

08 October 2022

Doctor of Business awarded to former NSW Premier

Former NSW Premier the Honourable Nick Greiner AC was recognised for his contributions across business and politics by the University of Sydney.

07 October 2022

Approaches to advocacy key to addressing access

A new research partnership between the University of Sydney and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has found effective approaches to advocacy are key to overcoming significant barriers to NDIS access experienced by people with psychosocial disability living in institutional facilities.
07 October 2022

Preserving a body of work

Thanks to a pioneering group of donors, rare pathological specimens will be preserved for future generations of students to study vital elements of human diseases.
07 October 2022

The Magic Flute

Mozart's final opera, The Magic Flute, transports audiences to a fantastical world of serpents, princesses, trials and mysteries. Good and evil battle, and truth and resolution are elusive. The final year performance is presented by students from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and the National Institute of Dramatic Art.
06 October 2022

Going with your gut

Ellie à Beckett left the majority of her estate as a gift in her will to advance bowel cancer research. More than 10 years on, researchers are edging closer to improved patient outcomes, with help from some surprising collaborators - your gut microbiome.
05 October 2022

Empowering a brighter future

A scholarship has bolstered Rameen's vision of an equitable resource sector at home and around the world.

05 October 2022

Conspiracy theories thrive on YouTube, new study

A new study by social media researchers at the University of Sydney and QUT has found conspiracy theories are thriving on YouTube despite the platform's efforts to harden posting rules and guidelines.
05 October 2022

SHE Robots

Women are rethinking how they can participate in a traditionally male-dominated area and how to integrate robots into traditional feminine practices. Ongoing research and a new exhibition led by academics from the School of Architecture, Design and Planning reveal how women are radically reshaping robotics.
04 October 2022

When art inspires engineering

Could the interface between art and science be more than just a source of inspiration and instead be used to unlock new scientific approaches?
04 October 2022

Positive psychology in disruptive times

Positive thinking is often promoted as the panacea of our times, with ideas of wellbeing and positivity flooding social media and corporate leadership programs. But can positive psychology really solve life's challenges?