Journals | - Osibogun, O., Chapman, S., Peters, M., Bursac, Z., Maziak, W. (2022). E-cigarette Transitions Among US Youth and Adults: Results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study (2013–2018). Journal of Prevention, 43(3), 387-405. [More Information]
- Daube, M., Chapman, S. (2021). Correcting errors. Addiction, 116(9), 2586-2587. [More Information]
- Daube, M., Chapman, S. (2021). Reporting Conflicts of Interest. American Journal of Public Health, 111(2), e1-e2. [More Information]
- Huang, X., Fu, W., Zhang, H., Li, H., Li, X., Yang, Y., Wang, F., Gao, J., Zheng, P., Fu, H., Ding, D., Chapman, S. (2020). Development and validation of a smoking rationalization scale for male smokers in China. Journal of Health Psychology, 25(4), 472-489. [More Information]
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- Smith, A., Chapman, S., Dunlop, S. (2015). What do we know about unassisted smoking cessation in Australia? A systematic review, 2005-2012. Tobacco Control, 24(1), 18-27. [More Information]
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