Professor Philip Boyce

Professor Philip Boyce

Emeritus Professor
Psychiatry, Westmead Clinical School
9845 6687
4734 3343
Professor Philip Boyce

Philip Boyce is Emeritus Professor at Westmead Institute of Medical Research. He was Professor of psychiatry at Westmead Hospital and formerly Head of the Perinatal Psychiatry Clinical Research Unit at Westmead Hospital.

He went to medical school at Guy's Hospital in London. He started training in Psychiatry in London and then moved to Australia where he completed his psychiatry training. He initially worked in Sydney, and then moved to Adelaide for 6 years where he trained in psychotherapy. He returned to Sydney to work at Mood disorders Unit at Prince Henry Hospital and became a lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of New South Wales. He completed his MD while there and then moved to the foundation chair in Psychiatry at the Nepean Hospital. He was President of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists from 2003 to 2005. He is Chair of the RANZCP Competency-Based Fellowship Program development group.

He has had a long standing clinical and research interest in perinatal mental health.

He has conducted research into psychosocial aspects of postnatal depression, examining risk factors for the disorder, particularly the role of personality and obstetric risk factors. His current research focus is into the impact of psychotic disorders on women in pregnancy and in the postpartum period. He conitinues research into mood disorders, particulary psychosocial aspects. He is also involved with research in medical education, especially the impact of work place based assesssment.

Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health, Neurosciences and Mental Health, Lifespan
Project titleResearch student
Understanding irritability: Definition, measurement and modellingErica BELL

Selected publications



  • Haddad, M., Boyce, P. (2017). Fast Facts: Depression. Oxford: Health Press Limited. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Boyce, P., Harris, A., Drobny, J., Lampe, L., Starcevic, V., Bryant, R. (2015). The Sydney Handbook of Anxiety Disorders. Sydney: University of Sydney.

Book Chapters

  • Tavella, G., Boyce, P. (2019). Perinatal Nuances in Managing Bipolar II Disorder. In Gordon Parker (Eds.), Bipolar II Disorder, (pp. 151-162). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Boyce, P., Galbally, M., Gregoire, A. (2018). Pregnancy: The earliest opportunity for prevention and early intervention for mental disorders. In Dinesh Bhugra, Kamaldeep Bhui, Samuel Yeung Shan Wong, and Stephen E. Gilman (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Public Mental Health, (pp. 383-387). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Boyce, P. (2015). Assessment Interview. In P Boyce, A Harris, J Drobny, L Lampe, V Starcevic, and R Bryant (Eds.), The Sydney Handbook of Anxiety Disorders, (pp. 196-202). Sydney: University of Sydney.


  • Galbally, M., Watson, S., Boyce, P., Howard, L., Herrman, H. (2024). Perinatal depression: The use of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to derive clinical subtypes. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58(1), 37-48. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Bell, E., Bassett, D., Boyce, P., Hopwood, M., Mulder, R., Porter, R. (2023). Difficult decision-making in major depressive disorder: Practical guidance based on clinical research and experience. Bipolar Disorders, 25(5), 355-378. [More Information]
  • Galbally, M., Watson, S., Nguyen, T., Boyce, P. (2023). Fetal SSRI antidepressant exposure and infant sleep: Findings from the MPEWS pregnancy cohort study. Infant Behavior and Development, 72. [More Information]


  • Light, E., Robertson, M., Boyce, P., et al (2016). Discussants. CASP/SLAM Leadership Seminar: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
  • Robertson, M., Ryan, C., Light, E., Boyce, P., Rosen, A., Carney, T. (2013). Conceptual Models of "Risk" and "Capacity" in Community-Based Compulsory Psychiatric Treatment: Results from an Empirical Study. XXXIIIrd Congress of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH 2013), Canada: International Academy of Law and Mental Health.


  • Galbally, M., Watson, S., Boyce, P., Howard, L., Herrman, H. (2024). Perinatal depression: The use of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to derive clinical subtypes. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58(1), 37-48. [More Information]


  • Malhi, G., Bell, E., Bassett, D., Boyce, P., Hopwood, M., Mulder, R., Porter, R. (2023). Difficult decision-making in major depressive disorder: Practical guidance based on clinical research and experience. Bipolar Disorders, 25(5), 355-378. [More Information]
  • Galbally, M., Watson, S., Nguyen, T., Boyce, P. (2023). Fetal SSRI antidepressant exposure and infant sleep: Findings from the MPEWS pregnancy cohort study. Infant Behavior and Development, 72. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Bell, E., Bassett, D., Boyce, P., Hazell, P., Hopwood, M., Lyndon, B., Mulder, R., Porter, R., Murray, G. (2023). Positioning of psychodynamic psychotherapy in the treatment of depression: A comparison of the RANZCP 2020 and NICE 2022 guidelines. Australasian Psychiatry. [More Information]


  • Parker, G., Spoelma, M., Tavella, G., Alda, M., Dunner, D., O’Donovan, C., Rybakowski, J., Bayes, A., Sharma, V., Boyce, P., et al (2022). A new machine learning-derived screening measure for differentiating bipolar from unipolar mood disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 299, 513-516. [More Information]
  • Bell, E., Pooley, A., Tam, P., Boyce, P., Bryant, R., Porter, R., Malhi, G. (2022). A novel exploration of irritability in adolescent males: A preliminary study. Australasian Psychiatry. [More Information]
  • Barreiros, A., Breukelaar, I., Mayur, P., Andepalli, J., Tomimatsu, Y., Funayama, K., Foster, S., Boyce, P., Malhi, G., Harris, A., Korgaonkar, M. (2022). Abnormal habenula functional connectivity characterizes treatment-resistant depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, 102990. [More Information]


  • Galbally, M., Watson, S., Spigset, O., Boyce, P., Oberlander, T., Lewis, A. (2021). Antidepressant exposure in pregnancy and child sensorimotor and visuospatial development: Antidepressants and child development. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 143, 485-491. [More Information]
  • Parker, G., Spoelma, M., Tavella, G., Alda, M., Hajek, T., Dunner, D., Donovan, C., Rybakowski, J., Goldberg, J., Bayes, A., Boyce, P., et al (2021). Categorical differentiation of the unipolar and bipolar disorders. Psychiatry Research, 297, 113719. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Ma, C. (2021). Choosing an antidepressant. Australian Prescriber, 44(1), 12-15. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P. (2020). 2020: A series of unprecedented events. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54(12), 1147-1148. [More Information]
  • Parker, G., Bassett, D., Boyce, P., Lyndon, B., Mulder, R., Porter, R., Singh, A., Bell, E., Hamilton, A., Morris, G., Malhi, G., et al (2020). Acute coronary syndrome-associated depression: Getting to the heart of the data. Journal of Affective Disorders, 269, 70-77. [More Information]
  • Raine, K., Nath, S., Howard, L., Cockshaw, W., Boyce, P., Sawyer, E., Thorpe, K. (2020). Associations between prenatal maternal mental health indices and mother-infant relationship quality 6 to 18 months' postpartum: A systematic review. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41(1), 24-39. [More Information]


  • Korgaonkar, M., Erlinger, M., Breukelaar, I., Boyce, P., Hazell, P., Antees, C., Foster, S., Grieve, S., Gomes, L., Williams, L., Harris, A., Malhi, G. (2019). Amygdala Activation and Connectivity to Emotional Processing Distinguishes Asymptomatic Patients With Bipolar Disorders and Unipolar Depression. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4(4), 361-370. [More Information]
  • Raine, K., Boyce, P., Thorpe, K. (2019). Antenatal interpersonal sensitivity as an early predictor of vulnerable mother-infant relationship quality. Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 24(4), 860-875. [More Information]
  • Levis, B., McMillan, D., Sun, Y., He, C., Rice, D., Krishnan, A., Wu, Y., Azar, M., Sanchez, T., Chiovitti, M., Boyce, P., et al (2019). Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta-analysis. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(4), 1-11. [More Information]


  • Galbally, M., Bergink, V., Vigod, S., Buist, A., Boyce, P., Chandra, P., Kohan, R., Howard, L. (2018). Breastfeeding and lithium: is breast always best? The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(7), 534-536. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P. (2018). Challenges for psychiatry and a call to arms. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 52(11), 1013-1014. [More Information]
  • Baune, B., Malhi, G., Morris, G., Outhred, T., Hamilton, A., Das, P., Bassett, D., Berk, M., Boyce, P., Lyndon, W., et al (2018). Cognition in depression: Can we THINC-it better? Journal of Affective Disorders, 225, 559-562. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P. (2017). 50 years of perinatal psychiatry. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(9), 860-862. [More Information]
  • Rodriguez, M., Boyce, P., Hodges, J. (2017). A neuropsychological study of older adult first-time sex offenders. Neurocase, 23(2), 154-161. [More Information]
  • Saligheh, M., Hackett, D., Boyce, P., Cobley, S. (2017). Can exercise or physical activity help improve postnatal depression and weight loss? A systematic review. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 20(5), 595-611. [More Information]


  • Raine, K., Cockshaw, W., Boyce, P., Thorpe, K. (2016). Antenatal interpersonal sensitivity is more strongly associated than perinatal depressive symptoms with postnatal mother-infant interaction quality. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 19(5), 917-925. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Berk, M. (2016). Biological models of mental illness: implications for therapy development. Medical Journal of Australia, 204(9), 339-340. [More Information]
  • Light, E., Robertson, M., Boyce, P., et al (2016). Discussants. CASP/SLAM Leadership Seminar: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.


  • Boyce, P. (2015). A young woman with noise intolerance. Medicine Today, 16(7), 46-47.
  • Boyce, P. (2015). Are we there yet? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49(9), 765-766. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P. (2015). Assessment Interview. In P Boyce, A Harris, J Drobny, L Lampe, V Starcevic, and R Bryant (Eds.), The Sydney Handbook of Anxiety Disorders, (pp. 196-202). Sydney: University of Sydney.


  • Malhi, G., Boyce, P. (2014). A spectrum of views. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(4), 376-377. [More Information]
  • Mellor, R., Chua, S., Boyce, P. (2014). Antenatal depression: an artefact of sleep disturbance? Archives of Women's Mental Health, 17(4), 291-302. [More Information]
  • Schacht, A., Gorwood, P., Boyce, P., Schaffer, A., Picard, H. (2014). Depression symptom clusters and their predictive value for treatment outcomes: results from an individual patient data meta-analysis of duloxetine trials. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 53, 54-61. [More Information]


  • Condon, J., Corkindale, C., Boyce, P., Gamble, E. (2013). A longitudinal study of father-to-infant attachment: antecedents and correlates. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 31(1), 15-30. [More Information]
  • Robertson, M., Ryan, C., Light, E., Boyce, P., Rosen, A., Carney, T. (2013). Conceptual Models of "Risk" and "Capacity" in Community-Based Compulsory Psychiatric Treatment: Results from an Empirical Study. XXXIIIrd Congress of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH 2013), Canada: International Academy of Law and Mental Health.
  • Malhi, G., Hitching, R., Coulston, C., Boyce, P., Porter, R., Fritz, K. (2013). Individualized management of unipolar depression. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum, 127(443), 129-505. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P. (2012). ANZJP This Month. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(4), 287-288. [More Information]
  • Robertson, A., De Moore, G., Boyce, P. (2012). Bipolar II disorder in rural New South Wales. Australasian Psychiatry, 20(3), 203-207. [More Information]
  • Lampe, L., Shadbolt, N., Starcevic, V., Boyce, P., Brakoulias, V., Hitching, R., Viswasam, K., Walter, G., Malhi, G. (2012). Diagnostic processes in mental health: GPs and psychiatrists reading from the same book but on a different page. Australasian Psychiatry, 20(5), 374-378. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P. (2011). ANZJP This month. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(8), 603-604. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Wilson, F. (2011). Bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder or both? Medicine Today, 12(8), 28-36.
  • Boyce, P., Harris, A. (2011). Childhood adversity, trauma and abuse: context and consequences. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(8), 608-610. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P., Barriball, E. (2010). Circadian rhythms and depression. Australian Family Physician, 39(5), 307-310. [More Information]
  • Kemp, A., Pe Benito, L., Quintana, D., Clark, R., McFarlane, A., Mayur, P., Harris, A., Boyce, P., Williams, L. (2010). Impact of depression heterogeneity on attention: An auditory oddball event related potential study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 123, 202-207. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Barriball, E. (2010). Puerperal psychosis. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 13(1), 45-47. [More Information]


  • Lagan, M., Knights, K., Barton, J., Boyce, P. (2009). Advocacy for mothers with psychiatric illness: a clinical perspective. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 18(1), 53-61. [More Information]
  • Nguyen, D., Brakoulias, V., Boyce, P. (2009). An evaluation of monitoring practices in patients on second generation antipsychotics. Australasian Psychiatry, 17(4), 295-299. [More Information]
  • Kemp, A., Hopkinson, P., Hermens, D., Rowe, D., Sumich, A., Clark, R., Drinkenburg, W., Abdi, N., Penrose, R., McFarlane, A., Boyce, P., Williams, L., et al (2009). Fronto-temporal alterations within the first 200 ms during an attentional task distinguish major depression, non-clinical participants with depressed mood and healthy controls: A potential biomarker? Human Brain Mapping, 30(2), 602-614. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P., Burnett, P., Crawshaw, J., Cutbush, J., Handrinos, D., Hay, P., Mellsop, G., Newton, R., Whyte, S. (2008). An outline of the planned work of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' Board of Education. Australasian Psychiatry, 16(2), 74-79. [More Information]
  • Condon, J., Corkindale, C., Boyce, P. (2008). Assessment of postnatal paternal-infant attachment: development of a questionnaire instrument. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 26(3), 195-210. [More Information]
  • Stevenson, J., Boyce, P., Brodaty, H. (2008). Complex Case: The relationship between, and treatment of, DSM Axis I and II disorders encountered in combination. Personality and Mental Health, 2(4), 274-282. [More Information]


  • Talley, N., Kellow, J., Boyce, P., Tennant, C., Huskic, S., Jones, M. (2007). Antidepressant Therapy (Imipramine and Citalopram) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 53(1), 108-115. [More Information]
  • Newman, L., Stevenson, C., Bergman, L., Boyce, P. (2007). Borderline personality disorder, mother-infant interaction and parenting perceptions: preliminary findings. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41(7), 598-605. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Condon, J., Barton, J., Corkindale, C. (2007). First-Time Fathers' Study: psychological distress in expectant fathers during pregnancy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41(9), 718-725. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P., Wilson, F. (2006). Diagnosing and managing depression in adults. Medicine Today, 7(1), 8-16.
  • Boyce, P., Talley, N., Burke, C., Koloski, N. (2006). Epidemiology of the functional gastrointestinal disorders diagnosed according to Rome II criteria: an Australian population-based study. Internal Medicine Journal, 36(1), 28-36. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Bannon,, S., Gonsalvez, C., Croft, R. (2006). Executive functions in obsessive-compulsive disorder: state or trait deficits? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, 1031-1038. [More Information]


  • Koloski, N., Talley, N., Boyce, P. (2005). A history of abuse in community subjects with irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia: the role of other psychosocial variables. Digestion, 72(02-Mar), 86-96. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P. (2005). From the President. Australasian Psychiatry, 13(1-2). [More Information]
  • Boyce, P. (2005). From the president. Australasian Psychiatry, 12, 200-202.


  • Arumanayagam, M., Bell, C., Boyce, P., Carter, G., Dudley, M., Goldney, R., McPhee, J., Mulder, R., Penrose-Wall, J., Wilhelm, K. (2004). Australian and New Zealand clinical practice guidelines for the management of adult deliberate self-harm. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38(11-12), 868-884. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P. (2004). From the President. Australasian Psychiatry, 12(1-4). [More Information]
  • Dennis, C., Boyce, P. (2004). Further Psychometric Testing Of A Brief Personality Scale To Measure Vulnerability To Postpartum Depression. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 25(3-4), 305-311. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P., Talley, N., Balaam, B., Koloski, N., Truman, G. (2003). A randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavior therapy, relaxation training, and routine clinical care for the irritable bowel syndrome. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 98(10), 2209-2218. [More Information]
  • Malhi, G., Parker, G., Parker, K., Carr, V., Kirkby, K., Yellowlees, P., Boyce, P., Tonge, B. (2003). Attitudes toward psychiatry among students entering medical school. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 107(6), 424-429. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Ellis, P., Penrose-Wall, J. (2003). Australian and New Zealand clinical practice guidelines for specialist adult mental health care: an introduction. Australasian Psychiatry, 11, 21-25. [More Information]


  • Koloski, N., Talley, N., Boyce, P. (2002). Epidemiology and Health Care Seeking in the Functional GI Disorders: A Population-Based Study. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 97(9), 2290-2299. [More Information]
  • Boyce, P., Condon, J., Ellwood, D. (2002). Pregnancy loss: a major life event affecting emotional health and well-being. Medical Journal of Australia, 176(6), 250-251.
  • Bannon, S., Gonsalvez, C., Croft, R., Boyce, P. (2002). Response inhibition deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Research, 110(2), 165-174. [More Information]


  • Boyce, P., Talley, N., Burke, T. (2001). Epidemiology of the functional gastrointestinal disorders diagnosed according to Rome II Criteria: an Australian population-based study. Gut, 48 (Sup).
  • Boyce, P., Harris, M., Penrose-Wall, J. (2001). From good foundations: the role of treatment guidelines for psychiatrists - an overview of the RANZCP CPG Project. Australasian Psychiatry, 9, 332-337.
  • Boyce, P., Hickey, A., Morris-Yates, A., Johnstone, S., Harris, M. (2001). Obstetric risk factors for postnatal depression in urban and rural community samples. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35(1), 69-74. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Perinatal depression and antidepressants treatment: wave 7 follow up of the MPEWS longitudinal cohort study, Boyce P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies


  • The transmission of perinatal maternal mental health to preschool emotional disorders: Examining pathways and intervention points in the MPEWS study, Galbally M, Van Rossum E, Ryan J, Oberlander T, Boyce P, Lewis A, Mohebbi M, van IJzendoorn M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants