Professor Simon Chapman

Professor Simon Chapman

Emeritus Professor Public Health. School of Public Health
+61 (0) 438340304
Professor Simon Chapman

Simon Chapman AO PhD FASSA Hon FFPH (UK) is Emeritus Professor in Public Health at the University of Sydney, from which he retired in February 2016. I live in Sydney on Gadigal land.

My Conversation column (see links to other articles in CV above) (3.513 m reads)

Twitter impressions: 2015: 4.242m; 2016: 3.73m; 2017: 2.896m; 2018: 3.822m; 2019: 5.163m; 2020: 6.412m

Most accessed/downloaded author in University of Sydney’s escholarship repository (349,656 accesses).

Ranked 15,782 for citations among 6,880,389 authors with 5 or more publications from 1996-2017 (see Ioannidis et al 2020) and 127 among 48,533 public health authors.

Career highlights

• Co-convenor of the Coalition for Gun Control (1994-1996) which won the 1996 Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s Community Human Rights award.

• Deputy editor (1992-97), Editor (1998-2008), Emeritus Editor since 2009, Tobacco Control

• World Health Organization World No Tobacco Day Medal for tobacco control, 1997

• National Heart Foundation (Australia), President’s Gold Medal, 1999

• Life member, Australian Consumers’ Association, publishers of Choice (conferred 2003) for 20 years of board membership, including four as chair.

• American Cancer Society’s Luther Terry Medal for Outstanding Individual Leadership. 13th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, August 2003

• Research selected as one of Australia’s “10 best” by National Health & Medical Research Council, 2005 and 2010 (as part of team led by Prof Melanie Wakefield)

President’s Award Thoracic Society of Australia, 2006

• One of 8 past and present public health academics profiled in the Faculty of Medicine’s 150th Anniversary book 150 Years, 150 Firsts. The people of the Faculty of Medicine, 2006.

NSW Premier’s Award (medal and $50,000): Outstanding Cancer Researcher of the Year, 22 May 2008

• Elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia (FASSA) 2008

NSW Finalist Australian of the Year 2009

Sidney Sax Medal 2008: Public Health Association of Australia

• One of the “top 100 of Sydney’s most influential people.” Sydney Morning Herald Sydney Magazine, Jan 2009 and Nov 2012.

• Distinguished Professorial Achievement Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney $10,000. November 2012

• Elected Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Public Health of Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom March 2013

Officer in the Order of Australia (AO) Jun 10, 2013 “for distinguished service to medical research as an academic and author, particularly in the area of public health policy, and to the community.”

Australian Skeptic of the Year (awarded by Australian Skeptics Inc, Nov 23, 2013)

Institute of Public Affairs (Australia) IPA Review Jan 2014. One of “The Dirty dozen” all-time Australian “opponents of freedom”

• Rockefeller Foundation. Writer in residence, Bellagio Center, Lake Como, Italy April 1-29, 2014

• Public Health Impact Award, NSW Public Health Association 2016

Professor Chapman has retired from the University of Sydney and from 2016 has had Emeritus Professor status conferred. He is contactable by email (

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer



  • Chapman, S. (2016). Smoke Signals. Sydney: Sydney University Press.
  • Scollo, M., Wakefield, M., Sullivan, D., Roberts, L., Purcell, K., Larkin, S., Connors, C., Chapman, S., Briggs, V., Daube, M. (2008). Technical Report No.2 Tobacco Control in Australia: Making Smoking History. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Chapman, S. (2007). Public health advocacy and tobacco control: making smoking history. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Liberman, J., Scollo, M., Freeman, B., Chapman, S. (2012). Plain Tobacco Packaging in Australia: The Historical and Social Context. In T Voon, A Mitchell, J Liberman, G Ayres (Eds.), Public Health And Plain Packaging Of Cigarettes: Legal Issues, (pp. 30-47). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S. (2010). Influencing politicians to implement comprehensive tobacco control: the power of news media. In P Boyle, N Gray, J Henningfield, J Seffrin & W Zatonski (Eds.), Tobacco: Science, policy, and public health, (pp. 691-696). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S., Freeman, B. (2009). Why has smoking in Australian youth never been lower? In Bennet, D; Towns, S; Elliot, E; Merrick, J. (Eds.), Challenges in Adolescent Health: An Australian Perspective, (pp. 153-161). United States: Nova Science Publishers.


  • Osibogun, O., Chapman, S., Peters, M., Bursac, Z., Maziak, W. (2022). E-cigarette Transitions Among US Youth and Adults: Results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study (2013–2018). Journal of Prevention, 43(3), 387-405. [More Information]
  • Daube, M., Chapman, S. (2021). Correcting errors. Addiction, 116(9), 2586-2587. [More Information]
  • Daube, M., Chapman, S. (2021). Reporting Conflicts of Interest. American Journal of Public Health, 111(2), e1-e2. [More Information]

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Chapman, S. (2006). BAT should but out of smoking reforms. Canberra Times.
  • Chapman, S. (2006). How can an ethics index give a tobacco giant top billing? Crikey.
  • Chapman, S. (2006). Is Ruddock keeping the home fires burning? Crikey.


  • Sanders, J., Mitchell, J., Mitchell, E., Peick, L., Wyndham, A., Oakes, W., McKenzie, J., Jones, A., Cotter, T., Kia, A., Chapman, S., et al (2005). NSW Tobacco Action Plan 2005-2009: A vision for the future.
  • Chapman, S., Balmain, A. (2004). Reduced ignition propensity cigarettes. A review of policy relevant information..
  • Carter, S., Borland, R., Chapman, S. (2001). Finding the strength to kill your best friend: smokers talk about smoking and quitting.


  • Osibogun, O., Chapman, S., Peters, M., Bursac, Z., Maziak, W. (2022). E-cigarette Transitions Among US Youth and Adults: Results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study (2013–2018). Journal of Prevention, 43(3), 387-405. [More Information]


  • Daube, M., Chapman, S. (2021). Correcting errors. Addiction, 116(9), 2586-2587. [More Information]
  • Daube, M., Chapman, S. (2021). Reporting Conflicts of Interest. American Journal of Public Health, 111(2), e1-e2. [More Information]


  • Huang, X., Fu, W., Zhang, H., Li, H., Li, X., Yang, Y., Wang, F., Gao, J., Zheng, P., Fu, H., Ding, D., Chapman, S. (2020). Development and validation of a smoking rationalization scale for male smokers in China. Journal of Health Psychology, 25(4), 472-489. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S., Bareham, D., Maziak, W. (2019). The Gateway Effect of e-cigarettes; Reflections on main Criticisms. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 21(5), 695-698. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S., Alpers, P. (2018). Australia's 1996 gun law reforms halted mass shootings for 22 years: A response to criticism from Gary Kleck. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, 10(1), 94-103. [More Information]
  • Thomas, D., Hefler, M., Bonevski, B., Calma, T., Carapetis, J., Chamberlain, C., Chapman, S., Daube, M., Eades, S., Finlay, S., Freeman, B., et al (2018). Australian researchers oppose funding from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(6), 506-507. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S., Stewart, M., Alpers, P. (2018). Fatal Firearm Incidents Before and After Australia's 1996 National Firearms Agreement Banning Semiautomatic Rifles. Annals of Internal Medicine, 169(1), 62-64. [More Information]


  • Malone, R., Chapman, S., Gupta, P., Nakkash, R., Ntiabang, T., Bianco, E., Saloojee, Y., Vathesatogkit, P., Huber, L., Bostic, C., et al (2017). A "frank statement"for the 21st century? Tobacco Control, 26(6), 611-612. [More Information]
  • Smith, A., Carter, S., Dunlop, S., Freeman, B., Chapman, S. (2017). Measured, opportunistic, unexpected and naive quitting: a qualitative grounded theory study of the process of quitting from the ex-smokers' perspective. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S., Daube, M., Maziak, W. (2017). Should e-cigarette use be permitted in smoke-free public places? No. Tobacco Control, 26(1), e3-e4. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S., Alpers, P., Jones, M. (2016). Association between gun law reforms and Intentional Firearm Deaths in Australia, 1979-2013. JAMA, 316(3), 291-299. [More Information]
  • McKee, M., Daube, M., Chapman, S. (2016). E-cigarettes should be regulated. Medical Journal of Australia, 204(9), 331-332.e1. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S., Azizi, L., Luo, Q., Sitas, F. (2016). Has the incidence of brain cancer risen in Australia since the introduction of mobile phones 29 years ago? Cancer Epidemiology, 42, 199-205. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S. (2015). A complete smoking ban in psychiatric hospitals is ethically wrong. BMJ, 351, 1-1. [More Information]
  • Newson, R., King, L., Rychetnik, L., Bauman, A., Redman, S., Milat, A., Schroeder, J., Cohen, G., Chapman, S. (2015). A mixed methods study of the factors that influence whether intervention research has policy and practice impacts: perceptions of Australian researchers. BMJ Open, 5(7), 1-13. [More Information]
  • Wang, F., Zheng, P., Freeman, B., Chapman, S. (2015). Chinese tobacco companies' social media marketing strategies. Tobacco Control, 24(4), 408-409. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S. (2014). Author response. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 38(2), 192-193. [More Information]
  • Freeman, B., Kelly, B., Baur, L., Chapman, K., Chapman, S., Gill, T., King, L. (2014). Digital Junk: Food and Beverage Marketing on Facebook. American Journal of Public Health, 104(12), e56-e64. [More Information]
  • Webster, J., Dunford, E., Kennington, S., Neal, B., Chapman, S. (2014). Drop the Salt! Assessing the impact of a public health advocacy strategy on Australian government policy on salt. Public Health Nutrition, 17(1), 212-218. [More Information]


  • Fogarty, A., Chapman, S. (2013). "Like Throwing a Bowling Ball at a Battle Ship" Audience Responses to Australian News Stories about Alcohol Pricing and Promotion Policies: A Qualitative Focus Group Study. PloS One, 8(6), 1-7. [More Information]
  • Paynter, J., Chapman, S., Freeman, B. (2013). Continued debate on "Is censorship of films a useful solution to the problem of covert tobacco advertising?". New Zealand Medical Journal, 126(1377), 85-87. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S., Alpers, P. (2013). Gun-related deaths: how Australia stepped off "the American path". Annals of Internal Medicine, 158(10), 770-771. [More Information]


  • Derrick, G., Hayen, A., Chapman, S., Haynes, A., Webster, B., Anderson, I. (2012). A bibliometric analysis of research on Indigenous health in Australia, 1972-2008. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 36(3), 269-273. [More Information]
  • Imison, M., Chapman, S. (2012). Australian journalists' reflections on local coverage of a health-related story from the developing world. Australian Journalism Review, 34(1), 93-107. [More Information]
  • Fogarty, A., Chapman, S. (2012). Australian television news coverage of alcohol, health and related policies, 2005 to 2010: implications for alcohol policy advocates. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 36(6), 530-536. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S., Derrick, G., Haynes, A., Hall, W. (2011). Democratising assessment of researchers' track records: a simple proposal. Medical Journal of Australia, 195(3), 147-148. [More Information]
  • Fogarty, A., Chapman, S. (2011). Framing and the marginalisation of evidence in media reportage of policy debate about alcopops, Australia 2008-2009: Implications for advocacy. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30(6), 569-576. [More Information]
  • Haynes, A., Derrick, G., Chapman, S., Redman, S., Hall, W., Gillespie, J., Sturk, H. (2011). From "our world" to the "real world": Exploring the views and behaviour of policy-influential Australian public health researchers. Social Science and Medicine, 72(7), 1047-1055. [More Information]


  • Leask, J., Chapman, S., Cooper, S. (2010). "All manner of ills": The features of serious diseases attributed to vaccination. Vaccine, 28(17), 3066-3070. [More Information]
  • Mackenzie, R., Chapman, S., Holding, S., Stiven, A. (2010). "No Respecter of Youth": Over-representation of Young Women in Australian Television Coverage of Breast Cancer. Journal of Cancer Education, 25(4), 565-570. [More Information]
  • Imison, M., Chapman, S. (2010). 'Disease, Disaster and Despair'? The Presentation of Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries on Australian Television. PloS One, 5(11), e14106-1-e14106-5. [More Information]


  • Mackenzie, R., Chapman, S., McGeechan, K., Holding, S. (2009). 'A disease many people still feel uncomfortable talking about': Australian television coverage of colorectal cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 19(3), 283-288. [More Information]
  • Sweet, M., Chapman, S., Moynihan, R., Green, J. (2009). CHAMP: a novel collaboration between public health and the media. Medical Journal of Australia, 190(4), 206-207. [More Information]
  • McLeod, K., Wakefield, M., Chapman, S., Smith, K., Durkin, S. (2009). Changes in the news representation of smokers and tobacco-related media advocacy from 1995 to 2005 in Australia. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63(3), 215-220. [More Information]


  • Jaure, A., Chapman, S., Sainsbury, P., Craig, J. (2008). An Analysis of Media Coverage on the Prevention and Early Detection of CKD in Australia. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 52(1), 159-170. [More Information]
  • Freeman, B., Chapman, S., Storey, P. (2008). Banning smoking in cars carrying children: an analytical history of a public health advocacy campaign. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32(1), 60-65. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S. (2008). Benefits and risks in ending regulatory exceptionalism for tobacco. Tobacco Control, 17(2), 73-74. [More Information]


  • Mackenzie, R., Chapman, S., Holding, S., McGeechan, K. (2007). 'A matter of faith, not science': analysis of media coverage of prostate cancer screening in Australian news media 2003-2006. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 100(11), 513-521. [More Information]
  • Hooker, L., Chapman, S. (2007). 'Our youth must be protected from drug abuse': talking tobacco control in the New South Wales Parliament from the 1960s to the twenty-first century. Health and History, 9(1), 106-128.
  • Li, M., Chapman, S., Agho, K., Eastman, C. (2007). Can even minimal news coverage influence consumer health related behaviour? A case study of iodised salt sales, Australia. Health Education Research, 23(3), 543-548. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S., Alpers, P., Agho, K., Jones, M. (2006). Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings. Injury Prevention, 12(6), 365-372. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S. (2006). BAT should but out of smoking reforms. Canberra Times.
  • Chapman, S. (2006). Butt clean up campaigns: Wolves in sheep's clothing? Tobacco Control, 15(4), 273-273. [More Information]


  • Blows, S., Ivers, R., Chapman, S. (2005). "Banned from the streets I have paid to use": an analysis of Australian print media coverage of proposals for passenger and night driving restrictions for young drivers. Injury Prevention, 11(5), 304-308. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S. (2005). A symphony of giving but the trumpet blowing's a bit overdone. Sydney Morning Herald.
  • Chapman, S. (2005). Australia: games with a model ad ban. Tobacco Control, 14(5), 297-298.


  • Chapman, S., Knight, J. (2004). "A Phony Way To Show Sincerity, As We All Well Know": Tobacco Industry Lobbying Against Tobacco Control In Hong Kong. Tobacco Control, 13 Suppl 2(Dec), ii13-ii21. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S., Knight, J. (2004). "Asia Is Now The Priority Target For The World Anti-Tobacco Movement": Attempts By The Tobacco Industry To Undermine The Asian Anti-Smoking Movement. Tobacco Control, 13(Suppl 2), ii30-ii36. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S., Knight, J. (2004). "Asian Yuppies..Are Always Looking For Something New And Different": Creating A Tobacco Culture Among Young Asians. Tobacco Control, 13(Suppl 2), ii22-ii29. [More Information]


  • Chapman, S., Carter, S., Peters, M. (2003). "A deep fragrance of academia": the Australian Tobacco Research Foundation. Tobacco Control, 12(Supplement 3), 38-44.
  • Chapman, S., Byrne, F., Carter, S. (2003). "Australia is one of the darkest markets in the world": the global importance of Australian tobacco control. Tobacco Control, 12(Supplement 3), iii1-iii3.
  • Chapman, S., Carter, S. (2003). "Avoid health warnings on all tobacco products for just as long as we can": a history of Australian tobacco industry efforts to avoid, delay and dilute health warnings on cigarettes. Tobacco Control, 12(Supplement 3), iii13-iii22.


  • Leask, J., Chapman, S. (2002). "The cold hard facts" Immunisation and vaccine preventable diseases in Australia's newsprint media 1993-1998. Social Science and Medicine, 54(3), 445-457. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S. (2002). A most unhealthy alliance - grand prix and tobacco firms. Sydney Morning Herald.
  • Davies, P., Chapman, S., Leask, J. (2002). Anitvaccination activists on the world wide web. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 87(1), 22-25. [More Information]


  • Leask, J., Chapman, S. (2001). 'The cold hard facts' immunisation and vaccine preventable disease in Australia's newsprint media 1993-1998. Social Science and Medicine, 54, 445-457.
  • Chapman, S., Dominello, A. (2001). A strategy for increasing news media coverage of tobacco and health in Australia. Health Promotion International, 16(2), 137-143. [More Information]
  • Chapman, S. (2001). A tobacco company by any other name smells suspicious. Sydney Morning Herald.


  • Chapman, S. (2000). An ounce of prevention. Good Weekend (Sydney Morning Herald & Age).
  • Chapman, S. (2000). Das kleine Einmaleins des Medienlobbyismus. (The little one-times-one table of media lobbying). In Dietmar Jazbinsek (Eds.), Gesundheits-kommunikation, (pp. 298-318). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Selected Grants


  • Online food and beverage marketing to children and adolescents, Freeman B, Chapman S, Baur L, Gill T, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/Preventive Health Research Grants Program


  • Characteristics of intervention research that progresses to real-world implementation, Bauman A, Chapman S, Milat A, Redman S, Rychetnik L, Milat A, King L, Milat A, Milat A, Redman S, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
  • The natural history of unassisted smoking cessation in Australia, Dunlop S, Chapman S, Carter S, Freeman B, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
  • Tobacco survey data analysis and reporting, Chapman S, Cancer Institute NSW/Tendered research support

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