Understanding the key components of a model of care for people with vertebral fragility fractures - The University of Sydney

Understanding the key components of a model of care for people with vertebral fragility fractures

This study aims to understand the opinions and reasoning of health professionals and those with lived experience of vertebral fragility fractures (VFFs) in Australia.

Although there are published treatment options, there is still uncertainty around some aspects of care. The study will also seek opinions on how to improve the identification and diagnosis of VFFs across Australia. The ultimate goal is to create a model of care that meets the clinical, psychological, and social needs of those who sustain VFFs. 


Subject Matter Specialists must:

  • Be practicing health professionals in Australia with at least 5 years of post-graduation experience in profession.
  • Have worked for a minimum of 12 months in health care areas such as fracture clinics, re-fracture prevention clinics and come from medical specialities such as orthopaedics, rheumatology, endocrinology, gerontology, rehabilitation, primary care, and pain medicine.

Consumers with lived exerience of VFFs must:

  • Have been diagnosed with a vertebral (spinal) fracture that was sustained because of a slip, trip or fall from standing height; or through unknown incident or injury.
  • Be aged 50 years or over – this age group are known to be at most risk of fragility fractures including VFF.
  • Be able to understand English.
  • Do not have a healthcare professional background.
  • Not have any diagnosed cognitive impairment self-reported that would impair ability to consent to the procedures of the study with full understanding.
  • Or may be a volunteer carer of a person meeting the consumer representative criteria.

How to participate

If you are interested in assisting with this important and exciting area of research, please contact the study facilitator: Robyn Speerin at robyn.speerin@sydney.edu.au