Dr Samantha Rowbotham
Menzies Centre for Health Policy
Sydney School of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Dr Samantha Rowbotham, is a Lecturer in Health Policy and Program Coordinator with the Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics. She holds an Adjunct Lecturer position with the University of Tasmania and is Associate Editor of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia. Samantha is part of the Steering Committee of the Citizen Science Node at the Charles Perkins Centre.
Samantha's research interests centre aroundpublic engagement in research, policy and practice in population health as a meansof increasing public awareness of and engagement with issues of relevance to health policy and increasing the relevance of evidence for policy and practice
Samantha currently leads aprogram of researchfunded by the Australian Prevention Partnership Centre exploring the role ofcitizen science approaches in chronic disease prevention. She is particularly interested in partnership research and works closely with a range of stakeholders from policy and practice settings to co-design and conduct research.
Samantha also has broad interests various health, including antibiotic usage, healthcare systems, health communication. She isa mixed-methods researcher with expertise qualitative and quantitative approaches, evidence synthesis and evaluation research.
Samantha is Unit Coordinator for the following courses at the University of Sydney:
- Master of Health Policy: HPOL5009 - Health Policy Project
- Master of Health Policy: HPOL5003 - Analysing Health Policy
Samantha has previously been involved in the following courses at the University of Sydney:
- Doctor of Medicine: MDMP5318 - Population Medicine 3 - Tutor
- Doctor of Medicine:MDMP5126 - MD Project Development 1 - Tutor
- Master of Public Health: PUBH5035 - Capstone in Public Health - Project Supervisor
- Master of Public Health:PUBH5505 Qualitative Health Research - Tutor
In addition, she has expertise and interests in teaching in a range of areas, including
- Research Methods
- Statistics for Social Science
- Qualitative Methods
- Health Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Health Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
Citizen Science in Prevention
This is a co-produced research project in which researchers will support policy and practice partners to develop and implement citizen science projects in their own contexts. This will enable partners to develop practical experience and expertise in citizen science approaches and become champions for this approach, paving this way for others to follow. Project funded by the Australian Prevention Partnership Centre.
The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre
Australian Citizen Science Association
European Citizen Science Association
(University of Cardiff) Collaboration with Professor Molly Courtenay on projects exploring the use of antibiotics for acute respiratory tract infections |
- Morgan, M., Stratford, E., Rowbotham, S., Harpur, S. (2024). How can local government be better supported to collaborate for community health and wellbeing? Australian Journal of Public Administration. [More Information]
- Morgan, M., Stratford, E., Harpur, S., Rowbotham, S. (2023). A Systems Thinking Approach for Community Health and Wellbeing. Systematic Practice and Action Research. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Walker, P., Marks, L., Irving, M., Smith, B., Laird, Y. (2023). Building capacity for citizen science in health promotion: a collaborative knowledge mobilisation approach. Research Involvement and Engagement, 9(1). [More Information]
- Morgan, M., Stratford, E., Rowbotham, S., Harpur, S. (2024). How can local government be better supported to collaborate for community health and wellbeing? Australian Journal of Public Administration. [More Information]
- Morgan, M., Stratford, E., Harpur, S., Rowbotham, S. (2023). A Systems Thinking Approach for Community Health and Wellbeing. Systematic Practice and Action Research. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Walker, P., Marks, L., Irving, M., Smith, B., Laird, Y. (2023). Building capacity for citizen science in health promotion: a collaborative knowledge mobilisation approach. Research Involvement and Engagement, 9(1). [More Information]
- Laird, Y., Marks, L., Smith, B., Walker, P., Garvey, K., Jose, K., O'Rourke, S., Pontifex, K., Wardle, K., Rowbotham, S. (2023). Harnessing citizen science in health promotion: perspectives of policy and practice stakeholders in Australia. Health Promotion International, 38(5). [More Information]
- Marks, L., Laird, Y., Trevena, H., Smith, B., Rowbotham, S. (2022). A Scoping Review of Citizen Science Approaches in Chronic Disease Prevention. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 743348. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Laird, Y., Marks, L., Walker, P., Pontifex, K., Sobhan, A., Wardle, K., Jose, K., Garvey, K., O'Rourke, S., Smith, B. (2022). Building Capacity to Apply Citizen Science Approaches in Policy and Practice for Public Health: Protocol for a Developmental Evaluation of Four Stakeholder-Led Projects. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 7(1). [More Information]
- Howse, E., Watts, C., McGill, B., Kite, J., Rowbotham, S., Hawe, P., Bauman, A., Freeman, B. (2022). Sydney's ‘last drinks’ laws: A content analysis of news media coverage of views and arguments about a preventive health policy. Drug and Alcohol Review, 41(3), 561-574. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Astell-Burt, T., Barakat, T., Hawe, P. (2020). 30+ years of media analysis of relevance to chronic disease: a scoping review. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 364. [More Information]
- Haynes, A., Rowbotham, S., Grunseit, A., Goldbaum, E., Slaytor, E., Wilson, A., Lee, K., Davidson, S., Wutzke, S. (2020). Knowledge mobilisation in practice: an evaluation of the Australian Prevention Partnership Centre. Health Research Policy and Systems, 18(1), 13. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Mckinnon, M., Leach, J., Lamberts, R., Hawe, P. (2019). Does citizen science have the capacity to transform population health science? Critical Public Health, 29(1), 118-128. [More Information]
- Courtenay, M., Rowbotham, S., Lim, R., Peters, S., Yates, K., Chater, A. (2019). Examining influences on antibiotic prescribing by nurse and pharmacist prescribers: A qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework and COM-B. BMJ Open, 9(6), 1-11. [More Information]
- Norris, J., Zhuo, A., Govendir, M., Rowbotham, S., Labbate, M., Degeling, C., Gilbert, G., Dominey-Howes, D., Ward, M. (2019). Factors influencing the behaviour and perceptions of Australian veterinarians towards antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance. PloS One, 14(10), 1-19. [More Information]
- Duffield, C., Roche, M., Twigg, D., Williams, A., Rowbotham, S., Clarke, S. (2018). Adding unregulated nursing support workers to ward staffing: Exploration of a natural experiment. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27, 3768-3779. [More Information]
- Astell-Burt, T., Rowbotham, S., Hawe, P. (2018). Communicating the benefits of population health interventions: The health effects can be on par with those of medication. SSM - Population Health, 6, 54-62. [More Information]
- Wutzke, S., Rowbotham, S., Haynes, A., Hawe, P., Kelly, P., Redman, S., Davidson, S., Stephenson, J., Overs, M., Wilson, A. (2018). Knowledge mobilisation for chronic disease prevention: the case of the Australian Prevention Partnership Centre. Health Research Policy and Systems, 16(1), 1-16. [More Information]
- Courtenay, M., Rowbotham, S., Lim, R., Deslandes, R., Hodson, K., MacLure, K., Peters, S., Stewart, D. (2017). Antibiotics for acute respiratory tract infections: A mixed-methods study of patient experiences of non-medical prescriber management. BMJ Open, 7(3), 1-9. [More Information]
- Duffield, C., Chapman, S., Rowbotham, S., Blay, N. (2017). Nurse-Performed Endoscopy: Implications for the Nursing Profession in Australia. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 18(1), 36-43. [More Information]
- Grunseit, A., Rowbotham, S., Pescud, M., Indig, D., Wutzke, S. (2016). Beyond fun runs and fruit bowls: An evaluation of the meso-level processes that shaped the Australian Healthy Workers Initiative. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 27(3), 251-258. [More Information]
- Roche, M., Duffield, C., Friedman, S., Twigg, D., Dimitrelis, S., Rowbotham, S. (2016). Changes to nurses' practice environment over time. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(5), 666-675. [More Information]
- Farmer, A., McSharry, J., Rowbotham, S., McGowan, L., Ricci-Cabello, I., French, D. (2016). Effects of interventions promoting monitoring of medication use and brief messaging on medication adherence for people with Type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of randomized trials. Diabetic Medicine, 33(5), 565-579. [More Information]
- Courtenay, M., Carter, S., Rowbotham, S., Peters, S. (2015). Antibiotic prescribing in primary care: The need for interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(4), 404-405. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Lloyd, D., Holler, J., Wearden, A. (2015). Externalizing the private experience of pain: a role for co-speech gestures in pain communication? Health Communication, 30(1), 70-80. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Holler, J., Lloyd, D., Wearden, A. (2014). Handling pain: The semantic interplay of speech and co-speech hand gestures in the description of pain sensations. Speech Communication, 57, 244-256. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Wardy, A., Lloyd, D., Wearden, A., Holler, J. (2014). Increased pain intensity is associated with greater verbal communication difficulty and increased production of speech and co-speech gestures. PloS One, 9(10), 1-6. [More Information]
- Noke, M., Rowbotham, S. (2014). Is your health in your hands? Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of a University Outreach event to engage the public in Health Psychology. Health Psychology Update, 23(2), 50-55.
- Rowbotham, S., Wearden, A., Lloyd, D., Holler, J. (2013). A descriptive analysis of the role of co-speech gestures in the representation of information about pain quality. Health Psychology Update, 22(1), 19-25.
- Rowbotham, S., Noke, M., Butterworth, R. (2013). Development and delivery of an Outreach training event for postgraduate psychology students. PsyPAG Quarterly, 89, 14-15.
- Rowbotham, S., Peters, S. (2013). Resisting patient demand for antibiotics. Nursing Times, 109(31/32), 14-15.
- Rowbotham, S., Chisholm, A., Moschogianis, S., Chew-Graham, C., Cordingley, L., Wearden, A., Peters, S. (2012). Challenges to nurse prescribers of a no-antibiotic prescribing strategy for managing self-limiting respiratory tract infections. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(12), 2622-2632. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S., Holler, J., Lloyd, D., Wearden, A. (2012). How do we communicate about pain? A systematic analysis of the semantic contribution of co-speech gestures in pain-focused conversations. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 36(1), 1-21. [More Information]
- Rowbotham, S. (2012). International Society for Gesture Studies. PsyPAG Quarterly, 85, 35-36.
- Peters, S., Rowbotham, S., Chisholm, A., Wearden, A., Moschogianis, S., Cordingley, L., Baker, D., Hyde, C., Chew-Graham, C. (2011). Managing self-limiting respiratory tract infections: a qualitative study of the usefulness of the delayed prescribing strategy. British Journal of General Practice, 61(590), e579-e589. [More Information]
- Lloyd, D., Coates, A., Knopp, J., Oram, S., Rowbotham, S. (2009). Don't stand so close to me: the effect of auditory input on interpersonal space. Perception, 38(4), 617-620. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Using citizen science to monitor and enhance walkability in Western Sydney, Laird Y, Rowbotham S, Smith B, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Partnership Centres for Better Health
- System Perspectives on Preventing Lifestyle-Related Chronic Health Problems, Rowbotham S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Partnership Centres for Better Health