Engineering undergraduate scholarships - Scholarships
Two aeronautical engineering students working together

Faculty of Engineering

Bachelors and honours scholarships
From computer science to chemical engineering scholarships, we have a wide range of options for domestic engineering students.

To find a scholarship that works for you, expand the relevant school and click on the scholarship title links. Alternatively, you can browse the full list of undergraduate scholarships for Faculty of Engineering students in the table below.

This page includes scholarships for both prospective and current domestic students. 

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Value Eligibility
AINSE Honours Scholarship $5,000
  • Honours (or equivalent) student
  • Research project must involve the ANSTO
AINSE WISE School See page details
  • First-year female-identifying students
Appen Inclusive AI Scholarship in Computational Linguistics $8,000
  • Undergraduate coursework student in Faculty of Engineering
  • Enrolled in COMP4446
CAE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engineering Scholarship $10,000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Enrol in a bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Engineering
Engineering Academic Excellence Scholarship $3,000
  • Enrolled full-time in a coursework degree in the Faculty of Engineering
  • Have completed full-time study in their previous semesters
  • Achieved and maintained a WAM of at least 75
Engineering Access Scholarship $3,000
  • Domestic students
  • Currently enrolled in a coursework degree (including combined degrees) in Faculty of Engineering
  • Have completed at least one semester of study in their degree
  • Financial hardship
  • Not a recipient of any other scholarship
Engineering Sydney Industry Placement Scholarship $22,000
  • Full-time undergraduate or postgraduate coursework  student
  • Undertake a placement scheme
Engineering Vacation Research Internship Program Accelerated Scholarship $1,500
  • Completed the requirements of the Engineering Vacation Research Internship Program
  • Recipients of the Engineering Vacation Research Internship Program Scholarship
  • Continue working on the same internship project on a part-time basis for no more than 3 months
Engineering Undergraduate Merit Scholarships $10,000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Current school leaver
  • Commencing undergraduate studies in Faculty of Engineering
Engineering Vacation Research Internship Program Scholarship $500 p.w.
  • Coursework student
  • Student at the University of Sydney, or another Australian university
Faculty of Engineering Women in Engineering Excellence Scholarship $12,000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Current school leaver
  • Female student
Faculty of Engineering Women in Engineering Scholarship $10,000 for one year
  • Domestic student
  • Current school leaver
  • Female student
ICDF Engineering Indigenous Scholarship $31,000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Australian citizen
  • Identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
  • Apply for or be currently enrolled in an Engineering undergraduate degree in one of the following fields: Civil, Electrical, Aeronautical, Mechanical, Mechatronic or Space Engineering, Project Management or Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Faculty of Engineering One Sydney, Many People Scholarship $312.5 per credit point passed (up to $60,000)
  • Current school leaver
  • Enrol in a bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Engineering
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and/or experiencing financial hardship and/or from rural/regional/remote area
Hume Meller Engineering Scholarship $177.08 per credit point passed (up to $34,000)
  • Domestic student
  • Current school leaver
  • Female student
  • Apply for admission through EAS
Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation Scholarship $10,000
  • First or second-year student
  • Interested in issues related to urbanism
  • WAM of 65
Margaret Hamer Scholarship for Women in Engineering $6000
  • Female
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Recently completed high school
  • Commence any Bachelor of Engineering degree
Motorola Solutions Foundation Scholarship for Women in Engineering $7504 p.a. for 1 year
  • Domestic
  • Female
  • Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronic, or Software Engineering
Sydney Quantum Academy Undergraduate Research Scholarship $3333 p.a. (project duration)
  • Completed a minimum of 72 credit points towards your undergraduate degree
The AusIMM Education Endowment Fund Scholarships See page details
  • See page details
The Bill and Melia Hutchinson Scholarship $8,500 p.a. for up to a maximum of 5 years.
  • Domestic student enrolled in an engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree
  • Must have applied for admission to your undergraduate degree through UAC
  • When you applied for admission through UAC, you must have resided in an area listed in the bottom 25 percent of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation (IEO).
The Peter Koning Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering $312.5 per credit point passed (up to $60,000)
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Commencing full time in an eligible course
The Stanley Chisholm Ash Scholarship in Engineering $45,000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Enrol in undergraduate or postgraduate coursework engineering degree in the Faculty of Engineering
  • Be from a rural, regional or remote area of Australia
The William John and Lizzie May Sinclair Scholarship $25,000 p.a. (degree duration)
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student or from a low socio-economic background
Yim Family Foundation Scholarship - Engineering Vacation Research Program $600 p.w.
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework engineering students
The Peter Nicol Russell Undergraduate Scholarship $6000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Current or recent school leaver
  • Commence Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Mechanical or Mechatronic Engineering)
Undergraduate Scholarship in Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering $6000 pa (for up to 4 years)
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Low SES or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Apply to study aeronautical or aerospace engineering
  • High achiever
Alexander D Strang Scholarship in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering $6418
  • Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident
  • Enrolling in an undergraduate degree in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Primary residential address in a regional or remote area of Australia
F H Loxton Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship $20,000 (up to 4 years)
  • Enrol in a single or combined undergraduate degree at the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • From regional or remote area of Australia
Major Industrial Project Placement Scheme Scholarship $22,000
  • Full-time student in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
  • WAM of 75 or above
The Rolf Prince Scholarship $10,000
  • Recent school leaver
  • Studying an undergraduate degree at the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Frances Marion Smith Scholarship in Civil Engineering $6000
  • Second-year or later student studying civil engineering
LR and BA Browne Undergraduate Scholarship in Civil Engineering $10,000
  • NSW resident
  • Enrol into a civil engineering undergraduate degree
  • Demonstrate financial need
The Winifred Margaret Neirous Memorial Scholarship $6000 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Female
  • Enrol into Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil Engineering) degree
  • Able to demonstrate financial need, diligence and good conduct
Citadel Securities Prize for Excellence in Computer Science $1000
  • Full-time honours student studying the Bachelor of Advanced Computing
Scholarship in Engineering $12,000 p.a. (degree duration)
  • Domestic student
  • Current school leaver
  • Demonstrate financial hardship, medical condition, or be from a rural or remote area
School of Computer Science Honours Scholarships $6000
  • Domestic/international student
  • enrolled in Honours year
The Sir William Tyree Engineering Scholarship $16,000 p.a. (up to 3 years)
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Enrol full-time in the second year in the Faculty of Engineering
  • Demonstrate financial need, financial disadvantage, or social disadvantage

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