Professor Paul Keall
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
Director of the Image X Institute
Sydney School of Health Sciences
Professor Keall is the Director of the Image X Institute at the University of Sydney. His team of scientists, clinical partners and international collaborators create, share and apply novel cancer imaging and targeted radiation therapy methods. Several of these innovations have been translated to clinical practice for improved health care.
Since being awarded his Ph.D. in 1996 he has risen to be in top tier of cancer imaging and radiotherapy researchers internationally. He was the Director of the Radiation Physics Division at Stanford University (2006-2010) where he was charged with leading the academic, clinical and educational missions of 70 academic and clinical staff. In 2010 he was awarded the prestigious Australia Fellowship and recruited to the University of Sydney.
Outputs from his research include multiple bench-to-bedside clinical trials, over 350 scientific publications, clinical practice guidelines, 25 patents, 15 licenses and three start-up companies. He has given over 200 invited lectures. His work is funded primarily by competitive government research grants. He works closely with industry partners to broadly apply his research discoveries to have a real-world impact on the lives and livelihoods of cancer patients.
Prof Keall’s research focuses on making radiotherapy treatment more effective and accessible. This is achieved by developing imaging and treatment technologies that maximise the radiation dose to the tumour while minimising it elsewhere. Many of these innovations can be implemented on existing treatment systems and are being used in clinical trials. Other innovations focus on broadening the applications of radiotherapy, from treating multiple lesions, to developing low cost radiotherapy systems for developing countries and remote areas.
The Australian MRI-linac program is a next-generation cancer therapy system in which changing patient anatomy and physiology can be visualised during treatment.
The Nano-X cancer radiotherapy systemwill deliver smarter, smaller and more accessible radiotherapy treatment through integrating science, bold design and real-world needs.
Audiovisual Biofeedback methods help patients achieve either breath hold or regular breathing depending on the treatment application to reduce radiation dose to healthy tissues.
Patient Connected Imagingconnects the patient's physiological signals to imaging acquisistion, to ensure clearer images, lower imaging dose and faster acquisition.
Kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring (KIM)is a novel real-time tumour localisation method employed during treatment to enable more accurate radiation dose delivery.
Markerless tracking is an extension to KIM that uses the patient’s anatomy itself, rather than markers to find the tumour in real-time during radiotherapy.
Beam Adaptation adjusts the beam of radiation according to the tumour motion during treatment.
Remove the Mask is a project to develop a surface monitoring technology that can detect and guide patient motion for Head and Neck Cancer patients, enabling us to "remove the mask".
(Aarhus University) A/Prof Per Poulsen, Finding and hitting cancer in real-time with radiation beams | |
(Universität zu Lübeck) Svenja Ipsen, Real-time ultrasound guidance, treatment adaptation | |
(Politecnico di Milano) Dr Chiara Paganelli, MRI guidance, MRI-linac radiotherapy | |
(MD Anderson Cancer Center) Prof Radhe Mohan, MRI-guided proton therapy | |
(Stanford University) A/Prof Billy Loo, Advanced linac technology, MRI-linac radiotherapy | |
(Stanford University) Prof Rebecca Fahrig, Advanced x-ray imaging, MRI-linac radiotherapy | |
(UC Davis) A/Prof Tokihiro Yamamoto, Functional imaging and adaptive radiotherapy | |
(University of Maryland) A/Prof Amit Sawant, Hitting cancer in real-time with radiation beams | |
(University of Wisconsin-Madison) Prof Thomas Mackie, Advanced radiotherapy, Nano-X | |
(Washington University) Prof Jeffrey Williamson, Advanced x-ray imaging |
Project title | Research student |
Real-time monitoring of head and neck motion using x-ray and surface imaging to improve radiation therapy for cancer patients | Chen CHENG |
Developing, deploying, and assessing deep learning techniques to advance real-time adaptive magnetic resonance imaging guided radiation therapy | James GROVER |
Quality Assurance of Real Time Radiation Therapy Techniques | Jonathan HINDMARSH |
The multi-institutional introduction and investigation of functional lung sparing radiation therapy. | Guneet KAUR |
Lung Ventilation and Perfusion Imaging: Incorporating Lung Function into Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning | Jeremy Jun Jian LIM |
Book Chapters
- Capaldi, D., Keall, P., Nano, T. (2023). Motion Management and Image-Guided Radiation Therapy. In Gilmer Valdes, Lei Xing (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology and Biomedical Physics, (pp. 125-143). United States: CRC Press. [More Information]
- Hewson, E., Nguyen, D., Hugo, G., Booth, J., Keall, P. (2020). Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART). In Jacob Van Dyk (Eds.), The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 4, (pp. 259-299). Madison WI: Medical Physics Publishing.
- Geimer, T., Keall, P., Breininger, K., Caillet, V., Dunbar, M., Bert, C., Maier, A. (2019). Decoupling Respiratory and Angular Variation in Rotational X-ray Scans Using a Prior Bilinear Model. In Thomas Brox, Andres Bruhn, Mario Fritz (Eds.), Pattern Recognition: 40th German Conference, GCPR 2018, Stuttgart, Germany, October 9-12, 2018, Proceedings, (pp. 583-594). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
- Cooper, B., Rong, Y., Keall, P. (2019). Motion Management in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. In Daniel M. Trifiletti, Samuel T. Chao, Arjun Sahgal, Jason P. Sheehan (Eds.), Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 195-215). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. [More Information]
- Whelan, B., Oborn, B., Liney, G., Keall, P. (2019). MRI Linac Systems. In Gary Liney, Uulke van der Heide (Eds.), MRI for Radiotherapy: Planning, Delivery, and Response Assessment, (pp. 155-168). Cham: Springer Nature. [More Information]
- Colvill, E., Booth, J., Keall, P. (2018). 4D Dosimetry. In B Mijnheer (Eds.), Clinical 3D Dosimetry in Modern Radiation Therapy, (pp. 281-299). Boca Raton: CRC Press. [More Information]
- Hegi-Johnson, F., Atwood, T., Keall, P., Loo, B. (2018). Technical Requirements for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy. In Not known (Eds.), IASLC Thoracic Oncology, (pp. 318-329.e2). TBC. [More Information]
- Abdel-Wahab, M., Agarwal, J., Prasanna, P., MacManus, M., Keall, P., Mayr, N., Jereczek-Fossa, B., Giammarile, F., Kim, I., Aggarwal, A., et al (2024). Addressing challenges in low-income and middle-income countries through novel radiotherapy research opportunities. The Lancet Oncology, 25(6), e270-e280. [More Information]
- Gardner, M., Dillon, O., Byrne, H., Keall, P., O’Brien, R. (2024). Data-driven rapid 4D cone-beam CT reconstruction for new generation linacs. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 69(18), 18NT02. [More Information]
- Whelan, B., Liu, P., Shan, S., Waddington, D., Dong, B., Jameson, M., Keall, P. (2024). Open-source hardware and software for the measurement, characterization, reporting, and correction of geometric distortion in MRI. Medical Physics. [More Information]
- Byrne, H., Steiner, E., Booth, J., Lamoury, G., Morgia, M., Carroll, S., Richardson, K., Ambrose, L., Makhija, K., Stanton, C., Silvester, S., Plant, N., Keall, P., et al (2024). Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing 2 Devices for Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Management in Breast Radiation Therapy: Results of the BRAVEHeart Trial. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 9(9). [More Information]
- Klucznik, K., Ravkilde, T., Skouboe, S., Møller, D., Hokland, S., Keall, P., Buus, S., Bentzen, L., Poulsen, P. (2024). Quantifying dose perturbations in high-risk prostate radiotherapy due to translational and rotational motion of prostate and pelvic lymph nodes. Medical Physics. [More Information]
- Huang, X., Field, M., Vinod, S., Ball, H., Batumalai, V., Keall, P., Holloway, L. (2024). Radiotherapy protocol compliance in routine clinical practice for patients with stages I–III non-small-cell lung cancer. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology. [More Information]
- Lombardo, E., Keall, P., Riboldi, M., Kurz, C., Landry, G., Cusumano, D., Fusella, M., Placidi, L., Dhont, J., Page, D., Liu, P., et al (2024). Real-time motion management in MRI-guided radiotherapy: Current status and AI-enabled prospects. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 190, 109970. [More Information]
- Hewson, E., Dillon, O., Poulsen, P., Booth, J., Keall, P. (2024). Six-degrees-of-freedom pelvic bone monitoring on 2D kV intrafraction images to enable multi-target tracking for locally advanced prostate cancer. Medical Physics. [More Information]
- Sengupta, C., Hazem, M., Chao, M., Wang, T., Lee, Y., Van Gysen, K., Sullivan, E., Cosgriff, E., Ramachandran, P., Poulsen, P., Booth, J., Nguyen, D., O'Brien, R., Keall, P., et al (2024). The first clinical implementation of real-time 6 degree-of-freedom image-guided radiotherapy for liver SABR patients. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 190, 110031. [More Information]
- Hindley, N., Shieh, C., Keall, P. (2023). A patient-specific deep learning framework for 3D motion estimation and volumetric imaging during lung cancer radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68(14). [More Information]
- Byrne, H., Steiner, E., Booth, J., Lamoury, G., Morgia, M., Richardson, K., Ambrose, L., Makhija, K., Stanton, C., Zwan, B., Silvester, S., Plant, N., Keall, P., et al (2023). BRAVEHeart: a randomised trial comparing the accuracy of Breathe Well and RPM for deep inspiration breath hold breast cancer radiotherapy. Trials, 24(1). [More Information]
- Chrystall, D., Mylonas, A., Hewson, E., Martin, J., Keall, P., Booth, J., Nguyen, D. (2023). Deep learning enables MV-based real-time image guided radiation therapy for prostate cancer patients. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68(9). [More Information]
- Ahmed, A., Gargett, M., Madden, L., Mylonas, A., Chrystall, D., Brown, R., Briggs, A., Nguyen, T., Keall, P., Kneebone, A., Hruby, G., Booth, J. (2023). Evaluation of deep learning based implanted fiducial markers tracking in pancreatic cancer patients. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 9(3). [More Information]
- Lombardo, E., Riboldi, M., Kurz, C., Landry, G., Keall, P., Liu, P., Waddington, D., Grover, J., Whelan, B., Wong, E., et al (2023). Experimental comparison of linear regression and LSTM motion prediction models for MLC-tracking on an MRI-linac. Medical Physics, 50(11), 7083-7092. [More Information]
- Yamamoto, T., Kabus, S., Bal, M., Keall, P., Moran, A., Wright, C., Benedict, S., Holland, D., Mahaffey, N., Qi, L., et al (2023). Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography Ventilation Image-Guided Lung Functional Avoidance Radiation Therapy: A Single-Arm Prospective Pilot Clinical Trial. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 115(5), 1144-1154. [More Information]
- Richardson, M., Sidhom, M., Keall, P., Leigh, L., Ball, H., Bucci, J., Gallagher, S., Greer, P., Hayden, A., Kneebone, A., et al (2023). Genitourinary Quality-of-Life Comparison Between Urethral Sparing Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Monotherapy and Virtual High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy Boost. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. [More Information]
- Trada, Y., Lin, P., Lee, M., Jameson, M., Chlap, P., Keall, P., Moses, D., Fowler, A. (2023). Impact of tumour region of interest delineation method for mid-treatment FDG-PET response prediction in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma undergoing radiotherapy. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 13(5), 2822-2836. [More Information]
- Trada, Y., Lee, M., Jameson, M., Chlap, P., Keall, P., Moses, D., Lin, P., Fowler, A. (2023). Mid-treatment 18F-FDG PET imaging changes in parotid gland correlates to radiation-induced xerostomia. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 186. [More Information]
- Debrot, E., Liu, P., Gardner, M., Heng, S., Chan, C., Corde, S., Downes, S., Jackson, M., Keall, P. (2023). Nano X Image Guidance in radiation therapy: feasibility study protocol for cone beam computed tomography imaging with gravity-induced motion. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9(1). [More Information]
- Liu, P., Shan, S., Waddington, D., Whelan, B., Dong, B., Liney, G., Keall, P. (2023). Rapid distortion correction enables accurate magnetic resonance imaging-guided real-time adaptive radiotherapy. Physics And Imaging In Radiation Oncology, 25. [More Information]
- Waddington, D., Hindley, N., Koonjoo, N., Chiu, C., Reynolds, T., Liu, P., Zhu, B., Bhutto, D., Paganelli, C., Keall, P., et al (2023). Real-time radial reconstruction with domain transform manifold learning for MRI-guided radiotherapy. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. [More Information]
- Gardner, M., Ben Bouchta, Y., Mylonas, A., Mueller, M., Cheng, C., Chlap, P., Finnegan, R., Sykes, J., Keall, P., Nguyen, D. (2023). Realistic CT data augmentation for accurate deep-learning based segmentation of head and neck tumors in kV images acquired during radiation therapy. Medical Physics. [More Information]
- Sengupta, C., Skouboe, S., Ravkilde, T., Poulsen, P., Nguyen, D., Greer, P., Moodie, T., Hardcastle, N., Hayden, A., Turner, S., O'Brien, R., Keall, P., et al (2023). The dosimetric error due to uncorrected tumor rotation during real-time adaptive prostate stereotactic body radiation therapy. Medical Physics, 50(1), 20-29. [More Information]
- Brighi, C., Waddington, D., Keall, P., Booth, J., O’Brien, K., Silvester, S., Parkinson, J., Mueller, M., Yim, J., Bailey, D., et al (2023). The MANGO study: a prospective investigation of oxygen enhanced and blood-oxygen level dependent MRI as imaging biomarkers of hypoxia in glioblastoma. Frontiers in Oncology, 13. [More Information]
- Whelan, B., Loo, B., Wang, J., Keall, P. (2023). TopasOpt: An open-source library for optimization with Topas Monte Carlo. Medical Physics, 50(2), 1121-1131. [More Information]
- Brighi, C., Puttick, S., Li, S., Keall, P., Neville, K., Waddington, D., Bourgeat, P., Gillman, A., Fay, M. (2022). A novel semiautomated method for background activity and biological tumour volume definition to improve standardisation of 18F-FET PET imaging in glioblastoma. EJNMMI Physics, 9(1), 9. [More Information]
- Keall, R., Keall, P., Kiani, C., Luckett, T., McNeill, R., Lovell, M. (2022). A systematic review of assessment approaches to predict opioid misuse in people with cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(7), 5645-5658. [More Information]
- Brighi, C., Keall, P., Holloway, L., Walker, A., Whelan, B., de Witt Hamer, P., Verburg, N., Aly, F., Chen, C., Koh, E., Waddington, D. (2022). An investigation of the conformity, feasibility, and expected clinical benefits of multiparametric MRI-guided dose painting radiotherapy in glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 4(1). [More Information]
- Lydiard, S., Pontré, B., Lowe, B., Keall, P. (2022). Atrial fibrillation cardiac radioablation target visibility on magnetic resonance imaging. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 45(3), 757-767. [More Information]
- Whelan, B., Trovati, S., Wang, J., Fahrig, R., Maxim, P., Hanuka, A., Shumail, M., Tantawi, S., Merrick, J., Perl, J., Keall, P., et al (2022). Bayesian optimization to design a novel x-ray shaping device. Medical Physics, 49(12), 7623-7637. [More Information]
- Morton, N., Keall, P., O'Brien, R., Reynolds, T. (2022). CArdiac and REspiratory adaptive Computed Tomography (CARE-CT): a proof-of-concept digital phantom study. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 45(4), 1257-1271. [More Information]
- Begg, J., Jelen, U., Keall, P., Liney, G., Holloway, L. (2022). Experimental characterisation of the magnetic field correction factor, k B →, for Roos chambers in a parallel MRI-linac. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67(9). [More Information]
- Keall, P., Brighi, C., Glide-Hurst, C., Liney, G., Liu, P., Lydiard, S., Paganelli, C., Pham, T., Shan, S., Tree, A., Waddington, D., Whelan, B., et al (2022). Integrated MRI-guided radiotherapy — opportunities and challenges. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 19(7), 458-470. [More Information]
- Grover, J., Byrne, H., Sun, Y., Kipritidis, J., Keall, P. (2022). Investigating the use of machine learning to generate ventilation images from CT scans. Medical Physics, 49(8), 5258-5267. [More Information]
- Begg, J., Jelen, U., Keall, P., Liney, G., Holloway, L. (2022). Ion chamber magnetic field correction factors measured via microDiamond cross-calibration from a conventional linac to MRI-linac. Frontiers in Physics, 10. [More Information]
- Pham, T., Whelan, B., Oborn, B., Delaney, G., Vinod, S., Brighi, C., Barton, M., Keall, P. (2022). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided proton therapy: A review of the clinical challenges, potential benefits and pathway to implementation. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 170, 37-47. [More Information]
- Mueller, M., Booth, J., Briggs, A., Jayamanne, D., Panettieri, V., Senthi, S., Shieh, C., Keall, P. (2022). MArkerless image Guidance using Intrafraction Kilovoltage x-ray imaging (MAGIK): Study protocol for a phase I interventional study for lung cancer radiotherapy. BMJ Open, 12(1), e21057135-1-e21057135-8. [More Information]
- Hewson, E., Nguyen, D., Le, A., Booth, J., Keall, P., Mejnertsen, L. (2022). Optimising multi-target multileaf collimator tracking using real-time dose for locally advanced prostate cancer patients. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67(18). [More Information]
- Lau, B., Reynolds, T., Keall, P., Sonke, J., Vinod, S., Dillon, O., O'Brien, R. (2022). Reducing 4DCBCT imaging dose and time: Exploring the limits of adaptive acquisition and motion compensated reconstruction. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67(6). [More Information]
- Brighi, C., Verburg, N., Koh, E., Walker, A., Chen, C., Pillay, S., de Witt Hamer, P., Aly, F., Holloway, L., Keall, P., Waddington, D. (2022). Repeatability of radiotherapy dose-painting prescriptions derived from a multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging model of glioblastoma infiltration. Physics And Imaging In Radiation Oncology, 23, 8-15. [More Information]
- Ball, H., Santanam, L., Senan, S., Tanyi, J., van Herk, M., Keall, P. (2022). Results from the AAPM Task Group 324 respiratory motion management in radiation oncology survey. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 23(11). [More Information]
- Morton, N., O'Brien, R., Keall, P., Reynolds, T. (2022). System requirements to improve adaptive 4-dimensional computed tomography (4D CT) imaging. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 8(6). [More Information]
- Mueller, M., Poulsen, P., Hansen, R., Verbakel, W., Berbeco, R., Ferguson, D., Mori, S., Ren, L., Roeske, J., Wang, L., Keall, P., et al (2022). The markerless lung target tracking AAPM Grand Challenge (MATCH) results. Medical Physics, 49(2), 1161-1180. [More Information]
- Lydiard PGDip, S., Blanck, O., Hugo, G., O'Brien, R., Keall, P. (2021). A Review of Cardiac Radioablation (CR) for Arrhythmias: Procedures, Technology, and Future Opportunities. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 109(3), 783-800. [More Information]
- Keall, P., Sawant, A., Berbeco, R., Booth, J., Cho, B., Cerviño, L., Cirino, E., Dieterich, S., Fast, M., Greer, P., et al (2021). AAPM Task Group 264: The safe clinical implementation of MLC tracking in radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 48(5), e44-e64. [More Information]
- Hewson, E., Ge, Y., O'Brien, R., Roderick, S., Bell, L., Poulsen, P., Eade, T., Booth, J., Keall, P., Nguyen, D. (2021). Adapting to the motion of multiple independent targets using multileaf collimator tracking for locally advanced prostate cancer: Proof of principle simulation study. Medical Physics, 48(1), 114-124. [More Information]
- Reynolds, T., Dillon, O., Prinable, J., Whelan, B., Keall, P., O'Brien, R. (2021). Adaptive CaRdiac cOne BEAm computed Tomography (ACROBEAT): Developing the next generation of cardiac cone beam CT imaging. Medical Physics, 48(5), 2543-2552. [More Information]
- Lydiard, S., Pontré, B., Lowe, B., Ball, H., Sasso, G., Keall, P. (2021). Cardiac radioablation for atrial fibrillation: Target motion characterization and treatment delivery considerations. Medical Physics, 48(3), 931-941. [More Information]
- Mejnertsen, L., Hewson, E., Nguyen, D., Booth, J., Keall, P. (2021). Dose-based optimisation for multi-leaf collimator tracking during radiation therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(6), 65027. [More Information]
- Hewson, E., Dipuglia, A., Kipritidis, J., Ge, Y., O'Brien, R., Roderick, S., Bell, L., Poulsen, P., Eade, T., Booth, J., Keall, P., Nguyen, D. (2021). First experimental evaluation of multi-target multileaf collimator tracking during volumetric modulated arc therapy for locally advanced prostate cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 160, 212-220. [More Information]
- Buckley, J., Smith, A., Sidhom, M., Rai, R., Liney, G., Dowling, J., Metcalfe, P., Holloway, L., Keall, P. (2021). Measurements of human tolerance to horizontal rotation within an MRI scanner: Towards gantry-free radiation therapy. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 65(1), 112-119. [More Information]
- Reynolds, T., Lim, P., Keall, P., O'Brien, R. (2021). Minimizing 4DCBCT imaging dose and scan time with Respiratory Motion Guided 4DCBCT: A pre-clinical investigation. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 7(2), 25009-1-25009-11. [More Information]
- Booth, J., Caillet, V., Briggs, A., Hardcastle, N., Angelis, G., Jayamanne, D., Shepherd, M., Podreka, A., Szymura, K., Nguyen, D., O'Brien, R., Eade, T., Keall, P., et al (2021). MLC tracking for lung SABR is feasible, efficient and delivers high-precision target dose and lower normal tissue dose. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 155, 131-137. [More Information]
- Lydiard, S., Pontré, B., Hindley, N., Lowe, B., Sasso, G., Keall, P. (2021). MRI-guided cardiac-induced target motion tracking for atrial fibrillation cardiac radioablation: MRIg tracking: AF CR targets. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 164, 138-145. [More Information]
- Buckley, J., Dowling, J., Sidhom, M., Liney, G., Rai, R., Metcalfe, P., Holloway, L., Keall, P. (2021). Pelvic organ motion and dosimetric implications during horizontal patient rotation for prostate radiation therapy. Medical Physics, 48(1), 397-413. [More Information]
- Liu, P., Gardner, M., Heng, S., Shieh, C., Nguyen, D., Debrot, E., O'Brien, R., Downes, S., Jackson, M., Keall, P. (2021). Pre-treatment and real-time image guidance for a fixed-beam radiotherapy system. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(6), 64003. [More Information]
- Hindley, N., Lydiard, S., Shieh, C., Keall, P. (2021). Proof-of-concept for x-ray based real-time image guidance during cardiac radioablation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(17), 175010. [More Information]
- Hardcastle, N., Briggs, A., Caillet, V., Angelis, G., Chrystall, D., Jayamanne, D., Shepherd, M., Harris, B., Haddad, C., Eade, T., Keall, P., Booth, J. (2021). Quantification of the geometric uncertainty when using implanted markers as a surrogate for lung tumor motion. Medical Physics, 48(6), 2724-2732. [More Information]
- Muurholm, C., Ravkilde, T., Skouboe, S., Worm, E., Hansen, R., Hoyer, M., Keall, P., Poulsen, P. (2021). Real-time dose-guidance in radiotherapy: Proof of principle. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 164, 175-182. [More Information]
- Lau, B., Reynolds, T., Wallis, A., Smith, S., George, A., Keall, P., Sonke, J., Vinod, S., Dillon, O., O'Brien, R. (2021). Reducing 4DCBCT scan time and dose through motion compensated acquisition and reconstruction. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(7), 75002. [More Information]
- Lee, Y., Nguyen, D., Moodie, T., O'Brien, R., McMaster, A., Hickey, A., Pritchard, N., Poulsen, P., Tabaksblat, E., Weber, B., Gebski, V., Keall, P., et al (2021). Study protocol of the LARK (TROG 17.03) clinical trial: a phase II trial investigating the dosimetric impact of Liver Ablative Radiotherapy using Kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring. BMC Cancer, 21(1), 494. [More Information]
- Gardner, M., Dillon, O., Shieh, C., O'Brien, R., Debrot, E., Barber, J., Ahern, V., Bennett, P., Heng, S., Corde, S., Keall, P., et al (2021). The adaptation and investigation of cone-beam CT reconstruction algorithms for horizontal rotation fixed-gantry scans of rabbits. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(10), 105012. [More Information]
- O'Brien, R., Dillon, O., Lau, B., George, A., Smith, S., Wallis, A., Sonke, J., Keall, P., Vinod, S. (2021). The first-in-human implementation of adaptive 4D cone beam CT for lung cancer radiotherapy: 4DCBCT in less time with less dose. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 161, 29-34. [More Information]
- Zwan, B., Caillet, V., Booth, J., Colvill, E., Fuangrod, T., O'Brien, R., Briggs, A., O’Connor, D., Keall, P., Greer, P. (2021). Toward real-time verification for MLC tracking treatments using time-resolved EPID imaging. Medical Physics, 48(3), 953-964. [More Information]
- Jelen, U., Dong, B., Begg, J., Roberts, N., Whelan, B., Keall, P., Liney, G. (2020). Dosimetric Optimization and Commissioning of a High Field Inline MRI-Linac. Frontiers in Oncology, 10, 136. [More Information]
- Dillon, O., Keall, P., Shieh, C., O'Brien, R. (2020). Evaluating reconstruction algorithms for respiratory motion guided acquisition. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65(17), 175009. [More Information]
- Shi, K., Dipuglia, A., Booth, J., Alnaghy, S., Kyme, A., Keall, P., Nguyen, D. (2020). Experimental evaluation of the dosimetric impact of intrafraction prostate rotation using film measurement with a 6DoF robotic arm. Medical Physics, 47(12), 6068-6076. [More Information]
- Liu, P., Dong, B., Nguyen, D., Ge, Y., Hewson, E., Waddington, D., O'Brien, R., Liney, G., Keall, P. (2020). First experimental investigation of simultaneously tracking two independently moving targets on an MRI-linac using real-time MRI and MLC tracking. Medical Physics, 47(12), 6440-6449. [More Information]
- Caillet, V., Zwan, B., Briggs, A., Hardcastle, N., Szymura, K., Prodreka, A., O'Brien, R., Harris, B., Greer, P., Haddad, C., Booth, J., Keall, P., et al (2020). Geometric uncertainty analysis of MLC tracking for lung SABR. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65(23), 1-11. [More Information]
- Hewson, E., Nguyen, D., O'Brien, R., Poulsen, P., Booth, J., Greer, P., Eade, T., Kneebone, A., Hruby, G., Moodie, T., Keall, P., et al (2020). Is multileaf collimator tracking or gating a better intrafraction motion adaptation strategy? An analysis of the TROG 15.01 stereotactic prostate ablative radiotherapy with KIM (SPARK) trial. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 151, 234-241. [More Information]
- Kurz, C., Buizza, G., Landry, G., Kamp, F., Rabe, M., Paganelli, C., Baroni, G., Reiner, M., Keall, P., Van Den Berg, C., et al (2020). Medical physics challenges in clinical MR-guided radiotherapy. Radiation Oncology, 15(1), 93. [More Information]
- Keall, P., Nguyen, D., O'Brien, R., Hewson, E., Ball, H., Poulsen, P., Booth, J., Greer, P., Hunter, P., Wilton, L., Eade, T., Kneebone, A., Hruby, G., Hardcastle, N., Gebski, V., et al (2020). Real-Time Image Guided Ablative Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy: Results From the TROG 15.01 SPARK Trial. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 107(3), 530-538. [More Information]
- Morton, N., Sykes, J., Barber, J., Hofmann, C., Keall, P., O'Brien, R. (2020). Reducing 4D CT imaging artifacts at the source: First experimental results from the respiratory adaptive computed tomography (REACT) system. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65(7), 75012. [More Information]
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- Falk, M., af Rosenschold, P., Keall, P., Cho, B., Poulsen, P., Povzner, S., Sawant, A., Zimmerman, J., Korreman, S. (2010). Real-time dynamic MLC tracking for inversely optimized arc radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 94(2), 218-223. [More Information]
- Cho, B., Poulsen, P., Keall, P. (2010). Real-time tumor tracking using sequential kV imaging combined with respiratory monitoring: a general framework applicable to commonly used IGRT systems. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55(12), 3299-3316. [More Information]
- Zhou, H., Keall, P., Graves, E. (2009). A bone composition model for Monte Carlo x-ray transport simulations. Medical Physics, 36(3), 1008-1018. [More Information]
- Langner, U., Keall, P. (2009). Accuracy in the localization of thoracic and abdominal tumors using respiratory displacement, velocity, and phase. Medical Physics, 36(2), 386-393. [More Information]
- Rodriguez, M., Zhou, H., Keall, P., Graves, E. (2009). Commissioning of a novel microCT/RT system for small animal conformal radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54(12), 3727-3740. [More Information]
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- Zimmerman, J., Korreman, S., Persson, G., Cattell, H., Svatos, M., Sawant, A., Venkat, R., Carlson, D., Keall, P. (2009). DMLC motion tracking of moving targets for intensity modulated arc therapy treatment - a feasibility study. Acta Oncologica, 48(2), 245-250. [More Information]
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- Cho, B., Poulsen, P., Sloutsky, A., Sawant, A., Keall, P. (2009). First demonstration of combined kV/MV image-guided real-time dynamic multileaf-collimator target tracking. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 74(3), 859-867. [More Information]
- Suh, Y., Sawant, A., Venkat, R., Keall, P. (2009). Four-dimensional IMRT treatment planning using a DMLC motion-tracking algorithm. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54(12), 3821-3835. [More Information]
- Ma, Y., Lee, L., Keshet, O., Keall, P., Xing, L. (2009). Four-dimensional inverse treatment planning with inclusion of implanted fiducials in IMRT segmented fields. Medical Physics, 36(6), 2215-2221. [More Information]
- Smith, R., Sawant, A., Santanam, L., Venkat, R., Newell, L., Cho, B., Poulsen, P., Cattell, H., Keall, P., Parikh, P. (2009). Integration of real-time internal electromagnetic position monitoring coupled with dynamic multileaf collimator tracking: an intensity-modulated radiation therapy feasibility study. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 74(3), 868-875. [More Information]
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- Dogan, N., Mihaylov, I., Wu, Y., Keall, P., Siebers, J., Hagan, M. (2009). Monte Carlo dose verification of prostate patients treated with simultaneous integrated boost intensity modulated radiation therapy. Radiation Oncology, 4, 1-17. [More Information]
- Ruan, D., Fessler, J., Balter, J., Keall, P. (2009). Real-time profiling of respiratory motion: baseline drift, frequency variation and fundamental pattern change. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54(15), 4777-4792. [More Information]
- Sawant, A., Smith, R., Venkat, R., Santanam, L., Cho, B., Poulsen, P., Cattell, H., Newell, L., Parikh, P., Keall, P. (2009). Toward submillimeter accuracy in the management of intrafraction motion: the integration of real-time internal position monitoring and multileaf collimator target tracking. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 74(2), 575-582. [More Information]
- Suh, Y., Weiss, E., Zhong, H., Fatyga, M., Siebers, J., Keall, P. (2008). A deliverable four-dimensional intensity-modulated radiation therapy-planning method for dynamic multileaf collimator tumor tracking delivery. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 71(5), 1526-1536. [More Information]
- Poulsen, P., Cho, B., Keall, P. (2008). A method to estimate mean position, motion magnitude, motion correlation, and trajectory of a tumor from cone-beam CT projections for image-guided radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 72(5), 1587-1596. [More Information]
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- Luxton, G., Keall, P., King, C. (2008). A new formula for normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) as a function of equivalent uniform dose (EUD). Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(1), 23-36. [More Information]
- Suh, Y., Dieterich, S., Cho, B., Keall, P. (2008). An analysis of thoracic and abdominal tumour motion for stereotactic body radiotherapy patients. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(13), 3623-3640. [More Information]
- Yorke, E., Keall, P., Verhaegen, F. (2008). Anniversary paper: Role of medical physicists and the AAPM in improving geometric aspects of treatment accuracy and precision. Medical Physics, 35(3), 828-839. [More Information]
- Weiss, E., Wijesooriya, K., Ramakrishnan, V., Keall, P. (2008). Comparison of intensity-modulated radiotherapy planning based on manual and automatically generated contours using deformable image registration in four-dimensional computed tomography of lung cancer patients. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 70(2), 572-581.e2. [More Information]
- Venkat, R., Sawant, A., Suh, Y., George, R., Keall, P. (2008). Development and preliminary evaluation of a prototype audiovisual biofeedback device incorporating a patient-specific guiding waveform. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(11), N197-N208. [More Information]
- Weiss, E., Wijesooriya, K., Keall, P. (2008). Esophagus and spinal cord motion relative to GTV motion in four-dimensional CTs of lung cancer patients. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 87(1), 44-48. [More Information]
- Keall, P., Chang, M., Benedict, S., Thames, H., Vedam, S., Lin, P. (2008). Investigating the temporal effects of respiratory-gated and intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment delivery on in vitro survival: an experimental and theoretical study. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 71(5), 1547-1552. [More Information]
- Dieterich, S., Cleary, K., D’Souza, W., Murphy, M., Wong, K., Keall, P. (2008). Locating and targeting moving tumors with radiation beams. Medical Physics, 35(12), 5684-5694. [More Information]
- Sawant, A., Venkat, R., Srivastava, V., Carlson, D., Povzner, S., Cattell, H., Keall, P. (2008). Management of three-dimensional intrafraction motion through real-time DMLC tracking. Medical Physics, 35(5), 2050-2061. [More Information]
- George, R., Suh, Y., Murphy, M., Williamson, J., Weiss, E., Keall, P. (2008). On the accuracy of a moving average algorithm for target tracking during radiation therapy treatment delivery. Medical Physics, 35(6), 2356-2365. [More Information]
- Langner, U., Keall, P. (2008). Prospective displacement and velocity-based cine 4D CT. Medical Physics, 35(10), 4501-4512. [More Information]
- Wijesooriya, K., Weiss, E., Dill, V., Dong, L., Mohan, R., Joshi, S., Keall, P. (2008). Quantifying the accuracy of automated structure segmentation in 4D CT images using a deformable image registration algorithm. Medical Physics, 35(4), 1251-1260. [More Information]
- Yamamoto, T., Langner, U., Loo, B., Shen, J., Keall, P. (2008). Retrospective analysis of artifacts in four-dimensional CT images of 50 abdominal and thoracic radiotherapy patients. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 72(4), 1250-1258. [More Information]
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- Xing, L., Siebers, J., Keall, P. (2007). Computational Challenges for Image-Guided Radiation Therapy: Framework and Current Research. Seminars in Radiation Oncology. [More Information]
- Graves, E., Zhou, H., Chatterjee, R., Keall, P., Gambhir, S., Contag, C., Boyer, A. (2007). Design and evaluation of a variable aperture collimator for conformal radiotherapy of small animals using a microCT scanner. Medical Physics, 34(11), 4359-4367. [More Information]
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- Wijesooriya, K., Bartee, C., Siebers, J., Vedam, S., Keall, P. (2005). Determination of maximum leaf velocity and acceleration of a dynamic multileaf collimator: Implications for 4D radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 32(4), 932-941. [More Information]
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Selected Grants
- An AI Platform for Targeted Radiotherapy to Improve Cancer Patient Outcomes, Keall P, Waddington D, Hewson E, Sengupta C, Department of Health and Aged Care/MRFF 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure
- Rewarding Research 2024, Keall P, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success
- Reducing the impact of radiation on the heart for cancer and cardia disease patients, O'Brien R, Keall P, Siva S, Reynolds T, Kumar S, Holloway L, Nguyen D, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Synergy Grant
- X-LAB beamline: accelerating applied research with tunable electron beams, Keall P, Sheehy S, Whelan B, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF)
- Lung Ventilation Imaging: A new device to protect the lungs for cancer treatment., O'Brien R, Fouras A, Keall P, Jayamanne D, Harris B, Bailey D, Byrne H, Reynolds T, Eikelis N, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Development Grants
- Lung Ventilation Imaging: A new device to protect the lungs for cancer treatment, Keall P, Bailey D, Byrne H, Reynolds T, O'Brien R, Jayamanne D, Fouras A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Development Grants
- Direct beam-view tracking: the next frontier of cancer radiotherapy, Booth J, Keall P, Nguyen D, O'Brien R, Eade T, Eade T, Cancer Council NSW/Research Grant
- Cancer Imaging and Targeted Radiation Therapy: From Discovery to Clinical Practice, Keall P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Investigator Grant
- Remove the Mask: Reducing Anxiety and Distress for Head and Neck Cancer Radiotherapy Patients, Keall P, Butow P, Sundaresan P, Sykes J, Cancer Australia/Priority Driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme
- A New Medical Device for Fast, Low Dose Cancer Patient Imaging in Radiotherapy, O'Brien R, Keall P, Shieh C, Vinod S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Development Grants
- A New Medical Device for Fast, Low Dose Cancer Patient Imaging in Radiotherapy, O'Brien R, Vinod S, Keall P, Shieh C, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Development Grants
- Novel integration of new prostate radiation schedules with adjuvant androgen deprivation NINJA, Keall P, Martin J, Cancer Australia/Priority Driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme
- Cancer imaging and targeted radiation therapy: Innovation, discovery and translation, Keall P, O'Brien R, Nguyen D, Shieh C, Haworth A, Kuncic Z, Booth J, Eade T, Grieve S, Cancer Institute NSW/Translational Program Grant
- Purchase of a CIRS Dynamic Thorax Phantom (Model 008A)., Haworth A, Keall P, O'Brien R, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Equipment Grant
- Adapting Radiotherapy to Simultaneously Hit Multiple Moving Targets, Keall P, Cancer Council NSW/Research Project Grants
- The Liver Ablative Radiotherapy with KIM LARK Clinical Trial, Keall P, Wang W, O'Brien R, Booth J, Poulsen P, Hoyer M, Cancer Australia/Priority Driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme
- Widely accessible high precision radiotherapy with Multi-modal Adaptive Tumour Tracking (MATT), Nguyen D, Keall P, Cancer Institute NSW/Early Career Fellowship
- The Clinical Translation of NSW Invented Tumour Motion Management Technologies in Cancer Radiotherapy, O'Brien R, Keall P, Cancer Institute NSW/Career Development Fellowship
- The Australian MRI-Linac Program: Transforming the Science and Clinical Practice of Cancer Radiotherapy, Keall P, Barton M, Crozier S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants
- Nano-X: A new class of cancer radiotherapy system, Keall P, Liu P, Mackie T, Prather P, O'Brien R, Jackson M, Barton M, Bennett P, Thwaites D, Booth J, Crossing S, Baxi S, Downes S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Development Grants
- Infrastructure for Developing MRI Contrast Agents for Cancer Imaging that Spans from Contemporary to Future Clinical Field Strengths, Price W, Barton M, Keall P, Liney G, Aldrich-Wright J, Stait-Gardner T, Bourne R, Fay M, Xu X, Cancer Institute NSW/Equipment Grant
- BRAVEHeart - empowering breast cancer radiotherapy patients to save their hearts, Steiner E, Keall P, Lamoury G, Morgia M, Bromley R, Booth J, Makhija K, Silvester S, Grant C, National Breast Cancer Foundation/Pilot Study Grants
- Innovations in cancer imaging and targeted radiotherapy to improve human health, Keall P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Career Awards: Research Fellowships
- The ACRF Image-X Institute: Eradicating Cancer through Innovation in Imaging and Targeted X-rayTherapy, Keall P, Barton M, Jackson M, Thwaites D, Kuncic Z, Fulton R, Foster K, Australian Cancer Research Foundation/Research Support
- SPARK: Stereotactic Prostate Adaptive Radiotherapy utilising Kilovoltage intrafraction monitoring, Keall P, Martin J, Foroudi F, Kneebone A, Gebski V, Poulsen P, Cancer Australia/Priority Driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme
- Personalized Motion Management for truly 4D Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, Keall P, National Institutes of Health (USA)/Research Grant
- Breathe Well: Improving cancer imaging and radiotherapy using audiovisual biofeedback, Keall P, Kay J, O'Brien R, Kron T, Greer P, Hebblewhite M, Sawant A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Development Grants
- Learning Image Context for Tumor Motion Adaptation to Improve Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment Outcomes, Huang C, Keall P, Fahrig R, Wang X, Office of Global Engagement/IPDF Grant
- Hitting the Target: Real-Time Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy, Keall P, Eade T, Kneebone A, Booth J, Cancer Australia/Priority Driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme
- The Australian MRI-Linac Program: Improving cancer treatment through real-time image guided adaptive radiotherapy, Keall P, Barton M, Crozier S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants
- MR-Compatible Linac gun for Robotic Linac Adaptation, Farig R, Keall P, National Institutes of Health (USA)/Research Support
- ECG-Guided Cardiac CT Imaging for Interventional Radiology, Fahrig R, Keall P, DVC Research/International Research Collaboration Award (IRCA)
- Lung sparing for SBRT with beams-eye-view imaging and real-time tumor tracking, Berbeco R, Keall P, National Institutes of Health (USA)/Research Support
- NHMRC audiovisual biofeedback to improve abdominal and thoracic medical image quality, Keall P,
- The development and investigation of respiratory-modulated four-dimensional cone beam CT imaging, Keall P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- An adaptable and dedicated linear accelerator for medical radiation research, Keall P, Jackson M, Rozenfeld A, Barton M, Greer P, Vial J, Baldock C, Metcalfe P, Thwaites D, Kuncic Z, Holloway L, Bosi S, Eslick E, Downes S, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF)
- A Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Linear Accelerator (MRI-Linac) for Highly Accurate Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment, Crozier S, Keall P, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- Image-guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy, Williamson J, Keall P, National Institutes of Health (USA)/Research Support
- A coaxial plasma accelerator for proton radiotherapy, Keall P, National Institutes of Health (USA)/Research Support
- Australia Fellowship, Keall P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Career Awards: Australian Fellowship
- 4D IMRT: Stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer, Keall P, Loo B, National Institutes of Health (USA)/Research Support