J., Shukla, H., Keall, P., Klahr, P., Mohan, R. (2006). Displacement-based binning of time-dependent computed tomography image data sets. Medical Physics, 33(1), 235-246. [More Information]


  • Fitzpatrick, M., Starkschall, G., Balter, P., Antolak, J., Guerrero, T., Nelson, C., Keall, P., Mohan, R. (2005). A novel platform simulating irregular motion to enhance assessment of respiration-correlated radiation therapy procedures. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 6(1), 13-21.
  • Wijesooriya, K., Bartee, C., Siebers, J., Vedam, S., Keall, P. (2005). Determination of maximum leaf velocity and acceleration of a dynamic multileaf collimator: Implications for 4D radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 32(4), 932-941. [More Information]
  • Vedam, S., Docef, A., Fix, M., Murphy, M., Keall, P. (2005). Dosimetric impact of geometric errors due to respiratory motion prediction on dynamic multileaf collimator-based four-dimensional radiation delivery. Medical Physics. [More Information]


  • Keall, P. (2004). 4-dimensional computed tomography imaging and treatment planning. Seminars in Radiation Oncology, 14(1), 81-90. [More Information]
  • Keall, P., Starkschall, G., Shukla, H., Forster, K., Ortiz, V., Stevens, C., Vedam, S., George, R., Guerrero, T., Mohan, R. (2004). Acquiring 4D thoracic CT scans using a multislice helical method. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(10), 2053-2067. [More Information]
  • Keall, P., Siebers, J., Joshi, S., Mohan, R. (2004). Monte Carlo as a four-dimensional radiotherapy treatment-planning tool to account for respiratory motion. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(16), 3639-3648. [More Information]


  • Vedam, S., Keall, P., Kini, V., Mostafavi, H., Shukla, H., Mohan, R. (2003). Acquiring a four-dimensional computed tomography dataset using an external respiratory signal. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48(1), 45-62. [More Information]
  • Keall, P., Williamson, J. (2003). Clinical evidence that more precisely defined dose distributions will improve cancer survival and decrease morbidity. Medical Physics, 30(6), 1281-1282. [More Information]
  • Keall, P., Siebers, J., Libby, B., Mohan, R. (2003). Determining the incident electron fluence for Monte Carlo-based photon treatment planning using a standard measured data set. Medical Physics, 30(4), 574-582. [More Information]


  • Beckham, W., Keall, P., Siebers, J. (2002). A fluence-convolution method to calculate radiation therapy dose distributions that incorporate random set-up error. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 47(19), 3465-3473. [More Information]
  • Siebers, J., Keall, P., Kim, J., Mohan, R. (2002). A method for photon beam Monte Carlo multileaf collimator particle transport. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 47(17), 3225-3249. [More Information]
  • Liu, H., Keall, P., Hendee, W. (2002). Dm rather than Dw should be used in Monte Carlo treatment planning. Medical Physics, 29(5), 922-924. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • An AI Platform for Targeted Radiotherapy to Improve Cancer Patient Outcomes, Keall P, Waddington D, Hewson E, Sengupta C, Department of Health and Aged Care/MRFF 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure


  • Rewarding Research 2024, Keall P, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success