Journals | - Galbally, M., Watson, S., Boyce, P., Howard, L., Herrman, H. (2024). Perinatal depression: The use of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to derive clinical subtypes. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58(1), 37-48. [More Information]
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- Shim, L., Talley, N., Boyce, P., Tennant, C., Jones, M., Kellow, J. (2013). Stool characteristics and colonic transit in irritable bowel syndrome: evaluation at two time points. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 48(3), 295-301. [More Information]
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- Koloski, N., Boyce, P., Jones, M., Talley, N. (2012). What level of IBS symptoms drives impairment in health-related quality of life in community subjects with irritable bowel syndrome? : Are current IBS symptom thresholds clinically meaningful? Quality of Life Research, 21(5), 829-836. [More Information]
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- Boyce, P., Talley, N., Burke, T. (2001). Epidemiology of the functional gastrointestinal disorders diagnosed according to Rome II Criteria: an Australian population-based study. Gut, 48 (Sup).
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