Industry partnerships - Sydney Conservatorium of Music
student, two laptop computers, headphones in a studio setting

Industry partnerships

Connect with us on a variety of music projects
We collaborate with arts and education partners, from Australia and around the world, to create opportunities for internships, interdisciplinary projects, music education pre-service students and research projects.

We are proud of our community of project partners and we always welcome new opportunities to work with arts and educational organisations. These collaborations provide many invaluable openings for shared knowledge, innovative research developments and networking.

We collaborate with research funding organisations including the Australian Research Council and the Australia Council for the Arts, and our composers, performers and scholars also work on a number of arts projects.

Sydney Conservatorium of Music also has a strong internship program that offers our students placements with many arts partners throughout NSW where they gain experience and skills in a variety of areas, including:


Past partnerships

Songs of Home tells the little-known story of music played and enjoyed in NSW during the first 70 years of the colony.

This vibrant musical world is explored through recordings of early music, rare instruments, printed scores, and remarkable stories of people creating home through song. Step into grand houses, humble cottages, vast landscapes, pubs and churches, and discover the soundtrack of early Sydney.

Students of the Conservatorium’s Historical Performance Division have been engaged to record the music used in the Exhibition as part of their curriculum in 2019.

2019 marked the third year partnering with the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music for an inclusion project to work on David Reeve’s Seven Little Australians in Wollongong’s Spiegeltent.

"These performances are unique in that it is a collaboration of professionals and young emerging artists, creating rare mentoring opportunities for the younger artists," says Director and Senior Lecturer in Stagecraft and Voice at the Conservatorium Dr Narelle Yeo.

The City Recital Hall is our inaugural partner for the University’s new interdisciplinary projects.

"The team at City Recital Hall really enjoyed developing ‘The Future of Live Performance’ industry project with the University of Sydney," says CEO Elaine Chia. "It’s a great initiative to bring together innovative thinkers across disciplines, and we are excited to see the outcome of their collaboration."

Four composition students engaged with and responded to exhibitions on frogs and mammoths.

"We were absolutely delighted to work with the Conservatorium and present the students’ original compositions within this after-hours series," Creative Producer Sue Saxon says. "Each student was very professional and dedicated to their compositions and performances, and we were very excited at the results and the audience response each evening." 

Limelight Magazine has enjoyed a great relationship with the Sydney Conservatorium of Music over many years. We love writing about the incredible talent coming from the Con and together we provide opportunities to foster new writing and publishing talent for arts media.
Andrew Batt-Rawden, Publisher, Limelight Magazine