Professor Elizabeth Denney-Wilson

Professor Elizabeth Denney-Wilson

Conjoint Professor of Nursing
Professor Elizabeth Denney-Wilson

Elizabeth Denney-Wilson is Professor of Nursing in the Sydney Nursing School. She has academic qualifications in nursing, public health and epidemiology. Since completing her PhD in 2005, her research has focused on obesity prevention and management with a focus on the development of brief interventions (including mHealth interventions) targeting infant and young child feeding that can be scaled up and implemented. Her research funding has included three Centre of Research Excellence grants as well as other category 1 funding. Elizabeth has long term collaborations with researchers across a broad range of health disciplines from UNSW, Deakin and Flinders University. She currently supervises 8 PhD students and mentors a number of senior nurses embarking on research projects. She was recently apointed to a WHO guidelines committee on child obesity prevention and management and the NHMRC clinical obesity guidelines committee.

Infant feeding, obesity prevention, primary health care

Primary health care, Social determinants of health

2019-current: Intervening in infants with rapid weight gain. Sydney Local Health District

2018-current: An intervention to prevent CVD in women who have experienced high blood pressure in pregnancy BP2

2016-current: My Baby Now: version 2 of the CRE funded “Growing healthy” app to provide parents with support to establish healthy (rather than excess) weight gain. This project is the pilot for a NHMRC partnership grant between Deakin University, UTS, the Raising Children Network and the NSW Ministry of Health awarded in 2018.

2016 - NHMRC Project Grant: Preventing chronic disease in patients with low health literacy using e-health and teamwork in primary health care $1.2 million over 4 years. Role CI.

2015 - NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence: Early prevention of obesity in children (EPOCH). $4 million over 4 years. Role: AI.

2012 - Australian Primary Health Care Research Grants, Centre of Research Excellence: Centre Obesity Management and Prevention Research Excellence in Primary Health (COMPaRE-PHC)$2.5 million over 4 years. Role: CI, Executive and leader of families with young children stream of research.

2012 - NHMRC Project grant: The Gudaga Study: Follow-up of an Aboriginal Cohort Study; $1.5 million over 5 years. Role: CI.

Public Health Association of Australia

Australian College of Nurses

Australasian Epidemiology Association

The Obesity Society (North America)

Australian New Zealand Obesity Society

Project titleResearch student
The enablers of and barriers to nurses providing preventive care in general practiceKatrina BAIKIE
Bottle and formula feeding practices: impact on overweight obesity and tooth decay in early childhoodHei-lok CHENG
Early childhood health promotion and obesity prevention in primary careEve HOUSE


Book Chapters

  • Denney-Wilson, E., Baur, L. (2009). Adolescent obesity as a major public health concern. In Bennet, D; Towns, S; Elliot, E; Merrick, J. (Eds.), Challenges in Adolescent Health: An Australian Perspective, (pp. 131-139). United States: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Denney-Wilson, E., Baur, L. (2007). Clinical Correlates of Overweight and Obesity. In Andrew P. Hills, Neil A. King, Nuala M. Byrne (Eds.), Children, Obesity and Exercise: Prevention, Treatment and Management of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity - International Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport Series, (pp. 25-36). United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
  • Baur, L., Denney-Wilson, E. (2007). Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. In C. Kelnar, M. Savage, P. Saenger, C. Cowell (Eds.), Growth Disorders, (pp. 540-564). United Kingdom: Hodder Arnold. [More Information]


  • House, E., Kerr, E., Taki, S., Denney-Wilson, E., Baur, L., Cheng, H., Rossiter, C., Vlahos, S., Wen, L. (2025). A comparison of early childhood obesity prevention in Australian general practice and child and family health settings: A mixed methods study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 81, 97-107. [More Information]
  • Gebremariam, K., Wynter, K., Zheng, M., Rawstorn, J., Denney-Wilson, E., Laws, R. (2024). Breastfeeding – a survey of fathers’ support needs and preferred sources of information. International Breastfeeding Journal, 19(1). [More Information]
  • Appleton, J., Reilly, N., Fowler, C., Elliott, D., Denney-Wilson, E. (2024). Emotional health screening of mothers, preliminary validation of a 3-item instrument: A research brief. Applied Nursing Research, 78, 151812. [More Information]


  • Denney-Wilson, E., Kenny, D., Nelson, P., Hardy, L. (2007). Obesity prevalence and associated risk factors in juvenile offenders serving community supervision orders; Comparison of indigenous and non-indigenous young people. Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, 15th Annual Scientific Meeting 2007, Australia: The Obesity Society.
  • Denney-Wilson, E., Kenny, D., Hardy, L., Nelson, P. (2007). Obesity prevalence and associated risk factors in juvenile offenders serving community supervision orders; Comparison of indigenous and non-indigenous young people... Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity 15th Annual Scientific Meeting 2007, Australia: The Obesity Society.


  • House, E., Kerr, E., Taki, S., Denney-Wilson, E., Baur, L., Cheng, H., Rossiter, C., Vlahos, S., Wen, L. (2025). A comparison of early childhood obesity prevention in Australian general practice and child and family health settings: A mixed methods study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 81, 97-107. [More Information]


  • Gebremariam, K., Wynter, K., Zheng, M., Rawstorn, J., Denney-Wilson, E., Laws, R. (2024). Breastfeeding – a survey of fathers’ support needs and preferred sources of information. International Breastfeeding Journal, 19(1). [More Information]
  • Appleton, J., Reilly, N., Fowler, C., Elliott, D., Denney-Wilson, E. (2024). Emotional health screening of mothers, preliminary validation of a 3-item instrument: A research brief. Applied Nursing Research, 78, 151812. [More Information]
  • Parker, S., Tran, A., Saito, S., McNamara, C., Denney-Wilson, E., Nutbeam, D., Harris, M. (2024). Exploring organisational readiness to implement a preventive intervention in Australian general practice for overweight and obese patients: key learnings from the HeLP-GP trial. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30(1), PY23085. [More Information]


  • Markides, B., Hesketh, K., Maddison, R., Laws, R., Denney-Wilson, E., Campbell, K. (2023). Fussy Eating Rescue, a mobile-web app for responsive feeding practises among parents of toddlers: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled feasibility trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9(1). [More Information]
  • Paine, K., Parker, S., Denney-Wilson, E., Lloyd, J., Randall, S., McNamara, C., Nutbeam, D., Osborne, R., Saito, S., Harris, M. (2023). In it for the long haul: the complexities of managing overweight in family practice: qualitative thematic analysis from the Health eLiteracy for Prevention in General Practice (HeLP-GP) trial. BMC Primary Care, 24(1). [More Information]
  • Laws, R., Cheng, H., Rossiter, C., Kuswara, K., Markides, B., Size, D., Corcoran, P., Ong, K., Denney-Wilson, E. (2023). Perinatal support for breastfeeding using mHealth: A mixed methods feasibility study of the My Baby Now app. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 19(2). [More Information]


  • Markides, B., Laws, R., Hesketh, K., Maddison, R., Denney-Wilson, E., Campbell, K. (2022). A thematic cluster analysis of parents' online discussions about fussy eating. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 18(2), e13316. [More Information]
  • Burnett, A., Jansen, E., Appleton, J., Rossiter, C., Fowler, C., Denney-Wilson, E., Russell, C. (2022). Bidirectional associations between parental feeding practices, infant appetitive traits and infant BMIz: a longitudinal cohort study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19(1). [More Information]
  • Cheng, H., Rossiter, C., Size, D., Denney-Wilson, E. (2022). Comprehensiveness of infant formula and bottle feeding resources: A review of information from Australian healthcare organisations. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 18(2), e13309. [More Information]


  • Rossiter, C., Cheng, H., Appleton, J., Campbell, K., Denney-Wilson, E. (2021). Addressing obesity in the first 1000 days in high risk infants: Systematic review. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 17(3), e13178-1-e13178-58. [More Information]
  • McMaster, C., Calleja, E., Cohen, J., Alexander, S., Denney-Wilson, E., Baur, L. (2021). Current status of multi-disciplinary paediatric weight management services in Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 57(8), 1259-1266. [More Information]
  • Russell, C., Appleton, J., Burnett, A., Rossiter, C., Fowler, C., Denney-Wilson, E., Jansen, E. (2021). Infant Appetitive Phenotypes: A Group-Based Multi-Trajectory Analysis. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, 749918. [More Information]


  • Geia, L., Baird, K., Bail, K., Barclay, L., Bennett, J., Best, O., Birks, M., Blackley, L., Blackman, R., Bonner, A., Daly, J., Denney-Wilson, E., et al (2020). A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: ensuring that Black lives matter. Contemporary Nurse, 56(4), 297-308. [More Information]
  • Denney-Wilson, E., Fatema, K., Elcombe, E., Ingram, S., Harris, M., Comino, E. (2020). Associations between rapid weight gain in infancy and weight status among urban Aboriginal children participating in the Gudaga study: nine-year results from a cohort study. BMC Pediatrics, 20(1), 224. [More Information]
  • Henry, A., Arnott, C., Makris, A., Davis, G., Hennessy, A., Beech, A., Pettit, F., SE Homer, C., Craig, M., Roberts, L., Hyett, J., Gow, M., Denney-Wilson, E., et al (2020). Blood pressure postpartum (BP2) RCT protocol: Follow-up and lifestyle behaviour change strategies in the first 12 months after hypertensive pregnancy. Pregnancy Hypertension, 22, 1-6. [More Information]


  • Taki, S., Russell, C., Lymer, S., Laws, R., Campbell, K., Appleton, J., Ong, K., Denney-Wilson, E. (2019). A Mixed Methods Study to Explore the Effects of Program Design Elements and Participant Characteristics on Parents' Engagement With an mHealth Program to Promote Healthy Infant Feeding: The Growing Healthy Program. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 10, 1-13. [More Information]
  • Taki, S., Russell, C., Wen, L., Laws, R., Campbell, K., Xu, H., Denney-Wilson, E. (2019). Consumer Engagement in Mobile Application (App) Interventions Focused on Supporting Infant Feeding Practices for Early Prevention of Childhood Obesity. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 1-9. [More Information]
  • Davidson, K., Vidgen, H., Denney-Wilson, E. (2019). Parental opinions about the responsibility for assessing children's weight status – a survey of Rockhampton parents. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(5), 436-442. [More Information]


  • Davidson, K., Vidgen, H., Denney-Wilson, E., Daniels, L. (2018). How is children's weight status assessed for early identification of overweight and obesity? - Narrative review of programs for weight status assessment. Journal of Child Health Care, 22(3), 486-500. [More Information]
  • Russell, C., Denney-Wilson, E., Laws, R., Abbott, G., Zheng, M., Lymer, S., Taki, S., Litterbach, E., Ong, K., Campbell, K. (2018). Impact of the growing healthy mhealth program on maternal feeding practices, infant food preferences, and satiety responsiveness: Quasi-experimental study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(4). [More Information]
  • Appleton, J., Laws, R., Russell, C., Fowler, C., Campbell, K., Denney-Wilson, E. (2018). Infant formula feeding practices and the role of advice and support: an exploratory qualitative study. BMC Pediatrics, 18(1), 12. [More Information]


  • Harris, M., Parker, S., Litt, J., van Driel, M., Russell, G., Mazza, D., Jayasinghe, U., Smith, J., Del Mar, C., Lane, R., Denney-Wilson, E. (2017). An Australian general practice based strategy to improve chronic disease prevention, and its impact on patient reported outcomes: Evaluation of the preventive evidence into practice cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1), 1-14. [More Information]
  • Taki, S., Lymer, S., Russell, C., Campbell, K., Laws, R., Ong, K., Elliott, R., Denney-Wilson, E. (2017). Assessing User Engagement of an mHealth Intervention: Development and Implementation of the Growing Healthy App Engagement Index. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(6), 1-14. [More Information]
  • Houston, A., Laws, R., Askew, D., Saldanha, T., Denny-Wilson, E. (2017). Exploring the cultural appropriateness and usefulness of a mHealth promotion program for infant feeding in an Urban Aboriginal Health Service: a qualitative study. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 17(3), 1-9.


  • Laws, R., Litterbach, E., Denney-Wilson, E., Russell, C., Taki, S., Ong, K., Elliott, R., Lymer, S., Campbell, K. (2016). A comparison of recruitment methods for an mHealth intervention targeting mothers: Lessons from the growing healthy program. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(9), 1-15. [More Information]
  • Allman-Farinelli, M., Partridge, S., McGeechan, K., Balestracci, K., Hebden, L., Wong, A., Phongsavan, P., Denney-Wilson, E., Harris, M., Bauman, A. (2016). A Mobile Health Lifestyle Program for Prevention of Weight Gain in Young Adults (TXT2BFiT): Nine-Month Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4(2), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Russell, C., Taki, S., Azadi, L., Campbell, K., Laws, R., Elliott, R., Denney-Wilson, E. (2016). A qualitative study of the infant feeding beliefs and behaviours of mothers with low educational attainment. BMC Pediatrics, 16(1), 69. [More Information]


  • Partridge, S., Balestracci, K., Wong, A., Hebden, L., McGeechan, K., Denney-Wilson, E., Harris, M., Phongsavan, P., Bauman, A., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). Effective Strategies to Recruit Young Adults Into the TXT2BFiT mHealth Randomized Controlled Trial for Weight Gain Prevention. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 4(2), 1-19. [More Information]
  • Partridge, S., McGeechan, K., Hebden, L., Balestracci, K., Wong, A., Denney-Wilson, E., Harris, M., Phongsavan, P., Bauman, A., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2015). Effectiveness of a mHealth Lifestyle Program With Telephone Support (TXT2BFiT) to Prevent Unhealthy Weight Gain in Young Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(2), 1-14. [More Information]
  • Harris, M., Parker, S., Litt, J., van Driel, M., Russell, G., Mazza, D., Jayasinghe, U., Del Mar, C., Lloyd, J., Denney-Wilson, E., et al (2015). Implementing guidelines to routinely prevent chronic vascular disease in primary care: The Preventive Evidence into Practice cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 5(12), e009397. [More Information]


  • Denney-Wilson, E., Robinson, A., Laws, R., Harris, M. (2014). Development and feasibility of a child obesity prevention intervention in general practice: The Healthy 4 Life pilot study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 50(11), 890-894. [More Information]
  • Joshi, C., Jayasinghe, U., Parker, S., Del Mar, C., Russell, G., Lloyd, J., Mazza, D., Denney-Wilson, E., van Driel, M., et al (2014). Does health literacy affect patients' receipt of preventative primary care? A multilevel analysis. BMC Family Practice, 15(1). [More Information]
  • Gallagher, R., Zelestis, E., Hollams, D., Denney-Wilson, E., Kirkness, A. (2014). Impact of the Healthy Eating and Exercise Lifestyle Programme on depressive symptoms in overweight people with heart disease and diabetes. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 21(9), 1117-1124. [More Information]


  • Hebden, L., Balestracci, K., McGeechan, K., Denney-Wilson, E., Harris, M., Bauman, A., Allman-Farinelli, M. (2013). 'TXT2BFiT' a mobile phone-based healthy lifestyle program for preventing unhealthy weight gain in young adults: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14, 1-9. [More Information]
  • Robinson, A., Denney-Wilson, E., Laws, R., Harris, M. (2013). Child obesity prevention in primary health care: Investigating practice nurse roles, attitudes and current practices. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49(4), E294-E299. [More Information]
  • Webster, V., Denney-Wilson, E., Knight, J., Comino, E. (2013). Describing the growth and rapid weight gain of urban Australian aboriginal infants. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49(4), 303-308. [More Information]


  • Taggart, J., Williams, A., Dennis, S., Newall, A., Shortus, T., Zwar, N., Denney-Wilson, E., Harris, M. (2012). A systematic review of interventions in primary care to improve health literacy for chronic disease behavioral risk factors. BMC Family Practice, 13, 49. [More Information]
  • Vaidya, R., Pandya, K., Denney-Wilson, E., Harris, M. (2012). Sustaining cardiovascular absolute risk management in Australian general practice. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 18(4), 304-307. [More Information]
  • Dennis, S., Williams, A., Taggart, J., Newall, A., Denney-Wilson, E., Zwar, N., Shortus, T., Harris, M. (2012). Which providers can bridge the health literacy gap in lifestyle risk factor modification education: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMC Family Practice, 13(44), 1-29. [More Information]


  • Magarey, A., Watson, J., Golley, R., Burrows, T., Sutherland, R., McNaughton, S., Denney-Wilson, E., Campbell, K., Collins, C. (2011). Assessing dietary intake in children and adolescents: Considerations and recommendations for obesity research. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 6(1), 2-11. [More Information]
  • van der Pligt, P., Campbell, K., Willcox, J., Opie, J., Denney-Wilson, E. (2011). Opportunities for primary and secondary prevention of excess gestational weight gain: General Practitioners' perspectives. BMC Family Practice, 12. [More Information]
  • Jones, R., Sinn, N., Campbell, K., Hesketh, K., Denney-Wilson, E., Morgan, P., Lubans, D., Magarey, A. (2011). The importance of long-term follow-up in child and adolescent obesity prevention interventions. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 6(3-Apr), 178-181. [More Information]


  • Denney-Wilson, E., Cowell, C., Okely, A., Hardy, L., Aitken, R., Dobbins, T. (2010). Associations between insulin and glucose concentrations and anthropometric measures of fat mass in Australian adolescents. BMC Pediatrics, 10(58), 58 - 1-58 - 7. [More Information]
  • Okely, A., Hardy, L., Booth, M., Dobbins, T., Denney-Wilson, E., Yang, B. (2010). Changes in cardiorespiratory fitness among children and adolescents in Australia: 1997 and 2004. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28(8), 851-857. [More Information]
  • Hardy, L., Denney-Wilson, E., Thrift, A., Okely, A., Baur, L. (2010). Screen time and metabolic risk factors among adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 164(7), 643-649. [More Information]


  • Denney-Wilson, E., Baur, L. (2009). Adolescent obesity as a major public health concern. In Bennet, D; Towns, S; Elliot, E; Merrick, J. (Eds.), Challenges in Adolescent Health: An Australian Perspective, (pp. 131-139). United States: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Booth, M., Dobbins, T., Aitken, R., Denney-Wilson, E., Hardy, L., Okely, A., George, J., Sullivan, D., Cowell, C. (2009). Costs of managing conditions associated with obesity among Australian teenagers. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 45(7-8), 448-456. [More Information]
  • Denney-Wilson, E., Crawford, D., Dobbins, T., Hardy, L., Okely, A. (2009). Influences on consumption of soft drinks and fast foods in adolescents. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 18(3), 447-452. [More Information]


  • Denney-Wilson, E., Hardy, L., Dobbins, T., Okley, A., Baur, L. (2008). Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, and Chronic Disease Risk Factors in Australian Adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 162(6), 566-573. [More Information]
  • Okley, A., Booth, M., Hardy, L., Dobbins, T., Denney-Wilson, E. (2008). Changes in Physical Activity Participation from 1985-2004 in a Statewide Survey of Australian Adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 162(2), 176-180. [More Information]
  • Denney-Wilson, E., Campbell, K. (2008). Eating behaviour and obesity. BMJ, 337, 1926-1926.


  • Denney-Wilson, E., Baur, L. (2007). Adolescent obesity: Making a difference to the epidemic. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 19(3), 235-243. [More Information]
  • Denney-Wilson, E., Kenny, D., Hardy, L., Nelson, P. (2007). Associations Between Overweight and Obesity and Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Fatty Liver in Young Offenders Serving Community Orders. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 2(2), 165-172. [More Information]
  • Booth, M., Okley, A., Denney-Wilson, E., Hardy, L., Dobbins, T., Wen, L., Rissel, C. (2007). Characteristics of Travel to and from School Among Adolescents in NSW, Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 43(11), 755-761. [More Information]


  • Hardy, L., Dobbins, T., Denney-Wilson, E., Okley, A., Booth, M. (2006). Descriptive epidemiology of small screen recreation among Australian adolescents. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 42(11), 709-714. [More Information]
  • Hardy, L., Dobbins, T., Booth, M., Denney-Wilson, E., Okley, A. (2006). Sedentary behaviours among Australian adolescents. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 30(6), 534-540. [More Information]


  • Booth, M., Denney-Wilson, E., Okley, A., Hardy, L. (2005). Methods of the NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPANS). Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 8(3), 284-293. [More Information]


  • Baur, L., Denney-Wilson, E. (2003). Childhood and adolescent obesity. In Silink, Kida, Rosenbloom (Eds.), Type 2 Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence: A Global Perspective, (pp. 67-92). London: Martin Dunitz.
  • Denney-Wilson, E., Booth, M., Baur, L. (2003). Development of the Australian standard definition of child/adolescent overweight and obesity. Nutrition and Dietetics, 60(2), 74-77.

Selected Grants


  • Centre of Research Excellence in the Early Prevention of Obesity in Childhood -Translate (EPOCH-Translate), Baur L, Hesketh K, Golley R, Wen L, Laws R, Hayes A, Campbell K, Denney-Wilson E, Brown V, Seidler A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Centres of Research Excellence


  • Evaluating real-world implementation of an evidence-based program addressing lifestyle behaviours from the start of life, Campbell K, Denney-Wilson E, Ong K, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Partnership Projects