Two young women looking at the camera

Facts & figures

Since 2018, PREMISE supported and awarded

  • 9 First round projects
  • 20 Travel grants
  • 12 Seed funding grants
  • 4 Scholarships
  • 4 Lived experience grants


NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence
The Matilda Centre hosts the PREMISE NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Prevention and Early Intervention in Mental Illness and Substance Use.
PREMISE NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence

Directed by Professor Maree Teesson AC with strategic support from Program Director Professor Cath Chapman, the Prevention and Early Intervention in Mental Illness and Substance Use Centre of Research Excellence (PREMISE) was funded in 2018 by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.

Our mission  

The objective of the PREMISE Centre of Research Excellence is to provide a world first synergy of the leading prevention and early intervention research and translation programs in mental health and addiction across five Australian universities:

  • The University of Sydney
  • the University of New South Wales
  • the University of Melbourne
  • the University of Newcastle, and
  • Monash University.

Our vision is that world-class, innovative, evidence-based prevention and early intervention for substance use and mental disorders is available to all young Australians.

Our Youth Advisory Board

The PREMISE and Matilda Centre Youth Advisory Board (YAB) provides input into the governance and research priorities of PREMISE and contribute to specific youth-focused research projects.

The YAB comprises a culturally, linguistically and gender diverse group of 10 members aged 16-25, with representatives from metropolitan, rural, regional and remote areas of Australia. They bring expertise and an interest in mental health and substance use via their own lived experience, that of their families or communities. 

The YAB have co-designed a range of resources to support researchers and mental health professionals on how to best engage young people in mental health and substance use research.

View resources for working with young people.

The key achievements and impacts of the 2019-2023 Youth Advisory Board. They include 43 youth-focused project support, 2 co-produced research projects, 4 policy submissions informed, and 12 presentations by the team.

Our Youth Engagement Network

Our Youth Engagement Network is made up of young people aged 16 to 25 who are interested in being involved in mental health and substance use research. This network is designed to increase engagement between our researchers and young Australians.

To join the network, simply sign up to the mailing list.

Our people

Current Youth Advisory Board Members

Beau Sheehan, QLD

A headshot of Beau Sheehan. Beau is wearing a white plaid shirt and has short brown hair with a green fringe.

My name is Beau. I'm 22 year old non-binary transmasculine person passionate about all things to do with the health of our physical environment, our personal wellbeing and our societies health.

Much of my passion is derived from the first-hand impact of inherited generational family trauma. I take inspiration in my life from first nations custodians' sacred relationship with land, western psychology, somatic therapy & parts therapy (Internal Family Systems Therapy) and Buddhist philosophy, alongside various other texts + mediums.

In my spare time I make art, garden, enjoy nature, write, connect with friends and play other people's pianos.

Cheryl Ou, QLD

A headshot of Charyl Ou. She is a young woman with long, dark hair and is wearing thin glasses.

My name is Cheryl. I am the current spokesperson for the Youth Advisory Board at PREMISE NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence.

I am passionate about supporting the community, and am always on the lookout for more opportunities to get involved in helping make people’s lives better.

Currently, I have an odd ten or so roles - paid and unpaid -, along with my hobbies in reading and walking.

Kyra Dunning, NSW

A headshot of Kyra. Kyra has short, dark hair and is wearing a white button up shirt with black lining.

My name is Kyra, and I am a proud 19 year-old Wiradjuri woman from Maitland, NSW, studying a Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Computer Science and Criminology) at The University of Sydney.

I enjoy hiking, reading, painting, gaming and making a difference where I can.

Tanya Dearle, WA

A headshot of Tanya. Tanya has long, brown hair and is wearing a black print t-shirt. Tanya is smiling.

My name is Tanya Dearle, and I am the co-chair of the PREMISE and Matilda Centre Youth Advisory Board (YAB) at The University of Sydney, Australia, and currently live in the Pilbara Western Australia.

I am passionate and committed to creating change in the mental health industry and hold strong connections to my community, working at the oldest Aboriginal Corporation in the Pilbara. Here I am able to work alongside Aboriginal Elders and fellow members of community who are also passionate about creating opportunities and bettering our knowledge around social and emotional wellbeing.

I currently hold a Bachelor of Criminology and Graduate Certificate of Counselling. Currently I am studying my Master of Counselling, with the hopes to start building the therapeutic intervention and early intervention strategies within my community to help young people be their best possible selves.

Benjanmin Risk, ACT

A headshot of Ben. Ben is wearing a brown shirt with a black jack on top, and has short, brown hair. Ben is smiling and standing in front of a landscape painting.



Conor Hinds, NSW

A headshot of Conor Hinds. He is a blond man who has short hair and is wearing a black shirt.

My name's Conor; I'm a recent graduate of The University of Sydney, where I completed my honours degree in hoarding disorder. Having studied psychology and volunteered for organisations such as Lifeline, I firmly believe that young people need to be heard in the context of mental health. I'm particularly interested in issues around body image and alcohol abuse among young people.

Jacinta Elemes, NSW

A headshot of Jacinta Elemes. Jacinta has long black hair and is wearing it tied up, and is wearing a black t-shirt.

My name is Jacinta Elemes. I am 20 years old and come from a small town in the central west called Wellington.

I currently work at a community centre as a receptionist and have been here for about a year and a bit. I am currently studying a Certificate III in Business Administrative as well as a Certificate III in Community Services.

I completed my higher school certificate in 2019. I am Aboriginal, my tribe includes Wiradjuri.

Smrithi Ravindra, NT

A headshot of Smrithi. Smrithi is wearing a light blue shirt with a black overcoat and has long, black hair.

My name is Smrithi (she/her)! I am 23 years old and come from a South Indian metropolitan city called Bengaluru. I recently completed my Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at The University of Sydney.

Since I have seen, first-hand, the adverse impacts of generational trauma and mental health difficulties on young people’s wellbeing, I am passionate about improving these issues to the best of my capacity. I joined the PREMISE Youth Advisory Board in July 2021 with the intention of collaborating with a diverse group of individuals on research that is meaningful to all of us.

Quite often, youth involvement in research goes overlooked – so it’s important to me as a young queer POC to advocate for and represent our concerns in a purposeful way.

Tahlia-Rae Wilcocks, WA

  • Professor Maree Teesson (Director), the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Patrick McGorry, Orygen National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, the University of Melbourne
  • Professor Helen Christensen, Black Dog Institute, the University of New South Wales Sydney
  • Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin (Program Lead, Translation), Centre for Brain and Mental Health Priority Research Centre, University of Newcastle
  • Professor Nicola Newton (Program Lead, Prevention), the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Katherine Mills (Program Lead, Early Intervention), the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Cathy Mihalopoulos (Program Lead, Health Economics), Health Economics, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
  • Professor Tim Slade (Program Lead, Epidemiology), the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Cath Chapman (Program Director), the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Andrew Baillie, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Alison Calear, Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian National University
  • Professor Patricia Conrod, CHU Sainte-Justine Mother and Child Hospital Centre, University of Montreal
  • Professor Pim Cuijpers, VU University, Amsterdam
  • Professor Ian Hickie, Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Eoin Killackey, Orygen National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, the University of Melbourne
  • Dr Mark Larsen, Centre of Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention, Black Dog Institute, the University of New South Wales Sydney
  • Leonie Manns, Consumer Advocate
  • Ms Jo Perez, Monash University
  • Associate Professor Lexine Stapinski, the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Associate Professor Matthew Sunderland, the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Dr Louise Thornton, the Matilda Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Philip Batterham, Centre for Mental Health Research, Research School of Population Health, Australian National University
  • Dr Mary Lou Chatterton, Health Economics, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
  • Dr Miri Forbes, Centre for Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University
  • Professor Paul Haber, Drug Health Services, Sydney Local Health, District Discipline of Addiction Medicine, Central Clinical School, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Jennie Hudson, Centre for Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University
  • Dr Sally Hunt, School of Psychology, University of Newcastle
  • Dr Suzie Lavoie, Orygen National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, the University of Melbourne
  • Associate Professor Ashleigh Lin, Telethon Kids Institute, Western Australia
  • Dr Louise Mewton, Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, the University of New South Wales Sydney
  • Associate Professor Kirsten Morley, Central Clinical School, The University of Sydney
  • Dr Brian O'Donoghue, Orygen National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, the University of Melbourne
  • Dr Yael Perry, Telethon Kids Institute, Western Australia
  • Dr Jaelea Skehan, Everymind, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
  • Dr Aliza Werner-Seidler, Black Dog Institute, the University of New South Wales Sydney
  • Matilda Centre staff
  • Daesha Corporal, QLD (2022-2023)
  • Alix Beckett, NSW (2022)
  • Mason Wright, TAS (2019-2022)
  • Kate Black, WA (2019-2022)
  • Martin Isidro, ACT (2019-2021)
  • Tisha King, QLD (2019-2021)
  • Harley Kit Mahon, NSW (2019-2021)
  • Kodie Mason, NSW (2019-2021)
  • Mikaela Stennett  
  • Professor Cath Chapman (PREMISE Program Director and YAB Oversight)
  • Felicity Duong (Lead)
  • Kate Ross (Lead)
  • Dr Katrina Prior (Academic Co-Lead)
  • Dr Lucy Grummitt (Academic Co-Lead)
  • Dr Jillian Halladay
  • Dr Louise Birrell
  • Kirsty Rowlinson
  • Dr Lucy Grummitt
  • An Nguyen
  • Isobel Ivison
  • Associate Professor Emma Barrett (Clinical Advisor)
  • Dr Erin Kelly (Clinical Advisor)
  • Cheryl Ah-See (First Nations Wellness Coordinator)
  • Jessica Houston
  • Chloe Conroy
  • Anna Grager
  • Mieke Snijder
  • Sophia Garlick Bock
  • Julia Boyle
  • Annalise Healy

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