Dr Rebecca Barton

Dr Rebecca Barton

PhD; B.App.Sc(Occupational Therapy)(Hons); Grad Cert (Higher Education)
Senior Lecturer, Occupational Therapy
Dr Rebecca Barton

Rebecca has a professional background in occupational therapy and has worked in both clinical and research roles. Clinically, Rebecca worked as an occupational therapist with clients with multiple sclerosis in community settings. Her research is focused on disability service provision in a range of geographic and sociocultural contexts, with a particular interest in rural and remote service provision. She is also interested in approaches that support the engagement and belonging of students from diverse backgrounds in health care education. Rebecca is currently a Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy in the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Rebecca is a member of the following research teams:

Disability and Community

Lecturer across undergraduate and graduate occupational therapy courses.

Understanding the experiences of university students engaging in online disability awareness programs

  • There is increased acceptance that disability awareness is an essential part of diversity training. At university, such training can be offered as part of general qualities and attributes or as specific course knowledge. This study uses a mixed-methods approach involving an online survey and semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences and perspectives of students who completed an online course on disability awareness and inclusivity.

Growing supports for young children with disabilities in remote Australian communities

  • The roll out of the NDIS in far west NSW in 2018 presents both challenges and opportunities for disability service providers. MacKillop Family Services have been providing supports to small communities in this area for many years. They are seeking to adapt to the changing NDIS context while building on their commitment to, and engagement with, communities. In partnership with the University of Sydney MacKillop Family Services are developing and evaluating two models of service delivery. The first approach aims to build capacity within communities to support children with disabilities and their families to have the confidence and knowledge to access mainstream service. The second focuses on employing and supporting Therapy Support Workers to deliver responsive, individual services to children with disabilities and their families.
  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA): Registered Occupational Therapist since 2012
  • Australian Postgraduate Award, 2008
Project titleResearch student
Aboriginal Caregivers’ Perceptions of the Importance of Culturally Responsive Education System to Promote Positive Engagement of children with disability in the NSWPriya BHATNAGAR
Parent supports for children with disabilities who are restricted eaters.Rene FRASER
Mothering A Child With A Disability: The Lived Experience of Asian Migrant Mothers in AustraliaRachel YU


Book Chapters

  • Grace, R., Barton, R. (2017). Children with developmental disability. In Rebekah Grace, Kerry Hodge, Catherine McMahon (Eds.), Children, Families and Communities - 5th Edition, (pp. 53-75). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Gargett, A., Barton, R., Llewellyn, G., Tsaputra, A., Soe, S., Tawake, S. (2016). Global Cultures and Understanding of Disability. In Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Roy McConkey, Robbie Gilligan (Eds.), Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, (pp. 68-80). London: Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Fraser, R., Bulkeley, K., Barton, R. (2023). Approaches for Children with a Disability Who Are Restricted Eaters: A Scoping Review. Health and Social Care in the Community, 6784572, 1-18. [More Information]
  • Honey, A., Hancock, N., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hines, M., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). How do Mental Health Services Foster Hope? Experience of People Accessing Services. Community Mental Health Journal, 59(5), 894-903. [More Information]
  • Honey, A., Hines, M., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hancock, N., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). Preferences for telehealth: A qualitative study with people accessing a new mental health service. Digital Health, 9. [More Information]


  • Schneider, J., Barton, R., Dunsmore, M., Gopinath, B., McMahon, C., Mitchell, P., Wang, J., Leeder, S. (2016). The Vision-Hearing Project: Screening for hearing loss among older Australians with vision loss. Adult Hearing Screening Conference, Lake Como, Italy.
  • Wykes, M., Brentnall, J., Diaz, C., Barton, R., Penman, M., Villeneuve, M. (2015). Making quality simulation count in the real world. 5th ACU Simulation in Health Education Showcase (NSW/ACT).
  • Villeneuve, M., Barton, R., Brentnall, J., Diaz, C., Penman, M. (2015). Quality Simulation: A Focus on Professional Reasoning. 5th ACU Simulation in Health Education Showcase (NSW/ACT).

Research Reports

  • Ryall, L., Gilroy, J., Dew, A., Lincoln, M., McRae, K., Barton, R., Flood, V., Taylor, K., Jensen, H. (2019). Tjitji Atunymankupai Walytja Tjutangku: Looking After Children with Disabilities from the NPY Lands, (pp. 7 - 58). Alice Springs, Australia, Australia: Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation.
  • Gilroy, J., Lincoln, M., Taylor, K., Flood, V., Dew, A., Jensen, H., Barton, R., Ryall, L., McRae, K. (2018). Walykumunu Nyinaratjaku - To live a good life, (pp. 9 - 54). Alice Springs, Australia: Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation.


  • Fraser, R., Bulkeley, K., Barton, R. (2023). Approaches for Children with a Disability Who Are Restricted Eaters: A Scoping Review. Health and Social Care in the Community, 6784572, 1-18. [More Information]
  • Honey, A., Hancock, N., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hines, M., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). How do Mental Health Services Foster Hope? Experience of People Accessing Services. Community Mental Health Journal, 59(5), 894-903. [More Information]
  • Honey, A., Hines, M., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hancock, N., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). Preferences for telehealth: A qualitative study with people accessing a new mental health service. Digital Health, 9. [More Information]


  • Barton, R., Dew, A., Ryall, L., Jensen, H., Taylor, K., Lincoln, M., Gilroy, J., Flood, V., McRae, K. (2022). Working with Anangu (Aboriginal people) with disabilities from remote Central Australia. Navigating multiple expectations: “sandpaper and polyfilla”. Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 9(2), 188-203. [More Information]


  • Stancliffe, R., Wiese, M., Read, S., Jeltes, G., Barton, R., Clayton, J. (2021). Does talking about end of life with adults with intellectual disability cause emotional discomfort or psychological harm? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34(2), 659-669. [More Information]
  • Gilroy, J., Dew, A., Barton, R., Ryall, L., Lincoln, M., Taylor, K., Jensen, H., Flood, V., McRae, K. (2021). Environmental and systemic challenges to delivering services for Aboriginal adults with a disability in Central Australia. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(20), 2919-2929. [More Information]


  • Dew, A., Barton, R., Gilroy, J., Ryall, L., Lincoln, M., Jensen, H., Flood, V., Taylor, K., McCrae, K. (2020). Importance of Land, family and culture for a good life: Remote Aboriginal people with disability and carers. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 55(4), 418-438. [More Information]


  • How, B., Smidt, A., Wilson, N., Barton, R., Valentin, C. (2019). 'We would have missed out so much had we terminated': What fathers of a child with Down syndrome think about current non-invasive prenatal testing for Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23(3), 290-309. [More Information]
  • Valentin, C., Smidt, A., Barton, R., Wilson, N., How, B. (2019). Mothers of a child with Down syndrome: A qualitative analysis of the perspectives on non-invasive prenatal testing. Midwifery, 76, 118-124. [More Information]
  • Ryall, L., Gilroy, J., Dew, A., Lincoln, M., McRae, K., Barton, R., Flood, V., Taylor, K., Jensen, H. (2019). Tjitji Atunymankupai Walytja Tjutangku: Looking After Children with Disabilities from the NPY Lands, (pp. 7 - 58). Alice Springs, Australia, Australia: Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation.


  • Gilroy, J., Dew, A., Lincoln, M., Ryall, L., Jensen, H., Taylor, K., Barton, R., McRae, K., Flood, V. (2018). Indigenous persons with disability in remote Australia: research methodology and Indigenous community control. Disability and Society, 33(7), 1025-1045. [More Information]
  • Gilroy, J., Lincoln, M., Taylor, K., Flood, V., Dew, A., Jensen, H., Barton, R., Ryall, L., McRae, K. (2018). Walykumunu Nyinaratjaku - To live a good life, (pp. 9 - 54). Alice Springs, Australia: Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation.


  • Grace, R., Barton, R. (2017). Children with developmental disability. In Rebekah Grace, Kerry Hodge, Catherine McMahon (Eds.), Children, Families and Communities - 5th Edition, (pp. 53-75). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.


  • Gargett, A., Barton, R., Llewellyn, G., Tsaputra, A., Soe, S., Tawake, S. (2016). Global Cultures and Understanding of Disability. In Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Roy McConkey, Robbie Gilligan (Eds.), Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, (pp. 68-80). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dew, A., Barton, R., Ragen, J., Bulkeley, K., Iljadica, A., Chedid, R., Brentnall, J., Bundy, A., Lincoln, M., Gallego, G., Veitch, C. (2016). The development of a framework for high-quality, sustainable and accessible rural private therapy under the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(25), 2491-2503. [More Information]
  • Schneider, J., Barton, R., Dunsmore, M., Gopinath, B., McMahon, C., Mitchell, P., Wang, J., Leeder, S. (2016). The Vision-Hearing Project: Screening for hearing loss among older Australians with vision loss. Adult Hearing Screening Conference, Lake Como, Italy.


  • Bartik, W., Barton, R. (2015). Collaborative research for rural mental health makes minds matter. Advances in Mental Health, 13(1), 1-6. [More Information]
  • Wykes, M., Brentnall, J., Diaz, C., Barton, R., Penman, M., Villeneuve, M. (2015). Making quality simulation count in the real world. 5th ACU Simulation in Health Education Showcase (NSW/ACT).
  • Villeneuve, M., Barton, R., Brentnall, J., Diaz, C., Penman, M. (2015). Quality Simulation: A Focus on Professional Reasoning. 5th ACU Simulation in Health Education Showcase (NSW/ACT).


  • Schneider, J., McMahon, C., Gopinath, B., Kifley, A., Barton, R., Mitchell, P., Leeder, S., Wang, J. (2014). Dual Sensory Impairment and Hearing Aid Use Among Clients Attending Low-Vision Services in Australia: The Vision-Hearing Project. Journal of Aging and Health, 26(2), 231-249. [More Information]


  • Barton, R., Llewellyn, G., Mayes, R., Beltran, R. (2013). Chinese migrant families raising a child with a disability in Australia: A negotiation of cultures. IASSID 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Congress, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Dew, A., Barton, R., Ragen, J. (2013). Delivering Private Therapy in Rural Areas. Enabling High Quality, Sustainable and Accessible Services: a Framework for Rural Private Therapists. DisabilityCare Australia National Conference, Melbourne, Australia.


  • Schneider, J., Barton, R., Dunsmore, M., Gopinath, B., McMahon, C., Mitchell, P., Wang, J. (2012). Dual sensory impairment among older Australians: Update from the Vision-Hearing NHMRC Partnership Project. National Audiology Conference, Adelaide.


  • Barton, R., McConnell, D., Mayes, R., Schneider, J., Jarrett, C., Llewellyn, G. (2006). Supporting family-based care into the future: Developing an assessment of family wellbeing. The 41st Australasian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability Conference, Australia: ASSID.


  • Barton, R., Fitzgerald, M. (2005). Mental Illness in Bangladesh: It's a matter of culture. Diversity in Health 2005, Melbourne: Nordic Network on Disability Research.

Selected Grants


  • Opportunities for prevention and early detection of cerebral palsy in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait children, Martin T, Barton R, Cerebral Palsy Alliance/Career Development Grant


  • Understanding of aged care - a global learning experience, Du Toit S, Barton R, Chapparo C, McHugh A, Dylke E, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant