Value | Eligibility | Open date | Close date |
$10,000 |
28 January 2025 | 31 May 2025 |
Apply here.
This scholarship is valued at $10,000. Recipients will receive:
You must:
Note: Students who have already commenced their postgraduate studies or who are transferring from another postgraduate program are not eligible.
Students who are commencing or currently enrolled in a Juris Doctor program at the University of Sydney are not eligible for this scholarship.
This scholarship was established to promote academic excellence in legal education through the Masters programs offered by the Sydney Law School. Ross Waite Parsons was Professor of Law at the University of Sydney between 1961 and 1986. During that time, he established the Australia paradigms for postgraduate coursework legal education and continuing professional development.
1. Background
a. Ross Waite Parsons was Professor of Law at the University of Sydney 1961-1986. In that time he established the Australia paradigms for postgraduate coursework legal education and continuing professional development, as well as being Australia's acknowledged leader in tax law research and a foremost scholar in commercial and corporate law.
b. The Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship has been established to promote academic excellence in legal education through the master’s programs offered by the University of Sydney Law School.
2. Eligibility
a. The Scholarship is offered subject to the applicant having an unconditional offer of admission in one of the following master’s coursework program in the Sydney Law School:
i. Master of Administrative Law and Policy
ii. Master of Business Law
iii. Master of Criminology (Coursework)
iv. Master of Environmental Law
v. Master of Health Law
vi. Master of International Law
vii. Master of Jurisprudence
viii. Master of Labour Law and Relations
ix. Master of Laws (Coursework)
x. Master of Taxation
b. Applicants must have achieved a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 75 in their prior university level studies relevant to the proposed Sydney Law school master’s coursework program.
c. Students who have already commenced their postgraduate studies, or students transferring from another postgraduate program are not eligible.
3. Selection Criteria
a. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:
I. academic merit, and
II. a personal statement which demonstrates a commitment to applying the learning offered by the relevant master’s program and how the study will contribute to making a positive difference to professional and/or legal practice.
b. The Scholarship will be awarded on the nomination of a selection committee chaired by the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Coursework in the Sydney Law School and at least one other staff member from the School.
4. Value
a. The Scholarship is valued at $10,000.
b. Recipients studying full-time will receive two equal instalments of $5,000 after each relevant census date. Students studying part-time will receive four equal instalments of $2,500 after the relevant census dates.
c. The Scholarship has a maximum duration of one year for full-time and two years for part-time recipients.
d. Deferral of the Scholarship is not permitted without the prior permission of the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Coursework and it is not transferable to another University school, faculty or university.
e. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds.
f. No other amount is payable.
5. Ongoing eligibility
a. To continue receipt of the Scholarship, the recipient must maintain a minimum Semester Average Mark (SAM) of 65.
b. Recipients must remain continuously enrolled in the master’s program. Full-time recipients must complete 48 credit points of study within one-year. Part-time recipients must complete 24 credit points by the end of the first year of eligible master coursework program listed in 2.a. and 48 credit points of study within two years. If a change in candidature results in a recipient’s course end date being extended, the end date of the scholarship will not be extended.
c. Recipients undertaking an exchange during the tenure of this Scholarship are required to have achieved a Satisfied Requirements grade (SR) to receive their next payment.
6. Termination
a. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:
I. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,
II. commences part-time study without prior approval,
III. does not maintain satisfactory academic performance,
IV. part-time recipient fails to complete the 24 credit points by the end of the first year without prior permission of the Dean of the University Sydney Law School, or the nominated delegate,
V. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application,
VI. is awarded an alternative primary scholarship. In such circumstances this scholarship will be terminated in favour of the alternative scholarship where the alternative scholarship is of higher value,
VII. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave, or
VIII. any other provision as indicated in these terms that would lead to termination.
b. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error unless due to University error.
c. Where a student is found guilty of serious misconduct or the Scholarship is terminated under any instance in the Termination Clause of these terms and conditions, the University reserves the right to request that any Scholarship funds paid to the Scholarship recipient be reimbursed.