Douglas and Lola Douglas Scholarship in Health Sciences (Speech Pathology) - Scholarships

Douglas and Lola Douglas Scholarship in Health Sciences (Speech Pathology)

An undergraduate scholarship
This scholarship supports speech pathology honours students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
  • Domestic honours student in fourth year Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)
15/1/25 21/2/25

How to apply

Apply here. Please include a signed supervisor statement (pdf, 50KB) with your application.


This scholarship's value is determined on a yearly basis depending on the allocation of trust funds.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen
  • be currently enrolled in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Honours degree.
  • be studying full time


This scholarship has been generously bequeathed by the late Lola Rachel Maude Douglas to support students exhibiting outstanding academic performance in the undergraduate honours degree of speech pathology.

1. Background

a. This Scholarship has been generously bequeathed by the late Lola Rachel Maude Douglas to support students exhibiting outstanding academic performance in an undergraduate degree in physiotherapy.

2. Eligibility

a. At the time of application, applicants must be currently enrolled full-time in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Honours degree.

b. Applicants must be an Australian Citizen, New Zealand Citizen, or Australian Permanent Resident.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:

I. a research summary/proposal,

II. a description of the potential impact of the research,

III. a personal statement that details what the applicant hopes to gain from completing an honours degree and how the applicant intends to use the funds, and

IV. a letter of support from the applicant’s research supervisor.

b. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Head of School and Dean of the School of Health Sciences, or their nominated delegate(s). 

4. Value

a. The value of this Scholarship will be determined by the Head of School and Dean of the School of Health Sciences, or their nominated delegate(s), depending on the allocation of trust funds each year. Each recipient will have the exact value of their Scholarship outlined in their Scholarship Offer Letter.

b. The Scholarship is tenable for one year. 

c. The Scholarship value will be paid in two equal instalments after the census date of each semester in the fourth year of the recipient’s Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Honours degree. 

d. Deferral and/or suspension of the Scholarship is not permitted without the prior permission of the Head of School and Dean of the School of Health Sciences.

e. The Scholarship cannot be transferred to another degree, faculty or university. 

f. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds.

g. No other amount is payable.

5. Ongoing eligibility

a. To continue receipt of the Scholarship, the recipient must maintain satisfactory academic performance each semester. 

b. Recipients undertaking an exchange during the tenure of this Scholarship are required to have achieved a Satisfied Requirements grade (SR) to receive their next payment. 

6. Termination

a. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

I. withdraws from an eligible course or fails to enrol,

II. commences part-time study without prior approval of the Head of School and Dean of the School of Health Sciences, 

III. does not maintain satisfactory academic performance, 

IV. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application, 

V. receives this Scholarship valued at $8,000 per annum or more and is then awarded an alternative Scholarship valued at a higher value for the same purpose as this Scholarship. In such circumstances this scholarship will be terminated in favour of the alternative scholarship where the alternative scholarship is of higher value, or

VI. does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave.

b. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error. 

c. Where a student is found guilty of serious misconduct or the Scholarship is terminated under any instance in the Termination Clause of these terms and conditions, the University reserves the right to request that any Scholarship funds paid to the Scholarship recipient be reimbursed. 

7. Reporting

a. On the successful completion of the fourth year of their degree, the recipient must provide a report (1-2 pages) that details the following:

I. the impact the funding had on their research, and 

II. the outcomes of all activities proposed in the original scholarship application. 

b. This report should be approved by their research supervisor prior to submission. 

8. Other

a. Recipients of this Scholarship are not eligible to be considered for the University of Sydney Academic Merit Prize.