Dr Sandra L J Johnson
Child and Adolescent Health, Children's Hospital, Westmead
President of Australasian College of Legal Medicine (2017-2019)
Clinical Associate Professor at Sydney Medical School and the Discipline of Child and Adolesecent Health at Children's Hospital Westmead Clinical School.
Personal interest and current study in AI, ML and Ethics in Healthcare.
Paediatric private practice in Child Development including learning disorders, attention disorders, autism, school difficulties, communication and language disorders. Medico-legal assessments of children with brain injury, cerebral palsy and developmental disorders.
Teaching and publications in the fields of child development and legal medicine.
Key author of a book published by Elsevier/ Churchill Livingstone 2012: "A Clinical Handbook on Child Development Paediatrics by Sandra Johnson".
Chapter written for textbook on Legal Medicine: (Ed: Beran) published by Springer 2013.
Research student with APSU for 12 months (2012-2013) - Impact of rare diseases on children and families.
Authorship of several peer reviewed journal articles.
Author and publisher of "Your Child's Development by Dr Sandra Johnson."
Current interests:
- The influence of Technology on Child Development and on our behaviour.
- Personal study: Robotics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Health Data Science
Teaching of Medicine and Law to graduate medical students at University of Sydney.
Developing teaching programs within the ACLM.
Teaching developmental and behavioural paediatrics to paediatric registrars.
Teaching of Legal Medicine to paediatric registrars and other doctors.
Teaching on the Masters of Paediatrics Course of the University of Sydney.
Writing books and articles relevant to child development and behavioural paediatrics.
Lectures to teachers, special educators and parent groups on Child Development.
Future interest in teaching in the community about personal responsibility for Health and Healthcare.
Current study and research
- Health Data Science with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the Imperial College London
- Ongoing personal study in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare.
- Currently collaborating in work on Ethical Guidelines for the use of AI in Medicine.
Study and personal research in Technology:
- Robotics and Society - Course through Queensland University of Technology (Nov-Dec 2016)
- Big Data: Measuring and Predicting Human Behaviour - Course through University of Warwick, United Kingdom. (April-July 2017)
- Personal study in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Development of the website for private practice "Child Development Paediaitrics":
- www.child-development.com.au
Work on website for Australasian College of Legal Medicine
- www.legalmedicine.com.au
Work being done on a new book:
- for parents, teachers and carers on learning difficulties.
Honorary Fellow of American College of Legal Medicine (FCLM Hon)
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians ( FRACP)
Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (FRCPCH)
Fellow of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine (FACLM)
President of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine (ACLM).
Previously elected member of the Division of Paediatrics and Child Health of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)
Member of the Sydney University Forensic Medicine and Science Network
Member of Lifecourse Research Network USA
Member of the Australian Society of Authors. (ASA)
Member of the Australian Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
NSW Ambulance Citation for Courage - Community
Award for attendance at the scene of an accident in February 2018 when a motorcycle rider was thrown across the bonnet of a 4WD vehicle. I suspected a spinal injury and remained with the patient until the ambulance arrived when I handed over care.
This event occurred across a busy road and traffic needed to be diverted off road around the scene of the accident. I called the police who came to assist and I called the ambulance as well.
(University of Cape Town) Medical Degree MB.ChB | |
(Royal Society of Medicine) Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine | |
(Uehiro Centre of Oxford University) Sandra has met with Dr Hannah Maslen at the Uehiro Centre and aims to encourage postgraduate clinicians of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine and other postgraduate students to attend training in Practical Ethics at the Centre. Sandra also plans to develop collaboration in research in the area of Ethics, AI and Machine Learning as it relates to Healthcare. | |
(American College of Legal Medicine) As President of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine Sandra has established links with colleagues of the sister college in USA. She is connected to the Treasurer and President of this college. She has been invited to be the Reuters Lecturer at the American College of Legal Medicine conference in February 2019 and her presentation will be: "AI, Machine Learning and Ethics in Healthcare." | |
(American College of Legal Medicine) Honorary Fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine |
Selected publications
- Johnson, S. (2013). Your Child's Development: Nurturing Healthy Self-Esteem and Relationships. Sydney, Australia: S L J Johnson Pty Ltd.
- Johnson, S. (2012). A Clinical Handbook on Child Development Paediatrics. Sydney: Churchill Livingstone.
Book Chapters
- Johnson, S., Reddy, S. (2023). Ethics, Regulation and Legal Issues of AI in Healthcare. In Sandeep Reddy (Eds.), Translational Application of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: -A Textbook, (pp. 82-94). New York: Taylor and Francis. [More Information]
- Johnson, S. (2013). Legal and Forensic Medicine in Paediatrics. In Roy G Beran (Eds.), Legal and Forensic Medicine, (pp. 79-91). Berlin: Springer. [More Information]
- Johnson, S., Menezes, M. (2012). Motor and coordination problems. In Sandra Johnson (Eds.), A Clinical Handbook on Child Development Paediatrics, (pp. 40-49). Sydney: Churchill Livingstone.
- Teutsch, S., Zurynski, Y., Eslick, G., Deverell, M., Christodoulou, J., Leonard, H., Dalkeith, T., Johnson, S., Elliott, E. (2023). Australian children living with rare diseases: health service use and barriers to accessing care. World Journal of Pediatrics. [More Information]
- Johnson, S. (2019). AI, Machine Learning, and Ethics in Health Care. Journal of Legal Medicine, 39(4), 427-441. [More Information]
- Zurynski, Y., Deverell, M., Dalkeith, T., Johnson, S., Christodoulou, J., Leonard, H., Elliott, E. (2017). Australian children living with rare diseases: experiences of diagnosis and perceived consequences of diagnostic delays. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 12(1), 1-9. [More Information]
- Teutsch, S., Zurynski, Y., Eslick, G., Deverell, M., Christodoulou, J., Leonard, H., Dalkeith, T., Johnson, S., Elliott, E. (2023). Australian children living with rare diseases: health service use and barriers to accessing care. World Journal of Pediatrics. [More Information]
- Johnson, S., Reddy, S. (2023). Ethics, Regulation and Legal Issues of AI in Healthcare. In Sandeep Reddy (Eds.), Translational Application of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: -A Textbook, (pp. 82-94). New York: Taylor and Francis. [More Information]
- Johnson, S. (2019). AI, Machine Learning, and Ethics in Health Care. Journal of Legal Medicine, 39(4), 427-441. [More Information]
- Zurynski, Y., Deverell, M., Dalkeith, T., Johnson, S., Christodoulou, J., Leonard, H., Elliott, E. (2017). Australian children living with rare diseases: experiences of diagnosis and perceived consequences of diagnostic delays. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 12(1), 1-9. [More Information]
- Johnson, S. (2014). Commentary on: 'Analysis of legal claims'. BJOG, 121(1), 9-10. [More Information]
- Johnson, S. (2013). Legal and Forensic Medicine in Paediatrics. In Roy G Beran (Eds.), Legal and Forensic Medicine, (pp. 79-91). Berlin: Springer. [More Information]
- Johnson, S. (2013). Paediatric expert witness. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49(8), 611-613. [More Information]
- Johnson, S. (2013). Your Child's Development: Nurturing Healthy Self-Esteem and Relationships. Sydney, Australia: S L J Johnson Pty Ltd.
- Johnson, S. (2012). A Clinical Handbook on Child Development Paediatrics. Sydney: Churchill Livingstone.
- Johnson, S., Menezes, M. (2012). Motor and coordination problems. In Sandra Johnson (Eds.), A Clinical Handbook on Child Development Paediatrics, (pp. 40-49). Sydney: Churchill Livingstone.
- Johnson, S., Blair, E., Stanley, F. (2011). Obstetric malpractice litigation and cerebral palsy in term infants. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 18(3), 97-100. [More Information]