Martin Terry Art and the City Travel Award - Scholarships

Martin Terry Art and the City Travel Award

An undergraduate scholarship
Up to $1000 scholarship to support students for international travel in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
Up to $1,000
  • Enrolled in the unit of study ARHT3681 Art and the City,
  • Enrolled in an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney

How to apply

Apply here.


This scholarship is valued at up to $1000.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney,
  • be currently enrolled in the unit of study ARHT3681 Art and the City.
  • travel beyond Australia to sites, collections and archives.


This is a gift received from Martin Terry in 2023 to support students for international travel in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 

1. Background

a. This is a gift received from Martin Terry in 2023 to support students for international travel in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 

2. Eligibility Criteria

a. To be considered eligible for this award, applicants must be currently enrolled in:

I. an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney,

II. the unit of study ARHT3681 Art and the City.

3. Selection Criteria 

a. The Award will be awarded based on academic merit. 

b. The Scholarship will be awarded by a selection committee consisting of three members of Art History at the University of Sydney.

4. Value

a. This Award has a value of $1000 and will be paid as a one-off payment on receipt of the Scholarship Acceptance Form.

b. No other amount is payable.

c. The Award will be awarded subject to the availability of funds. 

5. Ongoing Eligibility

a. None apply.

6. Termination

a. The University reserves the right to withdraw the Award, if the University determines that the student is guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information that has a relationship to the awarding of this Award. 

b. Once withdrawn the Award will not be reinstated unless due to University error.