Associate Professor Paul Wrigley

Associate Professor Paul Wrigley

MBBS Grad Cert Med (Clin Neurophys) MMed (Pain mgt) PhD FANZCA FFPMANZCA
Conjoint Associate Professor
Pain Medicine, Northern Clinical School
Pain Management &
Research Institute
+61 2 9463 1500
+61 2 9463 1050
Associate Professor Paul Wrigley

Improving quality of life for those with chronic pain

By A/Prof Paul Wrigley

I am a specialist pain medicine physicianand my clinical and research work is devoted to improving the quality of life for people suffering from chronic pain.

My translational research program spans from laboratory work in pain assessment (clinical neurophysiology) to projects improving delivery of care.

My focus is chronic pain, Australia’s third most costly health condition which impacts one in five Australians, including adolescents and children.

I am privileged to serve as an executive member of the Michael J Cousins, Pain Management Research Centre (PMRC), Royal North Shore Hospital. My clinical work at the PMRC is supported by an internationally recognised team of clinicians, education specialists and researchers developing solutions to address the profound personal and community costs associated with chronic pain.

My work in government advocacy at both state and national levels has led to greater community access to pain treatment. I am currently the Medical Co-chair of the Agency for Clinical Innovation Pain Management Network (ACI PMN: 2020-) and in 2009 was the founding Co-chair of this network within the NSW Ministry of Health. The ACI PMN is the peak advisory body for the Minister of Health in NSW for pain related matters. After inception, this network was entrusted with $26M to improve the delivery of pain services in NSW (Pain Plan 2012-2016) and remains responsible for ongoing improvement.This additional annual funding has now been made recurrent.

Ongoing involvement in this network remains a central part of the translation of my work into practice.

Translational Research (clinical trials)

Models of care for chronic pain health services

Pathways of care for people frequently attend Emergency Departments

Sensory neurophysiology focusing on nociception (Quantitative Sensory Testing, nociceptive withdrawal reflex testing, nociceptive cortical evoked potentials)

Spinal cord injury pain particularly neuropathic pain.

Central neuroimaging (MRI and MRS)

Pain Medicine

I am the supervisor of training for the Faculty of Pain Medicine (ANZCA) for the Royal North Shore Hospital

I am the principle investigator of a study establishing the effectiveness and value of a care coordination pathway called the Community Pain Management Pathway (CommunityPainPATH). This multi-agency, consumer informed care pathway aims to support people with chronic pain to better manage in the community reducing their need to seek assistance from Emergency Departments (Heine Foundation: $1.14M, 2020-2023).

Other significant projects I have been chief investigator on include an early intervention study for injured workers (icare Foundation: $1.5M, 2018-2021) and a study examining the long-term neural effects of spinal cord stimulation (ANZCA, Profield: $500K, 2017-2019).


Australian Pain Society

International recognition for my work includes several plenary speaking invitations at major national and international conferences including the Professor Tess Cramond eponymous lecture at the Australian Pain Society annual meeting in 2012. I have received several speaking awards including the prestigious Gilbert Brown Medal (ANZCA 2005), Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) Dean’s Prizes (2008, 2009) and FPM Best Free Paper Award (2017). Other awards include:

  • Russel Cole ANZCA Memorial Research Grant Award 2019 (Outstanding research proposal)
  • Best poster prize, Joint Australian & NZ Pain Society Meeting, Sydney Australia 2018
  • Pfizer ANZCA Research Fellowship 2015 (Outstanding research proposal).
  • St Jude Medical ANZCA Research Fellowship 2012 (Outstanding research proposal).
  • Mundipharma ANZCA Research Fellowship 2010 (Outstanding research proposal).
  • Pfizer ANZCA Pain Research Fellowship for 2008 (Best research proposal in category).
  • Harry Daly Research Award, ANZCA 2002 (Best research proposal).
  • Barbara Walker Prize for Excellence in Pain Medicine in 2000 (highest examination mark)
Neurosciences and Mental Health, Lifespan



  • Wrigley, P. (2010). Cold Thermal Processing in the Spinal Cord: In Search of Therapeutic Targets for Cold Hyperesthesia. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
  • Wrigley, P., Working Party, W. (2005). Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence. Melbourne: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine.

Book Chapters

  • Siddall, P., Wrigley, P. (2010). Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury. In Scott Fishman, Jane Ballantyne, and James Rathmell (Eds.), Bonicas Management of Pain, (pp. 526-536). Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Wrigley, P., Siddall, P. (2010). The Clinical Evaluation of Pain. In Siu Lun Tsui (Eds.), Pain Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Approach, (pp. 31-48). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
  • Siddall, P., Wrigley, P. (2008). Spinal cord injury. In Peter Wilson, Troels Jensen, Paul Watson and Jennifer A Haythornthwaite (Eds.), Clinical Pain Management: Chronic Pain, (pp. 388-404). London: Hodder Arnold.


  • Hayashi, K., Ikemoto, T., Shiro, Y., Arai, Y., Marcuzzi, A., Costa, D., Wrigley, P. (2022). A Systematic Review of the Variation in Pain Catastrophizing Scale Reference Scores Based on Language Version and Country in Patients with Chronic Primary (Non-specific) Pain. Pain and Therapy, 11(3), 753-769. [More Information]
  • Tran, Y., Austin, P., Lo, C., Craig, A., Middleton, J., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P. (2022). An Exploratory EEG Analysis on the Effects of Virtual Reality in People with Neuropathic Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury. Sensors, 22(7), 2629. [More Information]
  • Austin, P., Craig, A., Middleton, J., Tran, Y., Costa, D., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P. (2021). The short-term effects of head-mounted virtual-reality on neuropathic pain intensity in people with spinal cord injury pain: a randomised cross-over pilot study. Spinal Cord, 59(7), 738-746. [More Information]


  • Hayashi, K., Ikemoto, T., Shiro, Y., Arai, Y., Marcuzzi, A., Costa, D., Wrigley, P. (2022). A Systematic Review of the Variation in Pain Catastrophizing Scale Reference Scores Based on Language Version and Country in Patients with Chronic Primary (Non-specific) Pain. Pain and Therapy, 11(3), 753-769. [More Information]
  • Tran, Y., Austin, P., Lo, C., Craig, A., Middleton, J., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P. (2022). An Exploratory EEG Analysis on the Effects of Virtual Reality in People with Neuropathic Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury. Sensors, 22(7), 2629. [More Information]


  • Austin, P., Craig, A., Middleton, J., Tran, Y., Costa, D., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P. (2021). The short-term effects of head-mounted virtual-reality on neuropathic pain intensity in people with spinal cord injury pain: a randomised cross-over pilot study. Spinal Cord, 59(7), 738-746. [More Information]
  • Li, C., Jirachaipitak, S., Wrigley, P., Xu, H., Euasobhon, P. (2021). Transcranial direct current stimulation for spinal cord injury-associated neuropathic pain. The Korean Journal of Pain, 34(2), 156-164. [More Information]


  • Ikemoto, T., Hayashi, K., Shiro, Y., Arai, Y., Marcuzzi, A., Costa, D., Wrigley, P. (2020). A systematic review of cross-cultural validation of the pain catastrophizing scale. European Journal of Pain, 24(7), 1228-1241. [More Information]
  • Nicholas, M., Asghari, A., Sharpe, L., Beeston, L., Brooker, C., Glare, P., Martin, R., Molloy, A., Wrigley, P. (2020). Reducing the use of opioids by patients with chronic pain: an effectiveness study with long-term follow-up. Pain, 161(3), 509-519. [More Information]


  • Marcuzzi, A., Chakiath, R., Siddall, P., Kellow, J., Hush, J., Jones, M., Costa, D., Wrigley, P. (2019). Conditioned Pain Modulation (CPM) is Reduced in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of CPM and the Role of Psychological Factors. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 53(6), 399-408. [More Information]
  • Marcuzzi, A., Wainwright, A., Costa, D., Wrigley, P. (2019). Vibration testing: Optimizing methods to improve reliability. Muscle and Nerve, 59(2), 229-235. [More Information]


  • Marcuzzi, A., Wrigley, P., Dean, C., Graham, P., Hush, J. (2018). From acute to persistent low back pain: a longitudinal investigation of somatosensory changes using quantitative sensory testing-an exploratory study. Pain Reports, 3(2), 1-10. [More Information]
  • Wrigley, P., Siddall, P., Gustin, S. (2018). New evidence for preserved somatosensory pathways in complete spinal cord injury: A fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping, 39(1), 588-598. [More Information]


  • Siddall, P., McIndoe, L., Austin, P., Wrigley, P. (2017). The impact of pain on spiritual well-being in people with a spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 55(1), 105-111. [More Information]
  • Marcuzzi, A., Wrigley, P., Dean, C., Adams, R., Hush, J. (2017). The long-term reliability of static and dynamic quantitative sensory testing in healthy individuals. Pain, 158(7), 1217-1223. [More Information]


  • Cragg, J., Warner, F., Finnerup, N., Jensen, M., Mercier, C., Richards, J., Wrigley, P., Soler, D., Kramer, J. (2016). Meta-Analysis of Placebo Responses in Central Neuropathic Pain: Impact of Subject, Study, and Pain Characteristics. Pain, 157(3), 530-540. [More Information]
  • Marcuzzi, A., Dean, C., Wrigley, P., Chakiath, R., Hush, J. (2016). Prognostic value of quantitative sensory testing in low back pain: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Pain Research, 9, 599-607. [More Information]
  • Moloney, N., Wrigley, P., Hush, J. (2016). Somatosensory assessment in chronic pain: progress and potential. Pain Management, 6(2), 125-128. [More Information]


  • Chakiath, R., Siddall, P., Kellow, J., Hush, J., Jones, M., Marcuzzi, A., Wrigley, P. (2015). Descending pain modulation in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 4(1), 1-6. [More Information]
  • Marcuzzi, A., Dean, C., Wrigley, P., Hush, J. (2015). Early changes in somatosensory function in spinal pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain, 156(2), 203-214. [More Information]
  • Hafner, J., Lee, G., Joester, J., Lynch, M., Barnes, E., Wrigley, P., Ng, K. (2015). Thermal quantitative sensory testing: A study of 101 control subjects. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 22(3), 588-591. [More Information]


  • Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Youssef, A., McIndoe, L., Wilcox, S., Rae, C., Edden, R., Siddall, P., Henderson, L. (2014). Thalamic activity and biochemical changes in individuals with neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. Pain, 155(5), 1027-1036. [More Information]


  • Wrigley, P., Gustin, S., McIndoe, L., Chakiath, R., Henderson, L., Siddall, P. (2013). Longstanding neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury is refractory to transcranial direct current stimulation: A randomized controlled trial. Pain, 154(10), 2178-2184. [More Information]
  • Wang, D., Somogyi, A., Yee, B., Wong, K., Kaur, J., Wrigley, P., Grunstein, R. (2013). The effects of a single mild dose of morphine on chemoreflexes and breathing in obstructive sleep apnea. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 185(3), 526-532. [More Information]


  • Henderson, L., Gustin, S., Macey, P., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P. (2011). Functional Reorganization of the Brain in Humans Following Spinal Cord Injury: Evidence for Underlying Changes in Cortical Anatomy. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(7), 2630-2637. [More Information]


  • Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P., Henderson, L. (2010). Brain Anatomy Changes Associated with Persistent Neuropathic Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury. Cerebral Cortex, 20(6), 1409-1419. [More Information]
  • Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Henderson, L., Siddall, P. (2010). Brain circuitry underlying pain in response to imagined movement in people with spinal cord injury. Pain, 148(3), 438-445. [More Information]
  • Wrigley, P. (2010). Cold Thermal Processing in the Spinal Cord: In Search of Therapeutic Targets for Cold Hyperesthesia. Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag Dr Muller.


  • Wrigley, P., Gustin, S., Macey, P., Nash, P., Gandevia, S., Macefield, V., Siddall, P., Henderson, L. (2009). Anatomical Changes in Human Motor Cortex and Motor Pathways following Complete Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. Cerebral Cortex, 19, 224-232. [More Information]
  • Wrigley, P., Press, S., Gustin, S., Macefield, V., Gandevia, S., Cousins, M., Middleton, J., Henderson, L., Siddall, P. (2009). Neuropathic pain and primary somatosensory cortex reorganization following spinal cord injury. Pain, 141(1-2), 52-59. [More Information]
  • Wrigley, P., Jeong, H., Vaughan, C. (2009). Primary afferents with TRPM8 and TRPA1 profiles target distinct subpopulations of rat superficial dorsal horn neurons. British Journal of Pharmacology, 157, 371-380. [More Information]


  • Wrigley, P., Cousins, M. (2008). Postherpetic neuralgia an update on management and prevention. Medicine Today, 9(4), 36-44.
  • Siddall, P., Wrigley, P. (2008). Spinal cord injury. In Peter Wilson, Troels Jensen, Paul Watson and Jennifer A Haythornthwaite (Eds.), Clinical Pain Management: Chronic Pain, (pp. 388-404). London: Hodder Arnold.


  • Gustin, S., Wrigley, P., Gandevia, S., Middleton, J., Henderson, L., Siddall, P. (2007). Movement imagery increases pain in people with neuropathic pain following complete thoracic spinal cord injury. Pain, 137(2), 237-244. [More Information]
  • Wrigley, P., Siddall, P. (2007). Pharmacological Interventions for Neuropathic Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury: An Update. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 13(2), 58-71. [More Information]
  • Wrigley, P., Gustin, S., Nash, P., Macefield, V., Gandevia, S., Middleton, J., Siddall, P., Henderson, L. (2007). Structural changes associated with pain in spinal cord injured patients. European Journal of Pain, 11(1, Supplement 1), 97-98.


  • Smeal, W., Yezierski, R., Wrigley, P., Siddall, P., Jensen, M., Ehde, D. (2006). Spinal cord injury. The Journal of Pain, 7(12), 871-877. [More Information]


  • Wrigley, P., Working Party, W. (2005). Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence. Melbourne: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine.


  • Wrigley, P., Elliott, D., Blake, D. (1998). A Phase 2 Clinical Trial Comparing Ro 48-6791, a New Short-Acting Benzodiazepine, with Propofol for Induction of Anaesthesia. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 26(5), 509-514.

Selected Grants


  • Pathways to better pain management, Glare P, Vaughan C, Aubrey K, Ashton-James C, Wrigley P, Ernest Heine Family Foundation/Research Grant


  • The effects of virtual reality on pain intensity and brain activity, Siddall P, Middleton J, Craig A, Tran Y, Wrigley P, Australia New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)/Research Funding Scheme