Professor Lisa Harvey

Professor Lisa Harvey

Professor of Rehabilitation Research, John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research, School of Health Sciences
61 2 9926 4594
Professor Lisa Harvey

Lisa is a physiotherapist with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy), Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science), Masters of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) and PhD. She is both a clinician and a researcher with over 20 years experience in the area of spinal cord injuries. She is primarily interested in clinical trials designed to determine the effectiveness of different physiotherapy interventions for people with spinal cord injury. She teaches widely both nationally and internationally, and has been the recipient of numerous grants and scholarships. She initiated and continues to manage a website of physiotherapy exercises appropriate for people with neurological conditions ( She is recent past Editor-in-Chief of Spinal Cord: the official journal of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) and is currently on the Editorial Board of Archives for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

2024: Recipient of the International Spinal Cord Society Medal.

2000: Recipient of the Burniston-Cumberland Foundation Fellowship.

2005: Recipient of the Australian Gold Medal from the Australian Council of Health Services for 20-year contribution towards delivery of quality healthcare services to people with spinal cord injuries.

2005: Recipient of Northern Area Health Quality Award (as team leader of

2005: Recipient for the NSW Baxter Health Minister’s Award for Innovation (as team leader of

2010: Recipient of The University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Science Support of the Student Experience Teaching Award, The University of Sydney (as team comprising Colleen Canning, Louise Ada, Catherine Deans and Angela Starks).

2011: Recipient of The University of Sydney Vice Chancellor’s Awards for the Support of the Student Experience (as team comprising Colleen Canning, Louise Ada, Catherine Deans and Angela Starks).

2015: Recipient of Australian Top 100 Women of Influence Awards (Global Category) for contribution to advancing care of people with spinal cord injuries. The Australian Financial Review and Westpac.

2015: Recipient of Postgraduate Research Supervision Award for Northern Clinical Medical School.

Neurosciences and Mental Health



  • Cameron, I., Harvey, L., Ierano, J., Jagnoor, J., Nicholson Perry, K., Rebbeck, T., Sterling, M., Sun, C., Wilcock, S., Cooley, K., et al (2014). Guidelines for the management of acute whiplash-associated disorders – for health professionals.. State Insurance Regulatory Authority: State Insurance Regulatory Authority.
  • Harvey, L. (2008). Management of spinal cord injuries: a guide for physiotherapists. United States: Butterworth Heinemann. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Harvey, L., Somers, M., Glinsky, J. (2015). Physiotherapy management. In Chhabra, H.S. (Eds.), ISCoS Textbook on Comprehensive Management of Spinal Cord Injuries, (pp. 514-537). New Delhi: Wolters Kluwer (India).
  • Chhabra, H., Harvey, L., Muldoon, S., Sachdev, G. (2015). A global educational initiative of International Spinal Cord Society (ISCos). In Chhabra, H.S. (Eds.), ISCoS Textbook on Comprehensive Management of Spinal Cord Injuries, (pp. 1161-1170). New Delhi: Wolters Kluwer (India).
  • Calhoun, C., Harvey, L. (2014). Mobility for children with spinal cord injury. In Lawrence C Vogel, Kathy Zebracki, Randal R Betz and M J Mulcahey (Eds.), Spinal Cord Injury in the Child and Young Adult, (pp. 307-328). London: Mac Keith Press.


  • Kelly, L., Glinsky, J., Harvey, L. (2024). A case report of three people experiencing intractable autonomic dysreflexia following instillation of Uro-Tainer® Polyhexanide 0.02%. Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 10(1). [More Information]
  • Ben, M., Tamburella, F., Lorusso, M., Glinsky, J., Tranter, K., Scivoletto, G., Blecher, L., Harris, A., Galeoto, G., Wan, J., Harvey, L. (2024). A therapist-administered self-report version of the Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury II (WISCI): a psychometric study. Spinal Cord, 62(6), 307-313. [More Information]
  • Withers, H., Cruwys, J., Wong, D., Duong, K., Barnett, A., Tindall, M., Lucas, B., Lambert, T., Taylor, D., Sherrington, C., Ferreira, M., Maher, C., Zadro, J., Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Chu, J., Hayes, A., et al (2024). Patients’, physiotherapists’ and other stakeholders’ experiences and perceptions about supported home physiotherapy for people with musculoskeletal conditions: a qualitative study. Physiotherapy, 124, 143-153. [More Information]


  • Kelly, L., Glinsky, J., Harvey, L. (2024). A case report of three people experiencing intractable autonomic dysreflexia following instillation of Uro-Tainer® Polyhexanide 0.02%. Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 10(1). [More Information]
  • Ben, M., Tamburella, F., Lorusso, M., Glinsky, J., Tranter, K., Scivoletto, G., Blecher, L., Harris, A., Galeoto, G., Wan, J., Harvey, L. (2024). A therapist-administered self-report version of the Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury II (WISCI): a psychometric study. Spinal Cord, 62(6), 307-313. [More Information]
  • Withers, H., Cruwys, J., Wong, D., Duong, K., Barnett, A., Tindall, M., Lucas, B., Lambert, T., Taylor, D., Sherrington, C., Ferreira, M., Maher, C., Zadro, J., Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Chu, J., Hayes, A., et al (2024). Patients’, physiotherapists’ and other stakeholders’ experiences and perceptions about supported home physiotherapy for people with musculoskeletal conditions: a qualitative study. Physiotherapy, 124, 143-153. [More Information]


  • Nunnerley, J., Glinsky, J., Dunn, J., Stavric, V., Haber, A., Denis, S., Ben, M., Chen, L., Harvey, L. (2023). Developing spinal cord injury physiotherapy clinical practice guidelines: a qualitative study to determine how physiotherapists and people living with spinal cord injury use evidence. Spinal Cord, 61(2), 160-168. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, E., Harvey, L., Payne, N., Zhang, J., Ye, P., Harris, I., Tian, M., Ivers, R. (2023). Do we understand each other when we develop and implement hip fracture models of care? A systematic review with narrative synthesis. BMJ Open Quality, 12. [More Information]
  • Chu, J., Glinsky, J., Liu, H., Ben, M., Spooren, A., Roberts, S., Chen, L., Di Natal, F., Tamburella, F., Jørgensen, V., Sherrington, C., Harvey, L., et al (2023). Early and Intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): protocol of the process evaluation. BMJ Open, 13(8), e072219. [More Information]


  • Kelly, L., Glinsky, J., Nier, L., Garrett, G., Harvey, L. (2022). Are micro enemas administered with a squeeze tube and a 5 cm-long nozzle as good or better than micro enemas administered with a 10 cm-long catheter attached to a syringe in people with a recent spinal cord injury? A non-inferiority, crossover randomised controlled trial. Spinal Cord, 60(12), 1136-1143. [More Information]
  • Blundell, J., Gandy, R., Close, J., Harvey, L. (2022). Cholecystectomy for people aged 50 years or more with mild gallstone pancreatitis: predictors and outcomes of index and interval procedures. Medical Journal of Australia, 217(5), 246-252. [More Information]
  • Ghassempour, N., Tannous, W., Agho, K., Avsar, G., Harvey, L. (2022). Comparison of causes, characteristics and consequences of residential fires in social and non-social housing dwellings in New South Wales, Australia. Preventive Medicine Reports, 28. [More Information]


  • Hossain, M., Harvey, L., Islam, M., Rahman, M., Muldoon, S., Biering-Sorensen, F., Jan, S., Liu, H., Li, Q., Cameron, I., Lindley, R., et al (2021). A community-based intervention to prevent serious complications and death 2 years after discharge in people with spinal cord injury in Bangladesh (CIVIC): a randomised trial. Spinal Cord, 59(6), 649-658. [More Information]
  • Mitchell, R., Fajardo Pulido, D., Ryder, T., Norton, G., Brodaty, H., Draper, B., Close, J., Rapport, F., Lystad, R., Harris, I., Sherrington, C., Cameron, I., et al (2021). Access to rehabilitation services for older adults living with dementia or in a residential aged care facility following a hip fracture: healthcare professionals’ views. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(6), 834-845. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Chu, J. (2021). Do any physiotherapy interventions increase spinal cord independence measure or functional independence measure scores in people with spinal cord injuries? A systematic review. Spinal Cord, 59(7), 705-715. [More Information]


  • Mitchell, R., Draper, B., Brodaty, H., Close, J., Ting, H., Lystad, R., Harris, I., Harvey, L., Sherrington, C., Cameron, I., et al (2020). An 11-year review of hip fracture hospitalisations, health outcomes, and predictors of access to in-hospital rehabilitation for adults greater than 65 years living with and without dementia: a population-based cohort study. Osteoporosis International, 31(3), 465-474. [More Information]
  • Arora, M., Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Nier, L., Lavrencic, L., Kifley, A., Cameron, I. (2020). Electrical stimulation for treating pressure ulcers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, CD012196. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Ghassempour, N., Whybro, M., Tannous, W. (2020). Health impacts and economic costs of residential fires (RESFIRES study): Protocol for a population-based cohort study using linked administrative data. BMJ Open, 10(9). [More Information]


  • Harvey, L. (2019). A minimally important treatment effect is a key but elusive concept. Spinal Cord, 57(2), 83-84. [More Information]
  • Hossain, M., Harvey, L., Islam, M., Rahman, M., Glinsky, J., Herbert, R. (2019). A prediction model to identify people with spinal cord injury who are at high risk of dying within 5 years of discharge from hospital in Bangladesh. Spinal Cord, 57(3), 198-205. [More Information]
  • Bye, E., Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Bolsterlee, B., Herbert, R. (2019). A preliminary investigation of mechanisms by which short-term resistance training increases strength of partially paralysed muscles in people with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 57(9), 770-777. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Herbert, R. (2018). 50 Tips for Clinical Trialists. Brain Impairment, 19(1), 59-69. [More Information]
  • Mehrholz, J., Harvey, L., Thomas, S., Elsner, B. (2018). Author Correction: Is body-weight supported treadmill training or robotic-assisted gait training superior to overground gait training and other forms of physiotherapy in people with spinal cord injury? A systematic review. Spinal Cord, 56(4), 412. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L. (2018). End of the 2018 year: reflections and thanks. Spinal Cord, 56(12), 1115. [More Information]


  • Hossain, M., Harvey, L., Rahman, M., Bowden, J., Islam, M., Taylor, V., Muldoon, S., Herbert, R. (2017). A pilot randomised trial of community-based care following discharge from hospital with a recent spinal cord injury in Bangladesh. Clinical Rehabilitation, 31(6), 781-789. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, A., Clark, J., Ho, D., Payne, C., Nolan, S., Goodes, L., Harvey, L., Marshall, R., Galea, M., Dunlop, S. (2017). Achieving assessor accuracy on the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal Cord, 55(11), 994-1001. [More Information]
  • Lambert, T., Harvey, L., Avdalis, C., Chen, L., Jeyalingam, S., Pratt, C., Tatum, H., Bowden, J., Lucas, B. (2017). An app with remote support achieves better adherence to home exercise programs than paper handouts in people with musculoskeletal conditions: a randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 63(3), 161-167. [More Information]


  • Arora, M., Harvey, L., Lavrencic, L., Bowden, J., Nier, L., Glinsky, J., Hayes, A., Cameron, I. (2016). A telephone-based version of the spinal cord injury-secondary conditions scale: A reliability and validity study. Spinal Cord, 54(5), 402-405. [More Information]
  • Hossain, M., Harvey, L., Rahman, M., Muldoon, S., Bowden, J., Islam, M., Jan, S., Taylor, V., Cameron, I., Chhabra, H., Lindley, R., Li, Q., et al (2016). Community-based InterVentions to prevent serIous Complications (CIVIC) following spinal cord injury in Bangladesh: protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 6(1), 1-7. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Mitchell, R., Brodaty, H., Draper, B., Close, J. (2016). Dementia: A risk factor for burns in the elderly. Burns, 42(2), 282-290. [More Information]


  • Hossain, M., Glinsky, J., Islam, M., Lowe, R., Lowe, T., Harvey, L. (2015). A massive open online course (MOOC) can be used to teach physiotherapy students about spinal cord injuries: a randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 61(1), 21-27. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Connolley, S., Harvey, J. (2015). Clothing-related burns in New South Wales, Australia: Impact of legislation on a continuing problem. Burns, 41(1), 58-64. [More Information]
  • Mitchell, R., Harvey, L., Brodaty, H., Draper, B., Close, J. (2015). Dementia and intentional and unintentional poisoning in older people: A 10 year review of hospitalization records in New South Wales, Australia. International Psychogeriatrics, 27(11), 1757-1768. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Lowe, R., Lowe, T. (2014). A Massive Open Online Course for teaching physiotherapy students and physiotherapists about spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord, 52, 911-918. [More Information]
  • Mitchell, R., Lord, S., Harvey, L., Close, J. (2014). Associations between obesity and overweight and fall risk, health status and quality of life in older people. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 38(1), 13-18. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Brosseau, L., Herbert, R. (2014). Continuous passive motion following total knee arthroplasty in people with arthritis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014, 1-121. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Chu, J., Adams, R., Batty, J., Barratt, D., Kwok, S. (2013). Accuracy of physiotherapists' predictions for mobility outcomes at 1-year post spinal cord injury. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 29(5), 393-400. [More Information]
  • Leung, J., Harvey, L., Moseley, A. (2013). An Intensive Programme of Passive Stretch and Motor Training to Manage Severe Knee Contractures after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Report. Physiotherapy Canada, 65(3), 223-228. [More Information]
  • Ralston, K., Harvey, L., Batty, J., Lee, B., Ben, M., Cusmiani, R., Bennett, J. (2013). Functional electrical stimulation cycling has no clear effect on urine output, lower limb swelling, and spasticity in people with spinal cord injury: A randomised cross-over trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 59(4), 237-243. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Adams, R., Chu, J., Batty, J., Barratt, D. (2012). A comparison of patients' and physiotherapists' expectations about walking post spinal cord injury: a longitudinal cohort study. Spinal Cord, 50(7), 548-552. [More Information]
  • Hastings, J., Harvey, L., Bruce, J., Somers, M. (2012). Compensation allows recovery of functional independence in people with severe motor impairments following spinal cord injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44(5), 477-478. [More Information]
  • Jongs, R., Harvey, L., Gwinn, T., Lucas, B. (2012). Dynamic splints do not reduce contracture following distal radial fracture: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 58(3), 173-180. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Barr, M., Poulos, R., Sherker, S., Finch, C., Harvey, J. (2011). A population-based survey of knowledge of first aid for burns in New South Wales. Medical Journal of Australia, 195(8), 465-468. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Wyndaele, J. (2011). Are we jumping too early with locomotor training programs? Spinal Cord, 49(9), 947-947. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L. (2011). But is the outcome meaningful? Jnpt's recommendations for reporting results of controlled trials. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 35(3), 103-104. [More Information]


  • Boswell-Ruys, C., Harvey, L., Delbaere, K., Lord, S. (2010). A Falls Concern Scale for people with spinal cord injury (SCI-FCS). Spinal Cord, 48(9), 704-709. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Glinsky, J., Ben, M. (2010). A new clinical device for measuring wrist strength in people with tetraplegia. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 26(5), 342-346. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Brosseau, L., Herbert, R. (2010). Continuous passive motion following total knee arthroplasty in people with arthritis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2010 (3), CD004260-1-CD004260-73. [More Information]


  • Ross, L., Harvey, L., Lannin, N. (2009). Do people with acquired brain impairment benefit from additional therapy specifically directed at the hand? A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(6), 492-503. [More Information]
  • Law, R., Harvey, L., Nicholas, M., Tonkin, L., de Sousa, M., Finniss, D. (2009). Stretch exercises increase tolerance to stretch in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a randomized controlled trial. Physical Therapy, 89(10), 1016-1026. [More Information]
  • Glinsky, J., Harvey, L., van Es, P., Chee, S., Gandevia, S. (2009). The addition of electrical stimulation to progressive resistance training does not enhance the wrist strength of people with tetraplegia: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23(8), 696-704. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Herbert, R., Glinsky, J., Moseley, A., Bowden, J. (2008). Effects of 6 months of regular passive movements on ankle joint mobility in people with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial. Spinal Cord, 47(1), 62-66. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L. (2008). Management of spinal cord injuries: a guide for physiotherapists. United States: Butterworth Heinemann. [More Information]
  • Moseley, A., Hassett, L., Leung, J., Clare, J., Herbert, R., Harvey, L. (2008). Serial casting versus positioning for the treatment of elbow contractures in adults with traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 22(5), 406-417. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Baillie, R., Ritchie, B., Simpson, D., Pironello, D., Glinsky, J. (2007). Does three months of nightly splinting reduce the extensibility of the flexor pollicis longus muscle in people with tetraplegia? Physiotherapy Research International, 12(1), 5-13. [More Information]
  • Glinsky, J., Harvey, L., van Es, P. (2007). Efficacy of electrical stimulation to increase muscle strength in people with neurological conditions: a systematic review. Physiotherapy Research International, 12(3), 175-194. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., de Jong, I., Goehl, G., Armstrong, B., Allaous, J. (2006). A Torque-controlled Device to Measure Passive Abduction of the Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint. Journal of Hand Therapy, 19(4), 403-409. [More Information]
  • Folpp, H., Deall, S., Harvey, L., Gwinn, T. (2006). Can apparent increases in muscle extensibility with regular stretch be explained by changes in tolerance to stretch? Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 52(1), 45-50. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L. (2006). Does heat increase knee range of motion? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87(12), 1673. [More Information]


  • Ben, M., Harvey, L., Denis, S., Glinsky, J., Goehl, G., Chee, S., Herbert, R. (2005). Does 12 weeks of regular standing prevent loss of ankle mobility and bone mineral density in people with recent spinal cord injuries? Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 51(4), 251-256. [More Information]
  • Harvey, L., Simpson, D., Glinsky, J., Pirronello, D., McLean, S. (2005). Quantifying the passive extensibility of the flexor pollicis longus muscle in people with tetraplegia. Spinal Cord, 43(10), 620-624. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Byak, A., Ostrovskaya, M., Glinsky, J., Katte, L., Herbert, R. (2003). Randomized trial of the effects of four weeks of daily stretch on extensibility of hamstring muscles in people with spinal cord injuries. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 49(3), 176-181. [More Information]


  • Harvey, L., Herbert, R., Crosbie, W. (2002). Does stretching induce long lasting increases in joint ROM? A systematic review. Physiotherapy Research International, 7(1), 1-13.


  • Harvey, L., Crosbie, W. (2001). Effect of elbow flexion contractures on the ability of people with C5 and C6 tetraplegia to lift. Physiotherapy Research International, 6(2), 76-82.
  • Harvey, L., Crosbie, W., Batty, J., Jones, R. (2001). Hand Function of C6 and C7 tetraplegics 1-16 years following injury. Spinal Cord, 39(1), 37-43.

Selected Grants


  • Rewarding Research 2024, Harvey L, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success
  • Evidence-based physiotherapy exercises for all, Glinsky J, Harvey L, Sydney Health Partners (Sydney Local Health District)/2023 Implementation Science Academy Pilot Grant Scheme
  • Restructuring musculoskeletal health services to ensure equitable access to effective, affordable allied health care, Zadro J, Maher C, De Carvalho Machado G, Traeger A, Buchbinder R, Harris I, Shaw T, Harvey L, Ackerman I, Richards B, Abdel Shaheed C, Mathieson S, Swain M, Anderson D, Coombs D, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF CRI 2022 Clinician Researchers: Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health


  • Reshaping low back pain management in emergency departments, Maher C, Kinsman L, Rogan E, Howard K, Williams C, Harvey L, Naganathan V, Buchbinder R, De Carvalho Machado G, McCaffery K, Harris I, Ghinea N, Billot L, Wiggers J, Edwards J, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal)/MRFF - 2022 Models of Care to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Acute Care