This scheme offers eligible students residing in low socio-economic areas entry on a reduced ATAR, a $8500 yearly scholarship for the duration of your degree, plus a range of additional support.
To be eligible for this scheme you must:
High school students and non-school leavers are both eligible for the scheme.
*If you receive a notification from UAC that the residential address you entered in your application is identified as being in the lowest 25 percent of socio-economic disadvantage, this does not mean you meet the eligibility for MySydney. You must receive confirmation of your eligibility directly from the University of Sydney.
High School Leavers
If applying while at high school or in the following 12 months, you must complete year 12 studies at a school in Australia.
To determine eligibility for this scheme, place a University of Sydney course as one of your UAC preferences by the dates outlined below. If you are eligible you will receive advice by email from the University of Sydney.
If you are notified that you are eligible, you will need to place your chosen course as your highest eligible UAC preference. Then, if you meet the MySydney ATAR and any other admission criteria, you will be made an unconditional offer to study and receive the scholarship.
Explore the courses available for 2025 entry through this scheme and the reduced ATARs.