Recognised qualifications - The University of Sydney

Recognised qualifications

We recognise a range of qualifications from across the world
Before applying for an undergraduate degree, you should first check that we accept your qualification.

To be eligible for admission into one of our undergraduate degrees, you need to have completed one of the below qualifications.

Note: you also need to meet the admissions criteria, which can be found on the individual course pages. 

Please also refer to our admissions guides for entry scores. We provide selection ranks for domestic students and equivalent entry scores for some year 12 qualifications for international students.

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Secondary education qualifications

We recognise the following secondary education qualifications from around the world. 

We also provide an indicative entry requirement for many of the qualifications below. Check the admission criteria on the course page.

Global qualifications

Admission is based on the scores for a completed IB diploma. Domestic students can find IB diploma requirements on the UAC website. International students can refer to the course page or the admissions guide.

Admission is based on results in up to four Advanced Level subjects in the General Certificate of Education (GCE) comparable qualifications.

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) examination or American College Test (ACT) with completion of a secondary education (high school) qualification.

Domestic onshore students who have completed another recognised secondary qualification cannot apply with the SAT.  

Accepted (from 2010 onwards) with required score.

Completion of one of the following: 

  • Diplome du Baccalaureate European
  • Zeugnis der Europaischen Reifeprufung
  • Diploma di Licenze Liceale Europea
  • Europees Baccalaureate Diploma

If your country or secondary qualification isn’t listed, check the other qualifications we recognise in higher education study, vocational education or enabling/preparatory programs.


We also recognise the following qualifications, listed below by country/region:

Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) or equivalent in the following Australian state and territory year 12 qualifications:

  • Higher School Certificate (HSC) – New South Wales 
  • ACT Senior Secondary Certificate (ACT SSC) – Australian Capital Territory
  • Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) – Queensland
  • Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) – administered by SACE
  • South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
  • Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
  • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
  • Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)

We also recognise the Universities Admission Index (UAI; acquired by people who completed high school before 2009) and the completion of an Australian Year 12 qualification at TAFE.

To convert your Queensland Overall Position (OP) to an ATAR result before 2020, check the ATAR/OP comparison table published by UAC. 

  • Reifezeugnis
  • Matura
  • Reifeprufungszeugnis
  • Maturazeugnis
  • Diplome van Secundair Onderwij
  • Certificat d’ Enseignment Secondaire Superieur
  • Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichs
  • Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi
  • Diploma za Zavrsheno Sredno Obrazovanie
  • Alberta High School Diploma
  • British Columbia Certificate of Graduation
  • Manitoba High School Graduation Diploma
  • Newfoundland Provincial High School Graduation Certificate
  • New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma
  • Nova Scotia High School Completion Certificate
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma
  • Prince Edward Island High School Graduation Certificate
  • Quebec Diploma of Collegial Studies
  • Saskatchewan Complete Division IV Grade XII Standing

Ontario Secondary School Diploma

We have strict entry standards with regard to quality and integrity and take any inconsistencies in applications extremely seriously, in line with our academic honesty policy. To ensure the integrity of our admissions, we only accept qualifications obtained at Ontario Secondary School Diploma schools that have gone through our robust verification process.

  • Gaokao – National Higher Education Entrance Examination (international students only)

  • Croatian Matura, 2010 and onwards
  • Pancyprian Examinations
  • Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce
  • Studentereksamen
  • Højere Forberedelseksame
  • Højere Tekniskeksame
  • Højere Handelseksame
  • Egypt Final Examination
  • Fiji Seventh Form Certificate (2012 and earlier)
  • Fiji Year 13 Certificate (2013 onwards)
  • Ylioppilastutkintotodistus
  • Studenteksamensbetyg
  • Baccalauréat Général
  • Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement du Second Degre
  • Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degre
  • Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB)
  • Abiturientenzeugnis
  • Reifezeugnis
  • Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife
  • Zeugnis der Reife

  • Panhellenic Examination for General Lyceum

  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education, from 2012 onwards
  • Completion of at least three Hong Kong Advanced Level subjects in one academic year, before 2013

  • Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany
  • Erettsegi Vizsga
  • Matura
  • Szakkozepiskolai Erettsegi_kepesity Bizonyitvany
  • Studentsprof
  • All India Senior School Certificate (CBSE)
  • Indian School Certificate (CISCE)
  • Indian Higher Secondary Certificate (State board exams)
  • Leaving Certificate
  • Matriculation Certificate
  • Teudat Bagrut
  • Diploma di Maturita Classica
  • Diploma Maturita Scientifica
  • Diploma di Maturita Linguistica
  • National Center Test (Sentaa)
  • Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education
  • Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education
  • South Pacific Form Seven Certificate
  • Korea Republic College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)
  • Lebanese Baccalaureat
  • Liechtenstein Maturitatszeugnis
  • Diplome de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires
  • Macedonian Secondary School Leaving Certificate or Matura, 2008 and onwards
  • Sijil Tinggi Perskolahan Malaysia (STPM)
  • Malaysian Matriculation Certificate (Matrikulasi)
  • Malaysian UEC
  • University of Malta Advanced Matriculation Examinations
  • Diploma o Završenok Srednjoj Školi
  • Nepalese Higher Secondary Education Certificate (international students only)
  • Voorbereidend Wetnschappelijik Onderwijs (VWO)
  • National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3: If you completed the NCEA Level 3, an Interstate Transfer Index (ITI) will be calculated by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), and provided to UAC. This will be used in the admission process, provided you have fulfilled university entrance requirements as set by NZQA.
  • Examen Artium
  • Vitnemal Den Videregaende Skole
  • Eksamen fra Okonomisk Gymnas
  • Egzamin Maturalny (Liceum, Teknikum)
  • Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundarios
  • Diploma de Decimo Segundo Ano de Escolaridad
  • Diploma Tecnico Profissional
  • Diploma de Bacalaureat (Maturitate)
  • Scottish National Courses at Higher and Advanced Higher levels
  • Diploma o Zavrsenok Srednjoj Skolij
  • Singapore GCE A levels
  • NUS High School Diploma
  • Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške
  • Maturitetno Spricevalo
  • Splošna matura
  • JMB Matriculation Certificate
  • South African Senior Certificate (prior to 2008)
  • South African National Senior Certificate (2008 onwards)
  • Tecnico Especialista
  • Curso pre-universitaria
  • Curso de Orientacion Universitaria
  • Titulo de Bachillerato with Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad
  • Sri Lankan GCE A levels
  • Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskolan
  • Federal Maturity Certificate (Certificate de Maturite)
  • Baccalaureat
  • Maturitatszeugnis
  • Attestato di Maturita
  • Taiwan General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT)
  • Tanzanian Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education
  • Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
  • GCE A Levels: Admission is based on results in up to four Advanced Level subjects in the General Certificate of Education (GCE) comparable qualifications.
  • Cambridge Pre-University Diploma
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) examination or American College Test (ACT) with completion of a secondary education (high school) qualification.

  • Vietnamese High School Graduation Certificate (Bằng tốt nghiệp THPT) with the required Grade 12 GPA from approved high schools (international students only)
  • Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) GCE A Levels

If your country or secondary qualification isn’t listed, then check the other qualifications we recognise in higher education study, vocational education or enabling/preparatory programs.

Higher education study

You may be eligible for admission based on the completion of at least one year of full-time study* (or the part-time equivalent) in a bachelor's degree or equivalent or higher, at a recognised university or non-university higher education provider. Applicants with complex tertiary study backgrounds may be assessed on a case by case basis by the admissions office.

If you have not completed a full year, you will be assessed on your results in a recognised secondary education qualification.

If you have both a recognised secondary education qualification and bachelor's degree studies, you will be assessed based on your best result, regardless of the order in which you completed them. This means that if your ATAR or equivalent score in a secondary qualification is higher than your bachelor's degree result, your application will be considered on the basis of your ATAR or equivalent score.

If you're applying for a course with prerequisites and/or additional admission criteria, such as an interview, audition or portfolio, these factors will also be taken into account.

Some courses are not available to applicants who have already started bachelor's degree studies.

These are:

  • Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Medicine (double degree)
  • Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine (double degree)
  • Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Medicine (double degree)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)
  • Bachelor of Economics (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)
Guide to admission requirements for applicants with bachelor's degree studies
  • Applicants with a pass average result in their bachelor’s degree studies can apply to courses with a selection rank of up to 80.00
  • Applicants with a credit average can apply to courses with a selection rank of up to 88.00
  • Applicants with a distinction average can apply to courses with a selection rank of up to 94.00
  • Applicants with a high distinction average can apply to courses with a selection rank of up to 99.50

The admission criteria published above are a guide only for eligibility to apply. Grading systems and calculations also vary across different institutions, and the above grades represent the University of Sydney grading system.

You may also be eligible for credit for previous study to carry across to your new degree.

International articulation pathways

The University has international articulation pathway arrangements with selected overseas universities and higher education institutions. These formal arrangements can help fast-track your studies by providing you with credit towards your degree. If your institution and program is listed, credit will be awarded as part of the application for admission. A separate application for credit is not required.

*Full time study is a minimum of 48 credit points at the University of Sydney or the equivalent study load at other institutions.

Vocational education and training (VET) study (Diplomas and advanced diplomas)

We may consider the results of a completed diploma or advanced diploma, including vocational education and training (VET) qualifications at that level if it was accredited by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) or an overseas equivalent at the time you were enrolled, and is accepted by your faculty. If you're applying for a course with additional admission criteria, such as an interview, audition or portfolio, these factors will also be taken into account.

You can check AQF accreditation with the provider or look for an AQF accreditation symbol on your transcript of results or award certificate.

AQF Diploma requirements
  • Applicants who have completed a diploma in Australia with a pass average result (or overall result of competent) can apply to courses with a selection rank up to 75. 
  • Applicants with a credit average can apply to courses with a selection rank up to 81.
  • Applicants with a distinction average can apply to courses with a selection rank up to 90.
  • Applicants with a high distinction average can apply to courses with a selection rank up to 95.
AQF Advanced Diploma requirements
  • Applicants who have completed an advanced diploma in Australia with a pass average result (or overall result of competent) can apply to courses with an ATAR up to 76. 
  • Applicants with a credit average can apply to courses with a selection rank up to 83.
  • Applicants with a distinction average can apply to courses with a selection rank up to 93.
  • Applicants with a high distinction average can apply to courses with a selection rank up to 96.95.

The admission criteria published above are a guide only for eligibility to apply. Grading systems and calculations vary across different institutions and countries, and the University will assess and determine the equivalent requirements.

Information for domestic students

If you will be younger than 21 at the first census date of your prospective admission, you will also need to have completed the HSC or an equivalent acceptable secondary education qualification before your diploma will be considered.

  • The following accept any AQF diploma:
    • Faculty of Science
    • Sydney Dental School
    • Sydney Conservatorium of Music
    • The University of Sydney Business School
    • School of Education and Social Work
    • School of Economics
  • The following accept relevant* AQF diplomas only:
    • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    • Faculty of Engineering
    • Sydney School of Health Sciences
    • Sydney Nursing School
    • Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning
    • Sydney School of Veterinary Science
  • The following do not accept AQF diplomas:
    • Sydney Law School
    • Sydney Medical School
    • Sydney Pharmacy School

* A relevant diploma means the diploma is from the same broad Field of Education as the degree you are applying for. If you are unsure if your diploma is relevant, contact with the details of your diploma and the University of Sydney course you want to apply for.

International articulation pathways

The University has international articulation pathways from selected post-secondary qualifications at overseas universities, polytechnics and colleges. This includes polytechnics in Singapore. These formal arrangements can help fast-track your studies by providing you with credit towards your degree.

Enabling or preparation/foundation programs

If you haven't completed a recognised qualification (as listed above), you may be able to gain admission through an enabling (preparation/foundation) program.

  • Mature age students: If you’re 21 years of age or older and meet certain other criteria, you may be able to gain admission through an approved preparation program. For more information refer to the Mature-age Entry Scheme.
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicants: For more information about enabling or foundation courses for admission, refer to the Gadigal Program.

In addition to the University of Sydney Preparation Programs (USPP), we recognise all Group of Eight university foundation programs as well as foundation programs from the UK Russell Group universities. The following foundation programs are also recognised:

Program Recognised delivery locations

Preparatory Year


University of South Pacific


The Advanced International Certificate of Education, University of Cambridge


Foundation Programs administered by the Study Group International

UK, Europe, USA, Canada

Malaysian Foundation Programs listed as MQR registered programs


The St Andrew’s College Cambridge Foundation Course offered by the UK Foundation Network (UKFN) 

UK, South Korea

The Advanced Level Foundation offered by Kings Education

UK, Vietnam, South Korea

The AIAC Foundation Program offered by Aceleader Education Group


Australian and New Zealand public university foundation programs 

Australia, New Zealand

Most students join the University via the University of Sydney Preparation Programs (USPP) consisting of:

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