Growing minds check in - The University of Sydney

Growing minds check in

Do you wonder about what you can do to support your child’s wellbeing?

The Growing Minds Check-In is a new, free wellbeing Check-In for Australian parents and caregivers of children aged from birth to 17 years. The Check-in allows you to track your child's wellbeing and get access to personalised feedback and research-backed programs and information.

Who can participate?

We are currently recruiting parents and caregivers of children and young people aged from birth to 17 years 6 months for this research study. 

What does this study involve?

  • You will be asked to complete the Check-In and questionnaires where we will ask about your child’s social, emotional and behavioural wellbeing and development across a few time points.
  • You will also be offered a free consultation with a clinician (psychologist) to discuss your child’s wellbeing.
  • Parents will be randomly allocated to one of two groups, and either given access to the Check-In immediately or asked to wait before accessing the Check-In. 

Ethics approval number: 2023/350


You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • Are a parent or caregiver of a child aged from birth to 17 years 6 months. This may include anyone in a caregiving role such as mothers, fathers, kinship carers, or foster carers;
  • Can access the internet via mobile device/smart phone, tablet, or computer;
  • Have a child in your care (and living with you at least some of the week);
  • Live in Australia; and
  • Are comfortable reading and completing questionnaires in English.
  • Only one parent/caregiver and one child per family can participate in the research.

How to participate

For more information about the study or to participate, contact us on (02) 9114 4326 or visit: