Professor Paul McGreevy
Paul McGreevy is a riding instructor, veterinarian and ethologist. The author of over 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications and seven books, Paul has received numerous Australian and international awards for his research and teaching innovations. He is a co-founder and honorary fellow of the International Society for Equitation Science. With federal funding, he leads a consortium of all the Australian and NZ veterinary faculties that has developed the One Welfare portal, delivering curriculum resources for the teaching of animal welfare science and ethics. He also leads the VetCompass initiative that has brought together all of the Australian veterinary schools to provide national disease surveillance for companion animals and horses.
Animal welfare science. Equitation science. Learning theory as applied to animal training and behaviour modification. Urban animal management. Use of IT in teaching and epidemiological research.
Topics: Animal husbandry; Ethology, Learning theory and Animal welfare science.
- Human-animal interactions
- Companion and performane animal welfare
- Eliminative behaviour
- Normal animal behaviour, learning theory and training.
- Unwelcome behaviours in companion and performance animals
- Principles in veterinary behavioural medicine
- Introduction to veterinary behavioural medicine
Contribution to the Profession and the Community:
Co-founder and Hon. Fellow: International Society for Equitation Science (ISES).
2019 - Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
2018 - Guide Dogs Australia – Veterinary Ambassador
2015 – Present Expert Advisory Panel – The Pet Professional Guild - Australia
2015 – Present Expert Advisory Panel – The Pet Professional Guild - British Isles
2014 – Present Editorial board: Animal Publics Series, Sydney University Press
2013 - Present Director – Australian Working Dog Alliance
2010 – Present Visiting Professor: Nottingham Trent University, UK
2010 – Present Adjunct Associate Professor: University of New England, Australia
2005 – Present Editorial board: Journal of Veterinary Behavior
2000 - Present Member of ANZCVS
1996 - Present International Society for Applied Ethology
- 2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research - University of Sydney2019 Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Impact Award2017 Lifetime Achievement Award for International Canine Health from the Kennel Club Charitable Trust.2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research - University of Sydney2019 Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Impact Award2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research - University of Sydney
- 2019 Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Impact Award
- 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award for International Canine Health from the Kennel Club Charitable Trust.
- 2017 Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association – Supervisor of the Year - Outstanding support for student wellbeing
- 2014 Honorary Fellow - International Society for Equitation Science.
- 2011 The top 100 in "the Sydney Morning Herald's 100 most Influential People of 2011"
- 2011 Winner Eureka Awards Research and Innovation, Research that contributes to Animal Protection
- 2010 Finalist "21st Eureka Research & Innovation award" Research that contributes to Animal Protection - Saving dogs from inherited disorders
- 2009 George Fleming Literary Award (Co-winner)
- 2009 Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Systems that Achieve Collective Excellence in Teaching and Learning (Co-winner)
- 2009 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare - Companion Animal Welfare Award (Co-winner)
- 2009 Ian Clunies Ross Memorial Award
- 2009 International Animal Welfare award from the British Society of Animal Science and RSPCA for innovation developments in animal welfare2008 Vice-Chancellor-s Award for Outstanding Teaching - University of Sydney
- 2008 National Teaching Award - Pearson Education UniServe Science
- 2008 Citation - Australian Learning and Teaching Council
- 2006 Quality Teaching Award - NSW Minister for Education and Training and the Australian College of Educators
- 2006 Excellence in Teaching AVA Award.
- 2005 National Excellence in Teaching Award - Australian Veterinary Association
- 2001 Prince Laurent Animal Welfare Prize (co-winner)
(Royal Veterinary College) VetCompass |
Selected publications
- McGreevy, P., Starling, M. (2019). Making Dogs Happy: A Guide to How They Think, What They Do (and Don’t) Want, and Getting to "Good Dog!" Behavior. Australia: The Experiment.
- McGreevy, P., Starling, M. (2018). Making Dogs Happy The expert guide to being your dog's best friend. Murdoch Books.
- McGreevy, P. (2012). Equine Behavior, 2nd Edition A Guide for Veterinarians and Equine Scientists. Great Britain: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Book Chapters
- Egerton, J., Evans, G., Fraser, D., Moran, C., McGreevy, P., Nicholas, F., Williamson, P. (2016). Animal husbandry and animal science. In John Egerton (Eds.), Veterinary research at the University of Sydney: The first century, (pp. 163-250). Sydney: The University of Sydney.
- McGreevy, P. (2011). Stereotypic Behavior. In Angus McKinnon, Edward Squires, Wendy Vaala, Dickson Varner (Eds.), Equine Reproduction, (pp. 2771-2775). Iowa, United States: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
- McGreevy, P. (2008). Training the opportunist and the comfort-seeker. The Finlay Lloyd Book about Animals. Australia: Finlay Lloyd Publishing.
- Wilkins, C., McGreevy, P., Cosh, S., Henshall, C., Jones, B., Lykins, A., Billingsley, W. (2024). Introducing the Mellorater—The Five Domains Model in a Welfare Monitoring App for Animal Guardians. Animals, 14(15). [More Information]
- Li, C., Powell, L., Stamatakis, E., McGreevy, P., Podberscek, A., Bauman, A., Edwards, K. (2024). Is dog walking suitable for physical activity promotion? Investigating the exercise intensity of on-leash dog walking. Preventive Medicine Reports, 41(102715), 1-4. [More Information]
- Fenner, K., Wilson, B., Ermers, C., McGreevy, P. (2024). Reported Agonistic Behaviours in Domestic Horses Cluster According to Context. Animals, 14(4). [More Information]
- Fenner, K., Yoon, S., White, P., Starling, M., McGreevy, P. (2016). The effect of noseband tightening on horses’ behaviour, eye temperature and cardiac responses. International Society for Equitation Science, N/A: N/A.
- Ternstrom., J., Hawson, L., Gunnarsson, E., Engvall, T., Karlsteen, M., Sundin, M., Berglin, L., McLean, A., McGreevy, P. (2013). Applications and use of smart textiles and technology in equine science. The 9th International Equitation Science Conference, Delaware, USA: University of Delaware Press / Associated Univeristy Press.
- McLean, A., Henshall, C., Starling, M., McGreevy, P. (2013). Arousal, attachment and affective state. The 9th International Equitation Science Conference, Delaware, USA: University of Delaware Press / Associated Univeristy Press.
- Schuerch, F., Heffernan, S., O'Brien, J., Thomson, P., McGreevy, P. (2005). Behavioural responses to the removal, absence and reintroduction of adult female baboons (Papio hamadryas).
Reference Works
- McGreevy, P. (2010). Pet Renting. Encyclodedia of Animal Rights and Animal Wefare, Second Edition. (pp. 407-409). USA: Greenwood Press.
- McGreevy, P. (2004). Vision, skull shape, and behavior in dogs. In Marc Bekoff (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. (pp. 111). United States: Greenwood Press.
Research Reports
- McGreevy, P., Wade, C., Arnott, E., Early, J. (2015). Valuable behavioural phenotypes in Australian farm dogs, 15/081 PRJ-007806, (pp. 1 - 73). Barton (ACT), Australia: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
- Wilkins, C., McGreevy, P., Cosh, S., Henshall, C., Jones, B., Lykins, A., Billingsley, W. (2024). Introducing the Mellorater—The Five Domains Model in a Welfare Monitoring App for Animal Guardians. Animals, 14(15). [More Information]
- Li, C., Powell, L., Stamatakis, E., McGreevy, P., Podberscek, A., Bauman, A., Edwards, K. (2024). Is dog walking suitable for physical activity promotion? Investigating the exercise intensity of on-leash dog walking. Preventive Medicine Reports, 41(102715), 1-4. [More Information]
- Fenner, K., Wilson, B., Ermers, C., McGreevy, P. (2024). Reported Agonistic Behaviours in Domestic Horses Cluster According to Context. Animals, 14(4). [More Information]
- Paul, E., Coombe, E., McGreevy, P., Packer, R., Neville, V. (2023). Are Brachycephalic Dogs Really Cute? Evidence from Online Descriptions. Anthrozoos, 36(4), 533-553. [More Information]
- Lykins, A., McGreevy, P., Bennett, B., Paul, N., Gotsis, N. (2023). Attachment styles, continuing bonds, and grief following companion animal death. Death Studies. [More Information]
- Moser, A., Brown, W., Bennett, P., Taylor, P., Wilson, B., McGreevy, P. (2023). Defining the Characteristics of Successful Biosecurity Scent Detection Dogs. Animals, 13(3). [More Information]
- Ladewig, J., McLean, A., Wilkins, C., Fenner, K., Christensen, J., McGreevy, P. (2022). A review of The Ridden Horse pain Ethogram and its potential to improve ridden horse welfare. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 54, 54-61. [More Information]
- Condon, V., McGreevy, P., McLean, A., Williams, J., Randle, H. (2022). Associations between commonly used apparatus and conflict behaviors reported in the ridden horse in Australia. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 49, 2014-01-01 00:00:00-14. [More Information]
- Hartmann, E., Byström, A., Pökelmann, M., Connysson, M., Kienapfel-Henseleit, K., Karlsteen, M., McGreevy, P., Egenvall, A. (2022). Associations between driving rein tensions and drivers’ reports of the behaviour and driveability of Standardbred trotters. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 254. [More Information]
- MacRae, A., McGreevy, P., Daros, R., Fraser, D. (2021). Can eye surface temperature be used to indicate a stress response in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)? Animal Welfare, 30(1), 91-100. [More Information]
- McKenzie, J., Fenner, K., Hyde, M., Anzulewicz, A., Burattini, B., Romness, N., Wilson, B., McGreevy, P. (2021). Equine Responses to Acceleration and Deceleration Cues May Reflect Their Exposure to Multiple Riders. Animals, 11(1), 1-16. [More Information]
- Quain, A., Mullan, S., McGreevy, P., Ward, M. (2021). Frequency, Stressfulness and Type of Ethically Challenging Situations Encountered by Veterinary Team Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 647108-1-647108-23. [More Information]
- Tong, L., Stewart, M., Johnson, I., Appleyard, R., Wilson, B., James, O., Johnson, C., McGreevy, P. (2020). A Comparative Neuro-Histological Assessment of Gluteal Skin Thickness and Cutaneous Nociceptor Distribution in Horses and Humans. Animals, 10(11), 1-15. [More Information]
- Starling, M., Spurrett, A., McGreevy, P. (2020). A pilot study of methods for evaluating the effects of arousal and emotional valence on performance of racing greyhounds. Animals, 10(6), 1037-1-1037- 19. [More Information]
- Burattini, B., Fenner, K., Anzulewicz, A., Romness, N., McKenzie, J., Wilson, B., McGreevy, P. (2020). Age-Related Changes in the Behaviour of Domestic Horses as Reported by Owners. Animals, 10(12), 1-17. [More Information]
- Englefield, B., Blackman, S., Starling, M., McGreevy, P. (2019). A review of australian animalwelfare legislation, regulation, codes of practice, and policy, and their influence on stakeholders caring for wildlife and the animals for whom they care. Animals, 9(6), 1-28. [More Information]
- Englefield, B., Candy, S., Starling, M., McGreevy, P. (2019). A trial of a solar-powered, cooperative sensor/actuator, opto-acoustical, virtual road- fence to mitigate roadkill in Tasmania, Australia. Animals, 9(10), 1-14. [More Information]
- Crago, F., Shea, G., James, O., Schemann, K., McGreevy, P. (2019). An opportunistic pilot study of radiographs of equine nasal bones at the usual site of nosebands. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 29, 70-76. [More Information]
- Englefield, B., Starling, M., McGreevy, P. (2018). A review of roadkill rescue: Who cares for the mental, physical and financial welfare of Australian wildlife carers? Wildlife Research, 45(2), 103-118. [More Information]
- Quain, A., Mullan, S., McGreevy, P. (2018). Application of Fraser’s “Practical” ethic in veterinary practice, and its compatibility with a “one welfare” framework. Animals, 8(7), 1-15. [More Information]
- Cornish, A., Ashton, B., Raubenheimer, D., McGreevy, P. (2018). Australian Consumers' Knowledge and Concern for Animal Welfare in Food Production: Influences on Purchasing Intentions. Society and Animals, 30(1), 23-50. [More Information]
- Payne, E., Starling, M., McGreevy, P. (2017). Addressing the Challenges of Conducting Observational Studies in Sheep Abattoirs. Animals, 7(11), 1-14. [More Information]
- Kydd, E., Padalino, B., Henshall, C., McGreevy, P. (2017). An analysis of equine round pen training videos posted online: Differences between amateur and professional trainers. PloS One, 12(9), 1-12. [More Information]
- Doherty, O., Casey, V., McGreevy, P., McLean, A., Parker, P., Arkins, S. (2017). An analysis of visible patterns of horse bit wear. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 18, 84-91. [More Information]
- Egerton, J., Evans, G., Fraser, D., Moran, C., McGreevy, P., Nicholas, F., Williamson, P. (2016). Animal husbandry and animal science. In John Egerton (Eds.), Veterinary research at the University of Sydney: The first century, (pp. 163-250). Sydney: The University of Sydney.
- Stone, H., McGreevy, P., Starling, M., Forkman, B. (2016). Associations between Domestic-Dog Morphology and Behaviour Scores in the Dog Mentality Assessment. PloS One, 11(2), 1-14. [More Information]
- Cornish, A., Caspar, G., Collins, T., Degeling, C., Quain, A., Fisher, A., Freire, R., Hazel, S., Hood, J., Johnson, A., Tzioumis, V., McGreevy, P., et al (2016). Career Preferences and Opinions on Animal Welfare and Ethics: A Survey of Veterinary Students in Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 43(3), 310-320. [More Information]
- Jones, B., Goodfellow, J., Yeates, J., McGreevy, P. (2015). A Critical Analysis of the British Horseracing Authority's Review of the Use of the Whip in Horseracing. Animals, 5(1), 138-150. [More Information]
- Thompson, K., McGreevy, P., McManus, P. (2015). A Critical Review of Horse-Related Risk: A Research Agenda for Safer Mounts, Riders and Equestrian Cultures. Animals, 5(3), 561-575. [More Information]
- Hill, E., McGreevy, P., Caspar, G., White, P., McLean, A. (2015). Apparatus use in popular equestrian disciplines in Australia. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 10(2), 147-152. [More Information]
- Cheung, K., Starling, M., McGreevy, P. (2014). A comparison of uniaxial and triaxial accelerometers for the assessment of physical activity in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 9(2), 66-71. [More Information]
- Carrasco, J., Georgevsky, D., Valenzuela, M., McGreevy, P. (2014). A pilot study of sexual dimorphism in the head morphology of domestic dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 9(1), 43-46. [More Information]
- Mattin, M., O'Neill, D., Church, D., McGreevy, P., Thomson, P., Brodbelt, D. (2014). An epidemiological study of diabetes mellitus in dogs attending first opinion practice in the UK. The Veterinary Record, 174(15), 1-7. [More Information]
- Starling, M., Branson, N., Thomson, P., McGreevy, P. (2013). "Boldness" in the domestic dog differs among breeds and breed groups. Behavioural Processes, 97, 53-62. [More Information]
- McGreevy, P., Hawson, L., Salvin, H., McLean, A. (2013). A note on the force of whip impacts delivered by jockeys using forehand and backhand strikes. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 8(5), 395-399. [More Information]
- McGreevy, P., Caspar, G., Evans, D. (2013). A pilot investigation into the opinions and beliefs of Australian, British, and Irish jockeys. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 8(2), 100-105. [More Information]
- VanRooy, D., McGreevy, P., Thomson, P., Wade, C. (2012). A pilot study of the genetic basis of separation-related stress disorder in dogs. 33rd Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, Brisbane: University of Queensland Press.
- McGreevy, P., Starling, M., Branson, N., Cobb, M., Calnon, D. (2012). An overview of the dog-human dyad and ethograms within it. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 7(2), 103-117. [More Information]
- Tomkins, L., Thomson, P., McGreevy, P. (2012). Associations between motor, sensory and structural lateralisation and guide. The Veterinary Journal, 192(3), 359-367. [More Information]
- O'Neill, D., Hendrickson, A., Church, D., McGreevy, P., Summers, J., Thomson, P., Brodbelt, D. (2011). An analysis of systemic glucocorticoid use in cats and dogs. Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Annual Conference, Germany: N/A.
- Evans, D., McGreevy, P. (2011). An Investigation of Racing Performance and Whip Use by Jockeys in Thoroughbred Races. PloS One, 6(1), 1-5. [More Information]
- Hall, C., Taylor, L., White, C., Owen, H., Huws, N., McGreevy, P. (2011). Assessment of ridden horse behaviour. 7th International Equitation Science Conference, the Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- McGreevy, P., Bennett, P. (2010). Challenges and paradoxes in the companion-animal niche. Animal Welfare, 19(S), 11-16.
- McGreevy, P., McLean, A. (2010). Equitation Science. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
- Jones, B., McGreevy, P. (2010). Ethical equitation: Applying a cost-benefit approach. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 5(4), 196-202. [More Information]
- McGreevy, P. (2009). A Modern Dog's Life. Australia: University of New South Wales (UNSW) Press.
- Tomkins, L., Thomson, P., McGreevy, P. (2009). Comparison of two motor laterality tests in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). 43rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology 2009, Australia: International Society for Applied Ethology.
- Keeley, T., McGreevy, P., O'Brien, J. (2009). Development of sperm cryopreservation methods for the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii). Australian Mammal Society Conference 2009, Australia: Australian Mammal Society.
- Randle, H., Francis, L., McGreevy, P. (2008). Association of facial hair whorl direction and motor laterality during grazing in the domestic horse (Equus caballus). 4th International Equitation Science Symposium 2008, Ireland: International Society for Equitation Science.
- Randle, H., Francis, L., McGreevy, P. (2008). Association of facial hair whorl direction and motor laterality during grazing in the domestic horse (Equus caballus). 4th International Equitation Science Symposium 2008, Ireland: International Society for Equitation Science.
- Valenzuela, M., Salvin, H., Sachdev, P., McGreevy, P. (2008). Dementia in Older Dogs: A data-driven approach to development of an ecologically valid diagnostic and assessment system. Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease AAICAD 2008, United States: Alzheimers Association.
- McGreevy, P., Landrieu, J., Malou, P. (2007). A note on motor laterality in plains zebras (Equus burchellii) and impalas (Aepyceros melampus). Laterality: asymmetries of body, brain and cognition, 12(5), 449-457. [More Information]
- McGreevy, P., George, S., Thomson, P. (2007). A note on the effect of changes in flooring on the behaviour of housed rams. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 107(3-4), 355-360. [More Information]
- Warren-Smith, A., Greetham, L., McGreevy, P. (2007). Behavioral and physiological responses of horses (Equus caballus) to head lowering. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2, 59-67. [More Information]
- Warren-Smith, A., McGreevy, P. (2006). An audit of the application of the principles of equitation science by qualified equestrian instructors in Australia. 2nd International Equitation Science Symposium 2006, Brescia, Italy: Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche.
- Taylor, R., Sheehy, P., Canfield, R., McGreevy, P., Tammen, I., Collier, M., Baguley, J. (2006). Assessing to encourage integration across disciplines- does it enhance learning early in a professional degree? CST Teaching and Learning Showcase 2006, Australia: CST Teaching and Learning Showcase 2006.
- Evans, K., McGreevy, P. (2006). Conformation of the Equine Skull: A Morphometric Study. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C, 35(4), 221-227. [More Information]
- Warren-Smith, A., Curtis, R., McGreevy, P. (2005). A low cost device for measuring the pressures exerted on domestic horses by riders and handlers. International Equitation Science Symposium 2005, University of Sydney: Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science.
- McGreevy, P. (2005). Applying selection pressure for appropriate reactivity. 1st Dogs Trust Meeting on Advances in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
- McGreevy, P., McLean, A. (2005). Behavioural problems with the ridden horse. In Mills DS & McDonnell SM (Eds.), The domestic horse: the origins, development, and management of its behaviour, (pp. 196-211). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- McGreevy, P., Grassi, T., Harman, A. (2004). A strong correlation exists between the distribution of retinal ganglion cells and nose length in the dog. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 63(1), 13-22. [More Information]
- McGreevy, P. (2004). Equine Behavior. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 24(9), 397-398.
- McGreevy, P. (2004). Equine Behavior: A Guide For Veterinarians and Equine Scientists. USA: Saunders Elsevier.
- McGreevy, P., Della Torre, P., Evans, D. (2003). Animal Behaviour Learning Environment (ABLE). 4th International Veterinary Behaviour Medicine Congress, Australia: Post-Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science.
- McGreevy, P., Della Torre, P., Evans, D. (2003). Animal behaviour learning environment: software to facilitate learning in canine and feline behaviour therapy. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 30(4), 308-317. [More Information]
- McGreevy, P. (2003). Behaviours associated with suckling and lactation in domestic species. Milk, Mammals and Marsupials: An International Perspective - 2003 Conference and Annual Meeting of the International Lactation Consultant Association, United States: International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA).
- McGreevy, P., Fougere, B., Collins, H., Thomson, P., Bartimote, K. (2002). Effect of declining owned-cat population on veterinary practices in Sydney. Australian Veterinary Journal, 80(12), 740-745. [More Information]
- Cooper, J., McGreevy, P. (2002). Stereotypic behaviour in the stabled horse: causes, effects and prevention without compromising horse welfare. In Natalie Waran (Eds.), The Welfare of Horses, (pp. 99-124). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- McGreevy, P., Fougere, B., Collins, H., Bartimote, K., Thomson, P. (2002). Trends in the population of pets attending Sydney Metropolitan practices. Australian Veterinary Journal, 80(12), 740-745.
- McGreevy, P., Hawson, L., Habermann, T., Cattle, S. (2001). Geophagia in horses : a short note on 13 cases. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 71, 119-125.
- McGreevy, P., Webster, A., Nicol,, C. (2001). Study of the behaviour, digestive efficiency and gut transit times of crib-biting horses. The Veterinary Record, 148(19), 592-596.
Selected Grants
- Optimising ADF military working dog performance through next-generation monitoring systems - RES20/927, McGreevy P, Starling M, NSW Department of Industry/Defence Innovation Network Project
- Increasing dog-walking in the community: what is the potential of wearable dog trackers The PAWalks trial, Stamatakis E, Rhodes R, McGreevy P, Sherrington C, Guastella A, Podberscek A, Bauman A, Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)/Research Support
In the media
The Queensland Timesreferred to research by Professor Paul McGreevy from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science on horse welfare and whips in its racing column. | November 2020 |
Radio New Zealandreported on a study co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy in the School of Veterinary Science about whipping race horses that found humans and horses have the equivalent basic anatomic structures to detect pain in the skin. The findings were also covered by JOEand on RN Breakfast. | November 2020 |
ABC (Radio National, Queensland Statewide) interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his research on the efficacy and ethics of the use of whips in thoroughbred racing. | November 2020 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy and Dr Bidda Jones from the School of Veterinary Science highlighting 10 reasons to stop whipping racehorses, including their new research revealing the likely pain it causes. The article and research was also reported in Yahoo! News. | November 2020 |
The Sunday Tasmanian referred to work on horse welfare by Professor Paul McGreevy from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science. | August 2020 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy from theSydney School of Veterinary Scienceabout how to make sure your dog doesn’t get ‘cabin fever’ during the novel coronavirus shutdown period. | April 2020 |
The Conversation published an article about the welfare of farm animals and consumer shopping choices. The story was co-written by Professor Paul McGreevy, Honorary Associate Dr Bidda Jones and PhD student Amelia Cornish, all from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science. This article was syndicated in The New Daily. | April 2020 |
The Conversationpublished a comment piece by Professor Paul McGreevy fromSydney School of Veterinary Scienceon why dogs don’t like being groomed. It was republished onGizmodoand other outlets. | March 2020 |
ABC Radio Sydney interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his research into horse behaviour mentioning he has received a Fulbright Scholarship to undertake research at Colorado University. | January 2020 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about how desexing dogs may be reducing positive behaviour traits from the canine gene pool. ABC Online republished the article. | January 2020 |
Daily Mail Australiaquoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the horse racing industry and the high number of thoroughbred horses sent to knackeries. The article also mentioned RSPCA NSW receives advice from the School of Veterinary Science. | Decemebr 2019 |
Sky News discussed ABC 7.30’s investigation into the horse racing industry and the treatment and killing of thoroughbred racehorses, quoting Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science. | October 2019 |
Vicereported on ABC 7.30’s investigation into the horse racing industry and the treatment and killing of thoroughbred racehorses, quoting Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science. The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor McGreevy and Honorary Associate Bidda Jones from the School of Veterinary Science about reducing the slaughter of racehorses by breeding them for longer racing careers. The Age(syndicated across Nine Publishing online), Stuff(NZ), LifehackerandIn Dailyrepublished an article from The Conversation by Dr Michelle Lenore Hyde and PhD Candidate Kate Fenner from the School of Veterinary Science about the ABC investigation and its findings. | October 2019 |
ABC 7.30 (TV, Online) interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the horse racing industry and the high number of thoroughbred horses sent to knackeries, despite industry claims to the contrary. Daily Telegraphalso reported on 7.30’s investigation, quoting Professor McGreevy, with the article syndicated across News Corp Australia online. | October 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about breeding of thoroughbred horses. | August 2019 |
ABC Radio Riverland interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy, from the School of Veterinary Science, about animal behaviour. | July 2019 |
5AA Adelaide, 3AW Melbourne and LA FM Launceston interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy in the School of Veterinary Science on dangerous dog behaviours. | July 2019 |
ABC Radio Melbourne and 6PR Perth interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about a Victorian man mauled to death by an American Staffordshire terrier. Professor McGreevy also published an article in The Conversationabout how understanding dog personalities can prevent such attacks. ABC Onlinerepublished the article. | July 2019 |
District Reporter Camdenreported on research from Professor Paul McGreevy and Kate Fenner from the School of Veterinary Science finding riders tend to gender stereotype the behaviour of horses. | July 2019 |
ABC Radio (Western Queensland, North West Queensland)interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about a US study into how dogs evolved to have ‘puppy dog eyes’. | June 2019 |
ABC Onlinequoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his research into working dogs. | June 2019 |
AFR Weekendreported on research fromProfessor Paul McGreevy and Kate Fenner from the School of Veterinary Science finding riders tend to gender stereotype the behaviour of horses. AFR Weekendalsoquoted Professor McGreevy about research into undesirable behaviour in dogs. | June 2019 |
ABC NewsRadio interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about a US study into how dogs evolved to have ‘puppy dog eyes’. | June 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy and PhD Candidate Bruce Englefield from the School of Veterinary Science about whether rescued wildlife should be returned to the wild. | June 2019 |
The evolution of dog breeding was explained by Professor Paul McGreevy, Emeritus Professor Frank Nicholas and Dr Bethany Wilson from the School of Veterinary Sciences. | May 2019 |
ABC Radio Sydney interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about crossbreed dogs | May 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy, PhD student Amelia Cornish and Dr Bidda Jones from the School of Veterinary Science about a recent report finding the majority of Australians are concerned about animal welfare in farming. | May 2019 |
Daily Mail(UK) published a list of commonly held myths about dogs written by Dr Melissa Starling and Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Science. | May 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Labor’s animal welfare policy. | May 2019 |
ABC Radio Sydney interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his research into working dogs and their personalities. The interview was syndicated widely across metro and regional ABC stations | April 2019 |
Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science was interviewed on ABC Radio Canberra about the last race that Winx will run at Royal Randwick and thoroughbred genetics generally. Professor McGreevy also co-authored an article for The Conversation | April 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the success of racehorse Winx. | April 2019 |
ABC Radio Perth interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his research into working dogs. | April 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about how owners’ personalities impact pets. | March 2019 |
ABC Onlinequoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about how often a dog needs to be brushed. | February 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy and Dr Anne Fawcett from the School of Veterinary Science aboutthe health issues of flat-faceddog breeds, such as French bulldogs. | February 2019 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the use of electronic ‘jiggers’ in the horse racing industry. | February 2019 |
ABC Radio Southeast NSW interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about what horses need during hot weather | February 2019 |
Stuffinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the treatment of horses in the horseracing industry. | December 2018 |
Daily Mail(UK)published a list of the 10 commonly held myths about dogs, authored by Professor Paul McGreevy and Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Veterinary Science. | December 2018 |
ABC NewsRadiointerviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about animal welfare during the Melbourne Cup. | November 2018 |
ABC News TV, ABC Radio (AM, Canberra) and2SER FM interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about animal welfare during the Melbourne Cup. | November 2018 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Racing Australia’s list of approved items that can be used in horse racing. | November 2018 |
R7(Brazil), Elite Daily (US), Inverse(US) and 雪花新闻 (China) reported on research by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science which found the life expectancy of chocolate Labradors is significantly lower than their black and yellow counterparts. | October 2018 |
Reader’s Digest(US)reported on research by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary which found the life expectancy of chocolate Labradors is significantly lower than their black and yellow counterparts. | October 2018 |
The Daily TelegraphandABC (Gold Coast) interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his study finding the life expectancy of chocolate Labradors is significantly lower than their black and yellow counterparts. Fox News(US),New York Post(US),Huffington Post(US),Metro(UK),People(US),Yahoo!News(US),National Geographic(US),Onet(Poland),Science Daily(US),,Deccan Chronicle(India) andHealth24 (South Africa) also reported on the findings. | October 2018 |
ABC Radio (Sydney, Adelaide) interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his study finding the life expectancy of chocolate Labradors is significantly lower than their black and yellow counterparts. The Advertiser,, The Telegraph (UK), INews (UK), New Zealand Herald, Xinhua (China), People (US), Miami Herald (US), Deccan Chronicle (India), (US) and Inverse (US) also quoted Professor McGreevy about the study. The Advertiser and articles were syndicated across News Corp Australia. Smooth FM and 2SM Sydney also reported on the research. Professor McGreevy also published an article in The Conversation with Bethany Wilson, Honorary Associate in the School of Veterinary Science, about the research | October 2018 |
Daily TelegraphandCosmos Magazine reported on new University of Sydney research finding the life expectancy of chocolate labradors is significantly lower than their black and yellow counterparts. Both articles quoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science. The Telegraph article was syndicated across News Corp Australia online. | October 2018 |
The Conversationpublished an article by PhD Candidate Amelia Cornish and Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Australians not buying ethical meat products. ABC Online and InDaily republished the article. | October 2018 |
ABC Radio Nationalinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the importance of walking dogs. | September 2018 |
ABC Radio Nationalinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the importance of walking dogs. | September 2018 |
Lasexta(Spain) republished an article originally published in The Conversation by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science and Professor Adrian Bauman from the School of Public Health and Charles Perkins Centre about whether dogs in Australia are walked enough. | August 2018 |
Channel News Asia(Singapore)republished an article originally published in The Conversation by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science and Professor Adrian Bauman from the School of Public Health and Charles Perkins Centre about whether dogs in Australia are walked enough. | August 2018 |
ABC Radio Southern Queenslandinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about how often people should walk their dogs. Lifehacker also republished an article originally published on The Conversation by Professor McGreevy and Professor Adrian Bauman from the School of Public Health and Charles Perkins Centre about whether dogs in Australia are walked enough. | August 2018 |
ABC Radio Tropical Northinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Making Dogs Happy, a book he co-wrote with Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. | August 2018 |
International Business Timesrepublished an article originally published on The Conversation by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science and Professor Adrian Bauman from the School of Public Health and Charles Perkins Centre about whether dogs in Australia are walked enough. | July 2018 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science and Professor Adrian Bauman from the School of Public Health and Charles Perkins Centre about whether dogs in Australia are walked enough. Business Insider and (US) republished the article. | July 2018 |
The District Bulletin reported on research by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science on Australian horseracing, saying that 20 percent of horses race with their tongues tied to their lower jaw, which secures the airway but increases stress and causes lacerations. | July 2018 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the widespread use of tongue-ties in the horse racing industry. ABC Radio South East NSW interviewed Professor McGreevy about the article. | July 2018 |
The Conversationpublished an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the widespread use of tongue-ties in the horse racing industry. ABC Radio South East NSW interviewed Professor McGreevy about the article. | July 2018 |
ABC Radio Capricornia interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about his research on dog behaviour and welfare. | July 2018 |
Newsweek(Poland) reported on research by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about the most popular breed of dogs. | July 2018 |
ABC Radio South East SAinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Making Dogs Happy, a book he co-wrote with Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. | June 2018 |
ABC Radio Newcastleinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Making Dogs Happy, a book he co-wrote with Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. | June 2018 |
ABC Radio Riverlandinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Making Dogs Happy, a book he co-wrote with Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Daily Mail (UK) published a list of the 10 commonly held myths about dogs, authored by Professor McGreevy and Dr Starling. | June 2018 |
ABC Radio (Melbourne, Alice Springs)interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about Making Dogs Happy, a book he co-wrote with Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. | June 2018 |
ABC News TVinterviewed Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences about Making Dogs Happy, a book she co-wrote with Professor Paul McGreevy from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science. ABC Online, IFLScience, Lifehacker, Mamamia, and Daily Mail Australia also republished an article originally published on The Conversation by Dr Starling and Professor McGreevy about the book. Sunday Age also reported on a CSIRO report into the value of Australia’s wildlife carers authored by Dr Starling and Bruce Englefield in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences and Professor McGreevy. The article was syndicated across Fairfax Media. | June 2018 |
ABC Radio Sydneyi nterviewedDr Melissa Starling from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences about Making Dogs Happy a book she co-wrote with Professor Paul McGreevy from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science. Dr Starling and Professor McGreevy also published an article on The Conversationabout the book. | June 2018 |
ABC Radio Nationalinterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science about the economic benefit of working dogs in agriculture. | May 2018 |
ABC Radio Canberrainterviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science about the economics of maintaining companion animals. | May 2018 |
The Conversation published an article by Professor Paul McGreevy, Dr Anne Fawcett and Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Veterinary Science about new research into the impact of desexing on a dog’s behaviour. | May 2018 |
The Conversation published an article by Professor Paul McGreevy, Dr Anne Fawcett and Dr Melissa Starling from the School of Veterinary Science about new research into the impact of desexing on a dog’s behaviour. | May 2018 |
The Guardian quoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science about new research that found horses can remember human facial expressions. | April 2018 |
Yahoo! News(Taiwan)quoted Professor Paul McGreevy form the Sydney School of Veterinary Science about a 17-year-old dog who remained with a lost three-year-old girl and helped in her rescue. | April 2018 |
BBC quoted Professor Paul McGreevy form the Sydney School of Veterinary Science about a 17-year-old dog who remained with a lost three-year-old girl and helped in her rescue. | April 2018 |
Business Insider(USA)quoted Professor Paul McGreevy form the Sydney School of Veterinary Science about the legality of rodeos in Québec. | April 2018 |
Mamamiaquoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about recent dog attacks on children. | March 2018 |
ABC Radio Sydney interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about new research that found most people support a ban on whips in Australian horse racing. HorseTalk(NZ) also reported on the research. | February 2018 |
The Conversationpublished an article by Dr Anne Fawcett and Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about new research that found most people support a ban on whips in Australian horse racing. | February 2018 |
ABC Online quoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about owners who host birthday parties for their dogs. | February 2018 |
The Washington Post(US) and SF Gate (US) quoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Science about separation anxiety in horses. | January 2018 |
TheConversationpublished an article by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science and Professor Phil McManus from the School of Geosciences about the benefits and disadvantages of the horse racing industry. | November 2017 |
ABC (Radio National, Online) interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about concerns around a NSW dingo adoption charity. | October 2017 |
Daily Mail Australiareported onresearch by Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about whether gender and stereotypes can shape our relationship with dogs | October 2017 |
Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science was interviewed on on Radio New Zealandabout how to understand dogs | July 2017 |
The Cessnock Advertiser published an article about Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science receiving a lifetime achievement award at the International Canine Health Awards. | Jun 2017 |
Dog Wellbeing pioneer Prof mcgreevy awarded in UK for Life's work | May 2017 |
Lifetime Achievement Award for International Canine Health from the Kennel CLub Charitable Trust. | May 2017 |
The Sunday Age and Sunday Canberra Times quoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the School of Veterinary Science about canine happiness. | May 2017 |
The Conversation published an article co-authored by Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science and Professor Phil McManus from the School of Geosciences breaches of the whip rules in thoroughbred horseracing. | Jan 2017 |
BBC(Brazil)referenced a study by Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science about whether the external characteristics of dogs relate to their behaviour. | Dec 2016 |
The Conversation published an article about Harness Racing Australia’s decision to end the use of whips in Australian racing. Professor McGreevy was also quoted in the Daily Telegraph about animal welfare concerns related to training dingoes. | Dec 2016 |
The Sunday Tasmanian referenced research by Professor Paul McGreevy on the behaviour of different breeds of dogs, which is influenced by the shape of their skull. | Nov 2016 |
The Courier Mail quoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science about his study on the health complications common among small dog breeds | Oct 2016 |
Talking Lifestyle interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science about the new Doglogbook app which helps pet owners track their dog?s health and combat problem behaviour. | Oct 2016 |
2UE interviewed Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Scienceabout the new Doglogbook app which aims to measure and optimise dog wellbeing. | Oct 2016 |
Interviewed on Hot FM about the launch of a world-first app, The Dog Logbook, which will help owners track the activities and behaviours of their dogs. | Sept 2016 |
Interviewed on ABC (Wide Bay, Central West NSW) about the launch of a world-first app, The Dog Logbook, which will help owners track the activities and behaviours of their dogs | Sept 2016 |
People's Daily (China) quoted Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science about the launch of a world-first app, The Dog Logbook, which will help owners track the activities and behaviours of their dogs. | Sep 2016 |
Interviewed on ABC (Radio National, 774 Melbourne, Capricornia, Southern Queensland, North Queensland, North West Qld, Far North) about the launch of a world-first app, The Dog Logbook, which will help owners track the activities and behaviours of their dogs. ABC (702 Sydney, 891 Adelaide) also reported on the research. ABC's Catalyst broadcast a feature about Professor McGreevy's new research on "dogmanship". | Sep 2016 |
Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science was quoted in Mashable(US), Guangming (China), Sina (China)and Asia Pacific Daily (Hong Kong)about the launch of a world-first app, The Dog Logbook, which will help owners track the activities and behaviours of their dogs | Sep 2016 |
Interviewed on ABC's Catalyst about his research on "dogmanship", which measures positive and negative emotional states in dogs.ABC (702 Sydney, 612 Brisbane, 891 Adelaide) also reported on the Catalyst program featuring Professor McGreevy?s research. ABC (Far North, North Queensland) reported the University of Sydney's Faculty of Veterinary Science will bring VetCompass to Australia, to understand complex health issues in pet populations, and interviewed Professor McGreevy. | Sep 2016 |
The Herald Sun, Sunday Times and Gold Coast Bulletin reported on National Dog Day and mentioned a University of Sydney study on the most popular breed of dogs and the health complications they face. Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science was quoted. | Aug 2016 |
Interviewed onABC News (24, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobart)andLatelineabout his research on the serious health and welfare issues relating to the use of horse bridles. The research was also reported onABC (702 Sydney, 774 Melbourne)andtriple j. | May 2016 |
ABC Lateline,ABC News Online, ABC News Radio (Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney), triple jandABC 702 Sydneyreported on a University study led by Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science which found that nosebands triggered a stress response in horses. | May 2016 |
The Conversationpublished an opinion piece by Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science about the use of nosebands on horses. | May 2016 |
ABC Western Plains NSWreported on a University of Sydney study from the Faculty of Veterinary Science which found small dogs are increasing in popularity despite the serious health problems they endure. | April 2016 |
Mans best friend is getting smaller | April 2016 |
ABC News 24, 5AA Adelaide, 2GB Sydney,Courier Mail,Huffington Post,andregional papersreported a University of Sydney study has detected a connection between particular dog breeds and serious health problems. Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science was interviewed on666 ABC Canberra,The Guardian,Sydney Morning Herald,AgeandCanberra Timesabout the study. | April 2016 |
The Guardian(UK)reported on research by Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science about the new breed of smaller dogs and the health issues associated with flat-nosed breeds. | April 2016 |
Interviewed onABCabout the mistreatment of greyhounds and animal welfare. | March 2016 |
The Australianreported on the launch of One Welfare, an online repository of animal welfare and ethics resources co-developed by eight Australian and New Zealand veterinary schools, and quoted lead researcher Professor Paul McGreevy from the Faculty of Veterinary Science. | Feb 2016 |
The Landandregional newspapersreported on research on the genetic traits of good working dogs. | Jan 2016 |
The Conversationpublished an article about horse nutrition and its impact on welfare. | Nov 2015 |
AAP Newswire, Herald Sun, Adelaide Advertiser, 6PR Perthand 2MCE Orange reported researchers are investigating ways to breed high-performing farm dogs in Australia. | Aug 2015 |
Interviewed onABC Illawarraabout a new Greyhound Racing NSW survey, conducted in collaboration with the University of Sydney, that hopes to recommend reforms to the industry | Aug 2015 |
Building a better future for greyhounds | Jun 2015 |
The Australianmentioned research on policy regarding the use of whips in horse racing. | Jun 2015 |
Daily Mail(UK) mentioned a study about how whipping horses does not make them run faster. | Jun 2015 |
Interviewed on666 ABC Canberraabout the benefits of playing music to animals | May 2015 |
Interviewed on3AW Melbourneabout a new campaign to stop horse whipping in the industry | May 2015 |
April 2018 |
November 2018 |
April 2016 |
April 2016 |
April 2016 |