This is a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded parallel trial to examine differences in rescue medication (Diazepam) use (as a proxy for withdrawal severity) following a 5 day regimen of oral high dose cannabidiol (CBD) in 52 patients with alcohol dependency requiring inpatient acute withdrawal treatment.
Participants will receive one of the interventions (a daily dose of an oral CBD or placebo) across a 5-day inpatient stay at either of the study sites; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital or Sydney Eye Hospital, both in Sydney. The objective of this trial is assess the clinical effectiveness, tolerability and cost-effectiveness of a fixed-dose of CBD during acute alcohol withdrawal in improving withdrawal outcomes for alcohol dependence relative to placebo.
This is a collaboration between the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, University of Sydney, Sydney Local Health District and South East Sydney Local Health District.
This study has been approved by the Ethics Review Committee (RPAH Zone of the Sydney Local Health District (protocol number X18-0163).
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For more information or to register your interest please contact the researchers on 0455 093 221 or (02)9515 6318, or email