
Kerkyasharian and Kayikian Fund for Armenian Studies

A scholarship for students and academics
This scholarship provides financial support to arts and social sciences students and academic staff to undertake research into Armenian studies.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
TBC (usually within $4,000 to $10,000)
  • Honours, master's by research or PhD student or academic affiliate in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Undertaking research in 19th century or earlier Armenian studies
  • Applying for project or activity funding
19 June 2024 14 August 2024

How to apply

Apply here.


The scholarship value will be determined by the selection committee and will be stipulated in the scholarship offer letter to the recipient(s). Note: The scholarship value is usually within the range of $4,000 to $10,000.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be an honours or postgraduate research student in, or an academic affiliate employed by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • conduct research in 19th century or earlier Armenian studies
  • be applying for project or activity funding for expenses detailed in Clauses 4.c. and/or 4.d. of the terms and conditions, that you expect to incur within 12 months from this scholarship's opening date.


This scholarship was established in 2014 to provide financial assistance to Honours, master's by research, PhD students and academics who are undertaking research in 19th century or earlier Armenian Studies.

Terms and conditions

1. Background
a. This Scholarship was established in 2014 to provide financial assistance to Honours, Masters by Research, PhD students and academics who are undertaking research in 19th century or earlier Armenian Studies.
b. ‘Armenian Studies’ refers to studies of any aspect of the Armenian nation and of Armenian individuals, whether occurring in Armenia or anywhere in the world, including, but not limited to:

I. archaeology,
II. architecture,
III. art history,
IV. classics and ancient history,
V. history, including military history,
VI. language and culture,
VII. linguistics,
VIII. literature,
IX. medieval studies,
X. music,
XI. peoples,
XII. philosophy, or
XIII. religion.

2. Eligibility

a. Applicants must be currently enrolled in an Honours, Masters by Research or PhD within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney at the time of scholarship application closing date.

b. Applicants must conduct research in 19th century or earlier Armenian Studies.

c. Applicants must be applying for project or activity funding to be used for expenses detailed in Clauses 4.c and/or 4.d that they expect to incur within twelve months from the scholarship application opening date.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the basis of:

I. academic excellence and merit,
II. curriculum vitae,
III. budget summary and justification, and
IV. the research project or activity including:

i. summary,
ii. relevance, significance and innovativeness,
iii. approach and methodology,
iv. outcome and impact, and
v. any potential collaboration with relevant University of Sydney Centres and Multidisciplinary Initiatives or other entities external to Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

b. A research project or activity which is likely to contribute towards a recognised research output will be highly regarded.

c. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the nomination of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Awards and Grants selection committee. The selection committee will consult with academic leadership within disciplines relevant to the submitted applications, as necessary. It will separately consider applications for awards under the categories for staff and students.

4. Value

a. The Scholarship value will be determined by the selection committee and will be stipulated in the Scholarship Offer Letter to recipient(s).

b. The Scholarship value will be paid as a one-off payment after a receipt of the Scholarship Acceptance Form.

c. The Scholarship will fund expenses such as:

I. travel for primary research,
II. research assistance,
III. purchase and/or reproduction of research materials, or
IV. activities to showcase research outputs.

d. The committee will also consider funding for:

I. marking relief,
II. conference-related expenses,
III. visits to the University by scholarly experts, or
IV. holding of conferences and seminars in a relevant field.

e. The Scholarship will not fund teaching relief or the purchase of computers, audio visual equipment or similar hardware.

f. The Scholarship cannot be deferred or transferred to another area of research without prior approval of the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

g. No other amount is payable.

h. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funding.

5. Termination

a. The Scholarship will be terminated:

I. on resignation or withdrawal of the student from their research degree, or
II. upon the student having completed the maximum candidature for their degree as per the University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule 2011 Policy.

b. The Scholarship may also be terminated by the University before this time if, in the opinion of the University the student has committed misconduct or other inappropriate conduct.

c. The Scholarship will be suspended throughout the duration of any enquiry/appeal process.

d. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error.

6. Misconduct

a. Where during the Scholarship a student engages in misconduct, or other inappropriate conduct (either during the Scholarship or in connection with the student’s application and eligibility for the Scholarship), which in the opinion of the University warrants recovery of funds provided, the University may require the student to repay payments made in connection with the Scholarship. Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct 2023 (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the results of research, or failure to declare or manage a serious conflict of interests), breach of the Student Charter 2020 and misrepresentation in the application materials or other documentation associated with the Scholarship.

b. The University may require such repayment at any time during or after the Scholarship period. In addition, by accepting this Scholarship, the student consents to all aspects of any investigation into misconduct in connection with this Scholarship being disclosed by the University to the funding body and/or any relevant professional body.

7. Acknowledgement

a. The scholarship recipient must acknowledge the support of their scholarship in any media, publications or presentations arising from the research.

b. The recipient must provide copies of all media articles arising as a result of the research to the Faculty Research Office.

8. Reporting

a. Upon completion of their project or activities, the recipient must submit to the Faculty Research Office:

I. a short written report, and
II. a financial report which includes information on the expenditure of funds in relation to the Scholarship.

9. Other Requirements

a. Recipients are required to maintain receipts for up to one year for all costs incurred that are relevant to this Scholarship.

b. Recipients may be required to produce these receipts if requested by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.


a. This Scholarship was established in 2014 to provide financial assistance to Honours, Masters by Research, PhD students and academics who are undertaking research in 19th century or earlier Armenian Studies.
b. ‘Armenian Studies’ refers to studies of any aspect of the Armenian nation and of Armenian individuals, whether occurring in Armenia or anywhere in the world, including, but not limited to:

I. archaeology,
II. architecture,
III. art history,
IV. classics and ancient history,
V. history, including military history,
VI. language and culture,
VII. linguistics,
VIII. literature,
IX. medieval studies,
X. music,
XI. peoples,
XII. philosophy, or
XIII. religion.

2. Eligibility

a. Applicants must be an academic affiliate in a fixed term or continuing position employed within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney at the time of scholarship application closing date.

b. Applicants must conduct research in 19th century or earlier Armenian Studies.

c. Applicants must be applying for project or activity funding to be used for expenses detailed in Clauses 4.c and/or 4.d that they expect to incur within twelve months from the scholarship application opening date.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the basis of:

I. academic excellence and merit,
II. curriculum vitae,
III. budget summary and justification, and
IV. the research project or activity including:

i. summary,
ii. relevance, significance and innovativeness,
iii. approach and methodology,
iv. outcome and impact, and
v. any potential collaboration with relevant University of Sydney Centres and Multidisciplinary Initiatives or other entities external to Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

b. A research project or activity which is likely to contribute towards a recognised research output will be highly regarded.

c. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship on the nomination of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Awards and Grants selection committee. The selection committee will consult with academic leadership within disciplines relevant to the submitted applications, as necessary. It will separately consider applications for awards under the categories for staff and students.

4. Value

a. The Scholarship value will be determined by the selection committee and will be stipulated in the Scholarship Offer Letter to recipient(s).

b. The Scholarship value will be paid as a one-off payment after a receipt of the Scholarship Acceptance Form.

c. The Scholarship will fund expenses such as:

I. travel for primary research,
II. research assistance,
III. purchase and/or reproduction of research materials, or
IV. activities to showcase research outputs.

d. The committee will also consider funding for:

I. marking relief,
II. conference-related expenses,
III. visits to the University by scholarly experts, or
IV. holding of conferences and seminars in a relevant field.

e. The Scholarship will not fund teaching relief or the purchase of computers, audio visual equipment or similar hardware.

f. The Scholarship cannot be deferred or transferred to another area of research without prior approval of the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

g. No other amount is payable.

h. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funding.

5. Termination

a. The Scholarship may be terminated by the University before this time if, in the opinion of the University the staff member has committed misconduct or other inappropriate conduct.

b. Payments will be suspended throughout the duration of any enquiry/appeal process.

c. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error.

6. Acknowledgement

a. The scholarship recipient must acknowledge the support of their scholarship in any media, publications or presentations arising from the research.

b. The recipient must provide copies of all media articles arising as a result of the research to the Faculty Research Office.

7. Reporting

a. Upon completion of their project or activities, the recipient must submit to the Faculty Research Office:

I. a short written report, and
II. a financial report which includes information on the expenditure of funds in relation to the Scholarship.

8. Other Requirements

a. Recipients are required to maintain receipts for up to one year for all costs incurred that are relevant to this Scholarship.

b. Recipients may be required to produce these receipts if requested by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.