Evaluating the implementation of the consensus statement and quality framework for modelled evaluations of HPV-related cancer control (HPV- FRAME) - The University of Sydney

Evaluating the implementation of the consensus statement and quality framework for modelled evaluations of HPV-related cancer control (HPV- FRAME)

We would like to invite you to consider participating in a research study titled Evaluating the implementation of the consensus statement and quality framework for modelled evaluations of HPV-related cancer control (HPV- FRAME). This research study is being conducted by researchers in Australia and the United States, and aims to understand the awareness, adoption, and acceptability of HPV-FRAME guidelines for modellers, journal editors, and policy makers in human papillomavirus (HPV) & cervical cancer prevention.


You have been invited to participate because of your contributions as a modeller, journal editor or policy advocate. You can also learn more about HPV-FRAME at: https://www.hpv-frame.org/. Knowing what is involved will help you decide if you want to take part in the research.

Please read this information carefully and ask questions about anything that you don’t understand or want to know more about. Participation in this research is voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, you do not have to. 

How to participate

The participant information sheet is available at the start of the survey which is hosted on RedCap at the following link:


Ethics committee approval number: 2024/HE000295